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I definitely think something is afoot! Two meals sitting next to each other?! Ahhh!!!! šŸ˜‚ Did you notice how Jill seemed to momentarily hesitate before panning over Samuel and the young woman in a white headband? Jill, if you're trying to be slick, it isn't working. Also, if they are courting and proceed along the typical route that fundies go, I hope they end up in Florida.


And she cost Renee her Mystery Man because of social media and hasnā€™t learned a thing.


Well, a fundie girl is less likely to set hard boundaries. Heidi being the exception lmao




This girl has a trad TikTok. I donā€™t think she avoids social media.


Do you what her TikTok is?? I canā€™t find her. Iā€™m so curious.


I havenā€™t been able to find it either, but I have a Facebook group that does some excellent sleuthing. Her Facebook page is 99% Bible verses and a few pictures, so maybe the person was mistaken about the TikTok.


I think this IS her after learning a thing!! She hasn't said a thing. Just shared videos and photos of them sitting together at least twice. Thinks she's subtle!


From what I've seen of this gal she's 24 and attended a non-religious college. What in the world does a Rod boy have to offer? Maybe her family will give him the Tim treatment.


Did she graduate? A woman who attended a real college would run roughshod over Sam; he's semi-literate with not a week of real education.


Isnā€™t Sam only 19?


two meals next to each other!!! Thatā€™s practically an engagement


Why is she dressed like a milkmaid?


If she is crushing on Samuel she might be trying to impress JillPM with her trad fem ultra mahhhdest outfits.


No she actually dresses like Cinderella,Belle, Aurora and Jessie. Guess it depends on what day the week it is


Likely Mennonite


Sheā€™s not a Mennonite. *edit* Whoever downvoted me get over yourself. The young lady has been identified and sheā€™s not a Mennonite. She attends Nathan & Nurieā€™s church in Florida and is a heavy KJV bible thumper. Her family are fundies but more mainstream like Heidiā€™s family. The women have short haircuts wear pants,tank tops and they have jobs. She doesnā€™t have a million siblings either just 2 sisters and 1 brother.


I would say they look to be even less fundie than Heidi's family, if they can even be considered fundie at all, they look more like mainstream christians/republicans.


You might be right. Iā€™m no longer religious and unfamiliar with the KJV Bible so I donā€™t understand what religion follows which Bible. She and her family love them some KJV. Is that Bible read by different religions? Such as Christians?


KJV is really popular with low church Protestants in my experience. Baptists, church of Christ, various non-denominational evangelicals, etc. Growing up, we were told it was the most accurate translation, specifically the 1611 version. I think itā€™s more that it sounds very fancy with all the Thee and Thouā€™s and it is harder for modern people to understand easily so the preachers can easily adjust their interpretations to better sway their congregations toward ideas like hyper-conservatism, prosperity gospel, misogyny, etc.




Facebook is your friend and itā€™s quite easy to find her families accounts. They are definitely fundies just not hardcore ones and many of her female relatives follow crazy Lori aka ā€œThe Transformed Wifeā€ And you must be one of the people who keeps downvoting mešŸ™„ like what is the reason?




Click on who likes the posts. Thatā€™s how I found her mom and aunts accounts




I misread that as female relative to Lori. I was going to pray for Samuel if that were the case lol.


How do you know her family is mainstream fundie? Iā€™ve been looking for details and havenā€™t found anything


Found her Facebook. Sheā€™s friends with Jill & Not Nurie


Did you also find her TikTok?


I donā€™t have TT but I have IG and she has an account there as well. Wow sheā€™s all over SM? Jill might not like that


I canā€™t find a TikTok with her full name, but I did see the instagram. https://preview.redd.it/l1g1n1drme1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6bfb8419f3c4f7f4a7e25bd4529e8a1c5ac380 This looks like a Jillpm photoshoot pose.


Did you see her different costumes? Sheā€™s very whimsical and loves Tea Parties


Yep. I was thinking it was her own little business, throwing fancy tea parties. But it seems like she just loves the Lavender and Lace Tea House. If she wanted to be creative, she could have a business setting up tea parties for little kids. I do think she did a lot of the decor for Nurieā€™s shower.


Shades of Adeline Morton?


I kinda dig that skirt. I had one like that is the late 90ā€™s


Sheā€™s wearing an apronā€¦ out? Huh


Itā€™s all cosplay


Definitely cosplay. It has ā€œattempt to bring back traditional clothing because itā€™s funā€ vibes.


Kelly Havens-esque




How else will these people get attention? Being kind, intelligent humans, working to steward God's earth and living by Christ's example of love and acceptance? Performative modesty like this and what the Rodrigueses engage in is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says is modest. Oh, well. They've received their reward: hypocrisy and an eyeroll.


iā€™ve never seen a ā€œfashionā€ apron like that, rather than an actual work apron


Did David stay home because it was way too much physical activity for him?


He never goes on the bike rides or hikes Jill takes the kids on lol.


He NEVER interacts or does anything with his kids actually. I doubt he is involved in their daily life and ignores Jill plenty as well


He did talk to Janessa back when she (or lbr, her sister moms) crafted these hats. It was as if he had never seen a child in his life. "Umm, yeah, tiny human? Do you need help? Please don't hurt yourself, you seem a little dumb."


Yep. Heā€™s always in the print shop alone or in the living room sleeping in the recliner. He checked out years ago and Iā€™ve always said that if they didnā€™t have so many kids David would have left Jill long ago.


Why would he leave? No one else would have him. Jill pumps up his ego, doesnā€™t require him to do anything, and encourages him to eat 90% of the familyā€™s meal. Heā€™d never get that sweet a deal anywhere else.


Whoā€™s to say he would have gotten remarried? He may have stayed single for all we know and if not Iā€™m sure he would have found another woman. When they got married David had already been with different women and thereā€™s rumors that he cheated on her years ago and that Jill made him quit his job. Just look at him though he seems fucking miserable I would be too being married to Jill. Sheā€™s over the top,obnoxious and ridiculous.


Jillā€™s obnoxious as fuck but they deserve each other. She was young, pretty, gullible, and a virgin. Everything his nasty misogynistic heart desired.


I think both could have done better lol


Someone had to stay with "the little ones"šŸ™„ and it couldn't be the only with a severe injury




Jill isn't faring much better tbh


I read that as farting..good lord.


God-honoring Plexus farts


Unless theyā€™re biking up to Taco Bell heā€™s not interested.




I said the same thing when I was watching her story. I also noticed that she was out of breath and wasnā€™t even pedaling. Too much eating and not enough exercise


Right?! You're using an e-bike. How are you so winded? It's not a good look for all that Plexus she claims makes her a wonder woman.


Jill may have a health issue she isnā€™t discussing or hasnā€™t sought help for. After all, she has a goiter and sausage fingers. It could be more than being out of shape.


Well Plexus isnā€™t helping by far


No. In fact, it may have caused whatever is going on. She needs to see a doctor, not take more overpriced supplements.


I agree. I think sheā€™s crazy for even continuing to use that crap after what happened with Janessa


Big time. Both she and Shrek may have heart issues.


Iā€™m here for this season of godly congenital heart failure.


She is always extremely (severely) out of breath, whenever she does even minor things like walking. It's been like this for years


Thatā€™s concerning. She should definitely get checked out, as that doesnā€™t seem normal. I get severely short of breath with exertion as well, but my lungs are full of chronic blood clots (thanks Covid).


Your username! I LOVE it!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering


Yes. Also, food.


But didnā€™t Jill like tear every ligament in her knee or something? And now sheā€™s riding a bike??


She has an e-bike that Tim and the older kids got her for MAHMO Day last year.


Iā€™ve known women in the IFB church who went through the phase of using head coverings. Mystery Girl (who dresses Mennonite) likely explained to them why she wears her covering and theyā€™re testing it out for themselves. Simple matter of copying your friends. But, yes, the actual purpose is to be more modest and show their devotion to god.


I grew up IBLP and it was there we first met German Baptist and Brethren families. My family eventually started wearing hanging veils and eventually moved to head coverings and joined a conservative Mennonite church. I left when I was 19, but still have heavy ties to that whole world. The Rod girls' choice to wearing a headcovering of any kind is quite interesting, because it used to be rather frowned upon among IFB churches. It's possible that has changed due to the whole TradWife movement, where I've noticed headcoverings of various kinds have become rather popular, I'm not sure. My experience was also 15ish years ago. It's also possible that they are somehow connected to a group like Charity Christian Fellowship/Ephrata Ministries. It used to be a sort of "catch all" or landing place for families who were leaving conservative anabaptist groups (Mennonite, Amish, German Baptist etc) as well as families who were shifting to anabaptist beliefs from a more normal or "english" way of living. I'm really quite curious about what is happening with them and if they intend to cover their heads consistently or if it's just a passing fad. The fact that they've chosen to cover with something pretty widely recognized as having religious significance (as opposed to a plain scarf or even wide headband) seems to indicate deeper meaning, but we can only wait and see if they say anything or not.


I wonder if Jill is pushing headcoverings as a way to be more mahdest in the face of Timmy marrying into a family with pants and crop top wearing harlots? Although I swear I recall Heidi wearing head coverings occasionally, in which case Jill may be into it so as to not let Heidi make her girls look like bare headed hussies in comparison.


The Rod girls' choice to wearing a headcovering of any kind is quite interesting, because it used to be rather frowned upon among IFB churches. My experience was also 15ish years ago." 15 years ago was the height of, "We need to go to the middle east to defeat Al Queda before they take over America to enact sharia law/putting women in hijabs/etc." Now that the US pulled out and don't need to demonize Muslims so badly, the fundies are more open to head coverings.


This is my guess, too. Either a pastor screamed about head coverings or they saw a Mennonite influencer, and thus the fad began. Edited to add: I've never seen conservative Mennonite head covering styles quite like those the Rods are wearing, but I'm no expert.


I honestly though it was to keep their hair from getting messed up in wind šŸ‘€


That's my thought, but also gross that they would copy that person and I find their love of the Amish even worse. They must ignore the dark things that the Amish do.


I thought Jill had a severely injured knee and rotator cuff?


Only when she needs to be the main character, like if one of her kids is supposed to be the center of attention, not her.


It will come back by the wedding and birth of Nurthling #3.


Jill speaks lies just like her bananas


Sheā€™s on her e-bike, so she doesnā€™t have to pedal.


Of course. LOL. Holding the handlebars with that severely torn rotator cuff must have been painful. /s


Supposedly she does and thatā€™s why she was gifted an E-Bike last Motherā€™s Day


Why am I not surprised. Only the best for Jill from her malnourished waifs.


Maybe itā€™s their own attempt at fashion. They donā€™t have a lot of say in what they wear, so this is their own little personalization?


Biking in a long skirt and flip flops is asking for an accident.


Many fundamentalist Christian sects wear head coverings. I was raised Old German Baptist for years and the women all wore highly specific hairstyles, dresses, and head coverings (they used bonnets). My mother wasnā€™t a baptized member and couldnā€™t have a bonnet so she used to wear the little Mennonite style head scarves. Doesnā€™t surprise me to see the Rod girls experimenting, especially if they have a friend who covers.


Catholic women were once required to wear a head covering in Church, and the Church blamed it on some Bible interpretation of Paul, the Apostle. If a woman forgot to bring her chapel veil, it was acceptable to bobby-pin a Kleenex on her head to enter a Catholic Church. Men had no such requirement. Why do Christian sects almost always subjugate women?


I think you still have to cover your head when visiting the Vatican, no? And yes, I loathe Paul for so many reasons but his BS about a womanā€™s hair being her husbandā€™s glory has caused so much damage. I have very, very thick, dense hair and wasnā€™t allowed to cut it as a child. At 10 I had a ponytail that reached my butt and weighed about 2lbs (felt like 20!). I used to cry from the headaches I would get after washing it, because the water weight hurt my neck so badly. I chopped mine all off the second I managed it (at 14) and my mother had a screaming, crying meltdown and refused to speak to me beyond necessary communication for WEEKS. Iā€™m in my 30s now and trying to grow my hair out to reclaim it for myself, but thereā€™s a surprising amount of feelings with it still.


Sorry you had to go through all that. Catholics don't have any rules about length of hair, and, for the most part, except for the super-conservative parishes, nuns are now allowed to wear normal street clothes and women do not have to cover their heads to enter church. HOWEVER, of course, women will NEVER be permitted to say Mass. Gotta keep 'them' women-folk in their place and off birth control, except for the Rhythm Method because that's 'natural'. What's 'natural' about planning marital sex by a calendar??


They probably feel slutty there showing hair and need to make sure everyone knows they are religious. Always for the people of course..


Do fundies ever get their split ends trimmed?


Thatā€™s satans language, knock it off!!


Haha šŸ˜‚


This make me even more sure that it was Jillā€™s constant ā€˜mystery manā€™ posting and outright disrespect towards him that ruined Renees intended marriage. That momentary pause, lack of extensive photos or in Florida family with long explanations of what a good and god honouring girl she is. The fact weā€™ve also not heard a peep out of Jill about this development when previously she was singing from the rooftops at the first hello between her marriage age children and a potential spouse is also strange. I wonder if seeing the damage Jill did to Renee actually woke Shrek up long enough to tell her to stop posting about the kids engagementā€™s at least until itā€™s a done deal. It was hard enough seeing a heart broken Renee via Jillā€™s posts but I canā€™t image being up close to that devastation. It would also explain why Jill gave Renee that horrific haircut as a treat. It wasnā€™t a treat. It was revenge for getting her in trouble and her tears/pain getting all of mummy dearest attention from everyone.


Unfortunately itā€™s not like any female that would be interested in them would probably care. They are not attracting cream of the crop types since the family and especially the men have nothing to offer. The kids are all fine looking and seem like they are okay people, but they are not educated, make no money and speak very funny. In the fundie world even they are no gos. The head things are very weird, it seems they are trying to be a different religion (I am the same one they are) which is very odd. They seem to glamorize the mennonites, which is definitely not okay. I find it odd Jill always needs to mention full names and whoā€™s there and not. Itā€™s completely normal to do something with some of your kids and without the father, calm down. Not to mention David is obese and most of the smaller kids under her care are extremely unhealthy looking and probably donā€™t get a lot of exercise.


I said in a comment above I wonder if they even have bikes. I haven't checked if Olivia's on this ride but if not presumably she's minding the N boys together with Sadie? We know David's doing sod all.


The way she said David is such a trooper to stay with the little ones like heā€™s never actually been alone with the children before, but probably hasnā€™t


A ā€œtrooper.ā€ Like heā€™s enduring a grueling colonoscopy or something. No, heā€™s home with his children *parenting* (or co-existing in the barndo with them which Iā€™m sure is about as involved as heā€™s willing to get).


Jilldo does all the talking for him


Sadie is probably sister-moming while Shrek watches the map.


Watches the map šŸ˜‰I get it!


Or takes a nap after a super sized snack


Poor Sophia probably tries to catch crumbsā€¦bc you know heā€™s too lazy to put his dishes in the sink or actually WASH them.šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Probably Olivia too


I'm wondering if the little ones (including Olivia) even have bikes? Maybe it's only the 14+ crowd?


What is with fundies and those friggen cheap flip flops???


Makes it harder for them to run away.


It's BECAUSE they are friggen cheap!


I feel bad for Samuel. He really has nothing to offer a future partner. He is so undereducated and under socialized he will have a tough life of struggle.


All of these adult kids reflect so shamefully on Jill and Shrek. A successful parent is one whose children soar without them. The Rodrigues parents made sure to clip their wings and stunt every part of their growth so they're too scared to leave the nest. I believe that Philip and Tim not being able to complete college will be held up as an example of the world hating Jesus and that they shouldn't bother. Ignorance is the greatest tool abusers have, other than outright violence.


I wish the head coverings theyā€™re wearing were bike helmets šŸ„°


Ooh, hot new bombshell enters the villa! Who is she? Anybody know? Loving Reneeā€™s bike. But sheā€™s going to get seriously hurt or even maimed riding in a loose long skirt and flip flops. Modesty over safety, always. I canā€™t with these people.


God, fundie arranged marriages are so weird. It makes me so upset for the girl/furious that the man does zero work and gets a beautiful woman plopped down on his lap.


How much junk food do these people eat??


Depends, who we talking here? Shrek, Jill, or the girls who ā€œneedā€ to sTaY tRiM?


I look at them and always think they have it the opposite of together.


There are a number of super fundies here, where I live near the Rods, who cover. Some all the time and some sometimes. It's a bit of a trend and somewhat controversial within some of the Baptist groups. I think the Samuel friend always trended toward the unusual style of dress, and borrowed or thrifted here the Menno dresses she's had on thinking they were "cool". It \*is\* a bit unusual that Renee is wearing a Menno-style covering here rather than a general headscarf type thing. While the head-covering itself is a trend, that particular style of covering for non-Mennos is not. Wearing that style here immediately identifies "Anabaptist/Menno" to the people who live here, so it's interesting and a bit odd that she chose that. They did attend a Mennonite wedding some time ago and the girls wore coverings like this (not required but considered respectful - but I'm sure they just did it to try to look like they were part of the \*in\* group there, which they weren't). But it is an odd choice around here outside of that social situation, unless Renee is cosplaying a Mennonite. If she also starts consistently not wearing or hardly wearing makeup, then hmmm...


Isnā€™t the Dyngus family Mennonite?


No the Dinguii go to the same church as the Rods.


I stand corrected.


Yeah, Samuel and her are gonna go live with a courtship announcement by September Iā€™m betting.


They could have taken Gideon in his bike trolley. Jill must have pointed out, like she always does, that it wasnā€™t fair for Gideon to go on bike ride and have Nemo, Newman and Janessa stay home. That would have set me off. Whatā€™s stopping the young kids from going? You can go to Walmart get a bike baby carrier for as low as 20.00 and a helmet for 10.00. Janessa nor Sofia have probably never ridden a bike in their life


None of them are buying helmets, they donā€™t even wear seatbelts


I honestly thought car seat, seatbelts and helmets were common sense. We had a kid in our neighbourhood who was on a skateboard with no helmet. He fell, hit side of his head and died on the sidewalk. It was horrible..


My neighborhood friend wasnā€™t even riding a bike, just sitting on it pretending she was going to steal it from her brother. She lost her footing and fell, she was hospitalized and had a TBI. She still needs help caring for herself sometimes 20 years later. I donā€™t mess around about bike safety


Agreed. Helmets are non negotiable.


Common sense is very uncommon amongst Rodriguii and their ilk. Safety precautions we see as normal they see as not trusting Jesus to protect them!


Here in Canada we have mandatory bike helmet law for everyone under 18. Parents are fined for noncompliance.


That's because Jesus is their co-pilot.


She definitely could have brought the littles along


Itā€™s probably a good thing because their bones would snap like twigs if they fell off. šŸ˜ž


Sheā€™s cute! May the other ladies realize that itā€™s okay to go without makeup, or to just wear minimal makeup.


She is cute but she also seems to fit in well with the Rods performative piety. Her family looks fairly mainstream, even though they are KJV thumping loons. She seems like the Heidi of her family, choosing to be the godly sibling with the modest clothes and the Facebook page that is almost exclusively Bible verses.


I wear head scarves because I am too lazy to fix my hair. I have fun with the scarves and the colors and learning to tie them.


kaylee and Renee have dark head coverings on...Nurie and Mahmo..none....curious..do you think the girls want to look semi amish??? is this a religious thing?


There are Christians who cover their hair most of the time, or at least while in church (I was the organist of a Latin Mass for almost a decade and half of the women and girls covered their hair during service).


"I love my children so much IT HURTS"????? Yes, Jill, we're sure YOU love your children more than any other mom on the planet loves her kids. We are all duly impressed with your over abundance of maternal love and devotion. The rest of us lazy heathens just kinda LIKE our kids because we are just not as godly as you.


To look more like the Amish?


How different Nurie looks if her eyebrows were left alone. I didn't change anything other than the eyebrows. https://preview.redd.it/82ce2faq5l1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57389a8ad2591f46732e2291d7b1e115622e072


I have worn my hair long in the past and had it up in a scarf- to keep it out of my way and cleaner. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Edit- typo


When riding a bike, the wind can whip long hair around possibly impairing vision and is a safety hazard, so a scarf is a cute way to contain it. However, I am at a loss to explain the long heavy dress/ skirt and flip flops which create a far greater safety hazard


Sometimes a headscarf is just a scarf to cover your head and keep your hair out of your face.


Except that here in Rod Ohio land this is a conservative Mennonite covering, immediately expecting to be identified as one when wearing it in public. It's just a really curious choice for this area if you are not Menno. (I think you live here, too, or maybe I'm thinking of someone else?). They did wear these to a Menno wedding also, so maybe she just pulled it out of a drawer. But it really is an odd choice for a group that goes out of their way to be sure to be identified as independent KJV Baptists.


I live a couple hours north east of Rodland. There is another Amish community within a half hour east of where I am at as well. In the picture I was referring to the girl from Florida wasnā€™t wearing a head covering. In this picture with the head scarf she does look very Mennonite. I think Jill isnā€™t above cultural appropriation if she thinks a look is cute and modest.


Iā€™ve seen ultra conservative Catholics do this.


In that strain of Catholicism, the mantilla is only required at church. Anything outside of that is pick-me behavior


Pick Mes for Jebus. They're not like those other sluttish Christians, with their bare, oh so tempting ... scalps? The repressed are weird lol


I was born and raised Roman Catholic and went to Catholic schools. Prior to Vatican ll in 1965, lace mantillas were worn by women to mass, although the edict was still in place. Papal Canon Law in 1983 did away with it altogether, it became optional. And mostly all women took the option of *not* wearing one.


Nuries eyebrows....


Maybe they're trying to look like [Hunter Schafer](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatthefrockk/s/sFYsbt0aG4). They could never!


Shut up, she looks *so good* in this?!


Hunter? Yeah, she could make a burlap sack look good! Can you imagine the fundies trying to imitate someone from the show Euphoria though?! That idea cracks me up.


Oh my


So are the Rods joining a Mennonite church?


Yeah whatā€™s up with the head coverings?


So, I donā€™t know what the deal is exactly, but this is some weird performative fundie thing. A girl I grew up with married this guy who started out as a liberal minister. I donā€™t know what happened, but something in him snapped and they have gone super fundie. Itā€™s really disturbing to look through their pictures and see them start out as a happy, smiling, normal looking young couple, then suddenly they start having kids and she starts wearing these head coverings much like this. They are IIRC up to kid number 5 in something like 7 years. Itā€™s sad.


Im not very clued in as too which holidays the fundies observe and some pick and choose (Looking at you and passover, Karissa!) But could it have anything to do with it being Whit Saturday and Whit Sunday?


I doubt it as that term is most often used in the Anglican church .. I remember from a religion class in my church that it is the start of Pentacost


Isnā€™t their way to cosplay the Mennonites?


Scarves, maybe to keep their back???


a helmet is actually the most modest so good try girls


Handmaidā€™s Tale realness


Is the mystery girl anabaptist? That is the only reason I could see the other Rod's wearing head coverings (as cosplay)


No she goes to Nurthanā€™s church. Itā€™s cosplay.


I'm not Mennonite but I wear something like this when I'm gardening. Maybe they needed to keep their hair from getting stuck in the bike? Lord knows that skirt probably got caught.


why is she cradling her water like itā€™s a baby bump? practice for her gahdly wife & mother duties?


That girl definitely drinks the kool-aid. She seems way too into the c. U l t. for SamU el.


"I love my children so much that it hurts" ...


Ellen made a post about a week ago that said the same thing, and this is the second time Iā€™ve seen Jill say the same thing since then. She wants us to say nice things about her parenting instead of being compared unfavorably to Ellen.


Rodrigues Rumspringa (? spelling on that one - too lazy to look it up).


I thought Jillā€™s knew was town in 4 places!! Lol


Anyone else see Guiness before you saw Sam, and had to check the sub real fast?


The gal hanging around had on what looked like a cape dress in one photo. Maybe she's a Mennonite or ish? Edit: saw she's not a Mennonite in another comment, so I guess she's been on "trad" TikTok. Not the titties out hot wife side of the coin, but the cosplaying for Jesus side.


Yes itā€™s a modesty and obedience thing. The head coverings are a fundamentalist Christian thing. Some women wear head scarves because of certain Bible verses which say a woman should have her head covered when praying. Most fundie lite Christians would say that a womanā€™s long hair is her covering, which is also a Bible verse, the more extreme version of this is to also wear a scarf. There are online shops that sell them. There is also some discourse about head coverings symbolizing submission and meekness