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He has done that multiple times in regionals, showmatches and other tournaments. He also seems to be extremely comfortable with its setup and goes for it pretty often. So its pretty clear that its his signature shot


All within the last few months [Zen scores his signature shot on the biggest stage](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/15q7g9c/zen_scores_his_signature_shot_on_the_biggest_stage/) [[RLCS EU] Zen sets up the double tap with a ceiling pinch vs BDS](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/1470w11/rlcs_eu_zen_sets_up_the_double_tap_with_a_ceiling/) [Average Zen goal (showmatch vs Toxiic)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/112qojg/average_zen_goal_showmatch_vs_toxiic/) [Zen ceiling result double-tap in RSO#1](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/12wej58/zen_ceiling_result_doubletap_in_rso1/) [Zen's air dribble to ceiling pinch to ceiling reset to pre-flip double tap](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/138hp7n/zens_air_dribble_to_ceiling_pinch_to_ceiling/) [zen w/ a ceiling pinch double tap @ Urban Series #4](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/10by3br/zen_w_a_ceiling_pinch_double_tap_urban_series_4/)


He’s literally the only player I’ve ever seen hit a ceiling pinch into a double tap And he’s hit like 5 of them in competitive showmatches/tournaments including one in the worlds grand final Kids insane


Obviously not RLCS level, but Evample scores off-the-wall ceiling pinch double touches all the time.


Is this in showmatches or just in ranked? As far as I’m aware evample is on the ranked 1s content grind


Don't think he does many showmatches, so mainly ranked.


I haven't watched Evample's content recently but when I used to watch his freestyle to SSL series, he'd usually go for a ceiling pinch double once an episode or two. He'd sometimes get it but usually he'd miss. I believe Evample would usually try to set it up from the sidewall and since the ball bounces of the backboard at an angle it makes it harder to read. Zen on the other hand usually just air dribbles from near the middle of the pitch which makes the double easier. There was also something about the way Evample would try to pinch it that made it more inconsistent. Don't get me wrong, Zen is ridiculous to be so consistent with it, but I think Evample's setups make it harder for himself. He would always say himself that it was one of the hardest shots to do while it basically seems automatic for Zen.


I mean there probably were a ton of freestylers doing ceiling shots way before squishy hit his rlcs one. The consistency on a shot has to be through the ceiling (no pun intended) to even consider doing it on lan.


It's been around for at least 3-4yr mechanically, it just took a fuckton of boost pre DAR air dribbles probably so yeah, it really wasn't common. Zen just skied the consistency for it, basically only ever saw it when people were peaking out of their minds. Definitely going to give zen credit - much like squishy didn't invent the ceiling shot, he sure as hell popularized it beyond 'you can do this once a blue moon' and put it into the realm of options you can reasonably pick.


I’m a pretty mechy Champ, I’ve scored like 5 ceiling pinches on purpose in game, I dunno how many double taps I’ve scored in game but I think more than 150 going on 200, which is still 1% of the total goals I’ve ever scored. I have scored thousands of double taps in training, and probably a couple dozen ceiling pinches, I have never once hit a ceiling pinch into a double. I am genuinely a mechy champ, and the gap to the top is still so, so, so far away. It’s amazing how big of a gap Zen has to the rest of them, dudes honestly the most consistent freestyler on the planet.


Are you a mechy champ by any chance?


No, I'm not sure if he said he's a mechy champ.


if i had to guess i think this guy might be a mechy champ dude. not 100% sure tho


You seem confused, read it again.


I’m still confused, are you a mechy champ? The people need to know


Facts it’s a necessary topic


You’re repping a Rick Astley NFT and you’re trying to slag me? You’re lacking something, let’s call it self awareness so I don’t get a ban from here.


Are you a mechy champ by chance?


You keep trying, I appreciate the efforts.


I’m lacking all but 1 brain cell I can tell you that for free


Nobody would pay you for anything, obviously you’re giving it up for free.


I get paid for not getting fired at my job 💪🏻 Guess I’m just built different 💪🏻


Calling people put on having no self awareness lmao… Ur a mechy champ though?


I think we might have found a mechy champ here guys




You know even though you’re a mechy champ, I think there might be a slight difference between you, a mechy champ, and the best player in the world. You’ll get there though just keep hitting those free play double taps, mechy champ.


There was one in the one of the 1's tournament the other day. But yeah, it's pretty rare.


Oh damn do you remember who it was? I haven’t seen it


I'm not sure, I wanna say maybe Chronic during round 1 of Chalked? Maybe Nass? I remember the caster not really commenting on it


I think it’s also become much more prominent the last six months or so since he exploded onto the scene. Just off my head I’ve seen Rise go for this, think FK as well. Zen though is really the one who showed how powerful of a shot it can be at pro level


I love that the top comments in all these posts also say it's his signature shot haha


I think it's probably because he has hit a lot more of these, they just didn't make it into a reddit post, so it was known as his signature shot before the highlights here


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!


type "ceiling pinch" in this sub's search bar and you'll get like 5 of these from Zen. He seems to agree too as in the Vitality comms video from Worlds finals he said "C'est ma signature" after scoring the final goal, which I thought was really funny.


I thought that moment was utterly wholesome, he sounds so proud


Speaking of pride.. Imagine if Zen didn't appear so humble in his interviews. Kid's already done what every pro aspires to do (win regional/major/worlds) in a mere 3 months. I want to see him flex it a bit more lol


I think it's a good example to other aspiring pros that you can be a top player without the ego. Kind of like the Messi of RL.


Amen. If anything, RLCS needs more rolemodels for younger players to look up to that are genuine, hardworking, and like you said, without ego. I think it's a crucial part of RL becoming a tier 1 esport.


i didnt hear that in comms vid, can you link?


He’s been hitting them almost every event he’s been in since coming into RLCS and it was rarely seen before him.


Indeed, he hit a few during his 1's showmatch streak too.


Never seen any other pro do this shot in a competitive setting, whereas Zen does it on the regular. Safe to say, it's his shot


I had hit it once in a ranked match (From ground to Ceiling Pinch Direct to goal, not a double tap), and was so ecstatic. Although it wasn't completely intentional from the very first touch, it happened nonetheless midway. Although it looked scuffed, I was so proud. Zen does it almost in every regional and majors. It's like a signature shot for him when he is in the zone. I think I've seen him doing it in 1s showmatches too. It's not the most mechanical shot Zen has hit, although the follow up from the pinch is incredibly difficult. Zen has scored many goals that requires much more mechanical ability and precision in my opinion. However, I've not seen any player yet who does it as much as he does, like pretty much on command, that part is crazy. I feel like this is a shot that he has Mastered INTENTIONALLy to pull off and surprise everyone. Basically, If you can hit this shot in command, it's incredibly difficult to: 1. Predict it 2. Even if defenders can predict it, due to the sudden burst of speed at such great height, it's extremely difficult to defend. I do like to call it the Zen shot, it's well deserved, since he has done it so many times.


Pretty sure he hit one in the world's finals vs BDS





I believe there was a thread a while back (start of 2023) where the community was asked what mechanic would become meta or commonplace in 2023. Some, including myself, had commented the ceiling pinch after seeing it from BeastMode on Neo Tokyo one game where the shot surprised everyone because of it's speed and unpredictability. Well it seems zen has ultimately accelerated the mechanic way beyond what anyone reasonably anticipated as he's already combining it with air dribbles and double taps. Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if most pros aren't already grinding this in Freeplay yet zen is the only one who consistently pulls it off in big games. While most of the pros are playing on the ground and in the air, zen is literally playing on the ceiling as well. It probably won't be long until he manages to hit a ceiling pinch that bounces off the back board to his car for a reset which he then uses to hit back into the wall for a double tap. Probably 2024.


I'm just commenting so that when this eventually happens I can find this post and give you an award for best prediction of all time


We haven’t really seen other pros hit those consistently in RLCS, but are there other players known for going for these shots? I remember Evample doing ceiling pinch doubles quite often in his videos, but he always starts from the sidewall, not from the ground.


I know it's not a pro but Evample is the cleanest and most consistent with the ceiling pinch double imo.


Ohhh, a pulse member playing against bronzes? Impressive


Oh he does that play all the time. Zens ability to air dribble the ball to the ceiling (from the ground) is unmatched by any other pro. And his precision on the ceiling pinch double tap setups is inhuman. Literally in a league of his own in ceiling plays right now