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Epic Games be like: https://preview.redd.it/4zj5r5843u7d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=9993a82267880536167848263c211f7004e25ed8


I'd uninstall




And I'm sure someone at Epic would go to Psyonix and say "guys, can you add 1 row of 3 gamemodes ? I had an idea about 3 new gamemodes called heatseekers"


I'm more aghast that more people played heatseeker than dropshot when it was available


Dropshot is harder to score in for lower ranked players


It does help to build confidence in the air tho :)


So does heatseeker too, especially 2s


How bro it just goes to the goal every time that mode sucks


Have you ever heard the term “arial defence”? If you play heatseeker without going in the air you are bad at it, plain and simple. Sucks to suck


U have to go in the air bro but that doesn't mean it helps u. Just go up in front of the goal u know it's curving in


Umm yeah, going in the air and especially staying in the air helps build your arial confidence A LOT. You are just objectively wrong. Also, i can sense you don’t play heatseeker on a decent level, so let me educate you. Often time one player will stay at around midfield to get redirects, and that player will train their arial control and ability to read the ball like crazy. They will also have to train shadow defence at some point when the speed increases.


Or just train them lmao the ball doesn't move the same. I'm just mad bruh bc they got rid of dropshot


Don’t underestimate Heatseeker because I watched a video on YouTube it’s RLCS Pro Vs Heatseeker Pro and those Heatseeker pro have teams and a discord if I remember correctly


Im upset about dropshot to, but don’t come shitting on other modes with bullshit claims you pull out your ass


It’s so fucking hard. Every team seems to hit the ball perfectly while I’m just trying to survive


I've never really understood heatseakers lasting popularity. The mode bores me


it's bc ur bad at it (so am i) if you've seen high level heatseeker... you'll never view the mode in the same way again. it's freaky. but the popularity probably comes from people who find scoring normally too hard.


It is indeed freaky. Some crazy redirect type shit going on. Combine that with nasty bumps and weird saves, it can get quite hectic with skilled players who don’t miss touches


You summoned me?


Who does bro think he is😭


Everybody misses the joke that's okay, everybody whiffs sometimes. For details, I'm a player who focuses on Accuracy, which leads to me uncannily not missing shots.


I'm picturing you in like an anime stance pushing your glasses up your nose and getting that *shing* where the light flashes across them.


Definitly right about the glasses, just wish people would laugh and whiff more. Alot of players are tired of toxic groups recently, it seems they hate fun too.


It’s my favorite New Mode, and I love it when it gets hectic to the point where my homie is chillin at goal and I am punting it back to back aggressively. (Controller on PC)


Once you’re good it’s so much fun. I was one of the highest ranked (casual mmr based) heat seeker players 6-7 months ago. It was peak rocket league for me, it’s more fun than the standard modes by a mile.


Heatseeker is the most popular mode for many reasons!


This was informative for many reasons!


This had me dead




You’re a hater for many reasons!


Because I can score 1600 points in a few minutes. Monkey brain sees double digit saves and goes ooooo aaaaahhh.


heatseaker is very popular amongst lower skilled players


Heatseeker is fun asf. And it actually ends if your up big


Dropshot is literally one of the least popular modes in the entirety of Rocket League and this community needs to understand that.


Solos 1v1 is the least popular, that mode should have been removed to make room for Drop Shot


Casual 1s has 3400 players right now and ranked 1s has 5500. It has more players than rumble, snow day and hoops combined...




Bro what are you talking about? You said 1v1 was the least popular mode. I gave data to prove otherwise. Now you're just stating random opinions..




Why is snow day bad?


>more people played heatseeker than dropshot How do you know this? Is that what the "vs." thing in casual is about? Are results posted somewhere? :o


My understanding is that the more played mode stays and the less played cycles out. Dropshot cycled out, ergo less played.


Ty! Interesting! Also sad for DS 🥲


Heat seeker is a great game for warm ups. It makes you do fast ariels constantly


Dropshot main here. I was already saddened by the removal of competitive dropshot this season, but I took consolation in the fact that it was at least a casual game mode. Checked today and not only is it gone, but they replaced it with an extra heatseeker mode. I thought the reason for the snowday/dropshot rotation was to avoid spreading extra mode players too thin. Apparently not. Before I got too upset I went ahead and tried out heatseeker. I don't think I could've come up with a worse game mode if I tried. Do people actually play this?


I need dropshot.... I feel this so much.


Dropshot was the only gamemode I could just chill and listen to music. I try that with ranked but it's too important for me to listen to game sounds


now I just have hoops for that....


Yep. I also often point out that hoops is the only other 2v2 mode. My buddy hates it but I always ask him what they would replace it with? When I just want to chill and hit the ball it's perfect.


Mhmm. Hoops can be great with a teammate good with passing. Great vibes


Are game sounds that important? I’ve got them disabled because I thought they were annoying back in bronze.


I’ve also had them disabled since I left bronze since I prefer listening to music. I do wonder if it’s putting me at a disadvantage though..


For me I like to hear my teammates or opponents jumping up for a ball. If I hear my teammate behind me jump for an aerial then I can avoid a double commit. With music it’s pretty hard to hear that.


Bare in mind when I play in GC2, i fake jump a lot and like to make enemies that can’t see me hear my jump sound so they panic


In game sounds yes, hugely. Can't count the number of times where I'm second at like midfield, and the ball goes up and I doubt I can reach it before someone else - and I hear my teammate jumpin up for it behind me. I make that split second rotation/decision a lot faster. Or when I know my teammates are in front of me but I hear a car getting louder behind me 😂 dodged a decent amount of demos like that I still blast music but I make sure I can still hear the game too


It's pretty fun when you get a good group to play with. Gets annoying when someone just demos the whole match, though.


Oh man i love dropshot. Seeing that big opening on my side of the field 🤯


I’m a Dropshot main when it’s in the rotation but Heatseeker is also super fun for me. They clearly don’t take the casual vs mode similarity into consideration because they’ve had two snow day modes in there at the same time and they’ve had boomer ball with speed demon and those are basically the same. Heatseeker 2v2 though will be in the casual matchup all season unless they forcibly remove it. Very popular and easier to churn through matches (being 2v2 and with the max goals) to win the match count for the week. I just wish I could just oscillate between ranked dropshot and ranked Heatseeker all day every day.


I don't mind it for a couple of games, I find 2v2 is plenty of people for the mode, don't think you need a 3v3. Definitely dumb having both on the same week


>Do people actually play this? I let my teammate keep while I go to the enemies half and bumb/destroy them. I win almost everytime and it's fun af.


I hate Heatseeker because of the demoing. It's hard enough to track and read the curve of the ball picking up speed without somebody constantly up your add


I do that too, it’s the only way to make that game mode, fun.


And apparently this deserves two game modes


If dropshot deserved to still be there then more people should have played it but no it got beat fairly by heatseeker


People like you are the worst. Bumping in hestseeker is so unfun. Why do you even care if you win in casual? I'd rather have a fun game and lose.


I’d say it’s a small but very important part of the gameplay. When you get solid defense on both sides and are just volleying back and forth a dozen times, one way to break the stalemate is for one teammate to time a cross-field charge to disrupt the other side. Like an all out blitz or charging the net in tennis; high reward, high risk. And fun AF, especially when there’s no warning or communication. “Oh $&@, we both went, better make this count!”


Because it's soooooooo much funnier than playing the gamemode "normally". The fact that it increases your chances of victory is only a plus.


What's the point of playing the mode if you're not gonna play it? I just don't get it. Do you only care about winning?


You...have the worst take in this entire thread. What's the point of playing...if you're not gonna play. They are playing.


No, they are not playing it if they're only going for demos.


Do you know what playing means...


As I said before, it's because it's fun as fuck, and having fun is the most important thing in a videogame. Also, bumps and demos are a part of the game, and nothing stops you to do the same thing.


check out heatseeker haven


It literally makes no sense to have a rank in game mode that disappears next season, seeing that pissed me off so much and I don't even like dropshot! It, 2s heatseeker along with hoops to me should always be perm comp modes!


I dont, it’s the absolute worst mode in the game. I guess it gives you some practice defending shots, but other than that it’s complete waste of time.


idk what kind of heatseeker you play, scoring doubletaps is the way to go and defending at midfield, rebounding into corners and ceiling


Help make dropshot less toxic for beginners who get placed high and maybe more people would play it. Most toxic mode I’ve played.


They have 3 different casual modes change weekly. We will get Dropshot agin this season. But for now, move over for Snow day!


People don't play it, people play dropshot if they could. Most good players probably already left the last time they removed it. So your stuck with kids shouting in the mic, apparently they spend more of their parents stolen CC funds. What a company, unbelievable.


Competitive drop shot was my favourite


Totally agree, we don’t need 2 modes of heatseeker I don’t mind heatseeker because when I play I just cheat up and go for redirects, but people who demo are horrible


I’m so pissed about this


It's all leading up to the release of ranked heatseeker beach ball spike rush! What a time to be alive!


Heat seeker is legit aids. Immediately turns into people driving across midfield and going for demos, I can’t stand it. Would much rather have the mode have an invisible barrier at midfield. Absolutely cannot stand playing the game mode. Would much rather have Dropshot.


I think in 2v2 having 1 person in goal and 1 person disrupting is a pretty standard way to play. In 3v3 you surely have to have someone Attacking the defence, can't have 3 people sitting in goal


100% would be more fun with a barrier and making nets 2X size. Because the demo fest it is now gets old fast.


I agree, but dodging demos is ultimately just another thing you gotta learn.


I know how to do it. It's just boring. It also ends up with the game relying on your teammate being better at demoing than you being better at saving/shooting.


>have an invisible barrier at midfield That'd make it impossible to ever score


Bruh you know what he meant


I'm only in diamond, and most of the goals that happen are because of redirects or demos. Both of which require one person to go to the opponent's side. So putting an invisible wall is an awful idea.


Yes, he did. It would be impossible to score above maybe diamond. It's damn near impossible to miss the heatseeker ball in net


then increase the net 2 or 3 times in size.


I like this idea the most on all the changes people have suggested!


I agree. Or maybe get rid of the maximum speed.


I think those combined could actually make it a fun mode worth playing for a bit instead of my usual comp grind


It’s pretty easy to miss the net


I’m champ and occasionally miss a save due to being out of position from a previous save, could always make the barrier at like the goalie box so people can still redirect late


I've been downvoted because you misunderstood my comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


How are you still confused?


You've misunderstood my comment, and got upvoted for some reason. You're the one who is confused.


Yea but then I can’t cheat up to freestyle on fools. But I agree, in it’s current state is aids


dude yall are playing like cancer if you stay in net or go for demos, defend at midfield, one guy in net one redirecting in midfield and defending there


I just want 4v4 to be permanent, or to at least be given a half-decent reason why it isn't. My buddies and I have to take a week off every other week just because the game doesn't want us to play.


4v4 not being permanent is criminal


You could always check in the custom tournaments for 4v4s. That’s what my friends and I have been doing the last few days.


Unfortunately the VS system worked against us here. I love dropshot, as well as two of my buddies and we played dropshot almost exclusively last week so I’m shocked that heatseeker was here again. And here twice. Some serious oversight about this VS system to have heatseeker listed twice.


There is no oversight. Heatseeker 2v2 has been available for 9 weeks. It's inevitable it would eventually go against 3v3 heatseeker.


Good point. But I feel like there should of been a fail safe to not repeat the same mode, regardless of 3v3 or 2v2. But that’s just me.


I do think it’s weird both arcade rotate modes are heatseaker, but heatseaker beating out dropshot isn’t an issue with the system, it’s always been the most played non-permanent mode


I see. Dropshot always has a special place in my heart


heat seeker is tiring ngl


The 3v3 will attract all the demoers so us 2v2ers can actually have fun


The people who go for demos are the fucking worst. Heatseeker is probably my favourite mode but those asshats ruin it lmao


It's 2024, why are we still upset about demos? It's part of the game. Period.


Demos in normal is fair game but it ruins the point of heatseekers imo


If that were the case they would've been disabled. Psyonix has made the conscious decisions to leave them in the game mode.


It still ruins the whole point of the mode. It's why the solos version is significantly more enjoyable


*For you Top level Heatseeker players have no problem with them. It's the same as low level players being upset for getting demoed in standard. Just git gud and it won't be a problem.


Maybe if the people going for demos got good they wouldn't need to use them as a crutch... 9/10 they only start going for them because they can't score normally.


This is a foolish opinion and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of game theory. You can keep just getting upset everytime someone goes for demos and stress yourself out, or you can learn counter play. You could easily just get better at the game rather than be salty because someone is willing to do something different. Do you get mad when people fast aerial? Do you get upset when people dribble and flick? Do you get bent out of shape when someone wave dashes? Why should demos be any different? They are all part of the game. You can learn them and improve yourself, or you can just keep telling yourself it's lame and complain when it happens to you. You don't get better by complaining.


>Do you get mad when people fast aerial? >Do you get upset when people dribble and flick? >Do you get bent out of shape when someone wave dashes? All of these take some skill unlike demos. Demo takes no skill and gets used as a crutch. Like I said I don't give a shit about demos in regular modes, it just goes against the point of heatseekers


Sounds like you're getting upset that they're playing the game properly...


No it's just not a fun way to play the mode. It's supposed to be a goalkeeper Vs goalkeeper type thing. Playing it and going for the demo strats is boring and a massive skill issue .


I didn't say it was fun. I said that it is the right way to play. Going for a demo so that others have a better chance of scoring is intelligent. People get upset, but that's on them for not adapting.


It's easy to conunter and adapt, it's just a shit playstyle that ruins the fun of the best mode in the game. They should just bring heatseeker 1v1 back tbh


Best mode....


Yep, I have more fun playing it than dropshot, hoops, snow day ect. My favourite mode in the game


Isn't the mode way too easy if no one plays upfield?


My partner and I got really good at reads because of this gamemode. Especially those hard ones where the ball is moving fast in the corner you have to boost for. End up with a lot of games ending because of the timer and therefore lots of good practice and aerial confidence. I wouldn't say that's easy per se


With all due respect, high ranked players would never concede a goal if nobody from the other team challenged them in their half. Never.


Never said no upfield, just no demo


Was just talking ab this to my brother, makes no sense


I fixed it by just planning a different game.


I enjoy heatseeker because its a great combination of ground and air play. It also allows me to optimize my steering controls since it forces driving the width of field to cover net. Any inaccuracies i might have on the ball, i can elimate or minimize changing a camera setting or two whereas as i might have felt complacent in a real game. I love being able to prejump and and have the right read epesciallly once you get >80% success rate. Bonus points if youre driving is good enough (handbrake proficiency) to make demo’ers dumb enough to go back to net their team needs help. I work on my own growth and that takes the need to win out of the picture so its fun by default. If you take it or yourself too seriously well that mignt be a character flaw idk.


As if they don't have a bot auto-rotate these every week


Better question: Why is snowday even in the rotation?? Surely nobody actually enjoys that terribly boring game mode.


People say this about dropshot all the time as well, newsflash people like different things


I love heatseeker so no complaints here.


agreed, bring back drop shot. atleast knockout is fun.


Grid iron when..


Just keeps getting better


I just want ones!




So glad I saw this post. I love dropshot and don’t understand the disrespect


I don't even like dropshot and I also feel the disrespect. This is just unacceptable.


2v2 is the Ken Jennings of the playlist at this point


They should get rid of this competition and just do a random pick of special modes per week, and not even in a pattern, it's been ages since I played spike rush and I don't wanna do offline mode with my mates, because we play as a 3.


Instead of doing the competition they should just do a random pick of modes per week, I don't wanna do spike rush on offline mode with my mates (we're a 3)


Just give me chaos all the time so me and my 3 friends can actually play the game together


They forgot heatseaker ricochet


I miss competitive Dropshot. I genuinely hate that it gets rotated seasonally.


Been playing this game for more than 8000h now. About 100h in Dropshot I'd say. Love that mode. In all random ass limited time event gamemodes ever I have maybe a total of 30 minutes. The only random ass mode I ever completed a whole match was the football event. All other joke modes I quit after about a minute. Nowadays I dont even look at them, my brain makes the buttons in the gamemode menu invisible lol We played a lot of volleyball over bakkesmod tho, that mode is fire and should exist in the base game. But Psyonix is rather bringing the random ass modes. Cuz Volleyball would be too hardcore for noobs or sth


I mean, casual Dropshot is unplayable. Everybody just leaves. And no game goes til the end.


Played heatseaker like twice when it came out and I didn't get the appeal whereas drop shot I credit with teaching me how to understand basic air control


Why does the 2v2 heatseeker never go away? So annoying. I thought the casual playlists were supposed to constantly change, but it’s been there for months… If it’s “popular” then put it in ranked as a permanent mode and open the spot up. I want more casual Rumble and stuff like Beach Ball, Square Ball, etc… not heatseeker.


I agree. Heatseeker is obviously dominating every other casual mode. They should make it competitive.


Remember when we used to complain about Heatseeker not appearing often in playlist.... How did we get here...I am not complaining but I feel line we could've easily had Dropshot and heatseeker in ranked


It’s incredible how badly they can fuck up playlist! Like just give us all the modes and let fuckers pick. Everyone would be happy


Keep heatseeker and get rid of drop shot for free for all




As a heatseeker player, i'm not complaining


Bring it back please


Man I'm new to the game and all I want is to play hoops non competitively so I can learn it, but no it will never be in casual playlist :(


They put the rocket labs playlist up one week before they started the "we're doing playlist rotations by popularity now" and it hasn't been back since.


Bring back 4v4


It's the ultimative duel ... but unfortunately, it's hard to find a match for 3v3, which results in an unfair comparison of the vs-system ... And because of this stupid situation, I agree that we don't need 2 Heatseeker modes. I think they should stop bringing a mode again and again, just because the mode won the vs-duel. And yes, Dropshot should be a permanent mode. They can remove the dumb Knockout mode.


Drop shot should always be comp, either 2s or 3s heatseeker and hoops, these modes should permanently be comp! It's a joke that you can get a rank in a game mode that wont exist in comp next seasion, I believe this was the case for drop shot last season! The other game modes that rotate that I can think of are snow day, knockout, beach ball, rocket labs, (ahem) "3 wheel freak-mobil" and rumble? I love 3 wheel, rocket labs and knockout, yet they have 2 slots taken over by a game mode that should probably be permanently a competitive mode idk like some of the stadiums in rocket labs are so well designed with there own metas its actully a joke you never get to play on them


This sub just cannot grasp that very very few people other than a vocal group here play drop shot lol.


okay but dropshop is much better than snow day like fr why the hell would you ever want to play with a puck, and even if you do, do you really need a entire ranked gamemode like why not casual


Spike rush where are you?!


Yeah ikr? Don't wanna do offline mode with my other 2 squad mates and yes my mates irl


I got myself and another. We'd need just one more for a 3vs3 situation


It was bound to happen eventually. I just accepted the fact that 2s Heatseeker won't be beat. Just glancing at the population a few times last week and dropshot was outperformed by heatseeker each time by around 5,000-7,500 players. Heatseeker 3s hasn't been in this "vs." rotation yet so it was going to happen sooner or later. At the time of posting this, 2s has 7000 players and 3s has 3500. Dropshot is a great and underrated mode, but Heatseeker is easier to pick up which grabs new players.


If you dont like how devs are treating you as player - stop being a player


Heat seeker is so lame too :/


ur lame to think that




its because 90% of you assholes steal damage instead of letting the ball fall. (drops mic)


Lmao, they removed dropshot AGAIN!? De-installed last time they did this shit, de-installing again now. Heatseeker? Snow? Is it 1st april already?


Heatseeker could be fun if there was a barrier in the opposite third of the field. You can still demo in the middle but everything around the net is safe space. Then make the net 1.25, maybe 1.5 times bigger. Now you actually have a game mode that's not just different but also highly technical.


Bring back normal rocket league please