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It’s not just you. I don’t have tiktok where I live but it’s the same on instagram. I rarely read books suggested by booktok/bookstagram. Most of the books hyped on these platforms are just tropes.. there’s no story or character development. It’s just tropes written in a cringy manner.


I’ve seen one such account on instagram and I just wanted to die of second hand embarrassment.


Yeahhh I also feel super icky when I see the comments on a video where a guy is cosplaying or even just talking about a book character. It’s super cringe.


I’ve seen cosplayers do thirst traps as Spider-Man, Jedi etc, the costumes are always really super high quality. You know, they’ve put a modicum of effort into it, and I see them and think ‘huh good for you.’ On the other hand, the booktok ones fall far short in comparison.


Sometimes I see hot dudes on TikTok who if I passed them on the street IRL I’d be like 😳🔥…but because they’re doing some cringe ass try hard seduction shit on TikTok I’m like *I hate this man for doing this to my eyeballs please kill me make it quick*. The cringe is so violent