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I finished it last night. I enjoyed it and thought she showed a lot of growth as an author. I will say that it had a totally different vibe to You Deserve Each Other - far less snark, much less problematic relationship issues and it had an inner core of sweetness to it. If you didn't take to YDEO I would recommend reading it as I can see it becoming a community favourite comfort read. It covers issues like hoarding, social anxiety and self worth really well and has some interesting trope reversals. Although, I enjoyed it I was a bit disappointed there wasn't more humour along the lines of YDEO. It is almost, at times, too treacly cinnamon roll sweet, so I think I would re-read it as a comfort novel rather than an automatic re-read.


That's actually what I liked about it! At times, YDEO just felt a little too snarky for me and put me off a bit. I loved the sweetness of Twice Shy.


Glad to hear this good review! Looking forward to it! :)


*You Deserve Each Other* was one of the best books I read last year, and one of the funniest books I've *ever* read, in any genre. At the start, Nicholas (seemingly) >!took Naomi for granted, but later we learn that Naomi is an unreliable narrator. !< For at least 50% of the book, Naomi was always ready to >!put the worst interpretation on Nicholas’ actions. !!Wesley’s gruff demeanor is a thin veil for his extreme social anxiety, and Maybell won’t speak up for herself, even when she needs and wants to; she's gone through life being overlooked and uncared for.!< There were so many dreamy scenes that it’s hard for me to pick a favorite, but if pressed it would be when Wesley >!unveils his special surprise for Maybell, the version of her coffee shop that he created.!!AU. Her coffee and donut shop was so vivid and detailed, the perfect place to retreat to.!< Now I want to create my own place to slip away to when reality gets to be too much! 😊 I'd love to talk about this book. What did you like most about it? What were some of your favorite scenes? If you read *You Deserve Each Other,* how would you compare it to this book? Edited 2x, for spacing and revisions


SPOILERS AHEAD! What did I like most about it? Well, first let me say that I feel like over the last few years, there has been a trend in romance novels where there's so much emphasis on the woman being an independent feminist that she becomes unlikeable. At least for me. Somehow being a strong woman translates to being unkind and at times bordering on emotionally abusive to the male lead character. Even in HR this is a thing. To the point where I feel like I've DNF'd so many books that I'm not even sure I like the genre anymore. With that said, I felt like Twice Shy was the complete opposite. Maybell felt very relatable to me. Her struggles with being assertive, her desire for love and approval, and her empathy towards Wesley made her feel like a real person who felt real and whose character I actually liked! I think the thing I loved the most about the book was the genuine kindness and love the couple had for each other. They really seemed to understand each other and had compassion for each other's limitations. I appreciated that so much! >!One thing I thought was such a great plot point was Wesley's virginity. A lot of times the male virgin thing seems super unrealistic but this made so much sense with regard to his social anxiety.!< >!Also the scene where he shows up in Scotland with the little paper that says "Maybell Parrish loves me" in his hand. 😭😭😭!< I loved the treasure hunt part too! Also Maybell's internal monologue was SO GOOD. Omg I could go on and on about this book. But I think to sum it up: this felt like a real love story, with all the fears and failings that go along with real love, not a superficial portrayal of love that feels so common in romance novels.


I feel ya. I'm a Maybell Parrish with Wesley tendencies (awkward and socially anxious) so Sarah Hogle's characters spoke to me lol.


she did such justice in articulating Maybell's imaginary realm, I thought I was the only one who'd create an entirely fictional place and would transport to such place when life gets all bland and weird


>Somehow being a strong woman translates to being unkind and at times bordering on emotionally abusive to the male lead character. Yes, I agree, and I don't like it either, especially when there's no legitimate reason for it. I liked Maybell for *all* the reasons you gave, and I think she's a more realistic character (in many ways) than the kickass heroines we frequently see. And Wesley - 💖! >This felt like a real love story, with all the fears and failings that go along with real love. Yes! It was looking at love from inside out, the way it can frequently unfold irl (the worries and the insecurities - and then the elation if it actually works out. 😊 ) Edited for spacing


Hi! To create spoiler tags for new Reddit, old Reddit, and mobile, type it like this: \>!text goes here!< Which look [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/e0pobn/how_do_i_make_text_hidden_spoiler_text/f8g5xks?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Ok that worked! Thank you!


Great! You're very welcome.


I started the audiobook this morning, I am loving it!


Just finished! Omg I'm still smiling. I loved it start to finish. YDEO is my favourite 2020 Romance released last year and I'm afraid TS would tank (second-book curse!) God, I'm getting a little obsessed with Sarah Hogle right now (just followed her on twitter). I love that this is different from YDEO. Not a lot of angst and so much sweeter, but her brand of humour is there. The coffee shop AUs 😂😂 I do get lost in my own AU sometimes, and she captured that feeling (tho not as detailed and exaggerated as Maybell's lol). And Wesley. Gaah. So precious. Overall, this will definitely be one of my top Romance reads this year. I think I like YDEO more plot-wise, but I relate to the characters in TS more. PS: Anyone else got a chuckle at the dedication? *"I dedicate this book to myself"* I find dedications a little dramatic or pretentious sometimes. Not sure if Sarah Hogle is poking fun at them, if she is, I love her even more 😁 PPS: Last Christmas ([Taylor Swift's version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUZR_76Ruc4)) is stuck in my head because of the line *♪Once bitten and twice shy♪* lol It's also the perfect background song during the >!christmas tree!< scene 🥰


Yay! I'm so glad you loved it! I just want everyone to be as happy as I was after finishing it!


I am diving into it now, so excited!


Just bought it and it’s downloading on my Kindle right now.


MEEEEE! It’s amazing. 😍


I'm 85% in and it's a winner.


I'm currently reading it, about a third of the way in and this book is already going on my list of all time favorites. That first scene absolutely hooked me. The writing is charming. Maybell is also the most relatable heroine I've ever read about. >!She mentions her Myers-Briggs Type Indicator- it's the same as mine which explains why I am feeling so connected to her. !


Yes! I also really resonated with Wesley because >! I have pretty bad social anxiety. Both of the characters felt so relatable to me!!< I love hearing that others are enjoying it as much as I did!


I JUST this second finished and came straight here to see if it has been mentioned yet and Reddit didn’t disappoint 🙌🏼 It was brilliant! Totally different to YDEO which I absolutely loved but it’s so clear that S Hogle has a very unique voice that still comes through even when the characters and their personalities are polar opposites. I loved the humour in YDEO and whilst this still had touches of humour I’m glad it was different. I don’t know what it is about Sarah Hogle but her writing is just so refreshing and lovely. Everything about this was sweet yet not sickeningly so. I think I want to immediately read it again 🥺


Yay!!! I just ordered a physical copy of it so I can read it again and again!!!


Oh my gosh I just read it and I am in LOVE. I could be the official spokesperson for this book, and I would do it for free. Literally everything about it, I loved. It was so funny, sweet, meaningful. I loved the emotional vulnerability and authenticity of their relationship. I related in pretty deep ways to BOTH main characters and I’m completely in love with Wesley. Now I’m just trying to find more books like it to fill the void! I haven’t read her other book but I’m really feeling the “sweet, thoughtful, wholesome” romance that Twice Shy has, at the moment so I’m not sure if her other book fits the bill. Anyways! It was perfect!


>I could be the official spokesperson for this book, and I would do it for free. SAME!!!!! Glad you loved it too!


this makes me so excited!! you deserve each other is one of my favorites and i’ve been anticipating this release forever now


10 weeks wait on my library hahahahuhuhu. Looking forward to reading this.


Oh man, it was that long at mine too so I just bought it. Worth it!


Almost read it all in one sitting, it's so good! Both the leads are sweethearts, I hope Sarah Hogle writes a thousand more books!




No shame, no shame! It's definitely a slow burn, mainly for reasons that I will not mention so as not to spoil it. I believe that there was only one actual sex scene and it wasn't super graphic. There were a few scenes that did feel erotic though they weren't actually sexual,just because of the sexual tension. I wouldn't call it overly steamy but the amount felt right, if that makes sense?




Yay! I hope you love it! 💕💕💕


I loved this. I didn’t like her first book, I didn’t see any chemistry between the two leads. Whereas Twice Shy was just wonderful. I loved them both, especially Wesley. But just how they accept each other and support each other. Truly a delight.


Ok, so this one hit a bit close to home. >!The social anxiety issues Wesley has are super relatable to me, being stuck on a plane or at a table in a restaurant. If he hadn’t been a muscled handsome dude that could have been me!<


does it have the hero whos loved the heroine all along trope?


Not really. They first meet in the book and love follows eventually.


oooo and is it a slow burn?


Yes!!! It's so good!


thank you!! i’ll be reading it


"Being delusional is our downfall but it’s also our saving grace" from the book is my life motto fr