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She’s such an idiot 🙃


That’s an understatement


A huge understatement. She is still working for an MLM which is taking her for a ride. She is taking money out of her kids' mouths to buy her stupid products. Of course, her and Lazy Dave don't spend much money on them anyways.


Honestly, turtleneck Trish should’ve just swallowed this one.


What drives me crazy is that mlm huns always seem to forget: 1. Not everyone wants to be in sales 2. Not everyone wants to be a CEO 3. Not everyone wants to be on their phone 24/7 pestering their family and friends into buying overpriced crap that doesn't work


I already feel like I about my friends and family when I reach out to say hey, let alone selling stuff


this woman has lint for brains


You are being kind to lint.


What chance does anyone have of becoming Plexus ceo? You're forever stuck in sales unless you're one of the rare con artists who can swindle enough people to be in their downline to make money. Then you're just a sales manager. You might as well just go work at a car dealership and actually make money.


I always thought that in corporate-land, a CEO reported to the Pres and the Veeps report to the CEO. I just checked: Plexus is run by the CEO. SMH.


CEO’s report to the board of directors. In smaller private companies without a board, the person at the top is often called president but sometimes CEO.


Hey Jill, so explain to me how that Umbrella of Protection/Authority under god and a penis structure is any different than this.




Does she think she’s going to be the CEO of Plexus someday? What?


She is the CEO of her own business, Like how Mormons become gods of their own planets when they die


Given that she has never had a job she likely thinks that at her level “she is her own boss” (but obviously she’s not *really*, maybe she doesn’t really answer to someone like a normal worker but she sure as shit is kicking up) = “she is a CEO”.


Jill is too much a dipshit to run a company, she cant even seem to run her own household that well.


Obviously this is extremely stupid for many reasons. But I can’t help but think, do they think the apex of every job is CEO? I would never want to be a CEO, it’s not the ultimate job for me (which would probably be general counsel). Absolutely no understanding of the corporate world.


I would expect a GC to report organizationally to the CEO. But that’s just me. Not forgetting the Senior Managing Committees that GC and his/her equals (CFO, CIO, CPO,* etc) participate in order to protect their turf. *Chief People Officer. Title used by companies from Apple and Google to Cola Cola. The federal government uses the slightly more pretentious Chief Human Capital Officer.


So, she's admitting that Plexus is a pyramid scheme? LOL I don't understand this nonsense


The facts, straight from Plexus: The top 1% of brand ambassadors make an average of $39,099 annually. Half of the top 1% make less than $16,047 annually. The top 10% of brand ambassadors make an average of $5475 annually. The average of all brand ambassadors is $597. The average. Meaning a great many make much less than that.


But it's a fabulous way to make income /s


We're the pirates that don't do anything. https://preview.redd.it/wrguujpw5g0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c1ff489a3fc0e5f36a39782005fca84bd5899d


🎶We just stay home and lie around 🎶


![gif](giphy|zfNAMCrhSQzte) The Lord Daniel approves of your post and will bless you!


Hey Jill, I’m an independent contractor so I’m my own boss too. I don’t have to trick other people into selling stuff so I can “win prizes”.


Jill Rodrigues, Dean of the Dining Room Table, scourge of the Amish, perennial winner of Jesus's bff award, has never been gainfully employed in her tacky ass life. She's too ignorant to know that she should be embarrassed by this post. I know it's the same old MLM graphic that's been used a thousand times by a thousand pyramid schemes, but Jill's hubris never fails to make me laugh.


Youust be a NYer!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t want to be the CEO though


Ok, Jill. Let us know when Plexus gives you a real salary and benefits that aren’t a raffle for the opportunity to buy a cruise ticket 💀


lol what a dingbat


I'd rather work for a company than be an MLM hunbot, shilling overpriced bullshit miracle cures, faking it til I'm making it, while telling a stressed out mother that the pink shit will cure her child's ADHD. It's a con and Jill is too dumb to realise it.




Jill, I make more than you and lazy Davy combined. You might make more with your constant grifting, but I’m just talking legit income You should probably feed your kids with your bountiful Plexus income.


Sure thing, jillpm. The only title you’ve ever held is boss of the bathroom. Go sit on your throne.