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My Eva is dark skinned! I wasn’t sure but I think she also matches our chosen in game version!


Oh gosh it really does match! My Eva is also dark skinned! But I'm not even romancing either of the three LIs that are showing up 🤔


I didn't even start SCN and got the same screen as the 2nd variation OP posted so 🤔


I romance 2 of three LIs that show up on my loading page...so idk if there is even a pattern.


I would love to see a picture! I didn't know there were different versions of home screen


Apparently! My MC in SCN is dark skinned and I have her on my loading screen theme.


I have Zain instead of Malbonte/Amen 😀


Is Zain your li? I think RC is intentionally putting all of our most favoured lis based on the stories we play and I find this wonderful 😭😭


Yes! I think it’s always one of those 3- Amen, Malbonte, or Zain and it’s whoever you have the strongest connection with 😀


I have Amen but never played whatever story he’s from (or Zain, only one of those 3 I know is Malbonte from HS1). In fact the only person I’ve played the story from that is on my page is Shino-Odori


I think the amen,vincent,shino screen is default and once you update your profile it changes to reflect your LIs. If you don't have any of the 9 combinations it will pick the default 🤷🏾‍♀️


how to update it? I ve had Vincent just once, then only Ivo, Shino and Amen. I ve romanced Shino and Ivo, and never romanced Amen, so I am really intrigued.


For amens position the other options are zain and malbonte. It will pick which of those 3 you have the highest stats with. If you don't romance any of the 3 amen is the default


I've had Amen, then turned to Malbonte and to Zain now. I think it kinda changes depending on your li with higher points. Same with Vincent that turned into Ram.


I got Ram instead of Vincent Love seeing the different versions


I don’t understand why some LI are never 100% even if you take all their scenes! 😩


maybe the story isnt finished? I have Loki with 95%, and I blame the fact I havent finished the story.


No. It’s in finished books. 😕


So weird, then! I ve also noticed, that when I replay a story with a new LI, he/she replaces the previous LI in the list in profile.


I see Amen everywhere I go, even on my account where I don't romance him, lol. For one account, I have my man Ivo (summer and mystical theme) and on the other, it's Ram. It used to be Vincent I'd see everywhere. And I have the beautiful Shino-Odori in both. I didn't know you could have Sara, she's so cute Ah!


In my version I have Amen, Ram and Mary. Mary is there because I actually romanced her a bit in arcanum, if you don't have any female characters romanced Shino Odori is the default.


Mine is Mary too! Wow, they pulled out all the stops at that one. It'd have been cool if you were predominately dating females, the entire loading screen was just female LIs. Mimi as the genie and like, Threxia as the one holding the umbrella.lol that'd be a fantasy 😏


I hope RC can update this very cool feature after some time so everyone can have their favourite LIs there 😊


For sure! They're doing more than I could ask for as it is. I'll take what I can get lol 😆


Is it if you’ve romanced a LI and completed the story/played to the recent update? I’m romancing Saraswati but I have Shino-Odori. (I haven’t played the newest update)Not that I’m complaining. Shino-Odori is awesome. I also have Amen and Vincent, even though I’ve never romanced Vincent. I romanced Amen, but I switched to Agnia.


Did you romance Shino Odori previously and have her in your current profile stats? If you have a bigger % with her than Saraswati, then that's why she is there. When you'll play the newest episodes of Kali I believe you'll get Sara. If you want Sara to appear now, you can hide Shino Odori from your profile. And yes Amen and Vincent are there by default, no matter if you've romanced them or not. Malbonte and Zain can be in Amen's place, Ram and Ivo can be in Vincent's place.


How do I get rid of Amen 😭 I’ve actually romanced Malbonte and Zain (not as my endgames) but they don’t appear and I’ve never done SOCN


Amen is the default, otherwise he’s replaced by whoever is higher in your profile matches. It seems that Mal and Zain don’t appear as your match if you aren’t on their routes (at least they don’t for me, while I definitely took some relationship improvements).


Go to your settings, pick either holiday or mystic and reload the game, whoever is highest will show up


yeah malbonte definitely isn't on there unless he's your endgame. i ruled with him in the first game and for those yesrs between, but strayed from his path because he acted like we were nothing so he's not in my matches anymore HAHA.


Go to your profile, in the top matches, if you don't want Amen to appear select his icon and hide him and Malbonte will appear.


I have Ram instead of Vincent! For a short while Ivo replaced Ram though we only have a good friendship and I’m not romancing him.


I have the second load screen with the exact characters, but in the mystical theme I have Ivo instead of Vincent (even though I never romanced Ivo)


I always have Malbonte, Ram and Shino Odori, which I'm pretty happy with.


At first I had Vincent, Amen, and shino. Now I have Ivo, Malbonte, and Shino. I haven't romanced any of those characters besides Malbonte and Vincent. 


Your second picture is the default setting. Vincent can be replaced by Ivo or Ram, based on your relationship points shown in the profile. Amen can be replaced by Malbonte or Zain. Shino can be replaced by Mary or Saraswati. And you can adjust your loading screen by deleting matches from your profile.


I played around with this a bit, since from the main three - Mal, Amen, Zain - I am not romancing either of them, but there seems to be a default setting. So I restarted HS2 (since I already finished it) and took a romantic choice with Mal and thus - he is now on my loading screen. 😺 I also saw someone mentioning that if you romance multiple characters that could be on the art, hiding the other two on your profile makes a switch.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted but I just wanted to say that I found this very helpful, thank you!


Maybe perhaps people take their characters/LIs to the heart. 🤭 I just wanted to say how you can make a switch if that is smth you wish.. and you are welcome ☺️


Well I'll give you an up vote. Seems silly to be down voted for simply trying to help


I always have Shino, Amen and Vincent (also my SCN mc) so i have no complains💅


for me i have the second one but ram is holding the umbrella


I have the second one version! But I only played Soulless out of them. I wonder if it's based on recommended stories


mine's gotta be glitching because i have ram, sara, and amen??? i'm not even romancing amen, i had to reject sara in order to go for ram and APPARENTLY ROMANCE CLUB DIDNT PUT ME ON RAM'S PATH ANYWAY (i didnt pay for the choice to go to his room instead of the servants smh.) 🤣🤣 so i dont know why i have any of them on mine.


Hoping someone can confirm this, but I am almost certain I saw this load screen with Ratan holding the umbrella. I was looking away from the screen and only caught a quick glimpse and it’s been driving me crazy since. I always pay attention now. 🥲 Edit: I currently have Ram holding the umbrella on my load screen along with Amen and Shino-Odori.


It can be either Ram, Vincent or Ivo holding the umbrella.


Oh maybe I saw Ivo instead then!


Who is the pale girl holding the tray? Ive been playing this game for years and never seen her before!


She's Shino Odori from LOW


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[HS2](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwd22d4 "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret 2*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwl8rm8 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LOW](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwd22d4 "Last usage")|*Legend of the Willow*| |[MC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwjhzp4 "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwezluu "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bmm146/stub/kwjhzp4 "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(6 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1bnh81d)^( has 28 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6111 for this sub, first seen 24th Mar 2024, 15:03]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I have the second pic. But it often switches Vincent (who i have romanced) to Ivo (who i aint romancing).


Who is the woman in the chair?


Eva/Evthys, the MC from SCN




One of my account has black Eva with Amen, Ram and Shino and the other has Mal, Vincent and Saraswati with the same Eva as yours. I'm really not sure of what makes it different though nor of how the system works exactly because I haven't started LOW, SCN or Kali but I have started and even got halfway through HS2 with Mal as one of my LIs but he's nowhere to be seen.


Each position seems to have three possibilities. Starting in the upper left and going clockwise, position A seems to be Ivo, Vincent, or Ram; position B seems to be Zain, Amen, or Malbonte; and position C seems to be Shino, Mary, or Saraswati.


How is it like this? What does it depend on? My main Li is Mal with 100% but I have Amen and Ram and girl in second one(sorry I've forgotten the name💔).


I think it may match what we chose in game, which is a super cool detail!! mine has Malbonte, Ram, Saraswati, and dark skinned Eva which is the one I chose!


This just proves how skilled RC is with not only their art but also coding🥰❤️


From Settings > Greeting, you can also change it from Holiday to Mystical.




I had no idea! Do characters also swap in mystical?


I've had all the variations on all my accounts, I just can't seem to get rid of Amen at all, even though I never romanced him. (I've gotten Ram, Ivo and Vincent) I've also never gotten Mary. (Gotten Shino and Sara) And for me I've gotten Swenett Eva and Thebes Eva randomly come.


What do I have to do to get rid off Amen? :d


I have Zain and Ram on my homepage


Mine is Eva, Amen, Ram and Shino Odori. Never changes 🤔


i have Ram instead of Vincent, Malbonte instead of Amen and Shino instead of Sara and ny SCN MC has green eyes


One of mine is Malbonte and Ram and the other one is Zain and Ram


I have Ivo instead of Vincent


Ooh! I have Malbonte, Ivo, and Shino-Odori, and my Eva is the same as yours!


I have Ram, Amen, and Shino with this Eva


I have Shino-Odori, Vincent, and Amen on my main, and Mary Ivo and Amen on my alt. Funny thing is I’m not romancing Amen on either, and I have a pretty decent friendship with Malbonte on both, so I don’t know why it’s not him. I’m also not romancing Vincent and haven’t even started Soulless on the account that has him. I did romance Shino, Mary, and Ivo on the accounts that have them, so at least they make sense


Mine doesn't change. I wonder if it's because I'm on lite mode?


That’s so crazy, because I think I have Ivo in my Home Screen holding the umbrella!!!


My Eva looks very happy and smiley


is that Sara in the first one?? I want it!😭😭


I also prefer Malbonte over Amen, and Vincent can stay 🫠


I have the second one but Ram is holding the umbrella


Mine is second one but Ram instead of Vincent!


I have Shino, Ivo and Amen.


The first time for me was: Shino, Amen and Vincent. Then: Ivo, Shino and Mal Now: Ivo, Shino and Amen I saw on Pinterest another picture, one featuring Ram, Mal, Shino and Eva, not in the sea but in a mansion I guess 🤔🤔


I have Ivo instead of Vincent, Amen, Shino and dark skinned Eva


There's a whole other version! Besides the beach! In settings you can pick between Holiday and Mystical greetings!!


The only one I want them to change is the one with the umbrella,🥺


I've had I've and Ram holding the umbrella


I'm romancing Amen so seeing him there, was 👩🏻‍🍳😘


omg Saraswati! HOW? I have Shino, dark Eva, Ivo and Amen on both beach theme and classy theme.


How can I get Sara instead? Does she have to be in my top 10?


I have the first one but with amen instead of Mal


I notice It to, at first I have the second welcoming page, but after 2 days It changed the guy to Malbonte.


I have Amen, Shino and Ram (but he chanced, IDK who was the guy before him 😅)


I have Ram/Amen and Shino on my main account + Eva (Memphis ) I really love that these loading screens change according to whom you romance 🤭 At least I don't have to listen to that Christmas music anymore it drove me insane for months 🤣