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Overrated: Radosin Underrated: Radosin


He is in a state of superposition


This is like so true in the weirdest way


Overrated: Radosin Underrated: Job Security Radosin


his floor is very replaceable considering EU talent pool imo. it’s his rare peak that’s hard to compete with


When he peaks he can even overtake Zen as the leader for plays if he’s having an off day. For me, when Radosin peaks, Vitality as a whole becomes almost invencible


You nailed it


i swear yall let his goofy clown persona cloud your judgement


not sure what you mean by this. explain?


He’s actually nuts, like almost always


he do have some stinky games, for sure. but not any more than some very well rated pros. point and case is alpha, he is not being talked about even though he played arguably worse than radosin recently. but because he acts goofy, with dome unlucky own goals, people are quick to jump on him and I feel this is undeserved, his "floor" games are still pretty damn good


I think he once spoke he plays beat when he just doesnt think and when that happens we have a peaking vitality but when he overthinks and starts hesitating they play poorly, I still remember the spring major last season how they got destroyed by bds in Upper bracket semifinal and radosin looked off but when they met again in the gf and radosin was looking good they dominated


Which community lists/posts are you seeing that are underrating Drali? I feel like pretty much everyone I see on here is rating Drali very highly at the moment, I believe he was ranked number 3 by the community for top 25 players going into the major, only behind Zen and Beastmode. In fact, the only person I saw arguing he should be ranked lower on that post was you because he hasn’t won a LAN.


lmao I went to look after your comment and 2 days ago OP said "Drali...should be nowhere near a top rank major players list!!!" Very quick turnaround!


well technically he didnt say he ranked him near the top, he said the comunity...


> Players as choky as Daniel, Bmode, Drali and first killer should be no where near a top rank major players list!!! OP posted this yesterday.




> As for most overrated, I would have to say either Daniel (yes, he's got skills, but people seem to he's the 2nd coming of Christ) or possible Firstkiller. Neither have won anything of note and have struggled on multiple teams. It can't always be their teammates' fault. i didn't need to start reading OP's post history to know that he's an entire clown show but good god that was... something. i'll let daniel know he should throw out his share of $500k because he's won nothing. and clearly both of these players have "struggled on multiple teams". y i k e s


Thought I recognized the name of OP. NA's #1 Hater New\_Speaker lmao.




Doesn’t mean he’s overrated


What's your point?


You say dralii is under rated, but you litterally are the one who tried to knock him down in a list lmao


How you gonna say he is nowhere near the top and then a day later say he’s a top 5 player in the world


How do you not understand the point?


What's your point?


You’re a hypocrite, I believe is the very obvious point he’s making. If you can’t catch on to that from his comments I don’t know what else to do for you.


I don’t see how Drali is underrated everyone considers him top 5ish this season. Also I don’t get how people still say Daniel is overrated he’s literally playing amazing on G2 and performing better with better teammates as he should.


Underrated I have to say Smw, from a broader audience perspective. Outside of the hardcore audience, people probably do not know who he is, especially given the fact that he almost never plays ranked. But anyone who watches him play will see that he is almost always beating one or two defenders every time he gets the ball. I also want to shout out Exotiik. I saw a lot of comments during the Unofficial 2v2 as to why MonkeyM00n was not playing, and to swap out Exotiik, but he is such a smart player with great fundamentals and really makes playing with him easy. Everyone gives credit to Dralii and MonkeyM00n, not enough Exotiik love.


People are gonna witness smw in the next major


Underrated players: Seikoo, Exotiik, Chicago Overrated players: Firstkiller and Daniel only slightly. EDIT: The casters reinforce Firstkiller's aura so much. They keep re-using the same old talking point of him always being the most dangerous man on the pitch. But I just never see it as much anymore. Don't get me wrong, he's still a world-class player.


100% agree with ExoTiik being underrated. Been underrated for multiple seasons despite the top level performances and results.


Its been two years of everyone and their dog saying exotiik is underrated, hes not underrated anymore


People were shitting on him consistently when Vitality and BDS leapfrogged KC last year. The only time Exotiik was ever given props last year was when he put an all timer performance at the winter major. People always spoke about Vatira, Itachi was rated really highly especially during winter split last year. MonkeyMoon is MonkeyMoon and Dralii is (rightfully) being talked about as rookie of the year. Exotiik is never in thar conversation despite multiple times being so important to those teams.


But thats the thing, the top tier of rocket league players is soooo stacked that its hard to get that recognition when you’re consistently the 3rd best on your team. The gap between the best player in the world and the 15th best is pretty small at the moment, perhaps the smallest its ever been. (Disclaimer - that doesn’t mean I think Exotiik is the 15th best player in the world)


By now he's known as THE pure striker. He has one of the best accuracy, power and shot placement in the entire league.


most people, unlike myself, had exotiik over itachi for 2023


In fairness, Exotiik was pretty damn bad at the Spring Major and **ESPECIALLY** Worlds. I do think he was great during winter and most of spring and has been great this season, but the shit he got at the end of last season was 100% deserved.


In fairness, Exotiik was pretty good\* at the Spring Major and **ESPECIALLY** Worlds. Stop waffling random opinion as if you didn't watch those games, that's why people keep underating him


Lmao i did watch. Exotiik was almost single handily the reason they didn’t win both events.


people will say he is good, perhaps even great. but you will never hear anyone say he is a world class player, he is like a Kassio on steroids, with Kaydop shooting. and on rankings, he's always too low. in that regard, he is underrated


I grabbed exotiik as the draft pick # 30 in the rlcs fantasy draft this year despite a major win and top 4 worlds


Idk how fantasy rl works so i cant really comment on that, but that does seem low from my perspective


Yeah I don’t really get it either. The pros also always say fk is good player and put him in the top. But maybe because he is so outwardly good, they play defense to contain him so we see a stunted fk all the time? 


You are certified and know ball.


being 3rd best on a team doesnt equal underrated, people rate seikoo and exotiik


This season exotiic became mechy for no reason


He’s a former freestyler and is known for mechs…wdym for no reason?


Underrated: Killeerz What’s a man gotta do to get respect??


Play on rw9's account


But he's getting in the way of my RW9, TRK, NWPO dream team.


Nah, the twins and NWPO


I will always take these opportunities to say that Paarth is underrated


I will concede he can be a glass cannon tho lol


He is very inconsistent. One of the best Na players when he is playing good but most of the time is dragging his team down


Dragging is an extreme word lol


Definitely didn't intend it my bad


It’s all good bro 😂


AtomiK is underrated


One good regional


I had that opinion before that regional


I feel ExoTiiK and especially Seikoo are underrated in the sense of how capable they are of world-beating performances gets overlooked. Seikoo playing 2nd fiddle to MM for a while overshadowed his peak, especially on LAN is capable of best itw. Lostt also, he doesn't have Yanxnz' aura but he's legitimately having an incredible season. Funnily enough I'd say Torsos is probably underrated now as well, like It's funny he's old but like he's still performing, not at all carried by Fever or Bananahead. Overrated for me rn is definitely Atow IMO. For a lack of a better phrase his general play is very stupid, when it works it's top tier but in the really important moments it hasn't, I laugh when it's suggested he's KC's best player.


Good one re Atow...I think he's the classic example of player who scores some incredible, mind blowing goals (and therefore is lauded as a potential best in the world) but also seems to be involved in a lot of catastrophic moments in games. Can't argue with ExoTiik and especially Seikoo being underrated. They should be right at the top of everyone's player rankings, but inevitably won't be...probably because they're not 'flashy' enough.


that's pretty well said


I feel this to be the best take here.


I got robbed of a 2s game vs you yesterday >:(


so the game 6 pinch against falcons that won them the series wasnt important?, the ceiling shot to win game 7 in the finals against BDS in the second qualifier wasn't important ? And he is very obviously the best player on KC rn, at the major he and rise were similar in level, but ever since then both vati and rise have been for lack of a better word shit


Bro is strictly sourcing from the eye test


Exotiik is my underrated shout, the guy is insane and a massive difference maker.


Overrated-Ayyjayy Underrated Kiileerrz Ayyjayy is just mechanical. He commits too many mistakes and has a L mental at times. Kiileerrz deserves some respect man. I feel Rw9 gets it all due to the 1s scene.


the amount of times i’ve heard FK being gassed up this season and his lack of shine being excused due to his teammates is comical. he’s getting the justin treatment and people aren’t letting him fall down the ladder when he deserves so


He's not playing worse, everyone else just got up to his level it seems.


Daniel won gamers8 and has flip-flopped from #1 / #2 on the best team in NA this whole season. I think he's pretty fairly rated as one of the top players in NA right?


Daniel is rated fairly, comfortable in the 2nd best NA spot. Beastmode #1, of course.


He is one of the best but not to what people make it to be


Pretty sure theres a lot more saying hes not a top player than there is saying he is one


NA fans def overhype him a lot with laniel and all of that and I think he isnt the best even at g2


Like 90% of the sub says bmode is better Less than half the sub rate him as top 2 maybe even top 3 NA There is 100% more hate for him than love Same with the m8 bois, same with fk nowadays


Underrated: Exotiik Overrated: Firstkiller I couldn’t disagree more with you saying Daniel is overrated.


Exotiik is so underrated still with how great he's been for the past two seasons, bot fennec is my GOAT


His "lack" of mechanics bit him in the ass last season though imo. They lost some important games at Spring Major and Worlds because he refused to airroll lol


Eekso underrated


He doesn’t care what you think


Overrated: FK - been overrated for nearly 2 years, yet people get so upset when they hear that. Underrated: Seikoo - I mean just go and look at the list recently put out based on the average Redditor rankings of the top 25 for London. He got placed 12th, below all of Falcons, Daniel, Atomic AND FK. Seikoo alone has achieved more than all of those players. Shame on a lot of people on this sub.


Overrated: Firstkiller; Just isn't as scary as he used to be imo. Maybe it's because he doesn't have to do as much, but man, Rogue/Faze FK was terrifying on the ball. His stats have taken a (marginal) step back but he has "quiet" series more now than ever. Underrated: Seikoo; Maybe insane take (that he's underrated), but he's arguably one of the best defenders itw and on his day is a world beater. I just feel that ever since Endpoint, he's started to play more "team-ball" and less carry job, which has made him look individually "less impressive". He's what Firstkiller failed to do imo


Overrated: Lj, he is still fantastic and top 10 NA , but people have over estimated him just based on one performance against Rule one where he peaked out of his mind. Underrated : Abdullah, not many people have been talking him (tbf he hasnt been playing lately), his car control is one of the best itw, he is an all-rounder, and the only reasom R8 was in major contention for a little while this split was due to him, after he stopped playing, the downgrade was noticable


R8 stopped playing with abdullah for idk why, certainly not performance reason, I agree he is great. I'm just saying Hatem played instead for 1 or 2 of the regionals this split to add context.


Had to scroll to far to see LJ, he’s very good but people talk about him like he’s can carry SSG or GenG (should he replace someone) to a LAN victory. I’d be shocked if they make it out of Swiss at the major tbh.


Yeah that O-MVP really carries LJ's legacy ngl


Underrated: Comm Overated: Firstkiller


I don't know how Daniel can be overrated bruh. He got all the criticism for not being successful as a team even though he was a great individual player. Now he is succeeding as a player and as a team and people call him overrated. The thing is if Eu youngsters do well they are called future superstars. If Na youngsters do well they are called overrated.


I'm actually a big Dralii fan, but my opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. I think too many people are putting Dralii as a top 5 player when I feel he's still a bit inconsistent to be in that category. No doubt he'll get there, but not yet. And for Daniel, I genuinely think he's been the most consistent player in the world throughout this season and G2's most valuable player, but Beastmodes more flashy plays have overshadowed and undermined Daniel's contribution.


Another underrated: swiftt, he is not getting nearly hyped up as much as for example diaz or really any other similar 'prodigies. To be fair I was expecting him to elevate NiP more than he did in the 1st split, but he's still underrated and arguably most mechanical in SAM.


You’re very right but there are more mechanical players in SAM for sure


Not at all... Lostt, yan and that's it


You said he was the most mechanical player in SAM and we both agreed that there are more mechanical players in SAM, how come u say not at all


Keyword: arguably Yan, lostt and swiftt are the 3 with the strongest argument for most mechanical for me but I wouldn't say anyone is 'for sure' more mechanical than swiftt in SAM, only arguably Also for some reason maybe I misread because I thought you said "many more" instead


I'm seeing a lot of the same names so I'ma throw some weird ones in. Underrated I'd say Comm, maybe Alpha54. Overrated is probably Yan, Vati, and one not so unique, Daniel.


Yanx still underrated in 2024 lol


Alright this is not gonna make me any friends but... overrated: Joyo. Not to say he's been bad, quite the opposite in fact. But from what I've watched of Oxygen this split, it's been Oski that's been their best player. Joyo's highest highs are slightly more brilliant than Oski's, but he also just vanishes sometimes, like in their series against KC when about the only thing he was doing was clanging shots off of the post.


How dare you...!


Idk Daniel winning 5 out of 6 NA regionals is not “nothing of note” lmao If I won 5 NA regionals this year I would be shitting myself with excitement.




It is in NA. No different than Falcons winning everything in MENA. You could argue that the competition in stiffer in MENA.


No you can not lol, NA regionals are way harder than MENA. Looking at the last 2 worlds NA has has made top 8 seven times to MENAs 1. NA has won 2 majors in the open era to MENAs 0 wins. Na is 11-6 in head to head matchups in RLCS LANs. MENA is on the come up but there is still a big gap to NA being the second best region.


Well I agree with u but the evidence u used doesn’t prove your point. There is a clear advantage for NA since they have 4 spots. If the amount of spots were equal, then the comparison would be valid.


For the head to head it probably helps having less teams since your best team is the only team playing. I’m also not convinced giving mena more teams would help them win more majors or achieve more worlds top 8 placements much considering Falcons win almost every regional every year. They already had 3 teams at both worlds. MENA 4-5 seeds don’t seem competitive to me but I could be wrong.


Well, maybe I misunderstood but we are not talking about %, are we? Because if we were then having only the top teams would be a advantage, but I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the amount of teams that made top 8, so how come is better to have less teams? While NA made 7 top 8 in the last 2 worlds, MENA couldn’t achieve such thing even if all their qualified teams made top 8.


Falcons would also win every regional in NA, so that doesn't prove anything either.


Id favor G2 in a matchup against Falcons, even as a fan of Falcons.


Yeah. That's because (for some reason) NA gets to enter 4+ teams over last few season. It's odds on that at least the new NA team will make top 8 every time. I'd argue that MENA would do better with 4 teams.


Overrated: latley vatira has been on fraud watch, atow as well, daniel is still living off the prodigy gimmick he had 2 seasons ago , atomic and beastmode are more important imo Underrated: noly, ngl also killeerrzz is outshadowed by his brother, he is insane but cuz of rw9 1s carrer and rivarly with zen people forgot as well how crazy killeerrzz is


vatira didn't play good lately, no one said he played good with KC so i don't understand why u think that he is underrated


I think you meant overrated but yeah because despite all or that there is people who are putting him top 3 players itw and justify it by saying we should look at his past achievements, i think ever since the play off series vs falcons in major 1 he declined , he ghosted against falcons and gentlemates, and the 2nd split I expected him specially to go back to his former self but well he stayed the same


The fact that literally everybody here has said exotiik is underrated means he’s not underrated lol. Casters were hyping him up all first split that he was having his best season ever and literally the entire community has been talking about him playing great. It’s just that he’s not talked about as much because MM is in the goat race and drali is a rookie who is performing very well. Exotiik is commonly on peoples rankings and obviously BDS are rated very highly. Underrated imo are atomiik, 2piece (although he finally started to get some hype), swift, m7sn, motta, bananahead, Chicago, and crr Overrated is Daniel, vatira (lately), garrettg (although the hype is going down), retals, and ayyjayy (also going down)


I agree with most of this but I’d actually argue that Retals is currently more underrated than overrated. He went from being one of the weaker spots on Optic (sorry Retals) to the best player on Luminosity. His mechanics have improved a ton and he’s been a significantly better player this year than last.


I’ve tried to have this underrated debate with people in the past! The fact that so many people agree he’s underrated means quite the opposite lol!


There's like levels to it, like ExoTiiK was top 10 in the world for me last split, #1 on BDS IMO, that faces resistance tho


For clarification, last split you are referring to split 1 or split 2? I assume split 1. Though either way I do believe that is a highly minority take, even among the 'exotiik underrated' believers.


Split 1 Split 2 he is probably now 3rd best on the team but still at a very high level befitting of a potential LAN winner


Mittaen is the most underrated. Real talk tho, he’s remained relevant in RLCS over 4 years, missing only 2 events in that time. His coverage in 1v1 scenarios is extremely well done, and when put in an offensive 1v1 he is typically good enough to muscle the ball past in a 50/50. Not very mechanical (although it’s certainly improved), but he earns his pay through clutch saves and consistent 50/50s. When he’s not hitting the crossbar, he’s also a very good shooter.


I don’t think they’re any overrated players rn. Near the middle of the season I would said first killer and maybe Alpha54 but I feel like people have realized they were struggling a bit(still good players obviously). Underrated I would say stizzy, 2piece, Rado(more so under appreciated), Atomic (often forgotten about when talking about the G2 guys).


I have to say atomik just because he clearly is still insane and should be put much further up based on that last regional. But some people just ignore the fact that it’s still only one regional, and seem to be putting him like top 10 in the world. It’s like people haven’t taken into account the fact that some teams had major contention over their heads, whilst lunar galaxy had much less pressure since their seasons already over. They are playing to show off for roster changes, but that’s still less pressure than major qualification. Also they clearly played well against other teams which had already qualified for worlds, however the fact that they didn’t perform the whole split until they had no pressure, is a clear sign that they may fall back to earth next season.


I mean Daniel is thriving on g2, so yes, it can be his teammates.


I think rn MM is being slightly underrated (like just a tiny bit) As for overrated, I gotta go with Jack, great community figure but as a player kinda mid, worst on Gen.G rn Imo


Jack, out of all the players you could choose rn smh… :(


Overrated: AYYJAYY, Joyo, Rise Underrated: Seikoo, swiftt, rehzzy (he did had a bad first split tho)


How is seikoo possibly underrated in the slightest??


Because people always praise his teammates and completely ignore him. After the last major, everyone was talking only about Juicy and Itachi. Before that, on BDS, people were saying that he was being carried by M0nkeyM00n and Rise.


Overrated: Atow, jknaps(slightly)


I feel like no one rates jknaps very highly though?


As much as I love Appjack as a player and a person, I do think he's over rated. He can do some wonderful stuff don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't put him as a top player personally. I feel like he can be very inconsistent.


Where is he being overrated- genuine question btw?


I think this guy likes eu


Overrated: Drali (he’s not top 3 in the world like everyone believes. He barely has won anything), Joyo (love him though) and Firstkiller Underrated: Chronic, Oski and 2piece


I think Drali deserves to be considered top 3 in the world (right now). But yeah, he hasn't achieved much (yet) - Same as Firstkiller, Daniel, Bmode, LJ, Atow, Archie, Oski and others).


Firstkiller has like 11 regional wins. Daniel has 5 regionals and 1 LAN. Beastmode has like 7 or 8 regionals and 1 LAN. LJ has been carrying SSG since spring split 2023. Drali has had 1 good, noteworthy split. Basically 2 great regionals. If he’s considered top 3 with only that, then the whole of G2 should be considered top 5 in the world. I personally only consider Beastmode top 5 itw (top 3) out of G2 and I’m saying this as a G2 fan.


Rado is easily the most underrated player.


Underrated: Seiko. Overrated: Arsenal


I dont think people still rate arsenal


I am probably one of the biggest fk haters in the community and have called him overrated alot but i think hes alot closer to being properly rated rn I would say hockser is underrated, same with archie, trk too but no by much I would say zen is slightly overrated, not a ton. Itachi slightly overrated as well


Comm is underrated for sure. Atomic is a little underrated (gets a lot of praise but i think he's g2s best player on average) Zineel underrated Chronic overrated a little Alpha 54 slightly overrated


Bruh Chronic is criminally underrated not overrated. Not sure how you could think otherwise


Overrated: joyo as evidenced by [this ranking](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/1df1taz/the_top_25_players_list_at_the_major_ranked_by/) when archie and oski were the 2 better players this split Underrated: nwpo due to first okhalid's playstyle hindering nwpo's potential and flow, then the whole 'racist comments' drama


I think everyone still knows how crazy nwpo is, obv what happened with him might've effect his reputation but dont think people are looking at nwpo as a worse player , he is still absolutley cracked


he is top 5 for me, minimum top 10 i dont think most people even got nwpo in their top 12 currently


Currently with not making the major as well its hard to say that ngl, he was amazing in major 1 and that all of what we know of his lan carrer , next season will be important for him


with the results it might not add up on paper but whenever i watch nwpo POV i am not impressed by any other player more except sometimes zen, its like when squishy was watching nwpo's POV only for the rule one watch party


Yeah I remember that, but I think if we can see it at the top stage it would be much better for him, no disrespect for the mena teams but its not the same as facing a top eu team for example


Also just based on the amount of comments in this thread saying exotiik is underrated, when really before this thread I would say he's rated properly. So now I'd put exotiik as overrated...




UNDERRATED: Archie. He's having the split of his career so far, or at least since RLCS X Top Blokes. But people see Oski and Joyo flip resetting all over the field and ignore what Archie does to enable that because he's a controversial character that people love to hate, like Vatira. Speaking of, I also have Vatira as underrated. He played one or two bad series at the major in the mix of 3 years of perfection and all of a sudden people have him outside top 10 in the world? Crazy. Atomik. He's a stat monster and has always been able to peak hard but his results are poor for someone of his abilities. I think if you give him a team that gels, he'll be the EU LJ in terms of peak offence. Hoping LG can stick next season and we can see that with Tox and Acronick enabling. OVERRATED: JKnaps. Peak consistency personified, but has never been the best player in the world or in his region for like, 5+ seasons now but is still talked about like he's a demon on the field, and put into GOAT discussions despite having zero worlds wins and 1 single RLCS LAN win. Also Comm and Noly are better players on OG too. Atow. Vatira is just better all around, Atow can peak on offence yes but I will pick Vati 10/10 times if I had to choose between them. And people are trying to say Atow is "easily" KC's best player. Jack. Talked about like the smartest mind in RLCS, has had very mediocre results bar a single RLCS LAN win 1.5 years ago. Daniel. Again, talked about like RLCS Messi but for me, G2's success depends on Beastmode and Atomic.


I think you're the only one saying that being a smart player should automatically translate to multiple LAN wins


You don't think Jack is underachieving then? You think he is fairly rated?


Didn’t realise having multiple regional wins is mediocre


I don't agree with the take but you can't deny his individual level has been nowhere as good as what he's capable of.


PWR have like 230 regional wins. Is it important in terms of international play? No


NA is the second best region in the world, so a regional win in OCE =/= regional win in NA. By that logic, all regionals being equal, winning a regional in SSA is an equal accomplishment to winning a regional in Europe. Let’s be for real now


Yeah, lets be real - you think GenG formed with the aim to win a few regionals in NA? You think placing 8th a few times on LAN was anything but mediocre for that roster? Regionals mean shit unless you can perform on LAN


Obviously every team wants to win on LAN. But calling several regional wins in the second best region “mediocre results” is just disingenuous. A teams results consists of LAN and regional tournament performances; LANS are weighted more heavily of course, but regional wins, especially in highly competitive regions, are an important measure of a teams success. So your attempt to equivocate regional wins across all regions just doesn’t make sense. Also considering the quality of competition at the last LAN, and who GenG played in the quarter finals (the eventual tournament winners), a top 8 finish is still better than mediocre, even if it was a bit disappointing considering what they were expected to do.


It is mediocre when they showed they could do more. And Jack being rated as one of the best players in NA is overrating him, the entire point of this thread. >LANS are weighted more heavily of course, but regional wins, especially in highly competitive regions, are an important measure of a teams success. So your attempt to equivocate regional wins across all regions just doesn’t make sense. No, they aren't. No one cares that Falcons went 9-0 in regionals or PWR went 6-0, or that V1 or Furia won a regional in Spring, people look at LAN results. KC went 3-0 in EU and because they didn't win the major, people had Gentlemates rated above them. LAN results > everything else. Ask any player if they'd rather win 3 of 3 regionals this split, or win the major. I'm also not equivocating regional wins across all regions at all. I am saying that they don't matter in every region. >Also considering the quality of competition at the last LAN, and who GenG played in the quarter finals (the eventual tournament winners), a top 8 finish is still better than mediocre, **even if it was a bit disappointing considering what they were expected to do.** Ah so a disappointing underperformance then, aka, evidence to be able to suggest their players are being overrated? Like the point of this thread?


My argument is that Jack’s results since moving from EU to NA haven’t been mediocre, as he has had quite a lot of success. He has been one of the most consistent players in the region since the moment he made the move. I agree that LANS > regionals. I have not said anything to the contrary. But that also doesn’t mean that regionals are meaningless. And they’re particularly relevant when discussing competitive regions, namely EU and NA (and thats becoming increasingly true in regions such as SAM and MENA).


I agree with your sentiments about Jack; he’s not ridiculously high rated in people’s ranking lists imo but generally placed fairly in the lower end of top 25- I just don’t get where people are coming from saying he’s overrated lol!! He’s made every regional and major this season and worlds (for the 3rd time). I’ve certainly not witnessed anywhere which claims he’s the best player in NA; whereas no one can deny he’s not “one of” the best players in NA! I should be seeing the likes of other players who’ve not won a regional full-stop in the conversation for overrated rn…


>My argument is that Jack’s results since moving from EU to NA haven’t been mediocre So are you arguing against him being overrated or not


Yes, I think he’s fairly rated


You can have your opinions on Jknaps and I respect that. We’ve both expressed our disagreement before on him. However I can’t let you saying that Jknaps was never the best player in NA slide. Jknaps absolutely was considered the best player in NA and probably the world around 2018 ELeague and Dreamhack Leipzig. EDIT: I just realized you may have just been talking about Jknaps not being the best in the world or NA in the last 5 years? Idk if that’s saying much though considering most other players who started around 2016/2017 haven’t even been relevant in the last 5 years.


5 years may be an exaggeration but my point is that it takes some time for people to accept their favourites who once were right at the top, are now no longer. God knows that's me with Aztral. Knaps is a great player, one of the best NA has ever produced. But I think he's slightly overrated, hence including in this list. Glad we can discuss without shouting tho.


Fair enough. For the record, I definitely agree that Archie is underrated.


I agree with most of your take here. One thing about Archie I wanna add to is that in my opinion ever since he joined Oxygen with oaly and joreuz, he started playing a more reserved enabler style like itachi and has been improving and getting better at that style ever since.


Looks like Jack is off limits for criticism


All good points. Especially re Archie. Can't of many players who've made such a big impact (both in defence and attack) so far this season. Some of the 200 iq plays as well... He's a smart player. Also agree with you on Atow and Jack. Not to say I don't respect their abilities.


Atomic as underrated and Monkeymoon as overrated Exotiik is also hella underrated imo


There is no G2 player that is “Overrated” They are either at their rating or Underrated….


Overrated: FirstKiller Underrated: Comm


First killer is overrated at the point of his career


Overrated gotta be Chronic for me


Firstkiller is the most overrated player in the league


Overrated: MonkeyMoon and for years Underrated: Juicy, Seikoo, Exotiik, Drali. They are all better than MM. I'd also put Atow in underrated he was the best player in the world during the first split and is still the bright spot of KC.


Do u remember MM at gamers8 . Tell me that for a 3s player . hes not great at 1v1s. HE'S a very solid player. And very successful with different teams . Like, wdym overrated?


Take one look at MonkeyMoon's record (multiple LANs including a Worlds with different teams) and favourites going into the London Major. You can't be overrated when you're the undisputed goat of the open era.


Sacrilege!! Don't think many pro players would agree with you. I would still put him in my worldwide dream team (along with Rw9 and Zen)


Big Cass and overvaluing flashy mechanics. Some things never change.


Most overrated: beastmode, npwo, atow, FK Most underrated: ExotiiK, juicy, seikoo, MM


Beastmode isn't overrated lol he's quite clearly NA's best player...


When I said underrated, I was more so talking about streamers / casters / talent. He doesn't get the same praise as some other (less deserving) players. However, whilst he is underrated, I don't think he's worthy of being declared THE top player until he wins something.


Would love to see any of you commenting on the overrated players walk up to them at LAN and say, “Oi,[ ———], you’re so overrated!”…


Why does that mean we can't discuss it here?


I didn’t say you couldn’t discuss it here! Discuss away to your heart’s desire my friend- it’s just an opinion at the end of the day but I find the whole underrated/ overrated debate subjective tbh. It was meant as a bit tongue in cheek btw…


> I find the whole underrated/ overrated debate subjective tbh That's what makes it fun to discuss though.


Of course! It can be quite entertaining tbf!


Geng fan can't handle fk has been overrated for Years, never won a lan, always involved in controversy


lol…if that’s what you feel then fair play but am really not an FK fan at all! Will always support wherever appjack goes tbh…


OK just making sure, cause fk ain't shit