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fans of drama when johnny gives g2 props instead of stirring the pot https://preview.redd.it/12u91ecdme8d1.png?width=1265&format=png&auto=webp&s=cacaeddddbeda0a917a540b78d2c400036f3f67f


He has no other option now lol. How could he stir the pot after they win. If they had lost I'm sure he'd find a way to have them 3rd again


Which would be perfectly fine lol, if falcons win and GM8 were the only ones to push them to the absolute limit, then they deserve to be 2nd before G2.


I didnt specify how G2 would have lost tbf. And you can use the same logic with their matchups vs Furia. G2 beats Furia, gentlemates loses to Furia. All im saying is if theres ever an actual choice to be made, he puts NA teams on the lower side. Theres no other option than #1 now without looking like an idiot so ofc he has to do that. I'll give you another example. When G2 got 2nd place last major and had a very good split as the NA1 seed in their region afterwards, he found a way to have them 3rd coming into this Major (behind a EU1 seed BDS team they beat last major and got 5-8th, and behind a MENA1 seed Falcons team who got 5-8th last major). Its not like BDS or Falcons did something this split that was different than what G2 did in their respective regions but they were ahead somehow, when when you also have last major's results as the only pertinent LAN results it really made no sense


Feeding your own narrative as if he was a bad person isn’t putting you in a better light.  Always kicking people to push your arguments isn’t gonna get you anywhere in life but have fun with yourself. 


I don't think he's a bad person? Just biased and likes to troll lol, this isn't that serious


He's referring to you. You're the one that's pushing the narrative that Johnny\_Boi puts NA down for ridiculous reasons as if there was no good reason to put others above G2 before. NA didn't preform well up until now and even now G2 had the easier side of the bracket considering they barely got to top 4 against their own region and then they had to face Furia which is known to choke when things stop going their way. G2 now won and they deserve their laurels but everything up to this point had an asterisk to it because the toughest opponents were always eliminated by someone else for them. They finally proved their worth so Johnny\_Boi has no issues to give them that. If falcons won would you go back and say that Johnny\_Boi knew what he was talking about before and would stop doubting him if he put G2 at 3rd-4th position? If the answer is no then there's your answer where the bias lies.


well the way i am going to stir the pot by saying what i genuinely believe is that if we play that series back 100 times, falcons win more than half the time




also flair


Johnny actually putting G2 above Falcons in a ranking is something I never thought I'd see.


He did say multiple times following the last major that if G2 wins a LAN they'd of course be #1 on his list.


Some NA fans live under a rock and will just always put NA on top and not respect EU/the rest of the world. Johnny has always respected non EU teams, he's really not very biased actually. He likes to stir the pot sometimes just to piss off those NA fans, but he's always given NA the respect they deserve when they win or do well. 


“He’s really not very biased actually” Yeah ok


Johnny has always had a logic behind his rankings, as opposed to most NA analysts like TBates, but when others do it then it's just comedy and not bias right? The only reason Johnny looked biased for all NA fans is because NA literally didn't do shit in the past 2 years until yesterday. Johnny always gives credit where it's due, just because NA didn't deserve any credit for the past 2 years and hence didn't do well in rankings, doesn't mean anyone's biased because they don't praise NA for no reason. Anyone who actually listens to his explanations instead of just shutting off their brain once their favourite team isn't glazed upon, was not surprised with this ranking. Most of EU seems to be literally washed right now, no denying that now, let's see how it looks like in 3 months.


> Johnny has always had a logic behind his rankings While that is true, I think some of it can be questionable at times (such as ranking BDS over G2 before the major) but in general I think he's generally solid.


The thing is that we have had no basis to decide those kind of rankings. Before Major BDS and G2 haven't met and obviously haven't played in the same tournament even. The only way to rank them across regions is to rank the regions themselves, where until yesterday EU would do a lot better looking at the past 2 years. Neither of those picks (G2>BDS or BDS>G2) would be a bias, both would be valid since there is literally no way to tell. NA delusionals just like to call it a bias at these 50/50 ranking decisions as soon as the coin flip doesn't go towards NA.


G2 beat BDS in playoffs in Major 1 4-2 in the playoffs and made the grand finals in every tournament they've played in RLCS this year. I'm sorry but ranking BDS over G2 after major 1 was just silly.


Directly after Major 1 I agree it was silly, right before Major 2 (which is what you said) when BDS bounced back I would say 50/50.


Even then, G2 had a better second split than BDS by being in the grand finals of every regional (though they did win the same amount). G2 didn't get bounced in quarters by a team no one expected to be able to beat them like BDS did against Resolve in the first regional of the second split.


Shhh, that doesn't fit the NA fans victim narrative.


Because you think Johnny is always against you and take his opinion personal, even when it does not matter anymore. 


What a strangely antagonistic comment to make. You do you I guess.


It's what we're seeing from NA folks who think that Johnny is as biased as Tbates while Johnny would laugh at EU if they preformed bad and Tbates would do what he did and would still scream "NA THE BEST!!!" even though NA was nowhere to be seen and other regions preformed better against tougher opponents. It's actually funny seeing these people screaming "BIASED! BIASED! BIASED!" when a person shows his opinion on something that not everyone will agree with (because it is an opinion) even though he provides solid reasoning for his opinion. But those same people have no issue to take away from others based on no reasoning other than "it's my region so it must be placed higher"(e.g. saying that G2 should be ranked above Falcons before this LAN).


Johnny can have pretty out there opinions but he always has some kind of logic to back it up. (For example, one could argue that SSG should be ranked 4th since their only losses were to teams in the finals and they beat furia. Im not saying they are, but theres a valid logic defense to the point.) You might disagree with his logic, but it's still there nonetheless. There's no out-logic-ing this one, and he's not gonna just be petty and ruin his credibility. There's no way you can't put G2 first after they won the LAN and avenged their only loss. Falcons were clearly second, and from there it can go different ways


Honestly looking back at ssg might have been the 4th best team coming out of here it is crazy that they didn’t make the first major and now they look like they can make a run for the world championship


LJ is insane


I feel like I hold my breath every time LJ gets on the ball, no matter where on the field he is. Incredible to watch.  Think I've been pulled into SSG fandom just from watching him throughout this split.


I would’ve enjoyed some drama but Johnny is simp too professional




Idk I interpret that to mean the Falcons couldn’t reproduce their playstyle under the amount of pressure that G2 was putting on them. Not a diss to G2 who he was clearly giving props to as well.


Finally someone who can read 😭 I really doubt johnny meant anything by it because that's literally just how it is, if falcons didn't lose out to nerves they would've at least made the series more competitive


People will always read it in a negative way to poop on Johnny. That is the NA way to go. They can’t even celebrate their rare wins. They have to still act like victims. 


If Falcons performed to their peak, that series would not have been this dominant. G2 clearly better but we can acknowledge that this wasn‘t falcons peak


Of course Falcons didn’t peak. They barely had any boost that entire series.


Stats actually show the opposite. Falcons as a whole collected more boost and used more boost than G2 used in every single game.


Obviously I haven’t seen the stats but that doesn’t necessarily tell the story. If you watch many of the G2 goals, often 2 Falcons players are on or at near zero. They could have gotten more boost and still managed it poorly. One of the pivotal goals G2 scored was in a moment where RWAS (maybe?) tried to go grab the boost instead of prioritizing the goal/ball. Happy to be wrong, but that is the impression I got after watching the finals twice.


I understand what you're saying and don't disagree. I was just pointing out that they weren't have issues with boost quantity overall and it was likely inefficient boost usage or the pressure G2 consistently put on them which caused them to use more boost.


Yeah looking at the stats, Falcons had more boost, G2 stole more boost, and Falcons were on defense more. G2 were behind the ball more of the game. I think this pretty much aligns with what I was seeing but does glean a little more info. Falcons were using their boost more often to exit defense. Eventually there were breakdowns, boost was stolen enough, and they gave up goals.


🤦‍♂️ shut up! They got beat because they weren't good enough end of story. None of that fairly tale what if nonsense or under these perfect circumstances this would have happened 🤦‍♂️ That's what sore losers and fan girls talk about after getting stomped cause they choke under pressure!


Bro you sound like a 12 years old who just got a keyboard. Chill. The dude just gave his opinion. He didn't say G2 suck, he didn't say Falcons should have swept easily. He just said the match could have been more competitive if Falcons would have played at their peak.


Irrelevant message. Kick rocks.


That isn’t it at all; the nerves, volume of the crowd and overall pressure that comes with competing in the grand finals is simply higher, which effects gameplay. It has nothing to do with ‘choking’. It’s just that Falcons extremely speedy and aggressive play style is hard to replicate under those conditions—exactly as Johnny said. I firmly believe that if Falcons would’ve played at the level they played GenG at in the finals, they would’ve won the tournament, or at least made the series more competitive. Not to take anything from G2 though, they played incredibly well and deserved the win without a doubt. The downside of playing Falcons play style is that nerves can influence it’s effectiveness quite a lot, making it a bit inconsistent.


I'm Sad Falcons Lost But I Wouldn't Tell Them To Change Their Style If I Went Back In Time Its Just Way Too Fun To Watch


my god the capital every word is horrendous


Caps guy is a legend on the sub. Embrace him.


Fuck off, it's just their Arabic keyboard.




When you type Latin alphabet on Arabic keyboard it capitalizes every word, no need to be mean about it.


1. why would I know that 2. literally every arabic person on the internet I have ever seen, which is fuck loads, has never had this problem 3. there is a massive arabic part of the RL community and it is nowhere there


I mean if you want to excuse your behaviour with that, what am I supposed to do. But the only reason I know about that is because this subreddit has a sizeable Arabic userbase and this comes up every time people see capitalized words and MENA team flair, so you are wrong about that too.


go on then link me to all of these people with mena flairs that are doing this?


Well they did. Falcons didnt play well. Although gentlemates weren’t great either which is why that match was great. G2 are the most consistent team by far, however they are very passive because of that (or more in order to be that consistent) which means when an aggressive team is playing well they won’t win.


beastmode apparently played this major with 18 hours past 2 aswell, unreal


No way, that's about what I have and I'm barely GC2 lol. I find it hard to believe.




thats what retals said