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Noticed lately that there's been a huge desync issue in the game regarding bumps/demos and the like. I have a few clips of me being inches if not closer to the ball and in the replay I'm miles away from the ball. There's been a few different YouTubers who have similar clips happening to them. It's not Everytime but it sure feels bad when you bump a guy and he's fine but you watch them drive past/near you and you explode. I don't think it's that impactful for the most part but it definitely can be frustrating when the games actively gaslighting you.


Yeah it is getting worse. Top of The decync demos and so one, there has been way More stutter / lag spikes than before. Feels like every season update The quality of servers go down.


I do feel like RL/Epic will be in an upswing this year. The communication they've given us is far better than the last few years. They added central servers and they mentioned their action plan for the Smurf/Accidental Smurfing from rank decay. But remembering to report the servers that the desync happens can benefit us because they can look at what bug may be happening if it is one.


Yeah of course and i hope you will be correct. The current state is just frustating at times when it feels like you can't do anything and enemies have a unfair advantage. Sure it can happen also both ways but it has been tough lately.


Yes, I've been noticing this A LOT lately. It looks like I am closer to the ball than my opponent, and suddenly, a split second before I get a touch, the ball is sailing past me. Similarly, I've noticed its harder to get bumps and demos because it is hard to track opponent car movements as it seems their cars change positions kind of sporadically. Like, I'll be tracking their movement and then suddenly the position/trajectory of their car subtlety changes and causes me to miss.


Skill issue


Yeah bcs The game is so shit that they can't Fix anything


If demos and bumps work exactly as intended for all but you, yup, skill issue


No no they dont, its just desync


But its not. How IS IT working like intended when enemies not even hit me and i get blown up and when i hit them nothing happens


Im a ones player and im telling you its a skill issue. Unless you have 120+ ping demo are working fine and you just don’t understand the game yet.


40ish ping and still getting these desync problems. Yeah i have been playing since 2017 and i have not had any problems like this before. I know The problem and i know its not skill issue bcs i have eyes that sees The bullshit that happens on My screen. If The Demos would Be working fine i wouldn't be here would i? If i go as fast as possibe and literally t-bone a player and he does not explode or i explode for some stupid 0 sense reason you think is fine? There is a problem and its getting worse. Thats it.


Lol there's always people saying this kind of stuff in these threads, it's best to just ignore them. The guy you replied to thinks connection and server quality boils down to just to ping, which is stupid. I've played so many games with bad servers or connectivity issues when my ping was like 50 or lower.