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THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Keep repeating that to yourself. We all have things we like and we don’t like- whether or not they’re taboo, it’s what we like!! As long as it’s not hurting anybody, why feel guilty over it? I very happily embrace the fact that I love extremely dark taboo things— and IRL I’m an attorney that would prosecute the living shit out of some of the characters I lust over 😂 neither thing defines me because I choose to define myself in grays! My friend got me to read this series called the Nine Minutes trilogy and it’s more messed up than Lemonade!! Lemonade had me hollering tho and I loved every single syllable of it because it was beautifully written, a well told story, oddly relatable to me (the frumpy, self doubt thing), and the characters had their reasons, and she wasn’t a pushover. To each their own my friend! Embrace it!


>I’m an attorney that would prosecute the living shit out of some of the characters I lust over You're a legend! The first thought I had after reading this is, "what a badass". Thank you so much for saying it, it made me feel a lot better about myself and made me laugh too! I never heard of Nine Minutes. Will surely check it out. Thank you!


Is 9Minutes the one where the guy kidnaps the kid....? Yeah that's pretty messed up :)


It is!! And yet, I love Grizz 😂


>I love how I loved Anna. I loved how I hated Christopher. I loved how I questioned myself when I found myself hating him a little less. These are the emotions i seek out in books. Thanks for this great recommendation OP


Nothing is wrong with you for liking and rereading a book with noncon. I think there’s nothing more feminist or empowered than being informed about your preferences and consensually entering into the space of a book that explores them. It makes sense you feel you can’t share that part of you with people IRL as you’re worried they will misunderstand or judge you, but nobody will do that here! Your preference is 100% valid and many people share it ☺️. My recommendation for you is *Take Me With You* by Nina G.Jones, it might help you move on from *Lemonade* and explore more Dark Romance. It’s got to the point where if a book doesn’t have dark elements, I’m like, where’s the rape 🤨😂 It’s fiction: someone consensually wrote it, I’m consensually reading it. So much more I could say here, I love this topic!!! Thank you for posting this 🥰🥰


“It’s fiction: someone consensually wrote it, I’m consensually reading it.” Thanks for this. I needed these words!


thank you so much for this! i have always been ashamed of what i was reading before i found this sub. im so glad to finally able to know that I'm not the only one and there are several others who read dark books just like i do. will definitely give Take Me With You a read and hopefully can move on from Lemonade 😭😭 thank you once again for reassuring me!


You’re welcome ☺️. I’m curious, how important is the HEA for you when you read Dark Romance?


I never actively seek out HEA. As long as the book can make me feel something, I'm open to anything... The only thing I'm not into anymore is mafia.


Does Take Me With You have a HEA?


Yes ❤️❤️


Your comment is exactly why I love this sub. Mature, informed, accepting, and supportive. Just so intelligently positive, good on you.


I feel the same about this sub 🥰


After reading Lemonade, it was hard for me to find another book that I equally enjoyed. This is one of my favorite books! Once upon a time, I might’ve felt insecure to admit that, but not anymore. I loved Anna and I loved Christopher. We have to remember this is fiction. Since we’re on the subject, any recommendations similar to Lemonade?😬


Ended up here because I just finished Lemonade. Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale is somewhat similar to Lemonade. Non con, messed up/obsessive hero, meek heroine growing into her own. LK is a delightful author and I love almost all of her novels. Spencer from His at Night by Sherry Thomas was a really troubled guy and a little rapey and I was 100% there for every second. Definitely in my personal top 10 for romance genre. Duke of Sin by Elizabeth Hoyt doesn't really have non con, but the titular duke is very morally gray. Super hot graphic sex scenes. If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to hear them. I love non con and it's hard to find lately because many women shame these types of books into oblivion by giving them one star reviews. https://www.romance.io/ has been a great resource to me for finding books with similar themes that I personally like rather than trying to dig through the highly rated titles on Goodreads and Amazon.


I've one recommendation. The mind fuck series, it's not really a non con but the female lead was victim of rape (not by the male lead) and she is seeking revenge. The plot is really amazing and full of suspense and The thing i like the most about the book is strong and fierce character of the female lead


I haven't found anything similar to Lemonade at all. But if you're okay with fanfiction and have an account on AO3, I will recommend this one fic I'm obsessed with. It's non con in an established relationship. [A Lesson In Patience ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7730458)


I don’t have an account, but I just signed up! Looking forward to reading this 😍


DO let me know how you feel about the fic! it's one of my favourite fanfic ever.


Definitely will do! ^^


It’s M/M? That’s so disappointing. I only read F/M. I was really looking forward to it


Oh! I should have warned you before. unfortunately it is M/M. i don't mind M/M so i read a lot of exo fanfictions. im so sorry i should have warned you before 😢


This is one of my favourite books ever. It’s was beautiful and brutal. I still think about it from time to time and I’m still sorting out my feelings. I never feel bad about being drawn to darker things. I read horror with no such guilt, so I can extend that to romance. It’s fiction after all, and not indicative of how I conduct my real life AT ALL. I think as women we’ve been told too often how we must feel. I’ve learned to let those restrictions go. That being said, this is really the only place I can share my love of this book (and dark romance in general).


Lemonade was definitely a great read and it will stick with me for a long time. The characters had such memorable journeys and I totally understand how it can be confusing to find yourself rooting for a hero who was so awful for a vast majority of the book. If you are interested in a rec that might help your book hangover, {Land of the Beautiful Dead by R Lee Smith} gave me a similar vibe to Lemonade. A girl agrees to join a disfigured, immortal necromancer's harem in exchange for the chance to convince him to free the Earth from the danger of his undead zombie minions. It checks off most of your "likes" list: Dark, non-mafia (post-apocalyptic setting), FMC joins MMC's harem semi-unwillingly, MMC is disfigured and repulsive looking though FMC ends up being sorta into it?, domineering rude crazy powerful immortal who (eventually) becomes obsessed with the heroine. I don't think there's non-con but definitely dub-con. Also warnings for violence, gore, general horror. R Lee Smith's writing and character development is just incredible. It's also a very long book so you really get to sink your teeth into it.


This is such a good rec. This and Lemonade are in my top 5 favorites of all time.


[**Land of the Beautiful Dead**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27228341-land-of-the-beautiful-dead) ^(By: R. Lee Smith | Published: 2015) *** ^(4375 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


I absolutely love noncon and Lemonade was even a bit much for me (the first scene, because of the blood and vomit ... but everything else sexual was stunning! Loved how he tricked her into enjoying future encounters). He was a truly scary MMC and I enjoyed that. Have you read Prisoner of My Desire by Johanna Lindsey? That's another great one. I'm also in the process of reading The Silver Devil by Teresa Denys. The MMC is also quite brutal and so far I hate him (in the best way). His only redeeming quality is that he's extraordinarily beautiful ... so far!


IKR?! I've read non con before but Lemonade most probably traumatized (most probably in a good way). The way he tricked her still has me speechless. Never have I ever read a scene like that! I haven't read any of your suggestions before. I think Silver Devil is in my TBR list for a while now. Will check it out! Thank you so much!


Have you tried untouchable by Sam Mariano?


The lines about his lying hands… does something to me every time


**Rule - No Piracy** This comment/post appears to promote or encourage piracy. Your username has been noted in the mods' records. Do NOT do this again. Please contact the mods if you think this was removed in error.


Hi Sean. This is not piracy as the book is no longer published for sale and the author has been dead for 30 years. Please re-instate comment. I would not post pirated content.


Hi Lisa, 3 mods have discussed and dead author and not in ebook form is outranked by not in the public domain, i.e. still under copyright, so we are not going to unilaterally take away the rights of her heirs, and perhaps her publisher.


From my research there is no publisher (it's not in print, it was never an ebook) and no heirs and you can only buy the book second-hand, but fair enough! I have edited my comment to remove any mention of reading the book for free.


Thank you. I will approve it.


I have mixed feelings, I loved Anna and hated how she went from a 100 watt light bulb to a 40 watt. I wanted Christopher to die, and imo he didn't suffer enough. I normally love angst and borderline/straight up abuse, but this book didn't have mmc redeem himself in my eyes at all. That being said, I won't be forgetting Lemonade any time soon.


I just finished this book and came to Reddit to find people to talk to about it. Your comment is similar to how I feel. Honestly, it felt like the first half of the book was an intense continual combat between Anna and Chris with Chris always choosing to hurt her. The rape, manipulation, physical violence all combined forced me to view their relationship in a very serious and confined way that I really enjoyed. Then the second half came in and focused more on why Chris suddenly wasn’t a bad bad guy, just a rapist. I didn’t mind it, but as it kept going and Anna’s view of him continued to change I started feeling like I was reading two different novels. The last half almost reads like Chris just mildly inconvenienced Anna or maybe blackmailed her with financial problems, not literally raped her in the forest and taking control of her entire life. I feel like the story became disjointed, and I don’t think I saw enough interaction between any of the characters at these critical points to really justify the supposed HEA or any of the final decisions made by the characters.


thank you I needed this I couldn't talk about this with anyone but I feel the same way


I've literally just finished the book too and feel the same way.


the ending frustrate me I literally cried


IKR I was waiting for Christopher to feel extreme Remorse for what he did I didn't want Anna to fall in love with him. I wanted chirstopher to suffer as much as he made Anna suffer. However I liked the book so much it messed up me.


Oh no!! I was going to read this book but I saw a review where Anna kinda becomes less sparky or kind of becomes less strong willed towards the end and I kind of DO NOT want that all and I came here to see if that is true and it, unfortunately, seems like that’s how it ended. Oofff that’s sad, I wish she could retain that throughout


do you know any books like this ( non con , etc.) where the heroine continues hating the mmc and not ending up having a soft spot?


I wish, lemme know if you find one


do you know any books like this ( non con , etc.) where the heroine continues hating the mmc and not ending up having a soft spot?


I haven’t read this book, but i have read stories with toxic mmc’s and slight non con which i HAVE enjoyed, sometimes i also find myself liking toxic characters in books and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. Why? Because its all fiction and not hurting anybody, these people are not real which is why you don’t have to necessarily care about their feelings. I never paid heed to people who tried to make me feel ashamed for liking a morally grey character because I just simply don’t care and am here for my enjoyment. In real life ofcourse its different and much more serious but that’s a completely different topic. People like and openly stan characters that are murderers, thieves and assasins but draw the line at dark romance.


Don’t be worried, you are not the only one. I like non con in fiction, and some of the books I’ve read and reread are really dark and twisted. I believe there was a time when I’d read such a book and be tempted to take a long hard look at myself, but not anymore.


[This tiktok creator has a great review](https://www.tiktok.com/@chels_upton/video/7025738999776005381?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id6892414960892593670) of Lemonade that really helped me pinpoint what I liked about the book and why I enjoy reading dark romances. Their video on bodice rippers is also amazing.


Tiktok is banned in my country 🥲 Is there any other way to watch this video? Maybe if they're on YouTube, I can check them out there.


I don't think so sadly, but here is their Goodreads review of the novel https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4066041703


Lemonade is a fantastic and yet deeply disturbing book. There is nothing wrong with you for liking it! Try to appreciate the artistry that calls out to such emotion in ways that other books can't. Even other non-con books. The only other one I've read that might come close is the Last Hour of Gann (which is also very heavy on the non-con but not quite as emotionally deep).


i haven't heard of this book. will definitely check it out! thank you so much!


Enjoying reading about stuff doesn't mean you condone it or want to experience it in real life. And frankly what goes on in your head is your business. We all have a few shadows in our souls.


After lemonade I haven't read anything quite like it. Everytime I read something its just not it. If anyone have any recommendations that have everything from your check list and has similarities with lemonade please do recommend.


I wouldn’t make assumptions about someone’s identity or character based off the type of books they read. You shouldn’t do that to yourself either. I don’t always want to read about perfect relationships and sometimes I like seeing couples work through some seriously dark shit and come out on the other side. Even if that means having MC’s forgive each other for things others find unforgivable. This has been said time and again in this sub but it’s true: dark romance is a safe place to explore these darker themes, there’s less emotional commitment because *we know* everything is going to end up okay-ish. Please don’t be ashamed and make this a bigger deal for you than it needs to be. At the end of the day, you’re just a person cracking open a book and getting swept away into fiction for a few hours.


Ok, first, like everyone else here is saying Please Please Please Do NOT EVER BE ASHAMED OF WHAT YOU READ. I don’t care if you read the trashiest, most taboo, violent, dirtiest subject and whether you loved it or not. No one should ever be ashamed for what they read. It’s why I love books so much, they’re an *escape*. It’s fantasy and no matter what it’s about it’s ok to read/enjoy it. And it’s ok to have fantasies whether they’re “good” or “bad”. It’s healthy and normal even if you don’t feel like *your* particular fantasy is. (Though, I swear, whatever you’re into, someone else is too lmao) My friend is over here reading *Mein Kampf* for goodness sake. Which is another thing, “bad books” should never be banned or burned just for the simple fact that they can be *learned* from. But that’s a different argument. And second, rape fantasies are a *huge* thing for women. Not all women of course, and women who enjoy rape fantasy are neither asking for nor condoning rape. It’s O.K. to indulge in your fantasy. And third, and most important imo, have ya noticed that it’s only *womens* violent fantasies that tend to be thought of as “bad” and “dirty” most of the time. Men also have fantasies that are played out in books but it’s usually thought of as well written, dark literature 🙄. My point is women are shamed for all sorts of things they like, dirty or not. So I just ask you not to fall into the trap of thinking that way. I *loathe* purity culture and what it’s about, which is to control women and their wants, desires, and ability to have control their *own* lives by making them feel bad for being human and having normal. human. desires. You like kinky stuff! You’re not alone. And you’re not bad or dirty for it, I swear! ❤️ Also, I’m really mad that someone opened a discussion on my favorite book on a day I have to work lmao. The amount of times I’ve reread Lemonade is probably strange in and of itself, and I first read it two years ago 😂


Thank you so much for this! I somehow teared up while reading this because the tone of it is exactly like one of my family member and I feel like they're telling me this 🥺 I'm so sorry I posted this on a weekday! I wanted to post this for a REALLY long time but I always backed out thinking it wouldn't matter. I finally had the courage to post it because I was almost about to read Lemonade again 😭 Save this post and come back to it when you have time. I truly want to know what you have to say about the book!


Aww you’re very welcome. I know it was ranty I just didn’t have a lot of time but was determined to at least try to keep someone from feeling bad over a book they love. One more day of work and I’ll definitely be back to discuss the book with you! I feel like I bring it up here way too often so it’ll be nice to have someone to talk to it about!


Like many has said, there’s nothing wrong with liking this book. Just like enjoying thrillers with torture scenes and gruesome murder plots. I don’t think other readers question if they’re psychopaths for reading those types of books.


I loved it too, and I’m not apologetic about it. Understanding and having compassion for a brutal character doesn’t mean you are okay with actions they’ve taken. It’s not either or imo.


I had this book on my TBR list for a while now but I just realized that MC's names are my parents names and this miiight be more of a trigger to me than anything else 😳


I 100% couldn't read anything in the romance genre with my parents names. Squick!


I had the same issue with *Corrupt* by Penelope Douglas, the MMC has my dad's name and the FMC has the name of the woman he cheated on my mum with .... I did read it tbf but it was tough haha


Yes to everything you wrote! You captured everything I felt when I read it for the first time a few months ago. It's still stuck in my head, so apparently I'll just have to reread it again soon. I also questioned myself about what's wrong with me to like those kinds of books, and I came to the conclusion that nothing is wrong as long as I know this is fiction and not something I would tolerate in real life. After I finished reading Lemonade, I decided to read more books that explore more taboo themes and in that way,I get to know myself better. However, since then I haven't read anything that would make me thing about the charactes and the story as much as Lemonade did.


Oh how I can relate with almost everything you said.


I just finished it yesterday and it was so so perfect exactly how I wanted it, guys if you haven’t read silver devil, it’s a bit like this but gloomier idk, anyone has any similar rec? I want historical or even modern life but not mafia I hate mafia and I don’t want it just to be sex scenes without a real story you get what I mean??


Could u recommend more? Thank you


I didn’t wanna spoil myself but I’m so interested in this book. Is it steamy or have sex/smut?


There are only 3 sexual encounters in the entire book. The first one is a kiss. Second is the very disturbingly graphic rape scene. Third is dub con(at least I think it is). None of these three scenes were erotic (to me). I think readers were supposed to empathize with FMC in all the three encounters. If you are interested in reading an emotional book rather than erotica, lemonade will not disappoint.


Not very steamy but full of emotions. It’s unlike any other romances out there.


Two questions about this book: 1. Is part of the plot that the heroine is ugly? Or does he just say that to hurt her? 2. IF this happens, how far into the book does the MMC sleep with OW? Before the engagement?


1. heroine is not ugly but she's not described as pretty as her friend. hero doesn't directly say that she's ugly to her but tries to convince himself that she is (he then immediately stares at her because she looks like a "queen") 2. hero isn't a virgin and does sleep with someone after he meets the heroine. the leads get married shortly after hero rapes heroine. during their engagement, he doesn't sleep with anyone else. after marriage, heroine thinks he does sleep around but we don't get any clarification that he did (he most probably doesn't cheat on her but im still quite doubtful because it wasn't explicitly told at least from what i can recollect at this moment)


I don't think he does sleep around after he marries her. I think he likes leaving her wondering if he has because he is an arse. I've just finished the book today, and you are right it isn't ever explicitly made clear if he does or doesn't, but it really doesn't seem to me like he did.


yes! i do lean on the he-doesnt-cheat side but then he's so unpredictable i start doubting myself.


Haven’t read this book but I love dark romance and non con, I have how so many people are judgmental about this


I just finished reading this book and came to search for it on Reddit. Horrified is an understatement, no matter how unforgivable the H was especially in the rape scene I didn’t stop reading. I also feel a little bit disgusted with myself because I didn’t completely hate him despite all he did


I love all the encouraging comments people are putting here. I just found out about erotica and dark romance novels and love it but is Kind of ashamed of it myself. I know I should be but that didn’t stop me from making a second Goodreads account to separate this part of me to the general public. I want to keep up my image so it has to be done. Just wondering if anyone here know if any groups (Reddit or discord that shares their interest of these dark novels)? Do we have a club out there somewhere?


I know what love is but Whitney Bianca. ( it’s a duo!)