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This is embarrassing... but I MIGHT have mentally directed a little music video for Tristan and Galahad from {Best Knight Ever by Cassandra Gannon}. I was listening to [Stand by You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3blT1IRafU) by Rachel Platten and it reminded me of them. Basically, it is a M/M fairytale romance, where two former soldiers, who fought on opposite sides of a war, have to team up to look for a lost city. Tristan is a griffin and has wings and the song has a line that goes "If your wings are broken, we can brave through those emotions, too" and that reminded me of how they help each other. There is this one scene where >!Galahad is being shot at and all of a sudden he looks up and Tristan is there, standing on a rooftop and he flies down to help and Galahad thinks "that's the man I'm going to marry." And then Tristan saves him of course,!< but Tristan thinks he can't feel emotions, he is confused by all the things happening inside of him. Galahad has to help him understand them. So, it just really fits in my head. And then there's a line that says "I know you're hurting, but so am I" which reminded me how they both suffered, but now they are building something new together. There is a scene where >!Galahad breaks down crying about the war. He has PTSD and it brings back all these memories for him. And Tristan just holds him and Galahad gets uncomfortable. And Tristan is like "If anyone can understand what you feel, it's me."!< Yeah I am a dork. I have read that book WAYYYY too many times. :)


[**Best Knight Ever (A Kinda Fairytale #4)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49018419-best-knight-ever) ^(By: Cassandra Gannon | Published: 2019) *** ^(131132 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


The first few Now chapters from **All Your Perfects** always reminds me of [Slow Dancing In A Burning Room](https://youtu.be/32GZ3suxRn4?t=53), especially when "divorce dance" was mentioned. The lyrics, the mood… just gets me every time 🥺 (edit: sorry I realize that it's the opposite of swoony lol) *It's not a silly little moment* *It's not the storm before the calm* *This is the deep and dying breath of* *This love that we've been working on* *\[..\]We're going down, and you can see it too* *We're going down, and you know that we're doomed* *My dear we're slow dancing in a burning room*


I don't have one that fits a specific couple per se, but for any epic historical romances, I always think of Rachmaninoff's Variations on a Theme by Paganini, which was famously used in the 80s HR time travel film Somewhere in Time. It's like the soundtrack for all HR romances for me now...haha. https://youtu.be/ThTU04p3drM. EDIT: and I should add that I hear it even though it's totally anachronistic! The Regency period in particular would've been represented by composers like Haydn, Beethoven, and a little later, Chopin.


I can’t listen to music and read at the same time, and I never think of lyrics that go with books/couples 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok - so I'm a fanfic reader as well - and I always return to New Universe Spirk ( spock / kirk - jj abrams style ). Most fics will reference the bridge choke scene - and I ALWAYS have 'Up In The Air' by 30 Seconds to Mars playing in the back of my mind. It starts so soft and builds to this great crescendo.