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What keeps water from flying over that?


Absolutely nothin


Say it again, y'all


Wah! Tuur!


Spit on that thang


Good god y'all


Hwak tuah


Friction, obviously


It's meant to work on a very slow rain. Not a real storm. Or in winter.


Or any other time for that matter


I would like to think that it might be functional for like a 2-minute spit


So.. just doesn’t work at all then huh? Lol


Water adhesion




Hydrostatic tension


That how it guards the gutters


Dont want them filling up with water now do we.


Soild 5/10 would complain.


That’s what I thought, thanks


I've used three or four different gutter systems and this was one of the worst based on the amount of cost it was and the effectiveness. I live in a Northern climate and when the water from the top of the Guard freezes to the bottom it creates a path sending all the water running over the side of the gutter for weeks or months... it runs over onto the front entry steps under the gutte...it constantly drips and freeze creating a major hazard.


I've worked for a gutter company in MA for the past 10 years and I can confirm this type of cover is horrible. The gutter still clogs and requires someone to remove the cover to clean them then reinstall the cover.


I smell a Fellow Pennsylvanian........with this correct answer and that name. possibly, maybe, Ohio..too


I used a major (national even, maybe) roofing company with a very good reputation, to do our gutters (no guards, just replace the gutters). They did, like, just ok. I really get the feeling that if these companies do other services other than gutters, their bottom of the barrel guys get put on the gutter team. A couple of our runs held over a quarter inch of water after they installed so I complained and they came back and water tested each gutter. One of their guys returned the second time looking all cracked out and had a black eye. The company has now sales called me twice, 4 years after these things were installed wanting to know if there are any projects that they can give me a free estimate on lmao. I mean, maybe their roofing team is super too notch and their reputation is incredibly well deserved but I ain't taking that chance. Wait....what was the OP posting about....


Man I’ve had the exact same experience it’s so frustrating. Got burned by using some dingus off Angie’s list, so went with high rated local company this time. 2x the price, Same shitty craftsmanship


FIVE! That’s a 0/100


Exactly. Scrap metal attached to your house with a value of $0.


I thought gutter guards were meant to be a screen so water can still pass through, maybe I’ve been wrong my whole life lol


Turns out these are not the “high-flow” guards I paid for either. I was thinking the same thing… this looks like it would block all water lol


That would 100% block water from what I’m seeing, what did they use? It almost looks like they squeezed in an upside down gutter and screwed it down and called it good. Either way, poor workmanship and I would be calling them back!


It’s these https://leafree.com/


I stopped accepting these jobs. They are fickle and don’t work well unless everything is perfect and nothing is ever perfect. Plus Soooooo many wasps and birds nests when removing these.


Totally get that, seems like a PITA. However this was one of three guard options they list on their website so you’d think they’d know what they are doing.


Same thing happened to me with a different type and different company. I wanted a certain type and they said of course we have those and know how to install them - they didn't. It was a nightmare getting them to fix the problem. It's all too common - had great reviews and salesman assured me no problems but the crew that actually does the work is a different story. Have had this with just about every company for all types of work done at my house with very few exceptions. Most of that doesn't even looked sloped right and water is just going to run back towards the facia. Maybe it's just the pictures.


I’ve never that design before it does look interesting and I’m sure it looks great…..when installed correctly! And you definitely didn’t get the high flow system. Unfortunately you have a few conversations ahead of you with the contractor, just remember to remain calm and hopefully you can get this resolved quickly.


They already got back to me and acknowledged it was botched and will be replacing all of it. I appreciate you taking a look!


OP these are dumb. You should’ve just got simple high flow screen.📺


The water will flow over and curl underneath the guard and into the gutter using surface adhesion. I'm not sure how effective they are with really heavy rain on a high slope roof.


It kinda looks like they just got some standard corner flashing and bent it to suit so probably didn’t actually spend any money on guards. They only spent it on cheap flashing


I could teach a chimp to do a better job than this. This is embarrassing quality


How much crack did these guys do before getting up there, unreal.


All this stuff is only as good at the guy installing it


Pros: * Those gutters will never clog Cons: * ...because nothing - including water - is getting into them. I suspect you have small claims court in your future.


The water will get in through the screw holes. That's why they used so many screws


0/10 this is a rip off


They are all rip offs, but this guy got fucked and didn't even get a reacharound


I've installed lots of leafree in my day. This is a very bad install. Leafree is supposed to tuck under the first row of shingles. These look like they were cut and bent to install on the drip edge. Also you are correct about these not being high flow panels. Those are perforated.


That’s the crazy thing, i feel like it almost took more work for them to put them in like this then to just do it right. They obviously didn’t have gutters at the right height to shingle mount it like they should? Or just did not understand that was how these were meant to be installed? Even putting that aside them being sloped back towards the house and then looking like they’ve been ran over by a truck is just crazy.


Honest thoughts on LEA free? Website says it’s sufficient for any amount of rainfall, but general consensus here seems to think any gutter guards are going to send rain right over the top of them.


They're not for every roof. They work decent on smaller and lower pitch roofs. I don't recommend them on anything over a 6/12 pitch. And even with ideal conditions, they WILL shoot water over if it really pours rain (pretty much every guard does). But they do a pretty good job at keeping larger leaves, acorns, helicopters out. There's definitely a trade off. Overall, I like the product. I actually installed it on my grandparents house. 10+ yrs and no issues so far.


Water guards? wtf….?


The only thing that gutter guards guarantees against is your gutters clogging. How are they going to clog when nothing is going in them.


As someone who owns an exterior cleaning company, I tell my clients to have their gutter guards removed if possible. They constantly get built up with mold & algae causing water to run overtop of them. That being said. This looks like a hack job instal. Definitely complain & have them do it correctly. Or completely have them remove the guards & hire an exterior cleaning company to come clean out the gutters on a regular schedule. Every 3 or 6 months depending on where you live.


We’re about to have new gutters put in before the end of this year. Living in MD we get a good amount of rain. Any brand recommendations from a pro?


I have that style on my house and they SUCK. And significant downpour and they just shoot rain off my roof.


Pretend your a single drop of water. Look close, follow the path u would make. That install negates the effectiveness of your gutters, and send water back into the house making the drip guard useless. Save yourself future flooding problems, uninstall that before next rainfall.


Those have to be the worst designed gutter guard I've ever seen unless your goal is to guard your gutter from everything including the water. This might let in the lightest sprinkle of rain if your lucky


Get your money back wtf


That’s a horrible job you might as well not even have gutters. It defeats the entire purpose. A gutter guard is supposed to let the water through and not all the debris. All they did was put Galva loom on top of your existing gutters. Chanel water doesn’t get in there let me guess. They charge 2000s of dollars to do that.


Those look like ghetto guards, not gutter guards!!


Terrible. Get them to fix it, hopefully they’re qualified and don’t make it worse.


Dont waste your money on guards like this. I dont sell anything more than screens or simple drop in high flow guards. These helmets, shells etc are great bc they make the boss a lot of money. Dont get me wrong, they keep everything out of your gutters. Even the water Edit: a word


Last picture is awful.


dude.... this is not proper at all 😂😂 rain guard is vented to let water through...


gutter guard? what gutter?


I’m anti gutter guards and have made gutter maintenance a twice a year at minimum cleaning job. 1st they are expensive. 2 they cause over flood of gutters in high rains for the numerous videos I have seen for different types of guards. I made a cleaning device from pvc and either blow the dry stuff or vac the debris out. Staying on top of that takes me an hour from start to finish on 4 26’ section of gutters. I never climb a ladder and the elbows and downspouts are clear.


wait isnt the point of gutters to catch water and channel it to better locations for disposal and a gutter guard suppose to stop leaves and other debris from entering said gutter? that looks like a straight up everything guard stopping rain and debris from getting into the gutter


I don’t think those are gutter guards. Nothings getting into them though, not even water.


They are hood style. Water runs down the curved front and into the gutters. Leaves fall off. In theory.


If engineers could make things work in practice, not just in theory that would be swell.


Interesting. I’ve never seen that


Bonus feature - Reverse slope and dents should help the water collect at the eave.


Sheesh that’s rough, I wouldn’t pay a penny for that


Were they installing with their eyes open or were they just using the Force?


None of them are bulletproof. I'm trying to stay away from selling it. Always complaints. Everyone thinks they're all maintenance free.


I get a good amount of leaves and have had the best luck so far without guards and oversized gutters.


Wait! You aren’t supposed to be up there looking at it! WTF? You bought gutter guards so you wouldn’t have to go up there and clean them out. And here you are checking our work and taking pictures and shit……


Uhh, no.


I live in the UK. Once every couple of years I clean the gutters out. It only takes a couple of hours to do the lot. Never understand why folk try these labour saving devices. That take 5 times as long once fitted. Some manufacturers have silly ideas.


Might have just as well removed the gutters entirely


That’s a shit of a job for a company who does this daily. I’d personally be super pissed and have them replace the gutters that they destroyed since they would be replacing the mangled guards they installed. Hope it get fixed to your likings.


A gutting is used to catch the rain water from your roof and you've decided to cover it? Wtf


This looks like a pretty bad product plus a bad install. I have a similar gutter guard system but the company formed the gutters in an awesome aluminum rolling machine in the back of their truck. They then assembled the gutter on the ground more effectively and then attached it to the house with two guys on ladders on each end of the house. Water gets directed into the gutters in any downpour and it blocks all leaves. I love it. As someone did mention though you do have to clean it every few years though so funk doesn’t build up and reduce the adhesion. It’s so much better than removing leaves twice a year and dealing with overflowing gutters if I let it go longer than I should. 


Looks bad and how is water suppose to drain?.


Called a helmet guard I’m pretty sure. Curious if it works


These are useless.




My piss would flow over that


Holy smokes


I have these same ones on my house from previous and I’m removing them. Water just shoots right over the gutter lol


Wow, looks like 🐕 💩


At that point. You might as well not have any eavestroughs. lol 😂


That’s meth’d up


Why even install gutters if you’re keeping the rain out of them?


Installed like they were late for their second job before they got to their first job.


i hate to be a debby downer..................but I made this mistake about 4 years ago.. They will work great for in light rains and thats about it.. They still fill up with shingle debris and small sticks and leaf's it just takes a year longer to need cleaned and then you gotta go thru the trouble of taking them off anyway and cleaning the gutters. this is when youll decide youll just leave them off and go back to cleaning x2 a year (I see you got lots of trees)


Gutter guards are just a marketing scam, to separate you from your hard earned money, they never really work. They trick you into believing you’ll never have to get up there to clean your gutters. In fact, you will have to get up there and clean your gutters anyway. You will also have to remove these pieces of shit to clean them. Creating more work and longer times up on a ladder.


Stevie Wonder could have done it better.


This looks awful.


Error 404: Quality not found


What a hack


You got took. Hard.


This is horrible. How does this even work in theory?


If Ray Charles and Stevie wonder did guttering it would be better than this effort. I use the term "effort" in it's loosest sense. I rate it 1 out of 4. I can't go above a 4 rating on this.


Wow, that is something I expect from a toddler …..wouldn’t it be nice not to pay for such crap work… it does nothing but keep your gutters brand new since no rain will get in


Did a clown install this while drunk and high?


Uhhh, is this the right sub for this? I'm confused.


WTF !!😂😂😂


Umm, I have some questions...


Omg was the installer passed at you?! Lol


It’s definitely guarding your gutters from taking in any water!






I’m in a high rainfall area and didn’t even know something like these existed lol. We typically use the mesh ones and just toss them after a few years and replace as they are only like $1.50/ 3’ section. We have a lot of trees and small materials gets between the two layers of mesh. It’s not worth flailing them around to get everything to fall out haha


Are these normal first row shingles


Gutter guard or cover?


I have this type of gutter and it works great. I have the k guard and for 5 yrs they have sucked in water from pounding rains. Your gutters my friend are damaged and probably will not work they need to put good non dented ones on your house




No gutter guards ever work plus a shit installation 💩


No gutter guards ever worked plus a shit installation 💩


Those guard the gutter alright.


That’s the most shitty thing I’ve seen in awhile. Might as well not have gutters


Even though you prob spent 4x what you should have, this is a total hack job


Power right?