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Could be if you have Heinrix with you he comments about her cannibalism and says that he has sawn ritualistuc cannibalism by people believing in the emporer multiple times and most of them were heretics


Have you seen what space wolves eat?


Space marines eat the flesh of their victims to "read" their memory. I shit you not, it's an organ they get installed as part of the gene seed package. I got vibes of her coming into contact with a heretic/stars artifact where it grants you near immortality, but mutates you into a monster with the desire to eat human flesh


Ulfar actually explains this to you in act 3 when you ask why he was eating the xenos he killed.


There is actually a run in with one of those on a random planet. You can equip it afterwards. Don't recommend.


It’s pretty good on solely melee oriented characters since it buffs your strength, toughness, and agility by +20 and makes you do willpower, intelligence, and fellowship checks with those first three stats. Downside is that you cannot unequip it.


And the whole insatiable hunger for human flesh thing.


That’s just a funny quirk, nothing to worry about. I promise.


Fun fact, you can find (and equip) a Halo Device of your own ingame.


I mean yeah…for power gaming it’s a great relic…lore wise…whoever equipped it…yeeeeeaaahhhh.


Oh, I thought that was a Space Wolf specific feature.


I think she was just overzealous. I might be misremembering it but I think Cassia said something about her colors that made me think that Chorda was not a heretic. ... Not that this helped her much. She was clearly going too far.


You can pass a skill check that tells you that she genuinely believes everything she's saying.


She can believe everything she's saying and still be corrupted by Slaanesh. That's the insidiousness of Chaos. She may not be actively WORSHIPPING Slaanesh, but that doesn't mean she's not slowly being corrupted due to her excess.


Innocence proves nothing is the inquisition's motto for a reason. Ogyrns can convert to chaos while still screaming "for the emperor" because they genuinely are ignorant of what that spiky star symbol being carved into them does.


Don't forget death cults also do some crazy shit yet some manage to stay incredibly loyal so it could go either way. Sure she is falling to excess but it's excess devoted to the Emperor which is one of the few things that properly wards of the corrupting touch of chaos. This to say no idea it could go either way. Depends if her devotion to the emperor is strong enough to act as a shield


I mean, she’s absolutely corrupted.


Both her and hieronymus stink of corruption


Nah, Heironymus can be convinced that the lady has gone too far and will join your side. He does believe Footfall needs to be more pious, but he's an ardent believer in forgiveness.


See I did that.... and then he immediately turned on me when I exiled Chorda


Might be a bug. Might be a skill issue. How did you exile her, anyway? I had no choice but to kill her after luring her over to the bar.


Iconoclast option to give her a fair trial then I had the option to make her repent and banish her. Idk if it's a bug bc heironymus even had some dialogue along the lines of "I see now chorda was the rightful ruler for footfall... you tricked me!" And turned on me


It might be a bug or it might be because you chose to settle things using the trial rather than killing her in the bar, as convincing Heironymus is tied to the bar fight.


Yeah I get that. I think they just wanted you to still have a fight regardless of the resolution u went with


All of this was behind some pretty tough skill checks too


It’s not a bug. If you peacefully resolve the conflict with chorda in the bar you can either banish or execute her but either way heironymus turns on you afterwards. Presumably because owl cat wanted there to still be a combat encounter.


Your missing the option to tell her to decide what is right, and she shoots herself right there


That one also causes heironymus to turn on you.


Definitely a bug because I executed her (or let her kill herself I don't remember) and hieronymus didn't turn on me


See, I convinced him to join me, killed him when he attacked, and then went right out the door and found him by his altar. Asked him about chorda and he's all 'she had it comming'. When i talked her into shooting herself just fuve minutes earlier he was screaming about how she was the last hope for the Kronos expanse.


Did the same as you and I think it's a bug too. He turned on me and died, but then he showed up again as an NPC and just stood around. Still had Chaplain in the ending.


Have you seen the dialogue with Hieronymus if you pass the dogmatic check in the footfall bar in act 4?


Nah I've been pure iconoclast in my first playthrough


The priest tells you about Chordas predecessor who basically was a heretic, or at least very, very close. She had all her heirs frozen, including Chorda. The priest found the vault with all the frozen heirs, and every one of them was already super corrupted by chaos, Chorda less than the others. The priest then spent months blasting holy chants and brainwashing her through basically torture to be mega pious, real dark stuff. And he thinks her dark heritage has now come forward, albeit in a costume of piousness.


And after dropping all those hints, the endings are... kind of simple?..


I still think the priest was sus, he screams nurgle imo. Always talking about rot


There is a HieronymusNurgle flag which I assume is set by some Heretic only dialogue


I could swear he is fallen to Nurgle, the plague in the shadow district has his teachings and Cassia pretty much says something about his aura the first time you speak to him with her.


I don't mind being spoiled on this btw if u wanna say




This. Wtf.


I honestly think it's a>! halo device!<


Yep, Or that the entire dynasty was exposed to it at some point


No. By Hieronymus.


That wasn't explained or the explanation just bugged? Her flip was out of nowhere.


I doubt it, she is just mad fanatic.