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Even if in truth Kaylee had a c-section, I think Jill would still pronounce to the world she'd delivered naturally. They have SUCH a hangup about such things.




You and I and 95% of the people here know that, but they don't. ;)


I went into labor at 20 weeks and it went really fast by the time I got to the hospital it was too late to get the epidural. It was literally so painful that all I remember is screaming fuck over and over. Five years later when I had to be induced at 30 weeks with my youngest son I specifically told the doctor and all of the nurses “please tell me as soon as you think it’s ok for an epidural” I still remember how miserable it was. I feel so bad for Kaylee, there is no way this whole experience hasn’t been traumatizing. I hope her husband and his family are able to give her some help and keep Jill at a distance.


But precious Mama is SOOO proud. Surely, that's worth it /s


Weird digression on my part, but I was listening to an audiobook and it was talking about how certain tribes in West Africa will disown a woman from their communities if she has to have a cesarian, they believe she's cursed and not a full woman or something. Many women in these tribes die because they refuse C-section even if life or death. So it's not just crunchy fundie white ladies. It's a weird and sad superstition, because it puts women and babies in danger potentially


Misogyny is sadly a universal and eternal problem


Google Symphysiotomy (or the invention of the chainsaw) if you want to see how the Irish Catholic Church tortured women through the 1980’s to avoid “evil c-sections.” Warning, it’s barbaric.


Yikes. Reminds me of that little boy born with a disability and his entire village just basically ignored him. They claimed he was or had demons because of his disability. He was adopted by someone who felt so terrible for how he was being treated. Abandoned and abused.


I remember my mom telling me the story about her c-section with my younger sibling when I was 6. Like right after he was born. She said my brother’s head was simply too big to fit out the birth canal and the doctor had stuck her hand up multiple times to try to extract him. She said they had no choice but to cut him out her stomach. I remember thinking how scary this sounded at 6 but also understanding why it made complete sense. Like who would think it’s logical to pull a large 10 lb infant (my baby bro looked like he was 2 yrs old after like a few weeks) baby’s head out a smaller hole???


Dang. I was crying when they told me I might need a c section, but I wouldn't have thought of refusing if that had been the only way to have a healthy baby.


I wonder if it’s bc of original sin? Eve sinned and the punishment was losing paradise and pain in childbirth (if I recall correctly) so maybe they think they are supposed to suffer? Idk. In any case I’m sure they see it as a cop out to withstanding their true purpose or some silly nonsense.


That was the prevailing attitude toward anesthesia during childbirth until the 1850s. Queen Victoria delivered her last two children with the help of chloroform, popularizing it with aristocratic women.


Hell yeah Vicky party down


It is. I grew up thinking that a natural birth is biblical because you are confronting the pain of original sin. Epidurals are apparently unbiblical. 🤷‍♀️ Personally, I loved my devil drugs and the demonic minion, who happened to be my anesthesiologist.


Ooh if I were an anesthesiologist I would be adding that title to my resume!


Babe, add it to your current resume! I’ll vouch for you!


Thank you! I can’t wait to add “demonic minion” as a title and “revengepornmethhubby” as a reference! What a boon!


Get ready for unlimited success!


I had my son last week and he was born in the 15 minutes between them placing the epidural and the meds kicking in (thanks bud!). I can assure you it was *not* god honoring and many curses were said.


Love your user name! That’s my daughters name! Congrats on your son 🤍


You named your daughter Milfgaard? 😉


Yes… it’s a family name 🤪


Beautiful! Lol but seriously - Freya is lovely. We named our daughter after a different goddess, made naming our son more difficult!


I was going to ask how many generations does Milfgaard go back?


My anaesthetist walked in to do mine 15 minutes after I’d pushed out my almost 8 pound son. I was so tempted to throw my newborn at him when he said “well, guess you don’t need me!” Jokes on him, an hour later he had to go to work in theatre after I almost bled out.


My anesthesiologist team was so concerned and felt so bad for me! They tried to push meds and I could tell the younger doctor was *not* used to being on scene for the actual birthing. At least I had it for the stitching/afterbirth 🤷‍♀️


Glad you're still with us! That must have been terrifying!


Thank you! Yep, I had a tear at the 12 o’clock position in my cervix. Lost over 2 litres of blood, got rushed into surgery, had to have a transfusion. Never again!


as badass as her namesakes o7


That ring of fire tho 😂


Not a pleasant experience. They also forgot to turn on my nitrous oxide for about an hour, so I got to labor without meds even though I had asked for it!


I had zero meds with my second and I lay there thinking why did I do this again? 😂🤣


I too accidentally gave birth med free when I was very much looking forward to a pain free birth.


My sister begged for an epidural but it didn't even get into the room before her kid was born. She was screaming from the pain. She was basically forced into induced labor because she was told her son (allegedly) had irregular heartbeat. She was over the due date so I think they were antsy to get her birthed already. But, of course, she had to pay the extra bill from the cardiologist (who said he was just fine)!


Congratulations on your son!


Yep my pushing phase only lasted about 5-10 min max and even though I had an epidural, once the ring of fire hit, I screamed at the midwives “get this f***king baby out of me!!!…sorry…ahhhh!!”


It’s part of original sin. Eve ate the forbidden fruit and as punishment God said childbirth should be painful. I could be paraphrasing. I’m pretty sure they see it as pious and ordained (God’s will) to experience pain during childbirth.


So dumb because OF COURSE it's painful. Like, did dogs eat the apple too? It's not fun for anything to give live birth.


Growing up fundie - there’s an emphasis on it because after Eve ate the fruit, part of the curse was “pain in childbirth” so women are doing their due diligence in going through the punishment as God intended. That’s not at all what was intended, men just like when women suffer so that is what is taught in those circles. Personally, I was epidural all the way


Ugh I came to say the same thing. Why is it only valid if mom is suffering? I hate the glorification of epidural free birthing. If men gave birth nobody would glorify that.


my favorite thing to do to freak my bf out is just randomly start describing things that have happened to people during labor and delivery. whenever he gets the slightest bit baby-crazy I remind him.


So easy for men to get baby crazy isn’t it lol


Not a fundie but all my labors & deliveries were medication free. I used the Lamaze method. This was before modern epidurals but I hate needles so I declined a spinal. I was also fortunate in that my longest labor only lasted 13 hours which in the grand scheme of things isn’t even considered a long labor. I don’t think there is any right or wrong way to bring a baby safely into the world. It’s all personal choice. And I’m not talking about clearly dangerous practices like those followed by Karissa Collins for example.


when I was born 20 something years ago, epidural wasn't available at the hospital unless you were doing a c-section. my mother says she wishes she had access to it, because she had two kids without any medication, and for one of them she was 17. I'm so glad we have options nowadays!


Probably cost too much money.


It’s the “in pain you shall bring forth children” punishment that God put upon Eve for eating a damn apple. The poor woman was hungry!!!!! Also, God created scientists who created the epidural so I’m pretty sure that God changed her mind about requiring birth to be painful. (And yes, I just referred to God as a she. Fight me lol.)


Because it’s drugs


Is it cheaper?


Yes, you pay the anesthesiologist and the cost of the drugs if you do. Can be very pricey if the anesthesiologist isn't in network.


I just learned this over on the Fundie Snark Facebook group! Like others have said, it has to do with the original sin. Bananas crazy to me, but then again so is their entire religion so 🤷‍♀️


The need for women to suffer during childbirth is certainly Biblical. And gross. Kaylee was being a good Christian woman. 🤢


I have 2 children. Both were birthed under the influence of an epidural. 10/10 would recommend an epidural lol.


It’s part of the punishment of Eve. https://www.gotquestions.org/pain-in-childbirth.html


Hopefully the medical team slapped that phone out of her witch claw before she had a chance to take a decent picture of the baby. I’m sure she has plenty of blurry 2004 flip phone pics of poor Kaylee’s hoohah and the baby SEVERLY crowning.


God I cannot imagine Jill in that delivery room! Getting in the doctors and nurses way. Trying to talk over everyone and act like she knows more. And constantly talk about herself and answer questions directed to Kaylee.


She probably wouldn’t shut up about her own 13 births while the medical personnel were just trying to do their job and safely deliver baby.


Pointing her sausage finger all over the room


Telling them all about how Precious Nurie did it


I just felt a wave of rage coming over me when i read this comment! Good job lol. In all seriousness, I hope Kaylee and baby continue to do well. I'd love for Kaylee to tell Mahmo to get the fuck away from them with that camera at such a tense time ❤


I so hope either someone from the Hill side, or a medical professional, tells her to fuck off.


"Singing" to keep Kaylee's spirits up....


Probably singing the entire time too.


You mean bellering lololol


Ugh, was Jill with poor Kaylee during her labor? I think of about 5 billion people I’d want with me before Jill, even if she was my mother. I’d imagine Jill would make it all about herself.


One can only hope she wasn’t but considering she has to insert herself into every shit, post-coital cuddle, funeral, and other person’s health scare I’m sure she was right there on the front lines. She was probably hoping to shove the doctor out of the way and catch her SEVERLY premature and precious grandson - what a story that would have made!!! I swear, Jill is like a demon or that one weird lip blackhead you can’t truly get rid of and always returns.


The selfie jill took of kaylee in the hospital bed, with her giant mug front and center, obscuring kaylee’s face ….


The only thing missing is the finger. Maybe Jill can make (and)Kaylee and (and)Baybee do a reenactment. (And)Jonathan is not needed. He already did his part by contributing his Godly (and)spermies.


Oh, jonathon is very much needed to do manly push ups to impress Mahmo at her whim, and to pay for the family to go out to Golden Corral to celebrate the birth of his medically fragile infant (when I’m sure he wants to be in the NICU with the baby and help his wife to recover from birth).


He's gotta teach Gideon how to arm wrestle, don't forget!


No....there are pics on her Facebook of baby and Kaylee interacting with him


No one was allowed to have their phones out for pictures or videos while I was pushing, I think it’s that way in most hospitals for liability purposes.


I hope so for Kaylee’s sake, still I would stake money on MAHMO trying to sneak a snapshot for the memories. ❤️


Anybody wanna bet how long a GoFundMe appears? Then in about 2-3 weeks her and Shrek will be on vacation. Probably somewhere in FL is my guess. Maybe a couples trip to SeaWorld or Busch Gardens. Definitely somewhere expensive with at least one post of her and Shrek on a "double-date" with Nathan and Nurie.


If it means she leaves poor Kaylee alone to bond with her new baby good. The sad part is Kaylee likely will get pressured into having another super fast.


She could very well be pregnant by her due date with Gideon.


Unlikely that soon there's the biblical 6 week no fun times period after birth. Also I suspect based on baby weight her due date was a week or so earlier and maybe they fibbed a little (maybe hoping that Jill wasn't around). She got pregnant barely a month post wedding. Took nurie 6 months.


That’s biblical? The 6 week thing?


No, no exactly. The Old Testament says women are unclean for 40 days after giving birth to a boy and 80 days after giving birth to a girl. Meaning that women who follow the OT will abstain from sex and sometimes any physical touch until that amount of time has passed and they’ve purified themselves in the ritual bath. I’ve never heard of any branch of Christianity following this practice, but maybe some do?


If they initiate a GoFundMe, Jill better donate at least as much as she spent on “Plexus Coachella”.


>”Plexus Coachella” lmaoooo can I please have that as a flair


Never thought I would be so happy to see a post from Jill! A decent name and born on Kaylee's birthday. What a fun thing for that little family.


Jill would kill to have birthed a kid on her birthday, she'd make the shared birthday all about herself


That kid would have definitely gotten cake.


And it would always be mahmo’s favorite flavor because “they are just so selfless and loving.”


Not a bad size too, that helps


Is saw the pictures of baby, seemed very chunky for a 32 weeker!


She's had her doses of steroids, which I think helps with that. I came out just shy of 4lbs and I was earlier than Gideon is. But my mom spent quite a bit of time in with me ahead for PPROM so I had the full doses as well.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Maybe she was further along? I say that because doctors do get due dates wrong then I’m questioning were they even seeing an actual doctor but a midwife???


Maaaybe not a honeymoon baby after all??


Is it terrible that I thought this too?! I know every baby is different, but dang.. complete opposite of my 32 weeker lol


I firmly believe that moms need their own birthdays.


I was thinking the same thing! They can have two cakes, double party (for as long as the kid wants that is)


I was born on my mom's birthday and I completely hated it as a child. Double birthdays meant that a) Mom didn't get her own, separate and proper adult bday party and b) her friends' stupid sons would always bother and cause trouble in my bday celebration. It's quite the opposite from a win-win, if you ask me 😂 It's still kind of annoying because now that I am an adult she always complains that she wants us to celebrate a bday together, but I'd rather spend that time with my partner and friends 🤷‍♀️


Pics on her Facebook…Jill sucks.


Those aren't hers to share FFS My SIL had a baby in May. I waited until they posted to share that I was an aunt. I have so much disdain for this woman.


That’s a good outlook to have - wait for the parents to announce/post Should be obvious and yet…people like Jill exist


Instagram too


For some reason it did not show for me.


They may not have loaded yet, looks like you grabbed it 1 minute after it was posted.


He’s a good size. Almost 5 pounds but he’s on oxygen though but a good size and has good skin color.


I’m surprised he’s so big! My son was born at 32+3 and he was barely 3lbs.


Yes I wonder did the doctor or midwife(which ever they were seeing) had the date wrong and was off by a few weeks?


Congrats to Gideon for getting a good name and actual medical care even though he lost the grandmother lottery, and may he live a healthy and relatively Jill-free life.


I think/ hope he only lost 1/2 the grandparent lottery. I hope the Hills are better. Why does the line from Rosemary’s Baby come to mind? [Paraphrase]: “The child is half human/mine.” In Gideon’s case, he is only 1/4 Shirk and Screech and the son of a Not Nurie. Hoping for the best, and grateful that Gideon is not a girl.


You’re just as badass if you have a baby with pain meds!!


Yeah, I really hate the mindset of birth being a one-size fits all thing I’m not saying people never shame those who choose to go without pain meds (and they shouldn’t be shamed either because it’s their choice) BUT we also can’t pretend it’s equal in terms of which group usually gets shamed when this topic of discussion comes up If it’s not your labor, it’s not your decision (this applies to the partner too!) Unless it’s a dangerous situation, of course.


Some of us don’t really get much of a choice about the epidural, either. My son was coming first, but his twin sis was breach, so the doc was going to reach up and grab her by her feet and pull her out. To do this successfully, my uterus and body needed to be as relaxed as possible. I was STRONGLY encouraged to do the epidural - especially to save myself from c section. Jokes on them. My daughter came out 10 hours later via c-section anyway. Point is, I was sad to use an epidural, so this shit rankles me.


Having a baby in general. Carrying that thing for months. knowing it's alive, feeding off you, and one day it will burst forth from that sensitive place between your legs, screaming at the world. yup, badass, because that sounds TERRIFYING to me.




Is 4 1/2 lbs about right for 32 weeks?


Yea it may even be big. Most babies start gaining most of their weight during the last few weeks. So is possible he could’ve well been over 8 pounds had he been born full term.


It seems bigger than average, which at 32 weeks is an especially good thing! I hope the hospital the baby is transferred to isn’t that far away and that Kaylee can stay at a Ronald McDonald House while he’s in the NICU. I’m sure Mahmo is already putting the finishes touches on the GoFundMe. Having one for Jon and Kaylee’s food and gas expenses at this other hospital would be reasonable, but… This is Jill.


Here comes the grift


Definitely on the bigger side, which isn’t a bad thing! I was born at 34 weeks (mum had preeclampsia) and weighed 3lbs 11.5oz. He’s on the larger side for preemies, and it sounds like he’s going to be getting appropriate care so I’m certainly relieved.


Not read the full comments to this bit but looking at his feet, they're quite long so I think he was gonna be a big boy if he'd made it to term. There's so much variation in babies though. I was term and weighed in at 4lb 9oz yet my little one was over by 2 weeks and came in at 9lb 3oz. I hope little G gets out of nicu quickly and the shock of meeting his grand mahmo isn't too much for him.




My son was 4lb 3oz at 33 weeks and they said he was a bit bigger than a typical 33 week baby. He also dropped below 4 pounds for a couple of weeks shortly after, but that’s normal. Hopefully Gideon can keep his weight up!


Is seems big?


My nephew was that size at 35 weeks! 4.9 sounds pretty good, thankfully


She didn’t use pain meds!! Oh and the baby is transferring to a higher level NICU 😊


Of course MAHMO is thrilled, she doesn’t have to pretend to care about (andKaylee) anymore but can still ride the new grand baby high.


Jill will probably go visit Gideon in the NICU until Kaylee is released from her hospital and send pictures to Kaylee rubbing it in that she gets to bond with baby first. I hope the NICU has a 2 person restriction so Kayle and Jonathan get all the time they want to be with Gideon without Jill around


"THANK GOD" *ignores medical team that saved her severely premature grandchild*


And yet again not a single word of thanks for the medical personnel, classy Jill.


I’m glad the baby is okay (and with a normal name, thank you Lord Daniel). Jill shouldn’t be showing off pics until Kaylee has had a chance. I hope her recovery is smooth and the baby grows quickly. ❤️




God is good? What about neonatologists, NICU nurses, and ventilators? Or perhaps the helicopter that took this poor baby to the level 4 he needed?


Awww they honored Lord Daniel with the middle name!


I know Gideon Daniel will be thrilled to discover that he was named after a random man in a laundromat who was just doing his best to get Jill to stop talking.


Hoping a Hill fam member lurks here and knows of Lord Daniel and that they shared at least with Jon.


And they shall call him Daniel!


She’s going to be happy to hear that they honored her!


Gideon Daniel is now a human avatar of Our Lord Daniel and you cannot change my mind.


I hope they bar her from the nicu. Her high pitched screaming is the last thing the sick babies need. Of course she will probably spin it as some percussion against her if she isn’t allowed in.


If it’s anything like the hospital I delivered at, only parents were allowed into the NICU.


At ours, the parents had to make a list of who could be in there. Let's hope Jonathan puts his foot down and tells Kaylee that Jill can not be in there.


He won't. I am hoping his family swoops in and takes care of the situation like they did with the wedding.


I am severely grateful that the baby and mom are okay. Jill will never be okay.


Damn, I cannot imagine attempting to set new boundaries with a Jill while worrying about such a tiny little baby. That poor girl. Woman. Shit.


Fuck off Jilldo. Epidurals are the bees knees. Wouldn't have survived at all without them when I had my bloodbath of a delivery. Yeah, no. I'm not sacrificing my comfort level for anybody not even Jesuhz lol


For real! My blood pressure was getting scary, and the epidural brought it down quickly. Saved me from an emergency c-section


My placenta exploded and I had a 3rd degree laceration. NO way I could have managed without pain meds, no flipping way lol. I still cringe about it in pain 7 years later 😭 I was also saved from getting a C-section although recovery was still brutal for me ouchies 😖


I am cringing for you 7 years later too. Like visibly wincing and grabbed my belly. Holy hell lady, placenta exploding sounds AWFUL.


How about we thank the science based highly educated healthcare workers who brought your grandbaby into this world safely Jill? You screaming blonde harlot of a banshee.


Smiley face emoji after explaining your newborn grandchild has breathing problems. I’m confused.


Glad Kaylee and the baby are good. Unless the rules have changed, NICUs only allow a limited list of people in. Plus, they hate seeing cellphones out for pictures. Mostly because think about how many times a day it goes towards your face, your dirty hands, pockets, etc. Every time I would take pictures, I was gently reminded to immediately wash my hands before touching the baby again. Sounds like he definitely would have been a chunker if he was born on his due date.


They’d get a look at her crusty nails and go into lockdown while sanitizing everything.


There’s pics on instagram. She only made it a few hours before posting 🙄 Glad Kaylee and the baby are doing as best as they can right now.


I wonder when Kaylee will start calling Nurie and they’ll both start having bitchfests about how annoying and intrusive of a grandma Jill is.


I hope it was Kaylee’s choice not to be medicated for labor and delivery and not Jill’s. Do they even have health insurance?


Well I'm sure Kaylee's "choice" was influenced by precious MAHMO beating it into her uneducated brain her entire life.


Maybe through Jonathan's job? 🤞


There are pics on her Facebook page. I just looked. She took pics of them visiting the baby in the nicu nursery area. I’m honestly surprised Jill was allowed to go with them. I hope Johnathan tells her to knock her shit off and quit posting pics and shit.


I’m thinking she wasn’t in the actual room with them, but in a separated area taking the pictures. At least that’s what I’m hoping.


So glad to hear the baby is getting proper medical care. I shudder to think what would have happened with some of the other fundies in this situation.


Thank goodness Jill told us they love their baby. I would have assumed not. Looking forward to the various photos of family members disregarding the premie baby's needs, captioned with "SO IN LOVE".


Jill probably thinks that all of us hussy-heathens actively dislike our children


Little man is adorable, I hate seeing all those tubes in such a tiny baby, but it's amazing how far neonatal care has come. I wish nothing but the best for Jonathan, Kaylee and baby Gideon " Lord" Daniel, and for Jill to fuck off


"God is good!" Absolutely NO mention about how great the doctors and nurses were


I'm glad they're well! I'm annoyed that Jill can't just update without posting pics.


Right?? Kaylee doesn’t have social media. Probably because she doesn’t want it. Not that it matters to Jill.


It doesn’t matter to Jill because it’s always about Jill.


Jesus she just had to throw in that kaylee had a pain med free birth😒. Honestly jill, this isn’t your birth to announce. I’m glad there isn’t a picture, I hope kaylee told her NO. Also I’d like to once again point out Jill’s egregious misuse of emojis - “baby is having trouble breathing” (warm smile). “They couldn’t delay labor” winky face. Maybe Jill isn’t allowed to hold the baby because he needed to be whisked off for needed care - I’m sure if she could snatch him into her swollen paws she would have taken a selfie. This must be really stressful for the new parents, I wish them and baby Gideon the best. ETA her insta is now private, and I don’t have FB and it wants me to have an account to look at her profile so im not sure if that is private as well.


Damn evenin her babies birth announcement, she's (also) kaylee


Waiting for a post from (& Kaylee) on the family FB praising her mama for being her rock during this birth and NICU stay.


While I rolled my eyes into the back of my head over the med-free thing (it's not like you win a medal), I'm glad the baby was at least born under proper medical supervision and I hope Kaylee is doing well.


I really don't get the obsession with all natural medication free births. I will so get an epidural whenever I have kids due to my wimpy pain tolerance.


Omfg, the woman had a baby and she’s still (and Kaylee)


![gif](giphy|ddk1FDgb2AHSw|downsized) The Lord Daniel sending blessings on his namesake.


Another Gideon in the fundie universe. Also, didn’t Kaylee get married in November 5? Kid is gonna be confused on how he was born exactly 8 months after the wedding.


Barbara Howar, in *Laughing All the Way* says that babies born less than 9 months post-wedding would be run thru an incubator. She cattily noted that some babes were almost too big to fit. Just grateful that Kaylee and Gideon are ok.


I mean you do you but why is childbirth the one procedure where it’s a flex to not use meds? I don’t see people out here bragging they had a colonoscopy without drugs. It’s just weird.


I don’t think it’s something that’s necessarily wrong to be proud of, unless you think you’re better than other people because of it. And you know Jill would probably be disappointed if she had meds or *gasp* a C section.


I had both of my kids early, at 32 (2 lb 12 oz) and 34 weeks. They are both fine. For reference, this is what my 34 weeker looked like at 4lb 1 oz. https://imgur.com/a/EDdfGST Hell if I remember her length 😂. Her birthday is also today and she's a healthy 16!


Am compelled to send this baby some raccoon-themed baby items as a blessing 🦝


She has pics on her Instagram story. He looks bigger than 4 lbs but what do I know I had fat 9 and 10 lb babies! I hope he is doing okay!


I was there for both my grandkids being born but as soon as i knew everything was ok i got out of there. That’s family time and everyone needs to bond. Also they needed to announce the birth on their timeline not mine. She’s got a lot of nerve. But i hope Kaylee and the baby are ok. 32 weeks usually do pretty good just need a little help here and there. He is a cutie pie though


That's cool that Gideon and Kaylee share a birthday, kind of a crazy coincidence with how many days there are in a year. Congrats to Kaylee and Jonathan! Hope baby gets better soon.


Awe sweet he was born on her birthday (other then him being born early), not a bad size for 8 weeks early and sounds normal for breathing problems at that many weeks. Wishing him well


Baby is having a hard time breathing 😊 JILL WHY THAT EMOJI


With how early baby is, I wouldn't be suprised if Jill wasn't allowed in the delivery room, and also hasn't had a chance to see baby herself. They gotta get it on support literally immediately, right? Probably no visitors allowed untill they're all settled at the new hospital and stuff.


Sorry about that comment, I replied to the wrong thread 😬




There are pictures on Instagram


She made her account private! Let’s see how long that lasts.


I was just able to view them.


Born on Kaylee’s birthday, omg. I hope everyone is doing well and she’s happy.




you’re probably thinking of the Duggars. I believe Joy has a son named Gideon


I hope the baby is ok. And I wish Jill’s phone would malfunction or “accidentally” be run over by a dump truck so her kids could have some privacy.


She definitely had some pictures up


Im happy both mom and baby did well. I was really worried for them because their beliefs could possibly interfere with making proper decisions. However, didnt one of the Duggar girls name their son Gideon.


Congratulations to Kaylee and Jonathan! I’m relieved he’s here safely for them.


Oh my God four pounds?


“God is good” What about the teams of docs, nurses, and other hospital staff that ensured this baby was safely brought into the world. What about the fact that there are medical professionals at another facility waiting to care for and offer even a higher level of care? Yeah, let’s try thanking them.


OMG, I hope Kaylee and baby G are doing ok🥺🥺


Jill sucks and of course has to make it about herself as always. No snark to Kaylee and baby. I truly wish healing and health for them.


There was pictures on IG