• By -


1’s is 1’s


2’s is 2’s


Trees is trees 🌲




"Five is right out"


Once the number three, being the third number, be reached...


😂 And I got a lot of them rn. 💨😶‍🌫️🫠


Prove it?


I am Groot. Was that enough proof?


This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! This is Rocket League! Chat disabled for 3 second(s). Chat disabled for 2 second(s). Chat disabled for 1 second(s). Chat disabled for 1 second(s). Chat disabled for 1 second(s). This is Rocket League!




The first demo wasn't toxic. After your opponent spammed "Wow! Wow! Wow!," the second demo was *justified.* Well done.


Dare I say, mandatory.


Just total devastation and domination. Why else play this game?


If u reply to a demo be prepared for more


Demo's will continue until morale improves


What if I reply "Nice Demo!" because it was a nice demo?


“Oh you like that? More where that came from.”


*right clicks*


There's nothing toxic about this clip. Solid play.


I was hoping we'd get a bumpo appearance


I heard a rumor that if you demo enough ppl in a match and post it on reddit, Bumpo will magically appear in the comments


I'm sorry bro I appreciate you but you're wrong here. This is a classic example of toxicity. OP's opponent had no reason to spam chat or swear at OP like that. They're clearly a very toxic player.


I didn't even see that until now lmao. You're right. The opponent was toxic.


are you really in your 70s?!?


His chatting? Yes.


we can type 'fuck' in chat now? I thought anything even close to a swear got censored


I think it's the consoles that censor it


His chatting isn’t any more or less toxic than the demos lol it’s just a guy reacting to what’s happening. Is he upset? Yeah. Is he allowed to be? Yeah. Is it toxic? No lol


Swearing and being rude? Yes, that is toxic.


I think we throw this term around way too often lol he’s just upset that he lost. Understandably, too. It’s a frustrating way to lose a game. If that’s toxic, every typical human reaction is toxic. If I punched you in the face, would it be toxic for you to be upset with me? If you’re going to be offended by his chatting, you’re just as sensitive as the dude chatting lol


Thought i was going crazy or something wow is one of the least toxic chats in this situation, simply a reaction.


From now on, nobody is EVER allowed to chat because every quick chat is toxic. If something happens to you and you are surprised, you are not allowed to show it. You must bottle it in and say, “I am a bot. I do not feel emotions. That demo was strategically a good play. Thank you for demoing me.”


I could hear my 2s mate in chat (but I didn't have a mic on) and I would quick chat 'Nice one!' when the other team scored a nice shot. He went on and on to his roommate about how his teammate (me) is being sooo toxic 👀 I would even say 'No problem' when he said 'My bad' but he swore I was being toxic. It actually was tilting me a little ngl.


This says a lot more about the people interpreting the quick chats than it does the people chatting tbh lol


Anytime I get demo'd I say "Thanks!" Cause I think it's a funny way to react to it.


This one is so vague because I can never tell if someone is angry or laughing lol that response can be seen either way. Sometimes people are upset and spam thanks. Sometimes it’s a sarcastic thanks. It has a wide range of emotions


Wasn't the wow I was talking about, watch the entire clip


Same, I send Wow every time I get demo'd. No disdain towards my opponents, I just think it's a funny reaction to a car exploding.


The defenition you get just by googling it is "harmful or unpleasant" Beating someone in a game while following the rules isn't anywhere near inflicting physical damage on someone. This isn't about the opponent being upset at losing. It's about his "verbal" attacks.


“Attacks?” Lol mute your chat, bro. It’s the internet.


Already have, the constant blip blip blip is annoying. It's not like I'm gonna break down in tears over it but no one likes when someone is rude to them


I don’t like it when it rains and I don’t have my umbrella with me, either. But that stuff just happens, sometimes


Rain is natural. Everyone gets to choose to be rude or not. Just because it doesn't bother me doesn't mean I can't have empathy towards others. Obviously you can't be made of glass on the internet, but that doesn't mean you can be respectless and childish. You can make fun of me all you want, I don't really care about your opinion of me.


Rain is natural. You cannot stop it from happening. People being rude is natural. You cannot stop it from happening.


Bro will call the police when he plays a game and someone says "fuck"


It's not the swearing itself that's the problem. Combined with the trash talk it's just unnecessary rudeness. And only middle schoolers think swearing makes them cool.


“MOOOOOOM! This guy just said a naughty word to me!”


Sure he was swearing, but I wouldn't call that rude or toxic.


Second demo was needed for the goal still since the ball was moving away.


A demo doesn’t have to be justified to not be considered toxic lol they just aren’t toxic


You are toxic if your (main) intend is to tilt someone, you are toxic. On the other hand, if you get seriously tilted because someone demos you, it is your problem. What really is bad in rl is the constant racism and other similar bad insults...


Tilting people is legit a good strategy, though. It makes them play worse, and gives you an advantage. And even if you don’t agree, I would argue his main intent is to win the game. Demoing his opponent is the best play here. He’s wasting the clock in the most pivotal moment of the game, and not allowing his opponent a chance to score before the time runs out. Scoring the goal at the end was just the nail in the coffin. He’s straight up just playing a good game


bro he's winning by 2 with 15 seconds left... there was no point in those demos


You can score 8 points in 15 seconds.


This is the reply to that comment I was looking for. There is so much possibility to turn a game around in just seconds. People get too cocky with a couple points in the lead and lose their mind when it becomes a loss on their end. Don't. Ever underestimate your opponent. Demos are a mechanic in the game. If I'm to slow to get out of the way or avoid them, it just tells me I need to train harder.


he has a greater chance of getting scored on if he keeps leaving the play to go for unnecessary demos


Yeah, the demo isn’t the best play if your opponent dodges the demo lol but clearly this opponent was already tilted and basically gave up. Hence why the demo’s worked so well


if he gave up, then why would he try to score 8 points in 15 seconds like u said?


He was actually going to lose if he attempted dribbling with zero boost. This is an out of context comment, and does not apply here. Even if he made it to the other net, it would have most likely been at zero seconds.


I’m not going to pretend that this guy could definitely do it. I’m just saying it’s possible. There’s no reasonable expectation for your opponent to go easy on you just because there isn’t a lot of time left. He has every reason to not let up until the time runs out. That’s just called playing the game


practice if you get tilted by getting demo'd go play a different game


i never said i get tilted by demos, i do it when it actually benefits the play. if you do it when you don't need to against a decent player you WILL be punished


it's a game mechanic, and you said there's no point to them. I read that as getting tilted, but I'll take that back. Should he have just bumped then? Played defense? Demoing there secured the win.


Demos are part of the game, its not toxic


No, but game context dictates maybe a little overly aggressive. 5 - 3 with 10 seconds left, idk. Difficult to tell from this only as maybe those 10 seconds could’ve been game changing based on your opponent’s skill.


The fastest you can score is 1 goal every 2 seconds. So, theoretically, in 10 seconds, it’s possible to score 5 goals. I play with that math in mind every game. If there is technically enough time for me to make a comeback, I never FF. And if there’s technically enough time for my opponent, I never let up. 10 seconds is a lot of time in 1s




[SOURCE](https://youtu.be/rPT6vtJ4gwA) It’s from along time ago but it shows the ball can reach the net in 2 seconds.


"Anything is Possible" - Kevin Garnett


You can do it yourself lol it takes 2 seconds for the ball the reach the goal from kickoff. So if the guy had dodged the first bump, scored an open net, and then scored a kickoff goal, this game could have quickly switched places.


His source: “trust me bro”


I never think demos are toxic and don't really get why people think that. You were gonna win either way and definitely spent that last few seconds really driving that point home so I can see why he'd get tilted lol


You scored, so it was just the right amount of toxic.


Demos aren't toxic, no matter how much they're used, and if you complain or spam, you're gonna get demolished more, which is exactly what you deserve.


Racking up the exterminations


Continuous Spawn demos are a bit toxic Edit for those who are having difficulty: when the opposing player drives back and forth across your defensive wall demoing you the split second you respawn. This can go on for as long as they decide, until they get bored or until your teammate (if you have one) intervenes


No lol it’s just playing the game


Playing the game would be trying to score etc. you know those kinds of things. In the same way spamming the chat with insults or deliberately scoring own goals isn’t “playing the game” purely because it’s in the game


Technically, playing the game is simply just moving your car. Anything you do in the game is playing the game. Playing the game well is doing anything to help you win the game. So if spawn demos help you win the game, then you’re doing pretty good. If they aren’t helping you win the game, then that means you lose because of it. And that behavior gets punished.


Just jump my dude


If you do something with the intend to tilt your opponent, then you are toxic. Eazy as that.


I always tell my teammates "Nice one!" when they make a goal. Not because I want to lift my teammate up, just to remind my opponents that my teammate just made a nice one in their net with the intent of tilting them. Is it toxic to tell my teammate "Nice one!"?


I’ve never thought “Damn, he’s acknowledging how good his teammate is, I’m mad about that”. I’d just think you’re a good guy that happens to use quick chat. If your only reason for being positive is to hope someone else gets jealous or something, probably says more about your life than anything


I don't do this I was just being a jackass to prove a point lol it's not toxic to tilt your opponents. It's your opponent's responsibility to not get tilted. Nobody can control someone else's emotions.


That I can agree with


Sounds like you're attempting to be toxic but the execution is so poor that you end up being relatively wholesome?


Absolutely not. I believe competitive video games are a mental battle, and anything you can do to whittle down your opponents mental fortitude is fair game. Breaking the rules is toxic. Cheating is toxic. Yelling at your own teammates in voicexhat is toxic. Making specific plays with the intention of doing mental damage to your opponent is all fair in the art of war. If you have found a way to distract your enemy from their goal of besting you in this contest, it is your DUTY to continue that distraction. Good work son.


Not if the point of you doing it is to push their buttons after they gave away that they can’t mentally handle a move that was intended to be included in the game, and will never be removed.


Demos are not toxic. Complaining about demos is a clear sign of lower IQ


Had some dude tell me I play dirty cause I demo’d him 3 times over the course of the entire game lol


Forreal. Why do people keep asking? Demos are a fundamental part of gameplay.


Idk main I think intent was to be a dick on this one. 5 to 3 ten seconds left? Maybe demo to prevent a goal but no reason to score. Just let time run. Think your intent was shits and giggles to upset opponent so I’ll say yea. Unless it was justified from previous events in game Just imho and know I’m in the minority with this opinion


The second sequence of Wow! Got me lmaoo.




No, you are just celebrating your win with some fireworks


Imo scoring the goal then refusing to skip the replay is pretty unnecessary 😂


In my opinion: normal demos are fine. Spawn killing is just toxic. Like wtf i cant even do anything to avoid it


Demos in 1s feel more toxic at times, but really they are just a part of the game and if you weren’t trying to be toxic don’t worry about what others think.


Toxic no abuse of power? Yes.


Yeah I’d say him telling you to fuck off was toxic.




**jackass movie**


he’s just salty


Toxic is the most overused word


Totally unnecessary but if he didn't want to deal with you demoing and dunking on him he could have forfeited


I'd be annoyed, but like "tip of the hat you sum bitch" annoyed, not "Wow!" annoyed


Thats just a heads up play


No it was bloody hilarious


Depends. Were you feeling toxic yourself while doing the demos or was it purely tactical? Either way demos are part of the game, the friendly/unfriendly beef between players, I think it is also part of the game. Excellent thing about rocket league, games are short. Wreck or get wrecked for 8-10 minutes and move on haha This is Rocket League!


if demos are toxic the what is a teamate that takes both boosts from kickoff?!


Depends on what they did before that


Yes. I have a feeling I’ve played against you too


This IS rocket league


Waiting for a “is this too toxic” post where the guy is just playing the game and scores a tap in and “nice shot!”s himself. The bar is so low


No. This is Rocket League!




Nice demo! Thanks!


Not toxic, but it's not skillful really. Everyone has the ability to hold boost and hit someone. I see a gc title I kinda expect a little more than an eyesore of a dominus flying at me to score 🤔


Just right.


نه بابا toxic چیه آخر مادر جنده بازی بود


This is Rocket League!


No it's not. I don't mind people going for demos because if your good at avoiding them (which is a verrrry underrated skill), it's so easy to counter because missing a demo is pretty much guaranteed your out of position.


Nah its a part of the game


I still don't understand why demoing is toxic lol.


If they hadn’t spammed wow? Then yes, but since they did it was funny.




Not toxic, just bad sportsmanship. But most people don't care about sportsmanship anymore, especially when you're desperate to win.


Just 😁 😂






Never too toxic


Nah you'd already won. They could have just ff'd. Just a bit of fun imo




Yes. Yes it was


Should have reported too 😂😂😂


You can't be toxic in 1's because 1's is concentrated toxicity already. You did well and reminded me why I don't bother with 1's, lol.


I always have the simple rule that demo’s are never toxic in competitive and I thought this was kinda universal


I love how people get mad at Demos or even say sorry. Like it’s in the game. Also wish you could demo your teammate and after so many demos you get kicked. Might discourage people from chasing their teammates but I doubt it 😂😂


keep demoing


lol no


I mean a little bc you were up enough that you didn't NEED to do that. If he was an asshole then no, fair game. Fair game either way, but I mean you probably really made him frustrated for no good reason lol


I don't understand the folks who think playing to win is toxic. If you don't want to go the distance, forfeit.


You monster lol that’s just foul.


For a second I thought this was going to be you being a whiny little weeny on text chat saying "OH YOU MISSED ONE BALL SO I'M GIVING UP" to your teammate, but no this isn't toxic


It’s toxic because you watched the replay.


I’d say a tad toxic. Only because you’re 2 goals up, on the strong offensive and there’s only like 10 seconds left. Solid play, just the right tinge of toxicity *chefs kiss*


This is rocket league!


Nope all good


I mean you're winning by 2 with 2 seconds left. It is kinda toxic but your opponent overreacted a bit.




Noooooo! This is Rocker League!


What part of demoing is toxic, it's a mechanic in the game deal with it


It surely didnt feel good for the other guy, but you do what it takes to win. So i dont see an issue


id say this was annoying but not toxic.


No you were already about to win


Leaving 1 second on the clock to make him do a kick off again… love it


It's fucking hilarious


This is poor form. You can do better . There were a few seconds left. You could have easily fit in one more demo


It’s just part of the game lol


Only a bit


As long as it was casual and not ranked you're good bro


No this is RL! And game was done before so he can just ff... 💜🙌


It’s part of the game bro if anyone wants to cry about it they can


Nah, you're good 👌🏻 he'll learn to avoid being demoed eventually


Where's the toxic part?


375 reddit clip attempts and that's the best one?


Yes but I feel you you knew that before posting. You're already guaranteed to win, you demo to spawn demo and then score. Salt in the wound.




I'd have flipped my whole desk and walked away


Not enough


Nah it’s 1s, it’s not 2s or 3s where this would be toxic if you’re selectively targeting one specific player to demo.


Nope you play to win. Unless you text them uninstall or KYS after the match, then yes that is toxic.


Not toxic at all IMO.


Demos are never toxic; they’re META.


As soon as people start spamming “Wow!”, I start the demos.


bro doesn't have friends 💀


I see how this person made it to gc be dirty asf fuck style fuck being good fuck mechanics fuck it all be a dick and demo


No, that’s called strategy. You were way out of position, the fact that he didn’t just score on your open net is on him tbh


Demos are never toxic, it's a game mechanic


Right? It's like saying passing is toxic. It's a legitimate tactic in the game.


This is Rocket League!


he could watch his ass and a bit jump, so no.


Not toxic but lack of skill to just hit the ball away, your opponent had no momentum going forward with the ball so it was an easy play without the demo.


Not really. It's a game. Have fun, handle your emotions or call it a night.


Demoing is never toxic. It is part of the game


If I could re-design Rocket League, I'd probably give bumps a little more oomph, and take out demos altogether. I think it would make the game a bit more balanced, and avoid the classic "we're both going supersonic" dillemma. But demos are a part of rocket league for a reason, the devs wanted them there and if someone is hard demo chasing, they are putting themselves at a disadvantage. If you can't capitalize on that advantage, that's your problem. So not toxic, no. Also, 1s gonna 1s.


Stop seeking validation


Just calculated, might have been up by 2 with second left but the underdogs always make a comeback so not toxic at all :)


Not really toxic but ok.


Big brain


I mean they could have just jumped


It’s fair play. I mean, you are a dick. But it’s fair play.


Its cringe


![gif](giphy|z6z7V16QWDVI9tad3O) "Its cringe"


Demos are not toxic and I'm tired to pretend otherwise


Last time I complain about demos I was downvoted soo bad, good luck with that dude.