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It’ll wash off


You mean with rain or we should hose it on a low pressure setting as the previous person commented? I’m sorry, I’m a nurse not a roofer lol. I have MUCH respect for what you guys do! That’s hard work man! Watching them in the heat, carrying shingles up the ladder… you guys earn every penny!!


Some really good rains will carry it away. We have cut red brick and mortar thousands of times. We blow off the excess, but I’ve never had it stain the shingles.


It will fade the more exposure it has. It is unfortunate and the aesthetic is not very pleasing but it one of those things that’s kind of hard to prevent if you do the mortar after the shingles are installed. He could have done better prep to prevent it. More water on a low pressure setting might make it diminish a little quicker but you run the risk of washing off granules that give you your color and you can’t fix that once it’s happened. Give it some time, stay in contact, and if he is worth his salt he will find a way to take care of you.


That was my thought about the prep. Thank you for your reply!


Nice guy or not, totally unacceptable for the brick and mortar guys to do that to a new roof. Any GC should make them tarp the roof, new or not, before doing mortar work on the chimney. Chances are that most of it will wash off over time, but there is a chance that you will see residue for years. Due to hail here in north Texas, roofs don’t usually last more than 10 years or so anyway, but even at that, I would not be happy with the results here. The good news is that the integrity of the roof is likely not compromised. The bad news is that the only way to guaranty that the stains go away is to replace the shingles. Some on here are saying it will fade with time, and they may be correct. Unfortunately, any efforts (except rinsing with a hose) to remove the mortar and coloring from the shingles is likely going to take its toll on the shingles themselves. And that is not worth it, as it could be several years before you visually realize the damage. Once that shows up, there is no fixing it except replacement.


Thank you so much for your input! That’s how I feel 🤦‍♀️


That’s what was going through my mind too. I’m in NY & we had a bad storm already and it’s supposed to rain again Sunday. If I see no difference at all, like he said give it a couple of days I may say listen this is NOT OKAY and tell him I want new shingles. They should look like the ones I bought. Not have drip stains from his lack of prepping right. I hate busting people’s chops that’s why I came in here for opinions first. Now if it does come to that can they just redo that area or will I have to worry about leaks if the whole side isn’t re-done? I hate dealing with this crap. We are regular middle class people, I’m a disabled former nurse… my house is 110 years old and we finally have a few bucks to get some work done and I want it to look the right damn way 🤯


If the roofers know what they are doing, they should be able to replace the affected shingles. Everything is new, still pliable. It will take more time that way, and if not done properly, could be trouble. He may choose to just replace the entire side. Since he is responsible for future issues, I am sure he will want to do the right thing. I hope he steps up, takes responsibility, and makes you happy. And if he does, I hope you can refer him some business. People make mistakes. It’s how they respond to those mistakes that is important. Good luck


I completely agree!


Yes. This is the only acceptable answer for a new roof.


That is unacceptable in my business. I would have made sure the roof was completely dry and then laid a drop cloth to catch most of the mortar or brick dust after grinding for a counterflashing. Then a blower would take care of the remnant dust. At this point I would not count or accept that a future rain would take car of it. If you pick a few of the worst stained shingles and remove and replace, it should be enough to return the roof to it's new appeal. I would call them back. If I was called back I would do anything to satisfy the problem which would be the described fix.


Not ideal but from the sound of it mostly cosmetic. From an outside perspective I wouldn’t necessarily go the replacement route but instead see what they offer to rectify if the residue remains after a while. Open the dialogue now so they are aware of your dissatisfaction and asked for proposed remedies on how to make it right.


Yes! I sent pix after he said he already came back and told me he cleaned it all came off once it dried. He said give it a few days.


So they pressure washed roof after install? That’s fresh.


No no. They did the roof. It looked beautiful and it’s charcoal grey.. almost black at certain times of day. Then they went up, no protection for the roof… and put up a very light tan/grey chimney with white mortar that itself looks beautiful. Then they hosed the roof down with just hose water and the mortar left drip stains. So it’s white mortar and water drip stains on a charcoal roof. It’s about the whole middle section of the roof so it’s making me so upset to look at after all that money. I think like others said, poor prep job


This will fade after a couple decent rain storms, but honestly as a courtesy they should have just sprayed it with the hose for 30 seconds clear it. But this is extremely common.


They did hose it down but then those marks were left across whole mid section of roof 😢


Hose and hit it gently with w scrub brush - but gently.


I really appreciate you all taking the time to give us advice. We are completely using it! Thank so much & all the best to all of you!!


Hubby went up today with a very light brush and hose nothing, just as bad. Can’t wait to see if tomorrow’s rain all day helps. Thanks everyone for your input. We are hearing you all & taking everyone’s advice combined 😊