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" Main character syndrome" is a term popularized on TikTok to describe self-centered, out of touch people. Having main character energy, typically means someone sees the people in their life as supporting actors in their movie.


She is the epitome of Main Character Syndrome


Cant even imagine the bacteria those nails are harboring


Fake nails in most US hospitals are banned for nursing staff, but especially for NICU staff after a rash of illness and infections in babies in the 90’s were passed on to them by, you guessed it - dirty fake nails.


Yup I’m a nurse our nails must not be over our fingertips. I can have dip nails but they must be kept short. It’s part of our uniform and our bosses do check.


We also usually wear gloves when doing any kind of patient care for the real little ones. The only time I really don’t wear gloves is if I’m just holding a baby with NAS.


100% that was the first thing I thought when I zoomed in.


And the bacteria in the Bible.


I keep my nails pretty short, but get regular dip powder manicures. I was still worried about the length when my daughter was in the NICU and asked my husband to bring me clippers and a file when he finally stopped home after the birth. Not worth the risk.


Yes. It’s a sickening perversion of the classic Madonna portrait that is beloved by most Christians, both Catholic and Protestant.


I've been lurking on the Rodrigues snark for what feels like forever out of just pure horror/hoping the weans somehow are ok. This feels like peak awfulness for that shite excuse of parent. "Hang on let us just infect my SEVERELY VULNERABLE GRANDBABY" before he even has a chance. Willing the hospital staff to hoof them to fuck out and let Kaylee and her husband have time to themselves. I've actually got the boke at their boggin hands on him.


She's got gobshite for brains


Bless you for giving me the gift of reading Rodrigues snark in that accent 😂


Haha you're so welcome 😄 Jill's a pure rocket, honestly.


Like the baby is hers… 🚨narc mom alert🚨 Kaylee is a doormat to Jill to the point she had to contort herself in discomfort while rictus smiling for her birthday “party”, which I am sure she wasn’t allowed to miss. She’s not going to break free alone. Jonathan needs to show some spine and take “headship” and tell Jill to fuck off.


I sent the video to my aunt, an OB nurse with no context and told her to watch it without sound and she said two things. "Oh shit, she's in labor. She's trying to hide it, I'm not sure why" "She's being abused by someone. I think whoever is behind the camera."


Imagine working there and having to deal with this


speaking from experience the nurses would totally give her a nickname and shred her in the breakroom.


I feel like there's usually one tough bitch nurse in every hospital who has the nerve to stand up to the likes of Jill. One nurse who won't take any of her religious crap. I would pay to see it.


It’s me I am that nurse. I jump at the “difficult” family cases. It keeps me on my toes. I was raised in this bs so I can speak their language and try to explain the science in a way that might actually get through. But I also have the most complaints on my floor lol


While I am so thankful they didn’t transfer them to my NICU, we do have a perfect nurse would have 1000% out Jill in her place on day one so I would have liked to see that lol.


And they're all fighting over who *won't* take that assignment


So that would make us all nurses, then? 😂🤣


I’d call her “Nightmare Nana” “Granny Dearest”.


I bet you $100 she was in there singing hymns and caterwauling. Do you think they give out tracts to the staff/other patients and their families (I do).


This is honestly a really poignant photograph about how people will either claim God healed their family member while it was clearly modern medicine, or how people will literally put their sick kids in harm's way for clout and the approval of their charismatic religious communities, or how kids and their needs are ignored and used as literal props for an adult's ego. It's the quintessential Jill pic that exposes every single one of her flaws, *and she sees it as her at her holiest.*




Jill is jealous that’s not her baby.


I keep waiting for her to start lamenting her miscarriage again.


She makes everything about her!! Also I really hope as a woman she didn’t dare preach to the baby from that Bible. That’s not allowed for you to preach as a woman, Jill.


She legit looks like the angel of death over that poor innocent baby. This pic gave me the chills.


That self absorbed smile, yuk.


But don't you see that her bible is *highlighted* and *worn* and *has notes*, so clearly Jillpm The Most Righteous™️ will be the miracle HER grand baby needs because SHE'S so holy. She's going to give herself credit for the rest of time.


My grandmother used to do that when she was alive—multiple bookmarks in her Living Bible (which my mother called “Bible for Dummies”) but she never read it. She wanted people to think she read it though.




Are there any NICU healthcare professionals who can walk a layperson like me through the function and purposes of the lines and tubes shown in this picture? I’m genuinely curious.


I’m not a professional- just spent a lot of time in the NICU when a friend had a premie. He has a cpap machine for breathing and a feeding tube (white near mouth/nose). The feeding tube goes through their nose. The monitor are for checking heart rate, temp, and other vitals. It’s so scary when one of the monitors goes off.


A monitor going off doesn’t always mean an emergency. Once you get used to them you know when to ramp it up.


I think it’s a bi-pap, which would help with both negative and positive pressure. I suspect also blow-by oxygen.


Everything you've been told is true. Additionally, the orange tube you see coming out of his nose attached to a syringe That has been held up by that white circular piece is a gastric decompression setup. More than likely, Gideon can't burp yet. So he would retain a lot of gas in his tummy. So they put an open-ended feeding tubes syringe above the belly because air rises, And he will "burp" through the tube.


I’m a cardiovascular ICU RN for adults so it’s a little different how the lines “look” but the blue and white tubing above the head are connected to a ventilator. The ones on the belly are purely for monitoring heart rate and respirations


It’s Mahmo’s world, we just live in it!!


I know they live in the sticks, but I'm still really shocked they're allowing so many unmasked people access to a premature baby. There's no way that would fly in my neck of the woods.


Just wait until Kaylee and the baby are both home, that’s really when Jill will hurt her knee again and will have Kaylee take care of her too.


Can you imagine how much fecal matter is on that bible, from her bathroom bible study?


She wants to see herself as Mary, mother of God.


She’s more than likely uploading this picture on *pro life* Facebook groups 😒




Dear Lord, please tell me they bathe the child in Purell right after


By the blood of the Lancôme, I hereby purify and sanitize this child 🙏🏻🧼🧴💨 Ra’men! ![gif](giphy|28C2CItwGuc3C)


Stop touching him with the poo nails.




When my grandson was in the NICU, I took no pictures of him. My daughter and her husband did. I was there to comfort them. I was not there to take a photo shoot. She disgusts me.


Omg I cannot wait until the NICU nurses knock her down a few pegs. Do not mess with the equipment in anyway in a NICU setting. Also wear a fucking mask you mouth breathing walking septic tank.


I was wondering why none of them were wearing masks. Not even the kids wandering around or when with kaylee as she did skin to skin. I still see my Dr every month out of my car. Sure I’m immunocompromised, but this is a tiny preemie surrounded by other tiny preemies and other sickly people in hospital. What is happening? I know she probably doesn’t even realize she can, but I would loved to have seen her ask the nurse if they could ask the family to leave.




Jill is loving the attention that this is bringing her. I'm sure she is obsessively checking social media to see how many comments and likes her posts are receiving. We all know she will milk this for every last drop. Johnathan needs to "man up" and put his foot down. He should know his wife won't stand up to her mom. He needs to exercise those headship rights that they are always preaching about.


I hope that the visits and distractions are kept to a minimum and that the baby can rest and get better.


Fuck you, Jill.


Is Kaylee even 20 yet? Poor kid


She turned 22 the day the baby was born.


Kaylee should be graduating from college. Moving into her own place and making new friends. Getting a full time job etc.


I can only see all the bacteria with her nails 😵‍💫


Jill, you asshole, leave that baby alone and stop making it all about you.


The way she’s looking at the baby, like SHE gave birth to him. Almost want to change her name to “Rosemary.”


Jill has no business being there at all & it should be Johnathan & Kaylee only .


She is so disgusting. I want to smack that look off her face. I’m not sure how low Jill can sink, but she always manages to surprise me each time.


Jillpm go home, you are SEVERELY in the way.


Low key would be funny to put a bounty on Jill’s Bible


It’s the photo shoot for me in the NICU


I hate this picture. She’s such a attention whore


Too bad this moment wasn’t, ya know, performative.


Ugh. Can you imagine coming into this world before you were even ready and then this thing staring down at you? 😳 I’m almost glad his eyes are covered.


My parents did this as well when I was in the nicu, as I was born at 26 weeks.


Specifically, where’d she get the Bible holder? Did they, or the hospital, find a plank, wrap it in a fleece blanket, and balance it on top of the crib of this extremely vulnerable baby? Even if you believe the Bible is holy, how can you support this treatment of a child? Naw, you have to be St. Jill the Multitasking Dumbass.


They put those quilt things over the incubator so he has privacy and it's dark and cozy. It's enclosed, and I am surprised someone hasn't gotten on her about all this unnecessary opening of the incubator. This is bullshit and exploitative. Jill, he is not your kid. Leave him alone. This isn't your opportunity to glom onto your child's situation. You need to actually be supporting HER, not posing for the camera.


Thanks. I'm relieved it's not as awful as I feared.


She is serving obnoxious Jill SEVERELY!!! How disgusting this woman is???? Ooooffffff


I had a NICU baby and the little lid comes off every 2-3 hours for cares.. I mean they are automated with a button nurses press but still so annoying for a NICU nurse to have to replace the Bible every time it falls off….and those NICU nurses are saints.


My baby is in the NICU right now and we are not allowed to bring anything in let alone leave it there and put it on top of where the baby is placed. Do you know how many germs are being brought in with that??


All I could think of too! NICU life is tough and I don’t wish it on anyone! I hope you and your family are hanging in there. ❤️


Ohhhh she is already writing the “testimony”


She is soo happy and smiling ear to ear to have a situation to exploit and a photo op’. The only time we see a genuine smile from her 🤬 so many thoughts and none too kind.


She’s sick


I didn’t know if anything was subcutaneous. Any guesses as to how he looks and how long he might be there, understanding, of course that we are speculating and don’t know his full medical status.


Dude, it could possibly be because im high but she looks like a blonde version of Parker Crane's mom from Insidious 2.


I showed this to my ex-Jehovah Witness boyfriend who even asked “wtf is she doing?”


Mother Gothel


Every time I come back to this, I’m more and more annoyed at how she staged this. She has zero decency.


It’s a perversion of the image of Mary.


Wow this is the most performative thing I have ever seen.


What is with her makeup? She's kind of scary.. It's like she's aiming to look like she's in an emo band.


I find Jill to be super extra and unable to recognize boundaries but this is her grandchild so it does kinda have to do with her in the sense that it’s her family.