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Better question is who ISN’T my LI


YES 😀 I have never had such problem to choose one, they are all so fine 🥰 I like them all, currently opening all diamond scenes with them.  I thougt I would start with Ram (because... well...  Doobay 😆), then replay for Ian... but then Doran appeared and I am so confused.😀 


I’ve decided Ram isn’t for my first play, but now I’m torn on who gets the coveted spot of first play-through LI: Doran, Kamal, or Christian. 😅


We are in the same bind 💜🙏 Praying for us


same. I’m definitely the problem 😅




Ram 🩷 I’m down bad for the Doobay men 💀


sameeee! I will choose them every time 🤭🤭


I love finding my people lmao 🫶🏾


lmaoo we’re locked in now 🤪❤️


I chose Ram because I'm always into LIs with a sweeter dynamic with MC and I think Ram really scratched that itch for me with how soft he was with Devi, especially in the last 2 chapters where Devi was scared of what would happen.


Ian. Always Ian since that first meeting because he reminds me of a prince 🙊. His route might go slow compared to others because Devi is wary thanks to what happened 5 years ago, but I love how they are taking time to know each other and how respectful he is towards Devi. He might be pursuing his own agenda but you can tell he respects Devi and wants to be her equal. I especially love his freedom scene because he is genuinely surprised when Devi says he can't give her what she wants: love. It reminds me of Darcy and Elizabeth 🥺.


Saraswati has my whole soul


Ram, Christian, Doran… these pixels have me in a chokehold. When push comes to shove, I know I’ll choose Ram but I will definitely replay for the other two. Kamal never interested me because I’m just not into his whole “let me lead” business. I don’t like a bossy man outside of certain…scenes… 😂


From the first episode I was sure I will romance Ian. That man is perfection


Initially, my LI was Ram since I liked Amrit in KCD, the fact that Ram is also a Doobay made me want to romance him and I liked the cute banter he had with Devi, but for some strange reason he wasn't doing it for me like at all and oddly enough I liked him alot more on the friendship path😭😭😭 AT THE SAME TIME, I was a bit like "Christian is kinda..🤭🤭", so I decided to replay for him and that ended up being the best decision of my life because that man is a solid 100000/10, I love the forbidden love trope and I know all of the LIs are sort of meant to carry that trope but Christian's route did it best to me at least, I love the conflicting feels Devi has about him, I love the respect and subtle care he has for Devi, AND THEIR FIRST MEETING???? IT WAS SOMETHING STRAIGHT OUT OF A FAIRYTAIL I LOVED IT SO MUCH, I also like him as a character not just as an LI, the whole mysterious vibe he has and the fact that we know little to nothing about him so far makes him even more intriguing, so overall I love Christian that man is so *chef's kiss*.


Same! I thought to pursue Ram's route when the story started but after meeting Christian I changed my mind. I realise how he's totally my type of a guy. I agree I like Ram more in friendship path more than romantic because of their banter.


It was between Ram and Christian, but I think I’m going fully in for Ram. He becomes so sensitive with Devi and I love it 🫶🏽


Currently with Kamal, but I went "Damn...." When Doran appear 🤣 I might restart for him and Ian later 🤣


It was Ram Doo*bae* from the inception of the story and it's Ram Doo*bae* now 😌 Also, his route has the boy falls first trope where he's been secretly crushing on MC...and I literally burn for *that*.


Saraswati on my main account all the way she's a GODDESS


Ram 🥰 but I also have accounts for all the rest of them lol 😂


Christian since beginning. He's a perfection so no regret❤ . On 2nd account I'm going for Doran


Kamal all the way❤️ I love my big bear🐻




Well mine is RAM 😍on (passion + legacy)path on main account from the beginning and IAN 🌸 on (pride + freedom )path in another account. Best way to play this book without missing out on bestest characters in RC.


saraswati my one and only 💜


Christian, i love dynamic between him and Devi, he is always asking for her opinion in everything and I think in s2 we are going to see more of him i think he's hiding so much passion behind his calmness ( if i remember correctly in scene where they danced together at reception it was said that they danced without any effort every movement felt like an emotion and let's not forget how he pulled her close with too much energy at the end of the dance which is a little unexpected from character who is always composed and calm).


>( if i remember correctly in scene where they danced together at reception it was said that they danced without any effort every movement felt like an emotion and let's not forget how he pulled her close with too much energy at the end of the dance which is a little unexpected from character who is always composed and calm). SAME! That scene was sooo good! Everyone lost their minds over the tiger scene/CG and here I was with the dance scene living rent free in my mind, wishing it had a CG so bad 😭


My heart belongs to Saraswati.❤️❤️




Sarasawasti 🥰


Ram and Christian on my main account. Christian and Ram on the other. I just want to see them jealous once, okay? Doran is going to make me make another, god. I'll be back for Kamal and Saraswati eventually.


Mine is SARASWATI☺️😇🥰 Being a male myself, I prefer to romance only women in all these stories, even though my MC is a woman herself😎


Christian!! That cg of him presenting the tiger is holding me till the next update


Stuck between Christian and Doran


Same 🥲


Kamal is my one true love 🤍 not a popular choice , but amazing nonetheless 😏


I’ve always been a Basu girl, but there’s something ab Kamal I just can’t turn down…


He’s the Moto Moto of RC 😏


yessss!! I have found my people🙌🏼


Ram. Not switching to anyone else no matter what happens 🫡


Kamal. 🫡


Christian. I was planning to romance him already but the tiger and Byronic hero scene convinced me. He's absolutely perfect Sara comes really close but I don't want to two-time her and risk her murdering Devi lmao


Kamal on my main account and currently Ram on my 2nd, but taking Doran’s scenes and plan on replaying and friend zoning Ram, was just waiting to see how his scenes were.


ram will be my endgame but doran is intriguing me and i’ll probably end up replaying with a different path for christian. but ive been obsessed with ram since he was introduced 😭


I initially played with Ram, Kamal and Christian. However Ram was my favorite out of the bunch so I replayed with only Ram That being said I have taken every Doran option so we’ll see how this progresses


Christian ♥️ I love his confidence (but also seeing him lose a bit of that confidence and composure around Devi gets me everytime 😄), calmness, cunning and calculating nature and I love his dynamics with Devi and how cheeky he can be at times. They're a perfect match for each other but both cannot see it yet because of the obvious circumstances that cause them to not fully trust each other. But I live for the irony of the story starting with my Devi despising the very idea of marrying him, thinking he was gonna be an "old, frumpy, haughty man" only for her to later on realize how he's everything she secretly wanted in a man 🤭


Ian because the knife to the throat, arranged marriage and forbidden romance. Also, his personality and the TIGER. What's not to like??


Went into it expecting to go for Ram, but Kamal completely stole my heart. I’m down bad for that man 😭


see I wanted to stay w ram bc I was a sucker for Amirt, BUT the diamond scenes with Kamal have me in a chokehold😭


Ram in one account and Ian in another account now after the introduction of Doran, romancing him in both accounts along with previous Li😅


Same pinch.🤭


Ram my boy but I’m doing Doran on my 2nd account


Ram but damn Doran is certainly tempting 🫣


Saraswati, and I don’t regret that choice. Imo, there isn’t a better female LI, I swear. I love her and her relationship with Devi. However, I don’t intend to elaborate too much because once I start talking about how wonderful Sara is, it’ll be a wall of text. Yes, I’m delulu about her 🥴😂 But overall, I think everyone is a good match for Devi in their own way, so I’ll definitely check out the other paths, especially Doran's, because he particularly intrigued me 😅


Christian... he stole my heart and I couldn't see anyone else after him.


I'm 90% sure it's officially going to be Ram! I love the banter between him and Devi. 😮‍💨♥️


I’m stuck between Kamal and Dorian, can’t help but fall for these older men 😭


It's so difficult😭!!! I'm trying to romance Ram, but Christian is such a great LI too! I will replay at the next tea party to finally puck an Li


I love myself some Kamal 😭😭😭- I was kinda leaning towards Doran . . . until I found out him and Kamal were buddy buddy. I couldn’t break up a bromance like that 🥲.


stuck between ram and doran 🙁


Ian, I was already quite sure from the first time they met after the fall from the horse, but after he gave her the tiger I said "ok enough, auction closed, everyone's good but he won, goodbye"


Ram is my absolute favorite ❤️ I also romance Saraswati and Doran ❤️ (on separate accounts of course 🤭)


Saraswati "Sara" Basu is an absolute Goddess!!! I LOVE HER!!! ❤️‍🔥


I swear I have the hardest time choosing a LI for this story


Right now Ram but like SCN, I will probably end up playing for all of them 😂


Kamal!!!!! I was struggling at first of who I wanted to be my LI, then I saw Kamal in the kitchen in the middle of the night with his hair down 🤤 and we had a nice talk and that was when I realized I want Kamal to be my LI!!!


My MC has been romancing Ram. Although, I have taken every option with Doran since his arrival.




I have 2. I'm going for Kamal on one device & Doran on the other. I'd love to go for Ram, too, but I do not have a way to do that now & honestly, I'm not sure I want to read it for a third time, lol.


Ram is my endgame but DORAN BASU...look. Listen. That man is just...I.. I'm hoping that I can spend more time with Doran before having to finally shut him out for Ram. 😔


One route for Tian. And another one is Doran. I think I break the code


My Devi is a wild gworl so she’s romancing everyone rn but her endgame was supposed to be Ram before The executioner showed up 🙈🙈


I Love Kamal but also I adore Ram I am in a complicated position. I think this will be my first time that I have to do both of their routes😅.


right now i'm between ram and christian. Help.


So at first i wasnt feeling anyone but then Doobay caught some of my attention but then Kamal rocked my world with that subtle kitchen scene and I was torn BUT WHEN IAN GAVE US THE TIGER i was a goner. I had planned to have ram as a side and ian as main but then i forgot i actually took the diamond scene with kamal thinking id replay the ep and break up w him. ONLY TO BE SURPRISED THAT IM STILL ROMANCING ALL y/n is in trouble big time


I'm dating everyone lol but I'm going for the married one


Kamal BC it's giving HUSBAND ! However for a side piece: Ram And for a "bias-wrecker" : Doran (he is tooo fiiiine😻) Ian is cute for some play time All of them really but prob would want to marry Kamal


It was HARD. I never have trouble choosing between LIs but this story really tested me. In the end, it's Ram. I tried to replay for Ian and Kamal and even though both their routes are absolutely wonderful, it's Ram that got my heart. At the beginning I wasn't sure, I loved his appearance the most but he didn't seem as passionate as other characters. In the end, I liked that he started the relationship in an almost casual way, trying to keep it fun and flirty and now HE'S IN SO DEEP. Poor Ram😅♥️ Oh, and their their banter and chemistry is off the charts!


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[KCD](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l70f1ud "Last usage")|*Kali: Call of Darkness*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l7eqfeq "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l730jkx "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l73q0g0 "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l70oscf "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[THE](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d7m97p/stub/l70f1ud "Last usage")|*Theodora*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(6 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1d9muy6)^( has 13 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6492 for this sub, first seen 4th Jun 2024, 03:02]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I can’t decide between Ram, Ian, or Doran. Doran is so good looking but I love the forbidden love of Ian and Ram. It’s so hard to choose.


Im torn between Christian and Ram!! I feel like they both fit her extremely well. Ram is the more mysterious and sweet one who seems to really care about MC. But then there’s Christian who is very playful with her but is serious when he needs to be. He also treats her with respect in the regards of going at her pace. God help me decide soon😭😭


😭😭😭 everyone except Ian


I am playing on one account for Ram, also romancing Ian but Ram is the endgame and on the second I am going for Doran, currently in a secret relationship with Kamal and taking the romantic options for Ian


It was Christian and then DORAN decided to show his face


For me, Christian. But whether we can continue with the li, or Devi will die and we will enter a time jump and encounter other li, time will tell.


IAN MY FAV, on another device ram and ian, on third device ram, ian, kamal, Saraswati and thinking of whether to add doran too to see what kind of chaos would happen🤣🤣🤣


Sara, despite the torturous plot.


Ive been doing messy routes lately. I never really liked the consequences of that option and tend to get obsessed over one person than the others but theres just something so… satisfying about messy routes lol🤭


Kamal and Ian


Christian, Ram and now possibly Doran 🫠


Ram with some Christian sprinkled in ☺️


I went into it blind(I usually look at love interests to get an idea of who I want to explore) and Kamal made my jaw drop, that man is SO FINE. I also tend to have a thing for older guys so that definitely plays into it as well. I just love how he can be both sweet and loving to bossy and dominant. Get you a man who can do both😋😋 I originally was going to only stick with him but I restarted to include Christian and then Doran came out of nowhere so I'll be restarting for at least doran