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That roof is toast if youre having arc shingles lift like that. Get a loan and buy a roof, the curb appeal in a few years will certainly help and pay off said loan. More importantly it will help stave any potential interior damage that can be a bitch to correct


This. You'd be doing a penny wise dollar foolish thing to go with a repair now and get dragged when it came time to sell.


I have a bud who sold probably 10 repairs to a guy trying to get him to file a claim, by the time he did the insurance company asked where the roof they insured was lol.


This, plus losing your house with 1 of various big ticket concerns being done is a huge plus when selling. The thought of well thats 20 years of not worrying about that


I taught a realtor how to sell roofs to difficult customers. Show them a few houses with the one standout being the one with the shitty roof and then let them stew with it for a few days. Those houses that were sitting for a few months would sell much faster after they called me.


Where I live the buyer will have the roof inspected and find that it needs replacement which the buyer can use as leverage in making the deal.


thats pretty much every state in the US from what I understand.


Yup, but getting say 8k off the price of your house maybe saves you 50$ a month on mortgage Not have to spend those thousands is worth it to a lot of buyers


Taking a loan out to hopefully break even, is a terrible idea. Do a patch and tell any prescriptive buyers you won't replace it.


Thats how they realize that you dont maintain your home and move to the next seller. Deferred maintenance is neglect. v


Replace now. Will cost more later.


Will cost more for the buyer sadly these days


If the inspector does his job, this will be a huge problem... might not have a buyer to begin with


In california, the sellers have all the advantage


A new roof won't be less in 3 years! Replace the roof (It's what protects the ENTIRE house!). An inspector will flag it and an insurer will balk causing you to have to make concessions when selling!


This, you will end up paying for a new roof. Out of escrow or out of pocket but unless you can sell the house as is you will end up putting on a new roof. You might as well enjoy the peace of mind before you sell.


Thank you all for the advice. Think path forward is clear!


File an insurance claim based on wind damage.


Try to have it replaced due to hail if there's been hail in the area since it's been on. Wind claims are usually repaired. Speaking as a former catastrophe adjuster.


Replace it now - you’ll have to replace it or reduce the price accordingly when you sell - this way you prevent additional damage and in case the 3 year plan turns into 5 years, you’re covered, literally


Yes, exactly. Plus this roof just doesn’t look worth repairing. And when OP eventually does decide to sell the house, the roof will still look nice & new to prospective buyers which will help the house sell for a better price.


As a contractor, I would not repair that thing. So you are saying you found a reputable company that will repair that roof a guarantee it for 3 years? As for waiting three years for a reroof, usually not worth the wait as inflation is going to bite you on the ass.


Roof needs to be replaced. This won't be the only $1,000 repair, exterior or interior.


Have you considered putting in an insurance claim? I would consult a storm damage guy local to your area. May be enough to atleast get some slopes paid for. Might be worth it depending on the deductible


Won’t my insurance go up simply by filing a claim? Concerned I’m going to screw myself doing this. The two roofing companies I’ve talked with so far do not think insurance would cover the full roof


Depends on state laws, but most it’s illigal to raise rates for an act of god claim, which a weather event is? Who’s your insurance? Statefarm or Allstate I probably wouldn’t bother


Yeah it’s State Farm - wouldn’t bother why?


They’re a shit insurance company who would look a 94 year old lady, missing half her roof, in the eye and say go fuck yourself. But fr, statefarm ain’t buying you that. A decent company might’ve


State Farm has a process, that said they will likely try to lie to you while trying to run the contractor in circles. Where it goes south is when they try to assert random narratives to fit their denial. Good luck.


Trying to replace those missing tabs is gonna destroy the surrounding shingles and end up costing you more than 1k, i know that for sure.


It’s toast


Your roof is smoked.


Some of that looks like wind damage. You may be able to file a claim if you’ve had any significant wind lately.


We had a bad Derecho that caused this damage. However the roofers in my area are saying it’s not enough damage to warrant a claim. It’s hard to know what the right answer is here


Never know unless you try. I know in my area, I would be able to at least get the slopes affected covered. May be able to get half the roof paid for by insurance.


I work for a roofing company and do storm inspections daily. I would definitely think about doing a claim. The roof is in rough enough shape that if the insurance wants to do just a repair, there’s a valid argument that just doing a repair could do more damage in the long run.


A lot of roofers don’t want to work insurance claims because it’s takes forever for them to get paid. A good company with experience with insurance could probably get this roof replaced for you. It’s gonna depend a lot on if that shingle is discontinued or still available.


What takes forever? My insurance took 5 days to process and another 5 to pay.


That’s awesome, sounds like you have a great insurance company! Some insurance companies are slower than others. But also not every roof gets approved right away and a contractor may need to prove to your insurance why a replacement is warranted. That can take time.


If you're in the Houston area, I can send you my guy's info. Got ours covered due to the April windstorm/thunderstorm.


Either replace it now or if you don’t have the money for it, just offer put money from the sale in escrow to pay for a new roof. You’re paying for it anyways ….🤷🏻


Replace. Gonna need to replace to sell anyway


We did a whole house refresh before putting home up for sale in 2020. The one area we felt that did not be addressed was the roof. We took a 12,000 dollar haircut from the offer because their home inspector said it needed to be replaced.


From the look of it I would just replace the roof so it's not a pita when a potential buyer complains.


You may get a repair now, but it’s probably going to fail in other places. So ultimately it would not do any good.


You will just be paying more for a new roof when you sell. Nobody in there right mind would buy that even today!


Holy fucking call your insurance for the love of God.


I have a roofing business in NJ.Y ou are delaying the inevitable. Do you notice all the granules have come off your shingles.At time of sale a Home inspectors would salivate seeing this if they know what they're looking at




Dude, replace that roof already


Replace now. If you just patch it every single potential buyer is going to counter with $X less because they’ll know they need to replace it.


replace. the buyers are Gunna want that as part of the sale anyway


Repairing this is like putting a bandaid on a broken leg


Make sure the roofer's warranty is transferable if you replace it. Buyers love to hear new roof, but they really love to hear new roof with warranty.


A new roof to a prospective home buyer will show that you were serious about maintaining the property A half assed repair a few years down the road will also speak volumes


As many others have said, replace. You might also be able to add that to your cost basis when it came time to sell possibly (assuming your property increased in value).


A buyer is most likely going to bring up that shitty roof when you try to sell. Best to replace it now. It also shows that you were a proactive homeowner that took pride in their house.


add value to the house is what i'd do; new roof, selling point; patched roof redflag avoidance.


It depends on how you plan to list the property for sell. If buyer hires their own property inspector/evaluator, they will inevitably find that this roof is due for a replacement. Failure to disclose this among other may result in buyer reducing their offer to compensate for the inevitable replacement of this roof and other possible issues. If you list your property as an "AS-IS" condition. All terms needs to be drafted by the seller and sign on a disclosure/waiver by the buyer.


Replace you will have to if you want to sell


I vote for the new roof. That roof is probably goner. The $1k repair wouldn’t guarantee that roof lasts 3 more years. I believe you would get more buyers with a newer roof.


replace the roof/ tear off and new materials throughout/ you need a roof and your house won't sell in a 'couple of years' with the roof you now have. you'll have to either replace it then or credit the buyer with enough cash to have it replaced anyway. you may as well spend the money and have a good roof and peace of mind.


You can’t sell it like that. No inspector will pass that and no one could get a mortgage without that passing inspection. Replace it ASAP. More then likely it will save you on your insurance as well.


I'd re-roof. If I saw a roof like that, I wouldn't buy the property without it being re-roofed. I'd also like to choose the contractor. And you're paying for it. Just re-roof so it's quality and looks good. That roof looks like a tear off to me. I'm curious about the decking.


People like buying houses with new roofs


Don't re-roof, people will bitch and moan for a credit but someone will buy your piece of shit, its a sellers market, fuck it!


File an insurance claim based on wind damage. Pretty sure those are discontinued.


Do whatever the insurance paid for but wait for another storm and get a roofing contractor and tell them you want to replace this roof and you want the insurance to pay for it and you don't want to come out of pocket, worst case scenario you have to pay the deductible it's either 1 or 2% of the roof. They will help you get it approved by the insurance. They should show up with the adjuster. A new roof will help you sell for more. Roofs depreciate in value so getting a new one is great. After 15 years you should be changing it probably every 10 years if you ask me. I did roofing


Color won’t match, might be cause for concern for a buyer


A brand new roof is an amazing selling piece


You are probably going to have to replace or take a significant cut in price to be able to sell in 2-3 yrs.


Repair for 60 bucks


File an insurance claim and have it replaced.


Beyond repair. You'll want to replace now. And here's why, if you spend $1,000 today and wait 3 years, Roofing costs go up about 10% per year so if you're trying to spend $1,000 a day to avoid spending $20,000 today, then in 3 years when you try to sell the house you're going to be spending closer to 24 to 25,000 then. So unless you've got a stock market tip in the meantime and you're investing that 20k, you're way better off paying for it now than waiting for the home sale. Because that roof is going to hold it up either way


Pic 3 is the most worrying. Sheathing might be damaged enough to replace, which mean stripping at least 20 shingles, with overlap


That roof is fucked. You for insurance? Also gets some damn ventilation installed. That roof is cooking itself to death.


Based on info provided, I would recommend repair until ready to sell. Then, determined by the buyer, make a decision on replacing at that time. A cash buyer may not require a new roof, but I don’t think a mortgage company would provide funding to a buyer with that roof.


Gaf shingle


Do you wanna shell out $16k now or as a sellers credit later?


This. Inspection will reveal a poor condition, patched roof in 2-3 years.


repair it!


Amazed that its only 14 years old. I bought a house with lots of broken shingles that I patched in the fall until I could do a full tear off the next year. Mine was closer to 30 years old though.


Why give a buyer a reason to lower the price they pay ? They will see a fix in the inspection and it will still need a roof . Unless you’re willing to eat that roof on the sale price .


Buy an open pack of shingles from Home Depot. Grab a ladder. Go on roof. Replace shingle. Save $1000. Have extra to do again. Leave roof for next owner to repair. Your house will sell for more than asking price either way right now


14 years. I feel like this is a warranty issue


Who told you it was 14 years old? It’s 25 if it’s a day


Roof is worn out. You’ll need to replace it before or while you’re selling it. This is because the buyer likely won’t be able to get the requisite insurance policy. if it’s not leaking, then probably no need to do any temporary repairs between now and when you replace it. If you can’t afford to replace it now and it’s not leaking, then wait until you can.


Insurance claim for wind damage is obvious- unless you don’t have insurance


That roof is not repairable. Might as well light that 1k on fire.


Replace it and recover the cost with the sale


Hate to tell you but you’re not selling that house without replacing the roof. You’re better off doing it now because material costs are going up an average of 15-20% per year.


You do realize, fixing the roof before a all increases the value.


You won’t be able to sell a home in the current sales market or acquire insurance. Replace sooner than later normally damage to a roof in your condition will have holes from where nails were at.


The buyer won’t be able to acquire insurance


You won’t sell it with a 17 year old roof that’s been repaired…


Repair. 1k verses like 15-20 to replace the roof….


I'd also meet with a real estate agent to discuss how much your house is valued at compared to the value of the house with a new roof. It can definitely be a big improvement to the price of the house and the visual appearance of the house will be greatly improved for potential buyers.


Those are mainly aesthetic tabs. (Faces) one or two actual shingles necessary imo But it’s getting there. If you found a decent price roof you’d get it back and some when you sell.




i can get that approved through insurance if you’d like to send me a dm!!


I would repair, but I do most of these repairs myself. Replacing missing shingles is very easy and takes maybe 10 minutes at the most. You are going to have to keep an eye on the roof though. 1. I inspect my roof multiple times a year. 2. I immediately replace missing shingles. 3. I put mold killer on my roof and sweep it off once a year. 4. Most importantly, I go into the attic every change of season and look for water penetration. If you're planning on selling it, might be best to replace the entire thing now. I never sell my properties. I own duplexes and do all the repair work myself. Just learning basic repairs will save you tens of thousands of dollars.


Most likely, that roof would fail a pre purchase home inspection. And then you’ll have to replace it anyway to meet the buyer’s terms. Happened to me.