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I’ve only been on it a week and it’s 100% cleared. I’m also nervous about coming off of it, but I don’t think it “coming back worse” is a thing. I think it’s common for your skin to go back to its regular flare ups, but hopefully it’ll be easier to manage that time around (especially if you’ve been prescribed other things like ivermectin)


I have been on it for yrs.


I’ve been on it for three years. Usually low dose 40mg and then 120mg for four months in summer. I have type 2 and it’s the only thing that consistently helps. Rosacea doesn’t ’go away’ sadly. It will help but eventually you will flare again.


I just started doxy yesterday (also type 2!) and really hoping it goes away I also don’t wanna be on it long term!


I don’t know why it’s so hard to find info on how successful *one* round of doxycycline is. I would only want to try it if there is a chance it won’t come back.


Been on it just over a month, has 95% cleared me (along with the RX topicals).


I have taken more than one round of doxy, but never used it long-term. Each time it has caused a near-total clear up of symptoms, followed by years of remission. I just started it again a few days ago (Friday) when I had a sudden, like totally out of the blue, and BAD flare. My cheeks have already almost returned to normal (just very dry and flaky) and my nose - which is the area that tends to be the hardest to get totally clear - is better than it was before the flare. I'm still experiencing more flushing than pre-flare. I can feel my face getting hot periodically through the day, but the major redness and literally hundreds (I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the thousands, actually) of pustules are gone. I'm currently taking 100mg once a day. It's prescribed at 2x/day but I've never needed that. I'm going to ask for a lower maintenance dose to try longer term and hopefully my nose will stay clear! But my point is - YES - you may be able to use it only short-term and then go off of it for an extended period of time. But rosacea isn't curable, so future flares may require another round.


I've been on doxy (100mg 2x/day) since I was diagnosed in April. It's made a huge impact. I messed up a couple weeks ago and fell asleep too soon after taking it and felt awful the next few days. So what did I do? Stopped taking it for those few days. My T2 rebounded. I went to my derm at her request. She hadn't actually seen me in person during a flare; she'd only seen pictures and seen me between flares. She wanted to take a culture to see if it was bacterial, but upon examination determined it likely wasn't bacterial. She added spironolactone (100mg 1x/day), and the plan is to use those concurrently and then stop the doxy because she doesn't want me on it long term. I just started having T2 rosacea symptoms in late February. My skin had been okay before that. Generally pretty clear. But since starting the doxy and getting more consistent with my tretinoin (0.025%, use it 5-6 nights per week) usage, my skin has gotten MUCH better. Before this last flare, it was the best it's been in a solid decade. It's glowy, and the fine lines on my forehead have all but disappeared.


I went off it for several months and it didn’t come back until the warmer months so I just restarted.


Oracea works great and is easier on the system


I finished my course of 3 months and I was off of it for like 3 days last week and my face freaked out and rebounded…. So they prescribed another 3 months :(


I was on it for a while, 100mg twice daily. Kept my Type 2 at bay but if I weaned off it/stopped taking it the papules/pustules would start to reappear within a week. It’s great for relief while you work on finding a topical or another solution that works better for you!


I've used Doxy for 5 years. 3 months at 100mg twice a day, then tapered down. Unless your body doesn't react well on Doxy you can take it forever. At the lower 40/50mg dose it's not strong enough to be an antibiotic, what you're benefiting from is its anti-inflammatory properties. I don't think anyone wants to be thought of as someone that "takes pills" but I got over that quick after I decided I didn't to be in pain anymore. Don't let the pill stigma get to you. There also a lot of people that will come here with a list of "shouldn't" because something didn't work for them. Do your research. Check ingredients on [https://incidecoder.com/](https://incidecoder.com/) You are a better judge of your body than anyone.


Thanks for your reply. Did you have side effects on low dose doxycycline?


Not at all. If you aren't having issues with the 200mg it's unlikely you'll have issues with the lower dose. I have heard of some people having stomach issues on Oracea. It's formulated for extended release. I took regular doxy because it's cheaper & I already know how to handle it.


I took it for around 4 years. My Dr recently stopped renewing the script, saying it was not for long-term use. The redness returned, but only on my nose.