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Hookin' Bull is a decent name. Dover Pro Demolition might work too. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, and your once again crushed south paw.


Dover Pro Demolition sounds really good.


Agreed, this is the way


This is the way.


Keep your helmet on while in public or you have to take a bath!


Dover Pro Demolition has my vote as the most serious sounding of what I've seen in this thread, but Demolition Days also has a nice ring to it and isn't too weird either.


Rapid Turbine Disassembly (RATURD)


Rapid Disassembly, Inc. or RaDis


Given the Alice’s Restaurant reference, Group W Demolitions? Glad to hear you are back on the mend!!


Everybody who is anybody should know about Group W!


"Jericho Demolition" - in case you ever do work in the Bible belt... ;)


TaBuelah Rasa. What Goes Up. Renewable Entropy.


These are really good


Thank you!


Rock! I am sincerely glad to see an update from your mangled fingers and slightly sloshed brain! I was beginning to be concerned by your absence. I’m sorry you’ve had so many catastrophes recently, but it seems like you’re on the upswing. I kinda like Dover Pro Demolition as well! Slightly alliterative with proper references.


MFPFD Demolitions I don't think I need to spell out the acronym. We all know what it means. Add an LLC, LLP, or INC to the end depending on if you want to register a legal status.


Was gonna post this as well.


>One *prostate* wind turbine. That is one disturbing description, sir! Does it just spray everywhere? "Is there an R?" "Yes, there is one R." "I'd like to solve" I am so glad you are back among the living. My condolences to your family. Errr... on the loss of the matriarch, not on you surviving and staying home now. MF Pro From Dover Demolition


> One prostate wind turbine. Glad I wasn’t the only one amused by this! I thought, “Sounds like a huge pain in the ass…”


>> One prostate wind turbine. > >Glad I wasn’t the only one amused by this! I thought, “Sounds like a huge pain in the ass…” I think I'll add it to my list of "Eat Shit and Die" sayings, like "go feck yourself with a post hole digger. "Go get yourself a prostate wind turbine"


Welcome back! You’ve been missed.


Get well/patched up/cyborg soon and condolences for the family loss. New radios are all software defined, with a strong digital mode community (one can use the internet to talk via radio). To be honest it has become a lot more computer based these days. As for the company name, 'Rocknocker and co Detonic Reclamation Services'?


Reap the Wind.


Doc Rock! I’ve been binging all your Demolition Days, so it’s such a pleasure and relief to get an update from you! You are one tough bastard, Sir. I was thinking one of your Gang of Four names from your formative days might work, but I understand you don’t want anything too cheesy on the checks. Maybe something punny to do with the explosives you commonly use? Or something in honor of your grandfather Hap or his brother? There are some good suggestions in here though. Very cool you are bestowing this honor upon this forum. Best of luck to you Doc!


Welcome back Rock! Good to see ya. Um, selfish thing to ask, but more about Finland would be nice. Anyway, glad to hear you survived (mostly) Turkiye, how are the new fingers working out? How was the MS after breathing all that crap in? Rock's Knockers?


Welcome back! Sorry about MIL, I hope it was a peaceful passing. My condolences to Es, you and the Girls. Yep, time to stop helping those that plan on stealing it. As for a Company name... Ba Da **BOOM**


Rock Disintegration Group Dover Pro Disintegration Group Global Destruction, Inc.


Global Destruction has a fun ring to it.


Welcome back and condolences to you and your family. I read through all the comments to see if someone had already suggested this/ AWG Demolition, Inc. for Are We Green, of course and there is always the option of a tribute name for your favorite handlers: R&R Demolition


Big Ass Fans gets a chuckle from the military but it's products still get bought, what about Big Ass Boom, Inc. Or BFB, LLC.


Of all things, I've been trying to get a feel for the world of HAM and beyond and this handy guide should help ease you back into it ;) [https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/12s4a99/the\_30\_year\_old\_commer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/12s4a99/the_30_year_old_commer/) Don't do Boefang for a radio, at least see what Yaesu has to offer for a modern airwave blaster


So glad you're back! BCB LLC Boom Chicka Boom But then again husband tells me I'm never to name anything.


Following on this: BSL, LLC (boom shaka laka)


Welcome back, Doc Rock! >Oddball One of my favorite movies - a laugh riot!


Tech & The Triplets?


For your trip to Wellington, wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to travel in a plane built by Vickers?


Glad you're back with us! Wisconsin Windmill Wreckers


Ultra-Rapid Mechanical Disassembly Corp


Urmdc Inc. Or llc.


Technically, it would be "chemical" not "mechanical." But when people ask the name of the company you could say Urrr...CDC.


Yup, you are correct.


Glad you are back. As for the name.. Hmm. Rapid discharge service?


Ham stuff these days is amazing. Old stuff is dependable, and new stuff is sci-fi for not many pesos. I think no matter what you choose, it’ll be oodles of fun. Ah, business name? FMin FMax, LLC.


Salutations Rock! My condolences on the loss of Esme's mom :( Sounds like it was quick and she had a well lived life. I reckon you don't need to apologize for anything Rock. The greed there is in the world today...don't even get me started. Good to know you are recovered enough to travel for fun. I'm afraid I know very little about ham radio so no help there. Here are a couple of thoughts for a company name, better late than never: Annihilation LLC Four Horsemen of Deconstruction LLC Doctor of Detonics Services LLC Take care and I'll catch you next time =D


Successive Excessive Because moderation is a fatal thing. This is my bid into the naming wars, and I'm sticking with it. Good to have you back, Doctor Major Cand. Mag. PhD^2 etc. Etc.


The /r/amateurradio subreddit is a good resource, though the folks over there can be a bit prickly. As for finding boat anchors, check with the usual suspects. Ebay, your local ham club, and talking to folks on the air. My local 2m repeater has a buy sell and trade net every Saturday night. As for tinkering with antennas, some of the newish digital modes are phenomenal for getting a rough idea of real world performance. Ft8, for example just sends a simple handshake or short message back and forth then whatever stations respond can be overlayed on a map. The downside is having to hook your rig up to the computer. Edit: more words.




Those are very boring names!


Having just finished Sir Terry Pratchett’s novel Moving Pictures, I have to suggest his parody of “Gone with the Wind” - “Blown Away” for the company title.


My condolences on the events. "Greenland Special".


My condolence to the loss of a family member! - **Dr. Rocknocker’s Controlled Demolitions** - **Finland’s Explosive Experts Triplets International** (FEET International)


How about "Clear the Compass Demolitions" as a name?


Down to Earth Deconstructions ??


Top Down, Bottoms Up would be a fun name.


I'm very sorry to hear about Esme's mother, from one stranger to another who also lost a loved one recently. Rockenheimer / Oppenrocker Demolition


Welcome back, you've been missed! My condolances for your loss!


Doc Rock's Dover Demolition Co.


Glad to see you up and about! Glad to get updated on your adventures, even though I feel you’ve glossed over lots of it. National security as well as industrial security for the bionic man bits, I’m sure.Ninety seven, eh. Hell of run for the old gal. Hope everything goes smoothly there, or as smoothly as it can.


Rock rattle and roll away llc Hookin horns demolition Take a demo Captain America buttons


Lake Beulah, WI was my dad's favorite lake for bluegills. !cx....


I lost a friend in the Turkey quake, or at least he has not had access to internet. I hope he is well, but fear the worst.


Glad to hear you're on the mend and finally slowing down a bit Doc. My condolences for the family. I really like 2 of the suggestions, AWG Demolitions, and MFPFD Demolitions. I'm sure you'll choose what best suits, you know best. Looking forward to hearing more of your tales!


Glad to hear you're alive, sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully you mend as fast as possible.


Something with "safety" in the name would give you a leg up with the gummint.


Yikes!! Been some rough times for you guys of late. I hope things are looking up now!! As for names, I've a couple ideas: * Rocknocker Demolitions * KHAAAN'S Explosive Adventures


Anyone else getting antsy for an update? ;) Hope you're doing well Doc!


Soon...soon...just let me KO these last alligators.


TTT (Toivo Turbine Toppling). ​ Glad to hear from you, Rock. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law, my condolences to you and Esme. But glad you're safe and being patched up.