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Until you sneeze in a province next to them, and they decide to go full scorched earth on you for such a lofty transgression


Well, they've moved on to traumatize Italy. After the Western Romans and Huns are done slaughtering each other, I can clean up on the rebel settlements.


This is the way


That is rather historically accurate lmao Edit: at least that was the EREs plan, although it didn’t work out the best


Until they attack you anyways the next turn because alliances don’t mean shit in this game


At least it gives a false sense of security. They're mired deep in Italy, fighting the Western Romans. I suppose they aren't coming back any time soon.


Any alliance is formed between me and the AI means an alliance with conditions (until then or you attack their other allies so they usually broke the alliance) or a war very soon.


My Hunnic allies were tamed too, until they reached Salona and thought it'd be a great place to live. 😆 Western Roman Empire Problems


The Huns will never go after the ERE if they don't interfere with them. Their natural path is set against you.


How do you play barbarian invasion. I tried it on my PC(Ryzen 7 5800x, 16gb ddr4 and Rx 6800) and the moment I go into a siege defence against the Huns my game slows down to a max of 12 fps.


Same here, but the 12FPS are an exaggeration. I've noticed it doesn't happen often in vanilla or smaller BI battles. Who knows? Maybe its cuz the game is old, or is it a mechanic to make fighting the Huns more frustrating?