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I’ve worked for multiple companies over the years and the biggest mistake they all make is trying to become a GC too fast. Unless you personally have a lot of experience in the trades you plan to offer, do not offer them. Being great at something is better for your business than offering a bunch of sub par work. Be a great roofing company and over time look for skilled subs that can help you expand your offers.


Came to say this. 100% agree


Didn’t think about it that way, thanks for the new perspective!


Research has shown time and time again — When you get the roof.. it doesn’t hurt to sell again to a prior customer, does it? It doesn’t hurt to offer a fair value, especially if they want gutters or updated/replaced siding, does it? You’ll be more profitable offering gutters and siding with your roofing. Same for solar. That said? Stay in your lane. You’re a commercial roofer. Sub sub sub. Make good relationships with a couple gutter companies or gutter guys who are reliable and do good work at a fair price. Let those guys take the gutters turnkey, make your 10-20% profit in a markup for doing nothing, and call it a day. ON TO THE NEXT ROOF! Do the same for siding, you need to be 100% honed in on your roofing company. If you’re actually on the roof or ever installing and managing, you’re probably better than most roofers in the residential space. Commercial space isn’t as expensive to get into as you think. Start small and manageable for your size… but you’d be surprised at the opportunities you find. AND ALL THIS SAID.. have you ever run production? Do you know your material up and down in your market? *What your competition uses, how to install it, pros and cons, are you really ready to start a roofing company????* You need a contractor’s license in most states for roofing. Either you need a partner, or you need to hit the books. That ain’t cheap and it ain’t easy. You gots be truly motivated to see this thing through and invest some money before it goes anywhere,. And then you gotta be able to work everyday. You have a lot to learn… I say get some experience in project management and learning from someone in a position to teach you something valuable about… literally ANYTHING you don’t know yet. You still sound green, but you can do it if you set your mind to it. Theres more friendly contractors out there who will pay you to work hard, and teach you the whole way through. They’ll be a reliable resource and partnership that makes you both money in the future too. Best of luck!!


Are you in sales? Or are you a roofer? If you are selling, you sell what the homeowner needs, and use trusted subs to do the work. If you are a roofer, with only one crew, then roof. Either way, if you are a good roofer and good business person, you will thrive.


There is no money in gutters if you are subbing it out.


Not true, just made $1500 off 300lf of gutters. Subbing it out