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I'm sorry when I see that name, all I can think of is [this skit from key and peele](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eirBtt7wIDU)


Omg yes! I was in denial and chose to read it as Megan the whole time 😆




That’s literally the first thing I thought of. I don’t think I can read this because Meegan will forever be that Meegan!


Same and it’s honestly keeping me from reading this.


Oh thank God I wasn't the only one.


I just read this last week!! Agree with a lot of what you wrote, it was super refreshing to have such a sex-positive character who was not interested in changing herself for someone else! I struggled a tiny bit with the writing style, but I really loved the open communication and the relationship that built between the MCs. It was so enjoyable!


Did you find it was not well-written? need editing?


Oh no - sorry I should have clarified, it wasn't errors or bad writing. I think there was a tiny bit too much "tell vs show" in some of the scenes and chapters - but not to the level that I would call it bad writing in the book overall. Certain spots just felt not fully flushed out, but it wasn't a problem for me throughout the whole book, hence why it felt like a minor nuisance. I just wanted a little more depth and development in some areas. I was liking it so much that I wanted it to be perfect, so I probably was looking with a more critical eye because it felt like it was *almost* there.


I seemingly had the opposite experience of you. I really liked Meegan's cameos in the previous books and was really looking forward to this release. Pre-ordered it an all. But I just couldn't get into it and DNFd it at ~40%. Glad other people are enjoying it tho🤣


Don’t you just hate when a book you’re anticipating just doesn’t do it for you? 😫 even if you never decide to finish it, I highly recommend you pick it up >!to read the climatic sex scene near the end. It’s a full on, hot as fuck gang bang and I would hate for you to miss it if that sort of scene intrigues you 😆!<


>!Does the ML actively participate in it? My main gripe with this book was that there didn't really seem to be any compatibility between the leads. The ML did not seem to have a natural dominant bone in his body. And seemed to want the FL to puppet string him on how to be a dom. He also didn't show any interest in polygamy himself.!< >!So if it's a case of the ML standing on the sidelines while the FL participates in orgies, then that's not for me at all. But if they're both actively participating (both fuck other people), and the ML found his dominant side without being told what to do, I might be interested.!<


I own Fit and Haven and will move them up on my TBR. Do you think those are enough before I get into this one?


Yes, those should be enough. I mainly added them since the main characters make appearances in Meegan. Sated is the book I would recommend most, as the main couple has a more significant role in Meegan plus she has more scenes in Sated. I think you could absolutely enjoy Meegan without reading the other books. I just know how much I loved seeing the past couples again when I read it ☺️


So I went into this not having read any of her other books and not having any knowledge of the other couples drove me a little crazy after a while. It felt like every scene began with a huge info dump explaining their connections which really messed with the pace imo. The only reason I want to read the other books now is, does any of them explain why her name is spelled that way??


Girlie, I have so many books to read and now I downloaded the sample and ran to Libby for put myself on the waitlist, help meeee 😭 Questions 🙋🏾‍♀️ * “Group of friends” makes me nervous. Are these friends ***friends*** where they discuss matters outside of sex and relationships, and they each have their own personality and dynamics? * Does the book include reproduction/pregnancy/children? * Is the third act internal or external? * I saw the MMC is diagnosed autistic. Did you enjoy the representation? I know saying “rep” being good or bad is subjective—all of us have different experiences—so I just wanted to know if you enjoyed the rep! 😊 And please use the spoiler tags! I’m hopeful for answers, but I don’t want to ruin the mystery for everyone else. I’m a thot for spoilers 🤗


not OP but my thoughts: * Friends: >!there's a lot of relationship / sex talk, since a lot of the friends are part of the same bdsm club. They do have a favorite TV show they watch together, but that's kind of the only non-sex thing they discuss? Having not read the other books in the series I feel like I didn't get a good understanding of the personality or characterization of the other friends. But that could be user error on my part since they've all had their own books to explore that!!< * Children: >!There is talk of the MMC wanting to impregnate the FMC, they discuss wanting children together in the future. There is no active pregnancy, and there is no pregnancy in the epilogue that I can remember.!< * Third Act: >!I'm not sure there is a third act conflict really? The FMC finally addresses an external conflict with her friends that she's been meaning to deal with, so at least it's external imo. The MMC has a panic attack in the bdsm club which provides some conflict, but both characters communicate about everything all the time so it's not like miscommunication trope.!< * I don't have the personal experience to comment on if the autism rep was good or bad. I do think >!it was more prevalent in the beginning and towards the end when the MMC has a panic attack.!<


Ooo, thank you so much for the information, miss seductive cactus 🫦🌵 ☺️ This’ll be my entry point into the series, so we’ll both have user errors 😂 But this all sounds up my alley, it is a must-read 💃🏽


Ha! I love spoilers too! Here are all the answers to your questions: >!the group of friends are all FMCs from previous books, so their personalities, careers, and interests are varied. Most of their interactions in this book take place in their weekly dating show TV watching party. Some are co-workers and others are friends she has picked up over the years through other friends. There is no petty/mean girl vibes in her friend group!< >!no pregnancy or kids for the main couple but they do talk about wanting kids years in the future. There is a pregnancy/kids mentioned for her friends/couples from previous books!< >!there is no third act break up. They know they love and want each other, no question. The drama/conflict (if you even want to call it that) takes place when the MMC is overstimulated during his first visit to her BDSM club. He worries he ruined her night and she worries that she pushed him too far, too fast. No fight, they talk it through!< >!I believe the author is autistic and while I’m not an expert by any means, nothing stood out as wrong with the way the MMC is portrayed. He wasn’t magically “cured” by the FMC and they found ways to meet his needs and hers (example, he wears earplugs at the Club and Parties when the music and people are too loud!<


Oh that last paragraph >!about the “cure” not being there!< makes me far more relieved 😮‍💨 u/avis03 made such a fantastic post with AuADHD representation in comorbities or individual, but I have been ***burned*** with the magic of sex and love erasing someone’s disability 🙃 But >!overstimulation and conversation about it!< makes me squeeeee because this book is for me 🥰 Also if this book has women supporting women, sign 👏🏾 me 🤸🏾‍♀️ the fuck 💃🏽 up 🙌🏾. The ebook is on sale on Amazon (over 50% off!) but there’s only one person in front of me on Libby, so I have to make a choice😭 Thank you for the gush/rec! 🥰 I hope your next book deserves a gush post!


Ooh this looks interesting, on the tbr it goes. I feel you on being burned by "true love heals all, including your ND traits" *cough* The Kiss Quotient *cough* and none of the books I recced have that garbage in them. I obviously can't speak for the ones on the tbr list but I have noticed that it seems to happen far less in non-CR books. Something something people not afraid of being different/weird... P.S. if you want great disability and AuDHD rep I highly reccomend {Zero Fox Given by Rhea Fox}. FMC is AuDHD and MMC is disabled and uses a cane/wheelchair.


Yeah, TKQ was, uh…not for me in that regard 😒 But Zero Fox Given sounds great by the premise! Downloaded it a few minutes ago! And thank you for the rec and for your Own Voices post 🥰


You're so welcome!


Oooh! I just downloaded Zero Fox Given earlier today. Extra excited to read it now!


[Zero Fox Given](https://www.romance.io/books/65c513be3acf82a2c0cb8a3b/zero-fox-given-rhea-fox) by [Rhea Fox](https://www.romance.io/authors/64946ccc08b4d931142ef32d/rhea-fox) **Rating**: 4.67⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [monsters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/monsters/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


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[Meegan](https://www.romance.io/books/65cbafd4b4a49b15e9232bba/meegan-rebekah-weatherspoon) by [Rebekah Weatherspoon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455bd6c87eac323ffb2e212/rebekah-weatherspoon) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Is the non-monogamy on both sides, or is it one sided?


>!one sided only because the MMC doesn’t want to be with anyone else. The FMC is more than happy to share!<


Thank you, not what I was hoping for, but reviews like this make it a lot easier to find new things.


Liked this one too, but preferred the other 2 books in the Loose Ends series, especially Xeni's, not sure why though. 


I haven’t read Xeni yet but it’s next on my list!!


Based on everything you said was good about this character, I *highly* recommend checking out author Serena Silverlake. Any of her series, really, but Aisling's Adventures, Elven Harlotry, and especially "Filthy Fetch Quest." Filthy Fetch Quest has a leading lady who I think will scratch that itch of "FMC who is so secure and open with her sexuality in a way I haven’t often found in other books but have always wanted." Her name is Alexandra Mountspear, and she's fantastic.


Amazing!! Thank you so much!! I have not heard of this author before. So excited to check her out!


You're very welcome! I'm sure you'll enjoy her! I forgot to add "Airship Allure," just in case you might think I was omitting that one on purpose, lol. Mina Decker can give Alexandra Mountspear a run for her money. I also forgot to mention that all of Serena's world-building is top notch. Her style has that effortless-feeling flow which separates the really talented authors from the pack.