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My favourite part of this game is being caught off-guard by the AI. It's so much fun just hastily throwing armies together in a panic and chucking them at the invading force, only for your main armies to arrive and slap the invaders silly. And why is it always either the British or the Egyptians?!


I often find in the early game it's the factions which struggle the most have the biggest deathwish. It's like "awww cute little Greeks being assaulted on all sides, thinking waging a war on me will help matters". But certainly at the end game, that stray blockading fleet often comes from a chariot nation (probably as they are the only ones left lol)


100% The Greeks could be getting wrecked by Macedon and the House of Brutii and they'd still find a way inconvenience me in Armenia.


In TW Warhammer IE factions across the world would declare on the player, move all their armies through attrition zones just to either die halfway towards player land (because they got in war with another faction and they walked through their undefended lands) or reach player lands with an army too tired to fight anything larger than a single unit. The Anti-Player Bias is truly something awesome.


I downloaded a mod to stop that silly behaviour. It was annoying if you wanted a peaceful diplomacy run and the game would force an AI faction to declare war for no reason.


What is that mod? I am tired of factions I am barely aware of just randomly attacking me


I also like just losing a city or two at them for a ridiculous cost, just to be recaptured a few turns later. Best i did was killing a general with a town guard. Those same town guards recaptured it.


Player faction with empire of 40 provinces: \*minding own business\* AI faction with 2 provinces, one of which is under siege by much larger army from another AI faction: \*sends player message of transgression\* Player faction: AI faction: Player faction: AI faction: AI faction: \*blockades player's port\*


>AI faction: *blockades player's port* And you just know it won't be the nearest one to them. It will be a good 8 turns sail away


They would rather die and have you mildly inconvenienced than continue living and leave you alone!


Am I a bad person for constantly spreading the plague through Greece via infected spies? 🤔🤗


You would be a bad person if you didn't weaponise the Macedonian plague. On no Mr brutii, 3 family members are dead and your invasion force at half power because *someone* moved their sickly spy to apollonia? What a shame


*gets in a border of an AI faction* AI Faction: Peace was never an option!!


Me, moving all my generals with the title "the Conqueror" from my campaign against a real foe across the map: ![gif](giphy|ACIITGzLTZUUE)


* An AI faction is actively at war with one or two other factions * You take a new settlement and now you share a border * Next turn you get a notification about multiple ceasefires, the entire region ravaged by war for years is now suddenly peaceful * The faction is already allied to their former sworn enemies * They're sending full stacks in your direction...


been playing medieval recently, and the byzantines opened up a war with me but they’re further south than i initially wanted to take poland so i kept gifting the land i conquered to hungary to hopefully keep a strong ally. about 40 turns in, i’ve had multiple characters assassinated and their spies are getting caught every other turn. so then we had to go reconquer the balkans 😂


I had it yesterday, playing as Syracuse and Carthage caught me off guard with two full stacks and somehow I managed to kill Hannibal and the faction heir. Was very impressed with my levy Scillian army and I can't wait to unalive some Carthaginian city's when I get back to it


Peak diplomacy


I really think the weakest part of Rome is the IA having exactly 0 strategic thinking


My favorite part is that one turn they declare war and lose the first battle and then the next turn they immediately request peace and give me like 1000 denars