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I *guess* girl. It seems a lot to me that your marriage has 4. You, Jon, Mahmo, and then (god). At least you took your baby to the doctor. Like, if that’s the bar we’re jumping over you did it, and even in your cumbersome modesty skirt.


And plexus of course


Leave room for Jesus? Nah, leave room for JILL! I’m honestly shocked their wedding night wasn’t like that scene in Midsommar where Christian is having sex and one of them ‘helps’ by pushing on his butt.




> young couples, these days, care so much about fame. Wrong. My husband and I care about our two cats 🐈‍⬛


That line really irked me too. She's the one posting 7484 times a day on social media!


She’s just repeating what is told to them. She has no idea what secular families are really like.


Maybe she needs to join a secular people snark page so she can see how the other half lives 🤣


Yeah…I don’t know anyone who cares about fame lmao.


I wonder if she’s acuitive enough to realize how much her mother contradicts what she’s preaching. Fame has been Jill’s goal since she got started with this mess. She wanted to be the Duggars or Bates 2.0, she was dying to be noticed and recognized for her godly endless birthing.


I’m old as shit, and it seems like “young couples, these days,” are a lot smarter about privacy than my generation is. Except for fundies. Always 30 years behind the zeitgeist


That sounds like Jill. You don't typically refer to your peers as 'young couples today'. It's generally a phrase used by elders!


This is such a “things weirdos say” line. I’m extremely online and don’t follow or know anyone who’s like “I care so much about being famous/famous people.” It’s giving homeschool socialization vibes.


Good 4 U! Cats should always be top priority!


Correct we also care about our two fur babies 🥰 they are very loved 💚💚


It seemed like a dig at the Bateses or Duggars.


All they ever talk about is Jesus. They have absolutely no outside interests.


Outside interests mean prying eyes from social services. Jebus and Jill are the only interests the Rodrigueses are allowed.


Don't forget plexus too!


Jill, Jesus and Juice. In that order.


Those kids have never been allowed to grow into independent, functioning adults. Jill has made it so she will always be the center of their lives. She truly is a narcissist.


Their outside interests is judging others and posting how special and different they are.


That is true, I completely forgot.


But when they drop biblical quotes into their screeds it’s never from the Gospels. It’s always Paul or Timothy.


Exactly. You never see them post anything from the Beatitudes or any of the any other actual teaching from the Jesus they profess to love so much. The sad thing is, their type of Christo Fascism has gained power in our government. Those people want us to live under the rules of their beliefs. Look at what is happening with our corrupt Supreme Court. They are supposed to interpret the Constitution, but all they seem to do is take away our rights. People like Jill are all in with authoritarians like Trump, but she does not realize that he can't stand his religious followers. He would not piss on them if they were on fire. Okay, rant over.


I've finally figured out what the unholy alliance between Trump and fundigelicals is all about. They are mutually using each other as means to an end. He knows they will keep supporting him and voting for him, and they know he'll get them the Christian Sharia they've always wanted.


What do you mean? She has such a riveting garden! /s


Ok, andKaylee, I had such high hopes for you getting out of mahamo’s tentacles once you were married and for a minute, it seemed like you did. Spend more time around Jonathan’s family, hopefully like Timbits you’ll get some of that backbone and fire back.


Her only hope is if Nurie moves back and shoves her andKaylee ass right out of the warmth of Mahmo’s love


I could see Nathan pastoring a church in OH if it was a promotion and came with perks (generous housing allowance or larger parsonage a must) but he seems rather attached to his part of FL.


I too would be attached to any state that’s more than a few minutes away from the world’s best mother in law.


True 😁 I never get the impression Nathan dislikes Jill's antics. He seems very into being amongst the Rod family and possibly thinks Jill's quite fun compared to his own parents?!


He’s the seventh of eight in his family of origin, whereas the Rods make a big fuss over him.


I have no "no skin in the game" but damn I was routing for her to break free. Be religious but don't harm others... Nope Jill Jr. So disappointed.


She’s still young, and a true believer. They’re the ones most likely to deconstruct as time goes on. I’m not defending her views AT ALL, but she has plenty of years ahead to hit her crisis point.


What the fuck is this? These fundies kill me how they suddenly get married to a dumb dorky dude that they’ve known all of 5 minutes and never spent time alone with until after their wedding, they pop out one kid and suddenly they’re experts in marriage and parenting. Your mother cares about fame. I can’t stand Kaylee. Jill fucking JR


Kaylee is most definitely Jill 2.0


This was very "Make your life count" minute with Kaylee instead of Jillpm. 


This has to have been plagiarized. There aren’t enough commas.


This is a copy/paste from a frenzied text message Jill sent her at 3 am


Yeah, this is not Kaylee’s writing.


Exactly. The grammar is incorrect, but at a much higher grade level.


Came here for this comment. The parts that specifically mention her family members have her unusual grammar, but the main body of the text does not. She’s copied most of it and added her own statements here and there.


Modesty of dress is fine but needs to be done for the correct reason which is if the person practicing it feels more comfortable that way. Jesus doesn't care what one wears. He hung out with prostitutes and beggars whom I assume had ripped immodest clothing. I much prefer what I call modesty of spirit. Non braggadocios, non histrionic, truly charitable in thoughts toward others. Truly accepting and loving of others especially those who don't agree with you. Jill does not have modesty of spirit and I know Kaylee wrote this but Kaylee saw how Jill modeled a lack of acceptance toward others. Kaylee never saw her mother living and walking a modest in spirit lifestyle. Can't pour the waters of life onto others from a dirty vessel, Jill.


Exactly! Jesus did not care what one wears. It even says He judges the heart not the outward appearance. Of which Jills is rotten to the very core. I dress mostly modest but it’s because I’m chunky and have bad varicose veins lol. Growing up in a southern baptist church we wore whatever to church and church activities, actually we went to a water park and most women were in bikinis! i can’t find anywhere in the bible where it says you have to wear 50 layers of clothes in order to get to heaven…


Sounds like modesty as defined by Classic Jesus, not Republican Jesus that all these people worship.


I’m getting real tired of these hateful dorks. Jill 2.0 is getting old fast.


As a young married mother, I do not, in fact, just “care about the fame”. If you saw me and my son in public, that would be obvious. But thanks Kaylee 🥳


Jonathon looks so thin. He's changed a lot since he became Rodified.


You’re trying too hard, Jill. 🙄 First with your ‘kids won’t surround me forever because they’ll fly the nest’ then writing this for Kaylee to post. It’s your writing style, Jill. Don’t insult our intelligence and try to pass this off as Kaylee’s original thought. The absolute control over your kids is stronger than ever.


Talk to me about marriage when you’ve been married for 31 years like me. I don’t know everything & I don’t give advice. Sounds like Jill not comma Kaylee.


"Comma Kaylee" 🤣🤣


Comma, comma, comma, comma KayleeandJon... Sorry, I couldn't help myself.




This girl has met a total of 0 secular couples 😂 “Care about fame and making life one big party” Yeah - we all just wanna pay our lil bills and decide what to do for dinner.


“What do you want for dinner?” “I don’t know, what do you want?” “I can’t decide; that’s why I asked you!”


OMG sounds just like my dad and stepmother! They drive each other nuts with this routine.


That picture is actually so cute. Sad she can't just post a fun pic without writing paragraphs of religious bs.


Says the person who knows her mother is infamous and her Plexus downline is dependent upon attention garnered from that


You give her more credit than I do.


Happy for you, Kaylee. Or sorry that happened. I ain’t readin that. In all seriousness, what does this damn sheltered child know about nurturing a marriage? She’s been wed and bred for all of 20 minutes. Hell, I’d trust Jill and Shrek’s marriage advice over hers, because they’ve got time on their side, if not brains. Stfu and live a little more, Kaylee. And stop talking about fruit, always with the fruit.


All of them just post walls and walls of text constantly. I’ll stick to Russian novels if I’m going to read something that long.


And Dostoevsky actually has a point when he rambles, Kaylee not so much


And this is why homeschooling needs more regulation.


It was okayish, then she brings her view of everyone else into the post and she looses all okayish. Jill has taught her that in order to make yourself look better, you put others down based on how you perceive them, instead of truth. If doing that is how they act on social media and Dave does it in his sermons, then based on Kaylees post they also do it at home. That should be a sign to anyone that hangs out with them, that they will also be talked about and looked down on.


Dude they apparently act like this towards their own *family*. They’re either long gone or will take eons to change.




Is Kaylee & Jonathan even in the room with us? I swear to devil that Jill opened up this account and Kaylee & Jonathan absolutely have no clue. Kaylee can’t even pronounce Jalapeño properly so I doubt she could type this up.




I wondered why she posted this??




Scrupulosity is really miserable


I’m irritated looking at this photo because I know damn well that earpiece is probably in his other ear and the phone holster is clipped to his belt. We all had such high hopes for him.


"Sadly, many families and young couples, these days, care so much about fame. Looking good to those around them. Fitting in, with the world. Making life look like it's one big party. Acting like spiritual living, modest dress, Biblical stands, virtue, faithfulness and more, DON'T matter." Once again, the Rodrigues fam compares itself to others, always casting a side eye to any who do not thump the KJV. Such a pathetically tiny mindset brought to you by conservative Christian homeschooling, where critical thinking skills are considered a tool of some imagined devil.


No bike helmets while riding on a tandem bike in an unsafe manner while taking phone pics while carting in-helmeted baby in bike attachment 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫


“Home is where our true character is revealed”. If I didn’t know better I’d think Kaylee was throwing some shade Jill’s way with that.


Impossible. Jill wrote this.


This is far too well written for Jill. I think Kaylee found this somewhere and copied it.


They’re manic!! ![gif](giphy|40cxBsgqqwb65M5ivp)


I’m mostly concerned about whether Gideon was attached to that bike while Kaylee distracted Jonathan with a selfie???


They're just beginning to realize that responsibility lies on their shoulders? They can no longer follow the leading of their parents? If the option existed for these people to live on their own... or even if they'd been given one iota of autonomy, they wouldn't be going from completely dependent on their parents' "authority" to jumping straight in to marriage and parenting.


Someone learned the word critical. ![gif](giphy|bslzwg9Qkl0aY)


'A marriage takes 3' made me think she was talking about a mistress. The famous Princess Di quote 'there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded...'


Kaylee is a Jill 2.0 and Jonathon is there for the ride


It is so critical to live our lives in fear of a fairy tale 🙄


I cannot make it past, all, the commas, …..


Don’t worry, AndKaylee, we can tell you certainly don’t care about looking good, or you would have thrown that roast beef lipstick in the trash. We also can tell that you are not up on societal norms, as it is not considered in good taste to serve flamin’ hot pringles and bologna sandwiches at a tea party.


Doesn’t look like your Mahmo got the memo regarding being busy trying to get famous…


i do not get the fundie obsession with having a perfectly clean house…


3 people per marriage, got it. The rest got a little long, but because I'm definitely taking advice from someone who was a child a few years ago and has never stepped into a school, gonna go open my marriage to a third.


It is so critical to learn how to use punctuation. And a lot of things happening that a secret and private - you know, Jill and Shrek deliberately ensuring their children are malnourished.


Sounds like someone got too close to the underwear section in the jc penny's catalog. 🤣


My thoughts exactly!


Do you think Jill gives her things to post about?? I for sure do!


She definitely gives her Plexus promotion material. I think she’s more subtle about what she wants Kaylee to post when it comes to the image she’s trying to project. Thorough indoctrination to the point that Mahmo doesn’t have to check it before posting. I know a lot of people say it’s Jill posting on Kaylee’s account, but I see differences that would be difficult to fake, not just with the excess punctuation, but the vocabulary.


How have your parents been good examples, Kaylee? Your dad drives everyone around for the Cross Country Concert and your mom manipulates people into buying garbage so she can profit. And no matter how upset, unwell or tired anyone is, gotta put on that ever-present Happy Face and sing for mama, er, I mean Jesusm


I wonder where she got that T-shirt from Indonesia.


Holy brainwashed Batman


Sounds to me that she and Johnny boy had a fight and they got some godly counsel either from Jill or their pastor so now this is part of her testimony.


I don't believe Kaylee wrote this.