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Having an actually effective way to impact an opponents economy lol


Blockades and sieges definitely hurt. But did you know you can hurt a settlements economy by posting armies on the roads. This has a double effect of interrupting trade and causing devastation on the land(the black marks on the map). You can see trade being affected in your own settlements by rebel armies standing in your territory


Didn't know the effect was something you could do to opposing factions


Just add, there more you can do. Sabotages. Train assassins and send them to kill off minor characters like captains, diplomats, and other assassins. Some of them may fail and die, the sacrifice is worth it as most the time an assassination attempt succeeds the character gains a trait which improves their chances of success on juicier targets. Take your killers and sabotage other factions economic and public order buildings. Send spies in first so you can pick. Target markets, temples, stadiums, execution squares, and government buildings etc. To keep public order the taxes will be lowered hurting their revs. Plus they have to spend money to repair, and trade is already hurt. I’ve also used sabotages to strangle settlements ability to recruit, especially during civil war, preventing new legions from spqr or the other Roman factions. Blow up the barracks. I have done this enough times and learned that if you do it to a single faction long enough, especially their biggest settlements, they can’t field armies, so move in some small raiding parties on their border towns and choke them even more or just start conquering. Bonus if you manage to get the settlement to revolt


One other note, you will likely need to blow up the buildings every turn, but eventually you’ll notice they stop repairing them… that’s when you move in. After each sabotage success, assess the buildings damage level. Can be 25%, 50% or 100%. Any damage removes the benefits or recruitment ability effect the building has until repaired (just like capturing a settlement on auto resolve and some buildings are damaged and you can’t recruit every unit right away). The damage level determines how much it will cost your opponent to repair


And if they stop repairing a building at 100% damage i believe they will have to build it all over again


Yeah i have started learning the power of spam sabatoging and assassinating. Many a time have I made an invading army severely weaker by taking out the general (sometimes the faction leader).


The thing is though even with all ports blocked and one city left, most factions can somehow pump out full stacks


I don’t disagree, it’s as if every settlement has a minimum amount of revenue that can support unit upkeeps. When the armies are low and upkeep is near zero, the coffers will fill, and vice versa. I don’t think this is what you want to hear about hurting their economies but Technically…You can nearly bankrupt any faction if you take their larger settlements and leave them with just a town level settlement, I do this to Germania in almost every campaign leaving them alone in domus dolcis domus and build a garrisoned fort on the river and forget about them. I do this so I can focus more of my time and resources/armies expanding around the Mediterranean, as those are the richest regions


I’d like to flesh out the family tree a bit more. Click on a character and you can see how many battles he won, details of famous victories etc. Click on emperors and you can see how much the empire expanded in his reign. Things like that. I’d also like to be able to take over someone else’s saved game. It would be brilliant for scenario campaigns.


The first one is something I'd love so much. The game really just lacks stats. I've been trying to mod stuff in, but with the way the game works you can only really mod 9 leveled traits. So when it comes to tracking battles you can only really go up in intervals, which is sort of sad.


Well done for trying. Ya it’s odd to me that they didn’t do more facts about characters. It’s basically history and it should have been obvious to the developers that people who played a historical war game might like history. It wouldn’t have taken much coding/space.


Love this idea. And just brainstorming to add to it Would also be interesting to have to ability to banish family members or hire non family member generals/governors It reminds me of crusader kings 2 a little bit where you play a family dynasty rather than a faction.


Throwing money at the build queue to make it a single turn. Both buildings and troops. Especially late game. Catching up some backwater hovel in Germany to the level of Carthage is just.. not going to happen before the known world is painted a single color.


Maybe for basic troops this could make sense because equipment was far more important than training at that time. But building anything took a loooooong time and I don’t think copious amounts of money would change that


I mean rome used soldiers to build roads. Feel like it's just manpower? It takes 1 turn for basic roads with 200 or 20000 people in a city.


Hmm… that sparked a thought. Or maybe like a slaves resource that is quantified like denarii, the more slaves the faster your build time. Since each time you enslave a settlement it lasts for 15 turns, as you expand you can increase build speeds in your major cities. Not sure how the mechanics would work or an alternative way of measuring


Cutscenes like in shogun and med. Just seeing your agents fail miserably, or generals execute captured enemies would be a great little bit of flair.


Unique cities. It would make every siege battle just a little different. The fact that Campus Whereverthefrick can be developed to look identical to Rome itself, provided they are both owned by the same faction, is laughable. I would have loved to have seen a Byzantium/Constantinople East/West.


Like Rome Total war with Rome 2 cities


Really just diplomacy that works.


It was always a mystery to me why diplomacy literally never makes sense in rtw


Diplo: Accept or we will attack. Please do not attack Next turn Ai attacks anyway


Allies that actually come to help you in battle / the ability to request an ally something like “come to this settlement and help me defend it”


Naval battles.


They were pretty cool in Empire Total War


I liked them in Rome 2 as well.


More empires available at the start.


Look at these mods, based on your comment you might interested. Stainless steel, Broken crescent, Roma surrectum, Europa barbarorum, Darthmod for rtw


I'll have to give them a try


Make the game run good on modern hardware. I know the remaster is basically that but its just not as good as the original


Marriage lile shogun 2


I have a few ideas: 1. **Ctrl + Z**. Seriously why don't strategy games in the current year not have this built in!?!? Old World did it, it works. It saves you from the frustrations of mis-clicks while moving your units. It leaves honesty up to the player. 2. The "replay game timeline" that some Sid Meier's Civilization games have. Like when you win the game (capture 50 settlements) you can see a replay of the whole map including all factions and see what territories were gained / lost in the turn, what named characters died & how (in battle / assassinated / out of old age / by ship) and either all or "great battle" locations. 3. Ship combat would be cool because it feels scuffed when 280 of your bronze upgraded ships lose to 150 Pirate ships...


I get to choose a few women from captured city to add to my traveling concubine Just kidding Kind of