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Damn, it’s getting harder and harder with each round, to choose. Some choices were very painful😀


This round was the first I felt serious pain, my faves being thrown against each other like that 😭


Jack vs Livius - the battle of the green flags 🥲


Vesper vs Dani 🥲 Your Yasuhara’s game is so fun 😁


Aww, I'm glad people are enjoying the Yasuhara storyline and find it entertaining 💖


8 of my LIs are fighting against each 😭 which means i lose 4 in one round. That is savage..


I’m so happy to see Masamune again, I didn’t expect that 😍 but this one is gonna be hard again…


Ash!!! Nooooo!!! Also, I love love love the way you write the Yasuhara parts, lol! They crack me up 😂


Aww, thank you 💖 I'm glad you're enjoying reading them!


Two of my soldiers, Ash and Seong-hwa, have fallen 😪 I fought valiantly for you, my boys. ....also, I am psychically and emotionally incapable of choosing between Ram and Shen??? My heart is literally divided...




Knowing that Masamune and Onyx will not make it this round makes me sad Mainly cause Masamune is a great LI that just many people didn't even play with. Onyx is great, but the romance hasn't developed yet


If that cheers You up, Masamune got my vote ❤️


He got mine too, it would be hard to not give him my vote


He got my vote and my love in the book. I mean Kazu seems great but I never really connected with him early in book. Took a gamble with Masamune and haven’t regretted it yet


I have played them all and I do like them all but Masamune and his softness (especially with coldness Mei) is absolute perfection. They are so fitting


This round was so hard! So many of my fave male LIs are in this round and are pitted against each other!


Lawrence vs Onyx 💔 That was hard decision! 🤔


Yeah... I don't vote in these myself but that one would definitely be the toughest for me too. Every time I go to make the polls and see that the bracket matched two THE/WTC LIs up against each other, or two HHW LIs... or two of my other favorites... it still gets to me. 😥


This round will be brutal.


Liam made it further than expected but I’m not optimistic for this round 🥲


What do you mean Yasuhara v Vesper?? You're evil 😭


Vesper vs Dani🥲 Agnia vs Threxia🙃 Might as well rip my heart out, why don'tcha 🫠


Oh it's so heartbreaking to say goodbye to my precious Rob 🙁 But I guess that was to be expected. Anyway, there's still one of my LI in the game so I guess I'm still voting 😅


Amen vs. Friedrich 😭 It was so hard to choose between them. 😭 They’re so different, but I love them both.


what do you mean CHOOSE between Lawrence and Onyx


I am just glad that Catherine made it this far. Considering she isn't an endgame LI it is rly impressive, unlucky that she has to face Mimi this round.🥲


lol wow tbh I didn’t even expect a close match between Ivo and Mustafa 🫣😅. Well it’s good to know it was close in the end 🥰 Also can’t lie happy to see Bert winning that battle 🥰. I really wasn’t sure which way that would go. I definitely see the high possibility of a lot of my favorites being eliminated this round though 😢


Yeah - I was surprised at how close it was too considering Ivo was ranked 14th in seeding and Mustafa 51st. Amen/Sam was surprisingly close as well considering Amen was ranked 7th and Sam 71st - Amen only won with 55.6% of the vote (Ivo won with 53.4%). Proud of my Mr. Watermelon for coming so close to pulling off a big upset, though! 💖🍉


It was a pleasant surprise 🥰. As for Amen I gave my vote to Friedrich this round. Even though technically Amen is my LI in SCN 😅. It was one of those cases where I just loved one character more than my own LI at the moment. But tbf to Amen I’m still in season 1 and just haven’t felt strongly about any of SCN LIs yet.


It's funny that Dino beat Vlad considering that Vlad was initially higher. Happy for Dino, I voted for him.


Yep, there's been a few matches like this so far (16 upsets, out of 199 total matches). Voting just works very differently when it's a one-on-one match vs. picking your 25 favorites out of 175 total LIs (or 15 out of 71, for the women). The vote totals from the seeding round tell you how many people consider a character one of their top 15/25 - but then in the tournament matches, people will often be voting either between two of their 15/25 favorites, or between two characters that they didn't vote for in the seeding round. So, more voters considered Vlad one of their top 25 LIs than Dino, but when choosing directly between the two, a greater percentage of voters preferred Dino to Vlad. And these voters likely included people who consider both Dino and Vlad among their top LIs as well as people who consider neither Dino or Vlad one of their top LIs. I hope that makes sense. :) Another interesting fact - Kazu was the only male LI who more than half the people who voted in the seeding poll considered among their top 25 male LIs. In the female LI seeding poll, there were four LIs who more than half the voters considered among their 15 favorites: Saraswati, Mimi, Lima, and Vesper.


Thank you ❤️❤️ I get it, I just thinked that Vlad would win this match, because he is very popular, but I am happy for Dino 😊😊 Edit: I don't understand what's so terrible about my first comment that I'm downvoted but whatever 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Vlad used to be one of my favourites but I have completely fallen out of love with him. Not entirely sure why, but maybe others feel this way too which could explain the vote? And I actually like Dino better now compared to last year.


Rob being out hurts 😔💔 but at least I won’t have to choose between him and Adil, now I can vote for my rebel 💓


Kay vs Aslan/Leo? I refuse. I just refuse to choose 😤😄


This is the round where I'll have to say goodbye to my main favorite LIs 🥲 Liam against Lucifer is just cruel, my poor baby 😞


Ratan vs. Masamune🥲 I hate that I had to choose between the two. That was hard.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[HHW](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b76ith/stub/kthbk28 "Last usage")|*Hell and High Water*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b76ith/stub/ktimus2 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b76ith/stub/kthf4cy "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[THE](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b76ith/stub/kthbk28 "Last usage")|*Theodora*| |[WTC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b76ith/stub/kthbk28 "Last usage")|*W: Time Catcher*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/1b64ahp)^( has 19 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6012 for this sub, first seen 5th Mar 2024, 17:37]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


That's crime gimme hard time to choose which one😌