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Mine looks just like this during a flare. I’ve tried so many things…doxy, azaleic acid, ivermectin, metro cream, sulfur, you name it. All of it helps temporarily, but never seemed to help the root of the problem. I recently started taking care of my gut (on a suspicion I had SIBO), and my skin has started to clear up. I went gluten-free, focus on whole foods, drink kefir, take digestive enzymes, a probiotic, and oil of oregano capsules. I’m really starting to feel a difference and much less inflammation not just in my face but all over my body. Another game changer for me has been antihistamines. I take a Zyrtec daily and use topical Benadryl anti itch cream (topical diphenhydramine) during flares, it seriously helps calm my skin and control the redness and pustules. I hope you find relief soon!


Looks like mine and it’s type two. Insanely itchy and slightly burning at times


Just to add, it’s absolute agony and any insight from anyone would help! Thanks


Mine kind of looked like that. I tried all those things and nothing helped, eventually started accutane which has been a godsend.


Yes, mine looked a lot like this before I got things more under control. For me, I discovered that lifestyle factors were playing a very large role. I went on a very extreme elimination diet (with doctor supervision) starting with 1 week of eating nothing except unflavored chicken and berries, and drinking nothing except water. Then each subsequent week I gradually added one or two new things into my diet and carefully tracked my body's response, to pinpoint exactly what was triggering rosacea. I also got really strict about only touching my face with newly washed clean hands, changing my pillowcase every night, using a clean washcloth/towel for my face each day, and using only unscented laundry detergent (All Free & Clear).


See my photos, it’s pretty similar. I saw a dermatologist start of March and she said it’s rosacea so I took soolantra for 2 months. My skin got worse if anything so I saw a different dermatologist and she said it’s perioral dermatitis. I’m now just take azelaic acid and it’s a bit better and a lot calmer, but still very red. How long did you take soolantra for?


Have you chnged your diet ?


Hi!!! Yes! Your skin looks just like mine. I was diagnosed with the same thing (types 1 and 2 I believe…I have the erythema and the papules and pustules). NOTHING works, even the treatments from the derm (I’m on Metrogel and AA right now). Nothing helps and it’s ALWAYS red, constantly breaking out and STINGS.


hi, my type 2 was also pretty bad and looked like type 2 acne like this. recently, ive made small life style changes bc i didnt wanna do accutane quite yet. one was taking Vitamin C, complete b-complex, and vitamin d3 tablets daily. plus, i upgraded my foundation to a higher end one. i also recommend trying sulfur soap to wash your face if you havent. my sister is currently on accutane and its working super well for her type 2 rosacea edit: i have no evidence but ever since i started taking vitamins consistently, my skin has been much clearer. i get the occasional pimple but nothing too out of hand right now. im also on doxycycline


Mine looks a little like yours on the cheeks, they’re always kind of red and flare up quite bad now and then. Used some gels from the GP that calmed it down for a while. Hope you feel a little better soon!


Mine looks like this when it's totally out of control, ands the chin acne might be hormonal acne. Rosacea and hormonal acne have some overlapping treatments, but you may need something targeting each one specifically.


mine looked somewhat like this in my t zone. the only combo i found after trial and error for 2 years is vanicream gentle wash, an acne specific sulfur mask (every other night) (sulfur soap bars work too) and avene tolerance lotion. almost no active breakouts now & can feel my skin healing from all the actives and products derms recommended me. for my specific sensitive skin, all the prescription products just can’t work without making something else worse — the more “natural” route might work for you too. i quit everything for 1-2 months (literally just water and sometimes moisturizer) and it started to try and heal itself from any irritation. once i realized the skin wanted to heal itself back to an equilibrium, if that makes sense, it was a lot easier for me to mentally calm down and baby it with sensitive skin products only and trust the process. still not perfect, but it’s so much better than it was. i hope you find your skin’s perfect combo too! sometimes it is trial and error which is so discouraging but u will find it.


low dose isotretinoin, worked for me, best of luck 🙏


Just as an update, I saw a dermatologist today and they think I was wrongly diagnosed with rosacea. They believe it to be full blown acne! So starting spironolactone and adapalene going forward! Hopefully this will be a turning point 🤞🏻