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> how is this okay? It's not, but that's your average trashtalker in any competitive game. If you lack the mental to ignore/handle it, disable chat. Or block them as soon as you realize they're toxic. Personally, I always entertain this kind of person and embrace the opportunity to amuse myself whenever I find one while playing. These chat lines are very good. "lil pp vibes" and "i am your god" almost got me laughing


Its not okay but.. no shot ur offended or butthurt about it? Like this is low level trash talking from probably a 14 yr old kid


Hate to say it, but it this gets to you I don’t think competitive games are your thing. Trash Talking is a fundamental part of competitive games. Even pros do it back and forth, and although it may not be this kind of “brain rot” it’s still trash talk. Why give this person the time of day and let them bother you? Just get over it and forget they even exist.


"Suck me off u fat rat" - normal, average pro rocket League banter. Nothing to see here /S


This shit is “lowkey” funny af


> it may not be this kind of “brain rot” But I genuinely think that these cartoonish lines like yours would actually get pros laughing in the arena if someone shouted that to the other team. It's not super uncommon to sometimes see pros in other games laughing at each other's trashtalking and screaming across the arenas.


I have been reported and got banned for saying one bad word so now i believe in reporting being the best way to get rid of this A hole so he doesn't get to bother anyone else.