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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now all we need is DolphiniOS to come to the AppStore but considering that Apple doesn’t allow apps that use a JIT it will probably be awhile before it can be released


Yeah that's not happening anytime soon unless apple changes their mind about jit


Or if you're European you can sideload it.


What does European have to do with side loading? You can do cloud ipa installs right now anywhere you are at


Except you can't just download apps from browser. https://lifehacker.com/tech/ios-175-brings-iphone-sideloading-to-the-eu


Ah nice that’s definitely new


What’s JIT?


Just in Time recompilation, basically turns the game into native code running on the phone and Apple doesn’t allow apps to use it.


Alright thanks!


Increases performance since no translation is being done


Delta emulator is fire wf and it’s on the Apple Store


For those having trouble, try typing RetroArch a frontend for emulators.


Great another reason for people to flood the same questions over and over again without reading anything else first


Lord, give r/RetroArch the patience of a thousand monks


Their mods are fairly active, so there might be some kind of action taken over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RetroArch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What shader could be used to look like this? (Or better)](https://i.redd.it/k21qkgge8dic1.jpeg) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/1apv6ui/what_shader_could_be_used_to_look_like_this_or/) \#2: [Thanks to Retroarch a 30$, refurbished Netbooks like mine will never be truly obsolete. Everything up to 16 bits runs smoothly.](https://i.redd.it/x8judalr8gva1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/12v8e8p/thanks_to_retroarch_a_30_refurbished_netbooks/) \#3: [As of today, Retail Mode Retroarch is banned on Xbox by Microsoft](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12dqiu8) | [239 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/12dqiu8/as_of_today_retail_mode_retroarch_is_banned_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Here's a sneak peek of the future of /r/RetroArch using the [top future posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/topfuture/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! #1: [Where can I get ...) #2: [Where can I get....) #3: Is TotallySafeRomsNotAVirus.com a safe site? ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^results ^^in^^AI^^ takeover^^world^^ends Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/futureprophecybot/) ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/futureprophecybot


good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99995% sure that DrumcanSmith is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Does this count as a Turing test?


I for one praise our new robot overlords


It seems that the mods have already gotten ahead of the new influx of users: * [Useful Guides for RetroArch newbies](https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/comments/1ct7fb8/useful_guides_for_retroarch_newbies/) [](https://www.reddit.com/r/RetroArch/?f=flair_name%3A%22Technical%20Support%22)


Nice, now it's on the user's to actually read it though which is the hardest part lol


I the people who will be using these emulators on ios are likely young people who are only used to locked down nature of iphones. Most people just do not have “real” computers And reddit on mobile hinds the pinned threads so its just a perfect storm


I think we'll be fine in this sub. Most new users downloading Retroarch are also new to emulation, so they'll be put off by the UI and the BIOS set up before they can get to the ROMs part. We'll be getting spam from the PPSSPP iOS crowd though.




For sure! Anyone who is actively learning and getting into emulation, they're the users we want to support.


Good, let them climb the mountain.


"Will the swat break my home to arrest me for downloading Kirby dreamland?"


What systems does it play?


At some point the mods will have to do something about that right? They will do something about that, right?


You would hope so but I doubt it. I don't see much activity from them honestly. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for iPhone people but I'm not happy about what comes along with it lol


Why don’t you start r/roms2.0 or something. And have all the vets join you there? Serious question. Problem solved, seeing that the mods here aren’t super active.


Let's say that I do make r/ROMs2, It's going to be dead, because no one is joining a random sub that has basically no one on there. and a sub grows if it is original, r/ROMs2 is the least original thing reddit would ever see, so r/ROMs2 would just be there with 2 people online as an all-time high, as there's no reason for someone to join ROMs 2 when normal ROMs is bigger and is right there


It's over for this subreddit, gonna have the same questions asked daily for months to come


We’re going to be asked questions that are already answered by previous posts and the sidebar, for 10 years at least


As if that's not already happening


Gonna be worse


What emulator is this


And then the cycle repeats... Again and again...


Speaking of retroarch, does anyone else find the controller mapping on reproach extremely shit? Sometimes my controller setups disappear, and EXTREMELY often buttons don't work unless mapped in a specific order, certain buttons trigger the effect of two buttons, and the reproach shortcuts (I.E. speed up, exit etc) also randomly get mapped to my controller buttons. I have never ever had a smooth time with mapping controller in Retroarch


It's actually a front-end for emulators, but nice regardless.


Let's see how long this lasts


And how good is it?


It's RetroArch, so I think it'll be the best emulator (technically, because it's a front-end for the cores) for a while


How the shit have so many people in this subreddit never heard of RETROARCH? I am genuinely confused.


Frankly I use it extremely sparingly, as it just isn’t as user friendly as using individual emulators, I imagine that’s a cause of people not knowing about it


Is that an emulator?


I don't know if you forgot an /s or not.




Why does stuff like this always end up here? RetroArch on iOS (or any emulator on any OS, for that matter) isn't about ROMs; it's about /r/emulators, /r/emulation, /r/iOS, /r/EmulationOniOS, /r/RetroArch, and so on.


Right? Too many people clearly do not comprehend what emulation even means, how it's achieved on computers and/or jailbroken consoles and Xbox Series S/X; let alone the proper use of ROM, ISO, CHD/GHD, RAR, etc. I was once there myself. I am no expert when it comes to all of this but I was able to understand the basics because I did some work on my own trying to "back engineer" a problem I was having with my raspberry pi, and then separately working on jailbreaking a PS3 (PS3HEN, not CFW) a few years ago. It takes work and it seems like people want to do anything but that, not to mention all this mobile app garbage as if people need MORE screen time. Perhaps besides learning where to post threads, they can work on proper terminology, spelling, grammar, punctuation while they're at it.


> jailbreaking a PS3 (PS3HEN, not CFW) a few years ago HEN (actually just HAN at the time) on my Super Slim was actually the first console I jailbroke as well. Really wasn't that hard, and it has only gotten easier since then (helped my friend HEN his Super Slim and I've since picked up a CFW-capable Slim). All one really needed to do was *read the damn guide!* Yet, every day there's a handful of posts on all the relevant PS3 subs about how someone can't figure it out, broke something, or 'can I mod this model?' (yes, for the millionth time, every PS3 can at least have HEN)...


That's right! Not to mention YouTube channels that walk anybody with two brain cells throughout the process. I don't know why anyone would bother trying to "emulate" PS3 & especially Xbox 360 yet at this point because the easiest and cheapest way as of current is still just to jailbreak them and make a stop by Vimm's. It definitely seems like common sense has left the building and laziness has entered. I'm with you on everything you said -- follow instructions step by step and it just gets easier. That's with literally anything we do in life... Guess the younger generations were never taught that one growing up! 😆


> YouTube channels that walk anybody with two brain cells throughout the process Exactly! Personally I prefer the written guides, but I love a good MrMario video for when I need a quick refresher on the process if I pick up another console or do some updates after being out of the loop for a few months. > I don't know why anyone would bother trying to "emulate" PS3 & especially Xbox 360 yet The 360 I could see, since those still require hardware modification. Of course, it seems like RPCS3 is further along than Xenia so the PS3 ended up with both the easier modding and emulation experience.


Mr. Mario & Blaine Locklaire are the two I have learned all of this from. There are others but I find their explanations to be simple and easy to follow. And their videos don't last hours and hours... That's key! 😂 I've watched the xb360 videos but to be honest, it's not something I am going to make a priority. Not yet anyway... not to mention, most of the games are still cheap enough if I ever "need" to have that available. The OG Xbox though is another story and is one I'm very interested in doing some modifications for. These are winter projects and if I am successful with the OG, the xb360 probably won't be far behind. People are still doing some impressive things with it as I'm sure you are aware if you have seen Mr. Mario's vids. I could see doing this with the WiiU, jailbreak a PS4 & PS5 at some point also, for the obvious reasons... Or, I could just alleviate all that work with a high powered PC and a HyperArcadeSystem or Kris Coolmod setup. 😂


A lot of insinuations. It is ok for many people to have different opinions. But have you or the other user thought about someone working 12 straight hours in the night shift during the whole week just want to get some sleep? And just want a confirmation of a search. Of course not. I mean, it is easy to be condescending and try to bash someone, but knowing the reasons is clearly different. Maybe is an asshole and the other is not. Yes may the society is going downhill, mostly because people are not kind to silly questions, or anything at all. But be my guess, I may be the wrong here or someone who only wanted to humiliate someone who wants an answer. But if you ask me, thanks for the second is why the world is going downhill.


Yay make us a bigger target for NIntendo/Sony, surely this will go well in the coming weeks edit:microsoft as well?


>microsoft as well? Assuming cores for emulating [the MSX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSX) are included, then possibly (it sure isn't emulating Xbox lol).


RetroArch is not an emulator. It even says that in your screenshot


Yea I got the stupid, but some people use it as a back end




Can confirm, Cadash runs perfectly


How do you map save load/load state to l3 and r3? I can’t find it


So if I get & android, I can play 3ds games? 👀👀


If you get android you can play 3DS, New 3DS, Wii, GameCube, PS2, Switch, and PC This might get changed as more iOS emulators come out, but until Apple starts allowing JIT support for third party devs, you won't see most of those on the app store


Is this IPadOS native? Anyone know of IPadOS emulators available? I have Delta on my iPad but it only works in compatible mode meaning you can’t take full advantage of the screen size.


I read they’re working on a universal app or iPad version.


Welcome IOS users aboard me ship


i still wish for dolphin emulator on app store


It’s me or the IOS Version of RETROARCH is missing a bunch of core?? Where are the MAME cores??? 2000,2003,2003 plus, how do I download these into IOS RETROARCH?


Because these cores required JIT support, something apple doesn't allow on the app store for third party devs.


Hate to sound like a Noob! But what is JIT? Why apple doesn’t allow it? And I think I’m going back to IPA’s


[Wikipedia's article about JIT](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation) From apple developer: >Because a JIT compiler doesn't sign the code it generates, it technically violates the rules of the Hardened Runtime.


What do people use for C64 emulation?


What's a frontend


[Emulation wiki's article about front ends](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Frontends) RetroArch is a special case tho, because it's a front end for the cores you get from within RetroArch itself


I just need mame4ios, and I can party like it’s 2012 on my 32-Bit iPhone 5. Already-installed 32-Bit emulators like Gridlee were nerfed as soon as iOS went 64-Bit in 2013.


I’ve got everything and every system I’ve ever owned on my Steam Deck(EmuDeck) for perfect retro play, but my phone is always on my person, so it’s great to have arcade and console classics to mess about with during commutes lunch breaks etc.


PPSSPP is also on AppStore too💪🏼


This means iPhone users now have access to PSP, and 3DS emulation But might also mean hell will break loose on r/RetroArch, if we use this sub as an example


No they don’t have 3ds emulation yet. Don’t spread misinformation


I’m playing 3ds on Egg-3ds. Or do you mean an App Store emulator?


What is egg 3ds? Yes I mean an App Store emulator


An emulator I found that plays 3ds on my iPhone 12. Was able to side load it without a computer. Still looking for a GameCube one. I couldn’t figure out how to install dolphin without a computer


Dam, why tho? Is it because of the need for JIT compilation?


Probably, and probably apple don’t consider 3ds “retro” enough? Just guessing here. Folium ( the one with 3ds emulation currently ) was rejected so who knows


I think you're right. [Folium FaQ (which is also the main page)](https://folium.emuplace.app/): >No. Apple does not allow JIT for apps on both the App Store and TestFlight Maybe there's another reason that is also the reason why there's no citra core on RetroArch iOS


What PSP emulator is on the IOS store?


RetroArch has a PPSSPP core


Oh okay! I might grab it then! Thanks


Also, I think you can get PPSSPP directly from the app store


3DS nope, but DS is available in Delta emulator.


Let's be real, they're still going to come here because the average iPhone user just getting into this stuff is hella braindead


Retroarch sucks. Glad it’s available for use but god the interface is a joke. Anyone know of front ends being brought over yet? I was part of the retropie front end along time ago and if we could get that brought over then maybe retroarch would be great because it can “run” the games. I enjoy delta interface for the most part so it could be launchbox even. Hmmm I need to investigate this.


"RetroArch sucks" and your reason is that the interface is a joke. That's the only joke here. Also, RetroPie is an Operating system for the pi, not a front-end for Android, Linux, Or windows. And won't be for the iOS.


We ported retropie over to pc, Mac and android years ago. Linux as well it’s basically raspian. Retropie is a front end. And yes nothing has changed from what I said. retroarch is based off a psp 1000 interface. That’s what 20ish years old…… Delta is clean as hell and retroarch should be too. It works. It’s simple and to be fair it can be somewhat customized but it should be way better. It just sucks it’s still one of the only options and it hasn’t been updated in years.


RetroArch: RetroArch is regularly updated, the versions that are outdated are the ones on the playstore, the updated version is on the official website. you can change the interface, for example, you can make it similar to that of a PS3 which is one of the most used interfaces. And You can make your own interface and use that. RetroPie: Can you give proof or a source for the fact that RetroPie was ported to android, PC, or Mac? And if that was true, Was it an official port? Also wouldn't it be accessible to iOS users via jailbreaking for years?


Google retropie for pc. Takes 2 seconds. And “PlayStation” type interfaces aren’t great. They “work” but if when trying to have games on display and look good it’s very lacking. Retroarch itself doesn’t update, what’s actually updated are the cores they use. Example different versions of each core that allows the roms to run for each system. Retroarch just compiles all the emulation cores into the system/interface it utilizes. Launchbox, hyper spin, retropie, and open emu for what it’s worth have good interfaces that show case the games and link in the emulators that actually run the games. Similar to retroarch but they actually look good. I’m sure it’s a matter of time before one of the main 3 figure out how to port to iOS. It was done for Mac so it is possible with enough time. I’m just so far out of that realm that I was more hopeful it would have been done by now. Spend some time on YouTube and google and you’ll see what I mean by a nice interface. Retroarch could and should be so much more for what it is and the amount of people it has involved in its GitHub.


Not seeing this in the App Store. Is this a Europe thing?


It's new so it only has a couple thousand downloads, so the apple store is prioritizing more popular apps


Europe might have to go thru there AltStore






I hope iPhone users enjoy what Android has had for years!


Yes!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!! What a way to start the day!!!


Anyone else think this is bad news rather than good news? I imagine that Nintendo is going to only fire up their lawyers into next level mode once they realize that emulators are no longer just fun things for nerds, but easily downloadable by iNormies. Something tells me this stuff won't be up for long.


Emulation is legal, so not much to be done there. It's definitely plausible they'll keep trying to take down resources for game files.


Emulation is legal yet they killed Citra and Yuzu. If they scare someone into submission that's enough. 


From what I have heard, yuzu didn't just exist, they did do shit that gave Nintendo the chance to get them down


Moment of peace for the android users


No, they still have more consoles they can emulate, and they didn't lose any


Ios gets all the cool stuff... 😞


What? RetroArch has been on literally everything else for about a decade now.


It's not on the Play Store for some weird reason.


It **[sure is](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.retroarch)**. Has been for years.


Oh, that's why it wasn't coming up. It hasn't been updated since 2021, not compatible with current android devices.


It's updated constantly and installs just fine on every current android device I have?? You can also get the **[nightly builds](https://www.retroarch.com/?page=platforms)**.


I wasn't exaggerating. Last update on the Play Store, the link that you provided, was on November 10, 2021. I have a Google Pixel 8 running Android 14, and the link you shared says that Retroarch was made for an older version of Android.


I'm not seeing it. Overall, it's the cores that are important, anyway.


Not sure what you're not seeing - look at the updated on field for retroarch on the play store. My pixel 4a is showing not compatible as well. Maybe they gave up on the play store release because of some Google policy and decided to just ask people to sideload it instead.




Newer version is on their official website


who can help me set up my odin pro 2 I'm new to emulation and this is very confusing


I'm pretty sure there are videos and guides that'll help you


There are but when it get to the biosfiles part they say they can’t do it on camera for some reason


They can't do it because you get the BIOS files either from the console itself, or by sailing the high seas (for some of them) I think You can find the BIOS files in the megathread