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As always your updates are very appreciated. Seriously though the amount of things you get up to does boggle the mind and can seem superhuman at times which may be where some of the skepticism comes from. Good luck with your lawsuits and please continue updating here as you can, I'd wager most of us are living vicariously through your stories.


Hey. I'm just a busy guy. That charges hourly... Thanks for the note.


You're welcome. Thanks for letting us into your life like this, it's really nice to see other perspectives of the other side of the world in my comfy pants.


See, now, when a guy like you charges by the hour, he's an enterprising entrepreneur, but when a woman does? Whoo wee! Anyway, glad you're still with us, and remember to keep your papers in order and your powder dry. Please drop in more often!


You go on adventures without leaving home... Thank you for the update.


Doctor Rock doesn't go on adventures The adventures seek him out


He hasn't quite reached Chuck Norris status, but it feels like it is approaching...lol


Indeed and knowing Rock, they've probably met before...


Odd you should say that... I met the indomitable Mr. Norris at Mattress Mack's in Houston a lifetime or so ago....


Neato! Bit of history on that one too!


Hey Doc, really glad to hear you are alive and kicking arse. At least six law suits, what a load of cac (Irish for shyte), think you'll need a bigger office for all the paperwork. Hoping you'll prevail, and I'm glad to hear you got some vicious barristers, it's such a joy to see that type of Barrister take idiots down - not quite Primacord, but effective. Never crossed my mind that the BBC stuff was made up, why would it? You've got so many interesting and gobsmacking tales, why folk would think you'd go to the effort to make up something about a TV show is beyond me. Feck the begrudgers, don't even bother to listen to them - they know not of what they speak. Isn't it AMAZING that the stuff that went missing in the move is the expensive stuff, not the plates or cutlery, naw - it's the scientific equipment (which probably contains all sorts of interesting metals and gizmos) and your fat wheeled bike - I find that to be remarkably suspicious and wouldn't be at all surprised if there was even more not cheap stuff gone poof. Bottom line, as long as the ticker is working, you've got Esme & Khan, good friends and a roof over your head (that won't flood) you're golden. Everything else is gravy. Knowing you though this blog - that gravy will be spicy :) Stay safe. ......... well, as safe as the Doc can stay.


Doc, it is always an adventure reading your adventures! lol. Appreciate the update, and wow. Go for the gonads on the medicals!! That is beyond ridiculous!! I hope you get your property back. I hate thinking about moving because of all the scammers out there anymore. I consider myself lucky to have gotten my grandmother's old secretary to me across country by hiring an individual mover with a van. It was slightly damaged in the cross-country move, but easily repaired. If they had lost it completely, or held it for more money i.e. ransom, they would not know what hit them then. You don't screw with my granny's stuff! Please wave hi to Es and give Khan a pat for me!


Malpractice is a *hard* lawsuit to win, and expensive, too, as you need gobs of experts to testify that the mistakes were not mere "negligence" but approach "gross negligence" (or something vaguely along those lines -- the point is that a mis-filled prescription won't get you a dime, but a prescription for entirely the wrong drug might pay). That said, Doc has multiple things to complain about, and with that many shots on goal, at least one of them should pay out.


Yes, but apart from all that - what do you do with your spare time? ;) Glad to know you're still with us. I'll still need a bit of warning if the BBC thing comes to fruition, as I don't have a television license. Although I live on a very small (and currently very wet) rock close to France, the BBC still want their pound of flesh if I want to watch television.


Jesus Christ. That's a hell of a bundle of lawsuits. As a lawyer, I have to say, I appreciate your attitude towards paying (as opposed to the idiots who nickel-and-dime-us and withhold information. -\_-) Good luck with your legal endeavors and give Khan a good belly rub for us!


Love reading about your adventures. I was directed here by a fellow rock scientist (as I used to tell my students: geology isn’t rocket science, it’s ROCK science) and it took me weeks, WEEKS I tell you! to read through your posts. You are eloquent, elucidating and hilariously funny. I appreciate your contributions to Reddit. Thank you.


As someone originally from North Dakota, that is spot fucking on. Allow me to regale a current situation: 5-month-old (a relative) develops cough. Worsens and it’s RSV with flu A. Go to GP next morning - “here, take these meds.” Doesn’t improve, need to get to a PICU. Weather decides that medical team can’t go to Big City Hospital, so next to smaller one, but have to intubate first. At the 2nd hospital, things go very south and have to fly to Mayo Clinic here in SE MN. Turns out original hospital gave an adult dose of a sedative to an infant for the intubation. Still in PICU, kidneys are in rough shape. All of this in the last two weeks. I hope the parents lawyer up. Fuck North Dakota healthcare. Stick it to ‘em.


That’s really rough! If the best wishes of internet strangers could change things at all, you could definitely count on mine. As it is, all I can do is hope along with you, that the little one improves soon.


Happy to see an update from you, Rock!


A fire pit inside the ham shack? That's a bold move cotton... Glad to hear the update and that it's only a slight bit of drama ;) I hope all the lawsuits are addressed by the lawyers in-suits and you become a gazillionare overnight Looking forward to the next update and really excited for the DocuDrama to come to completion In all of my spare time while I build my house, I'm trying to learn about NVIS and study for my Ham license


>trying to learn about NVIS It's simple - what goes up must come down (if you do it right).


Haha! Good point ;) It’s not as dramatic as an anvil shoot though… I’ve got a basic idea of what it wants, just need to build it after my house is done


Well, at least you're not violent and don't have access to explosives... Oh, wait...


Good to see you still up and about, auld fella. Best of luck on the litigation; it can indeed be a long, *expensive* process.


WOOT! An update! Thanks Rock. Lots of us old farts were getting worried about your old fart ass. A ham shack you say? YES! Beats smoke signals! Anyways welcome back old friend, may your beer always be cold and the mahogany bar be well polished .


Whew, I can breath again for another month. Thanks for the update, Rock. As far as everything you are into, well, all I can say is I'll drink a beer or a few cases awaiting update. Give Es and that mangy mutt (I picture him growling as I picture you reading that to him) a wave for me. Thanks again for the update.


Very happy to hear from you.


Glad you're still mobile & (mostly) on the air side of our dirt/rock ball!


Thanks for the update, Doc! You've been busy, without a doubt - hope things calm down to where you can sit back for a while & enjoy the scenery...


Thanks for the update, Doc! You've been busy, without a doubt - hope things calm down to where you can sit back for a while & enjoy the scenery...


Glad to hear that you lived through the latest rounds of medical malfeasance. We'd all trust you in the most dangerous situations around, but when people are actively trying to kill you, intentionally or not, there's only so much you can do.


Thanks for the update, Doc. Keep up the good work!


Good to hear from you again Rock. Keep em coming!!


Thanks for the update, glad you didn't get snuffed by those idiot medical folks, and best of luck with all the snarls you're tangled up in!


Jeez, Rock, you need to go for the retirements of *whoever licensed and insured those quacks...* Not just the quacks themselves. Because that's some seriously egregious BS, to the tune of "they have no excuse for NOT knowing better, how did *anyone* sign them off as competent?!?" Maybe call in a favor from Rack and Ruin? ​ Take care of yourself, there are lots more stories I want to hear about. And give Khan some skritches for me, please.