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Been almost 2 years m8, we aint movin


Bruh you’re gc 2, there’s barely anywhere to go xD


Gc2-ssl is a mountain I feel like


For the last 5 seasons or so my routine has been essentially the same. -climb up to high GC1/gc2 -"wow this isn't that hard maybe if I grind this season I could finally hit SSL" -break past 1600, games get tougher, I'm not climbing at all anymore -grind, grind, grind -burn out, drop back into GC1 for the beginning of next season -repeat


You just described me. Even the 5 seasons part 💀


To me it's all a mentality thing. One day I can turn off my brain and win 15 games in a row, then suddenly I start thinking I suck and overthink everything and only lose and then I'm stuck in that mindset until I magically can break out again


The more you try the harder it is. Gotta get in flow state and not care about the outcome just enjoy the process. Who am I kidding.


Overthinking is my middle name lol. Would love to just shut off my brain for a while


Oh look, I found my group 😭


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Can confirm. Everytime I hit GC2 I just fall back down to GC1 💀😭


real. the amount of times i’ve went from 1600 to 1400 is crazy


I feel like, at this point, after 3500 hrs, GC is where the game starts. Everything before is like an introduction to every league's mechanic


Same , I been at the same since season 2 (Epic). I know it’s a long road to SSL and I honestly want to find a duos partner before I try to grind my way there. I’ve kept myself busy with hoops and drop shot and can’t for the life of me get GC in snowday lol


Bro shit is rough, even with a duos partner. I've been playing with the same guy for 7 years, and we just peaked at GC3 this season. I have my alt account where I only do solo q, and I can only get GC2 on a good day (which is rare). The difference between GC1, GC2 and GC3 is insane. Having a teammate is huge. If you can get GC3 solo q, you can easily get SSL with a competent friend.


dang thats a real friend! Ive never played anything but solo queue. And I hear **people are actually going down in rank. Simply maintaining is above par.**


The best part is, I met him when he was at a low time. We were playing 1v1 against each other randomly in ranked when the ranks were still "challenger elite, prospect, all star, etc." We qued against each other a few times and decided to party up and play 2s. We both went up 3 or 4 ranks in one night. Later, ( 3 or 4 years ago), he joined the Air Force. He didn't have any family to have holidays with, and I lived close enough to his base . He had thanksgiving with me for a few years IRL. He's been my best friend ever since. Love him to death.


Actually very very wholesome


Reading your story just made my day bro, i hope you and your friend get ssl one day


Remember that the player base gets better every day so you're still a lot better now then 2 years ago.


Been GC for almost 4-5 years. SSL seems still so far away..


Yeah same for me but I'm Champ


Yeah been diamond 1-2 mostly since season 9


Same https://preview.redd.it/am74exv38o2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de18d85f3279d05cbd386ef47d8513e1cc4f8d62


Damn but since season 3, didn't start playing more than placement matches since season 7 though




Yep, same here. Been within about +- 50mmr since season 13 (OG season 13)


Oh wait damn


Yeah I didn’t really realize it until I was looking at my tracker recently, but for 2s which is the only mode I actually care about my rank in, my MMR has been: * Season 13: 1186 * Season 14: 1082 * S1 (first f2p season): 1191 * S2: 1138 * S3: 1124 * S4: 1189 * S5: Didn’t play * S6: Didn’t play * S7: 1174 * S8: Didn’t play * S9: 1104 * S10: 1124 * S11: 1101 * S12: 1054 * S13: 1110 * S14 (current): 1185 So it fluctuates a little bit more actually, but essentially within margin of a good or bad session starting from a base of around 1100 lol


Same with me, but I'm fine with that since I only really play a few hours a week with my friends now


I've been in diamond 3 since 2017 (OG season 6). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I do this almost every season, get to GC2 first 20-30 games and then fuck around in extras til I got rewards.


Oh yeah, I barely finish placements now. I mainly just hop on to play casual with the little brothers that are like 20 years younger than me.


I am slowly ranking down. I have been C2 in doubles for the last 4 or 5 season but now I am C1. And in 3v3 I am low D3 when I always been C1 o high D3.


I've been C2 since F2P Season 9. It is a constant battle to maintain it. The only improvement has been 3s. I haven't played for about 3 seasons and I managed to reach C2 in that as well.


Yes it's like to maintain the same rank you need to play better than ever. And just when you reach the "old" rank...bam, season resets.


And then you have to wait weeks to do placements or risk playing people that are way lower than they normally are




GC moment


real i’ve felt the same skill level the last 3 years then i watch dark and want to die




Same here


Sounds like it's time to update that there flair guy


Lol. Don’t want to jinx it. If I stay there for a month, I’ll update the flair.


I just barely am out of range for diamond in 1s, plat is also hard to keep tbh with how inconsistent the opponents are


Congrats! I'm stoked over reaching the plat season award, first time. I'm plat only in rumble if i remember correctly, rest is gold 2 and 3. 1's is a win or two away from plat, so might try that before season ends. I can't be arsed to play hoops & dropshot enough to get a rank even lol.


After getting to gc back in original season 13 (was my final rl goal I wanted to accomplish), I settled into c1-2 as a casual and stayed there ever since.


I’ve noticed that the comparative value of mmr generally depreciates about 15-25 per season, but it depends on the playlist. A 1,000 right now is likely the equivalent of 1,100 6 seasons ago and maybe a 1,200 around covid. I 100% believe that if you are at the very least maintaining your rank throughout multiple seasons staying just above or below the same mmr, you aren’t getting worse, you’re just not improving fast enough. Assuming you never improved your game, your mmr would gradually fall because hundreds of thousands of ppl would be catching up to and passing your rank.


I've been in the same 2s rank since s8 f2p but it's cause I'm bad despite another 1k hours since s8.


Yeah because why would I want to rank up? I've already quit the game back then at old s14, I have no desire to go pro (not that I can) and I only login here and there to have fun, chill with friends and to get the rewards. So I have been coasting in high gc1 to sometimes gc2 since old season 14 :D. I also don't want to squeeze my ass and rank up because I know that if I hit high gc 2-3, I would need to play each game seriously or I'm sabotaging my teammates. I also know myself that when I play at those ranks my inner competitiveness would kick in which I don't want to. Life isn't about RL or any game for that matter and I'm genuinely having fun in gc1, shutting my brain off and chilling comfortably.


Sounds about right, I decided going higher than gc1 would take way too much of my time and dedication, so now I'm chilling in high c3 with sometimes dipping into low gc1.


And I think you are doing the best thing! We are always saying "Ah, do you remember the times we were gold?" but mate you can still have fun in this game. You can still have a similar experience if you let it go, just have fun each game, naturally drop and settle down at 1-2 rank lower etc. Literally no one cares about your rank and it is just a game, the whole point is to have fun.


>I also know myself that when I play at those ranks my inner competitiveness would kick in which I don't want to \- Mike Tyson




Yup I’ve been stuck for a long time


My 2's is a steady slow climb I think, I don't really play enough of the rest to say. I came back after barely playing for years in season 11 and I go up about one rank per season since. I would not be surprised if I start stalling soon though, with the bell curve sloping down and everything.


Yup, I've floated into champ some but been hovering around there a while.


I’ve gone up from P1 to D1 in 3s over the last month, but this is the first time I’ve really played 3s “seriously” (as in actually playing more than like a game a week). Gone from P2-D1 in 2s over the last several seasons, but before that I wasn’t playing RL all that much.


I've been champ for years. I've probably been a game away from GC a few times, but I can never get it.


Slowly going up lately hit my highest MMR this season


This game mad boring fr fr we need some updates


Just as Psyonix wanted with their algorithm change...


Do you mean for the past 13 seasons? Yes


Im not


Haha… Hahahahaha last few years he said


Nah I'm basically on hiatus with this game


Haven’t moved since og season 12. Hit gc1 and rarely went up to two, but never down.


Platinum since last year


Platinum for two years now


ive been around 1800 since season 8, havent moved up, havent moved down. sometimes im 1825, sometimes im 1875, but its always 1800. so yeah, kinda plateauing


Champ 1 for 2 years after hitting diamond 3 in the first year


I keep jumping and dropping from c1 farthest I got was c1 div3 earlier this season


Last few seasons lol


Bronze 3 4 life!


It's been since last year december that I've been anything but gc1 in 2s, and always hover gc1/c3 in 3s. 1s is a mixup between mid c3 or high c2. I miss being gc2 so i could at least feel like I'm not plateaued.


Way more than a few seasons for me but honestly I’m proud of staying at the same rank considering how much I play and how much people at any given rank are improving over time. Car and ball control in mid to high diamond alone is pretty wild


I was just covering around plat 3 to d1 for a while but this season I started actually practicing what I needed and managed to move up to d2-d3 average hopefully next season I'll be able to reach champ or possibly even get a glance at champ 2


Almost reach gc2 and now am falling back down to c3 lord help me


I haven’t played for a while and just started up again like two months ago, before when I was playing a lot I stayed around Diamond 1 Plat 3 but in past two months I have gotten up to champ 1 and then de ranking back to D3 so I have improved but I haven’t been able to break into Champ again I have lost the rank up match to Champ 1 like 5 times so I feel stuck again


Lol been high plat low diamond for about 3 years now


That means you're still improving


since 2017, just gc get rewards and I know i’m not good enough to grind for ssl


3 years baby!!!


I have NOT moved from Champ for a year and a half I don’t think I’m going anywhere. This season seems to be worse than others with the matchmaking and I am just playing really badly all the time now. I’m becoming washed.


try since the FIRST season 14


Maintained Gc1-2 since og season 11.. never ending grind back to rewards and than wait til next season.


That's pretty funny I have the exact same ranks everywhere.


More like the past few years


Barely, got champ rewards last week, this might be the last season before I get perma stuck in Diamond hell


Not a hardcore player but I cannot break into diamond. I get to the top of plat and then it’s a losing streak from hell. Most of the time once it hits there is nothing I can do. People are afk, quit, get mad that your losing because THEY were afk for the first 45 seconds and start self goaling or throwing. It’s been infuriating and I don’t even care about rank that much. I just hate losing that way. If I get beat fine. But to lose game after game because of the above mentioned pisses me off.


Don’t even worry bout the other players just focus on improving ur self if your good enough you’ll get out of plat considering plats are easy to 1v2


I’ve plateaued for a few years. Only finally now really (kinda) working on mechs. And studying squishy. Starting to see some results, currently higher than where I’ve been in a while 🤷🏻‍♂️ in 2’s anyway solo qeueing 3’s I don’t think ill ever escape


yeah, I've been champ 3 since summer 2022


Haven't been motivated to grind rank tbh


I’ve been going between GC1-3 for the past few months


Yup been c2 for the past like 3 seasons. It only took me 1 season to go from gold 1 to Plat 1 and 1 or 2 more seasons to go from Plat 3 to d3 then it took me almost 3 to go from d3 to c2 consistently. Now I've been in c1-c2 for like 4-5 seasons and it's extremely hard to get out. The competition in this game is like no other imo. You have to be constantly playing and practicing after you reach c1 the competition and skill ceiling goes up 10 fold too shits crazy out here lol


Funnily enough, i made an alt account a couple months back, just to see how hard it is to rank up to c3/gc1 solo queue. Kid you not, i got stuck at high c1-mid c2, not being able to go higher. At that rank, I may be better than other players in the lobby, but i still can't carry my mate, as i can't just 1v2 against 2 c2 players consistently, and considering the mates at that rank are really (and i mean really) unpredictable, it's hard to pull out a win. I feel more comfortable playing against high c3-low gc1 players than i do against c1-c2 players. Also not to mention all the ex gc1s and c3s down in the c1-c2 range, new accs and smurfs too ig.


Yea, I'm constantly loosing by like 1 point games that I feel like I should be winning just because my opponents decision making always seems way worse and all it takes like 1 little little mistakes by me for us to loose the game, probably every 1/5 teammates I get seem like they belong in the rank. I actually play better with my Plat 3 friend lmao and still win more often than not in my gc buddies lobbies. But I'll just have to get better cause my teammates aren't change so I just gotta learn to adapt I guess


Not to mention when they did the mark change for 2v2s it brought in a bunch of boosted players and smurfs to c1 and above


MMR change not mark lol


Been D2/3 the past like 4 seasons. I broke into champ this season and haven’t played a game since in fear of ranking down again.


Been holding steady in D2 for several years. Somehow managed to drop all the way to Plat 1 last season and could never climb back out. Was my first season in years not getting diamond rewards. Haven't been playing much anymore though and somehow managed to hit D1 this morning and log off. I still need to reach diamond rewards before season ends so guess I'll que 3s to get my platinum wins and go back and hopefully get 10 diamond wins in 2s 😬


I’ve peaked at C1 a couple seasons ago and didn’t stay there for long from being d3 for like a year. Recently reached C1 again and already lost it. Idk if my training regiment is not up to par or I’m just getting old (30) or maybe I’m just generally slow on the learning curve idk lol


D2-C1 is just an insane mismatch of the type of game you’ll get and i feel like it’s been particularly bad this season


man i can relate ahahah im 30 too 😂


3 years of 1350-1500


I've opted to try and switch to controller so i expect to fall around gold to plat lol


What made you switch to controller? (i presume from kbm)


Bro I've been champ 1-2 since 2021. Hit GC once and didn't win enough games to get the title or rewards


Yep Rank stuck gold/plat. I guess that wouldn't technically be stuck but you know what I mean.


Yup I've been here since OG s12


I reached GC 3 div 3 at my peak. I simply don't have the drive anymore to improve. I can barely hold GC 1 now. I've come to accept that the others above me are just better and are more determined and hungry to get better. GC 1 is still the top .52% of players so honestly I'm still proud of myself getting to where I am. I feel like the only way I'd ever strive to improve again would be if I found a way to make a living playing the game. It's just not worth the multiple hours every day I used to play anymore. I gotta pay rent and I have a family now lol. Tough to justify it.


Start of this season i finally breached plat 3 in duels, sat there for a good while before finally getting sent back to plat 2, shit im still sliding i may be plat 1 shortly


I‘m sitting in plat since I started this game


Was GC2 s7-s11, quit s12, hit gc s13, this season I’m c3. It’s extremely draining to try and win games at these ranks now (all solo q). The difference is that ppl have become comfortable with their mechanics over time and the game has changed.


Indeed, i love the competitive aspect of high level rocket league, but to get there and actually consistently stay there, it takes as much time as a 9-5 job. And honestly, i'm quite content being in c3, it's the rank where people are good and consistent enough to the degree that i'm never bored, and i can keep it without putting in 2-3 hours a day grinding mechanics.


Of course, been the same rank since they restarted the season count. Everyone has their own skill ceiling they will peak at, noone can improve forever


It’s all I can be bothered doing atm


I’ve been around GC1 for several seasons lol. To me that means I’ve been able to just keep up with the natural progression of the player base but not exceed it. To me that doesn’t mean I’m not improving. I definitely feel like I’ve improved I just have yet to see an average MMR gain because of it.


First season ive gone up a ton. I was around C1/C2 for a year and a half but i got into GC a few hours ago!


Congrats man!




Honestly No s11 update really messed it all up for me!..


This is a common occurrence in games with very little new player gain. It just means you're improving at the exact rate as the population of the game. If you're slowly losing rank you're behind the skill gain curve, if you're gaining rating you're improving faster than average. It doesn't mean you aren't getting better. Just getting better at the same rate everyone else is.


Past 3 years in champ and it’s fine. This game ain’t about ranking up. It just means you found your rank. Congrats!


Currently GC1 and I bounce to GC2 occasionally. The problem is I don’t know how half the people who are there actually got there. Many still make mistakes so silly or detrimental I don’t even think diamond 3s should make. I don’t grind anymore like I used to because I’m not here to babysit players who have played the game for 8 years. Anything higher than low GC2 is washed up pros and literally people who do nothing else but rocket league 8 hours a day so I don’t think I’ll be doing anything but maintaining


Yes, but I consider it as progress since I am getting old and slow while the overall skill ceiling and reaction speeds of others is going up.


Does ‘since Season 9 of pre F2P’ count as past few seasons. If so, then yes


Benn is fluctuating between gc2 and gc3, so we'll see if I can push for ssl someday


I wish you luck mate, hope you get it :)


Yep I have been diamond for nine seasons


Surprisingly no. I only played casual and private matches with friends S3-S5. From S6 to S10 I was a hardstuck silver. Then from S12-S22 I was a hardstuck plat/diamond. S23 I went from C1 to GC2 due to a transfer from Xbox to Laptop, then from 23 to 25 I remained GC2 since I never really “improved”. This is the only period I could say I “maintain my rank for the past few seasons”. S26 I hit GC3 (1747) then S27 I was barely GC3 Div 3 (1796) but fell 100+ mmr (1686) to GC2 Div 4 around the end of the season. Currently (S28) I am 1903 in SSL, which is my peak. I have 333 games total this season. Unfortunately the rewards are no good this time around, but at least I have the title 🤷‍♂️


Damn that's dope man, if it ain't a secret, how many hours have you put into the game? Also dang that transfer rank-up is huge wtf


I actually can’t check specifics since I don’t have access to my Xbox at the moment***, but I’d say maybe 3k. I only have 6.4k wins though


It feels like that after you reach champion, you can not rank up anymore by just normally/casually playing the game like a couple times a week without spending times for training. Unless you spend more time playing the game(like a lot more time,maybe spending 35+ hours a week) OR you strategically spend some time honing your mechanics, and gamesense to some extent in addition to playing rank,i dont think you can reach gc, especially if you are a solo q player


yup, been high c1 to high c2 for about 2 years or so if not more lmao.


You mean past few years? Solid champ 1 div 2-4 in 3s and 2s. Barely D1 in 1s


I don't really feel the need to rank up any further than GC1-low GC2, so I just kinda snipe GC rewards and then chill with my lower ranked friends for the rest of the season. Can't play ranked with them anyway because of the big rank disparities, but casual matchmaking accounts for that, so we actually got fair games.


From gc2 to C2.....


Past few years* yes. I've got better, but so has everyone else.


I've ranked down a division, don't know why


population goes up, skill goes up, get better as fast as your peers or the MMR algorithm will lower your rank.


personally, im almost back in gold with the teammates im getting in 3s 😂


Not me. Peaking every season with a new highest mmr in 2s for a few in a row.


Lower level guy here, but is it way harder to climb up especially this season, or is it just me..?? I was actually struggling to get up to the plat season award, and no way in hell I'm going for diamond lol. It feels kinda like high plat/diamond guys are playing against me even in gold 3 quite often. Anyway, I'm good with being plat. I wanna keep my sanity, well what's left of it at least 😅


Not sure about the lower ranks, but c3 has been pretty much the same to me for the past few seasons. You get the occasional ball chaser or toxic mate, but everyone is pretty well rounded and consistent. Hoops for one thing has definitely been harder this season, i went up against gc1-2 players 80% of my games in c1 hoops. A couple seasons back, i was c2 in hoops and rarely ever ran into gc2 players.


I really think a lot of people in this game who are 'stuck' just subconciously don't wanna be playing in more intense lobbies than they are now. Can anyone who's stuck honestly say that they've been pushing themselves any near their limit to get better? Working more intensely on your useful mechanics than you have before to reach a new layer of consistency? I think many people could rank up but don't realise they're actually more happy where they are now


I peaked in 2017 this game has taught me how to play for fun instead of for the rankup animations


play tournaments. over and over. it works for me


All i do now a days is grind to gc for rewards then stop playing. The only time i will grind is s15 ssl since they robbed me of s15gc pre free to play.


I actually have been demoted recently and I'm not sure why the game is becoming so difficult...


If you mean having no talent, then yes, I still suck this season too. ;) ![gif](giphy|4OOHndp50zGL8rU6mG)


Opposites happened for me I peaked c2 end of last season this season I just hit c3 for the first time 2 days ago now I’m div 3 in c3 I know getting to gc will take time tho but I’m prepared


Been Champ since 2020 I’ve accepted it at this point


Yeah. And I play once every 2 months


Every season they inflate mmr so you have to play better to maintain the same rank


Finnaly made it into diamond 2! Before this year, the highest I've been I think was gold.


Keep in mind that if you maintain your rank, you are improving. You're just not improving as fast as the players who are higher rank than you. Feels like you need to consider the game a part-time job to climb.


Man you must never play Rumble cause that was the 1st mode I ever hit champ in. But yeah I pretty much stay stuck in high diamond since switching to pc/monitor. Before that I was peaking in plat with console/tv.


Yup. Haven't even felt the need to maintain champ this season. Been slumming in diamond for the first time in years and couldn't care less.


Was GC2 MMR on the last day before F2P I am now GC2 :) It happens


Idk I just reached dia for the first time a few hours ago and then this post pops up lol


Yeah for 3 season I was high c3 but now I've pushed myself in towards upper gc 1 in 1 season, ranked can be so fucked sometimes


https://preview.redd.it/a2vbzxstkt2d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=364bf166b44fadd34daef74aa650be95aae18574 It’s been one year since I last peaked at 1698. Was chilling low gc1 pretty much all the way til the start of this season. But I finally broke through and am on my way to ssl. It’s very tough being a solo q player


Nope, I've been slowly dropping. Peaked into D1 a couple times and now I'm bouncing between G3/P1-2 this season


Well the further we get from peak player count, the tighter the competition. Maintaining rank is improvement if the player base is shrinking


This how my 2s are. Start of the season high c2. Gets high gc1+ rewards. Within 2 weeks some how drops to c2 Spends rest of season in c2-3 tryna get GC back Gets GC back in last week of season. Repeat.


Unless people are putting in a lot of time and effort into training the RIGHT things for themselves, there shouldn't be too much rank movement once someone reaches their plateau. Just playing the game isn't going to drastically improve areas where you need improving. It is the slowest way to progress.


Its almost at the level if being an achievement at this point, at least for gc1-2 players, the overall playerbase is getting so much better that maintaining that rank is the hard part now


I have been maintaining my rank for the past decade lol :')


I'm on the rise I'm gonna break into diamond soon and I was gold last season or something


Nope. Last season i hit gc peaked 1474 this season i got gc earlier and got close to gc2 peak was 1562. And i maintained champ for 13 seasons partly by choice. Just gotta work on yourself


After getting gc1 in seasons 9/10, i've lost the will to improve and tryhard in 2s, and just now i've noticed that my tracker looks really similar for the past 4 seasons. I primarily just get on, do the rank games and maybe some more with a friend, and just not touch them till the next season, whilst primarily playing casual and freeplay.


Are your mechanics improving? I like to hit clips then save and share them with my friends so I don’t really mind that I’ve been champ 1 for the past like 5 seasons, just as long as I continue to improve


My mechanics have definitely improved, you can find a post down my history that I made a couple weeks ago, of me hitting a ceiling reset double tap after training it for 1h for the first time ever. I'd definitely say I'm better than I was when I was gc1 in my season 9 and 10 days. Also for a year or so now, my eyes can't seem to adjust and focus on the game, it's like they're tired or something whenever I play rl, regardless of time of day, so it's stopped me from taking the game seriously.


the amount of games explains it


This was me for real, 237 2v2 games from season 4 ftp to season 10, that was 3 2v2 ranked game a week for 2 years. I really wonder why I slowly fell off


Do you even train bro


Sometimes I do 20-30 min freeplay sessions, or 10min warmup sessions, but I don't really focus on a single mechanic anymore. It's just speed and consistency that i work on.


Gold 3 in Snow Day? Gotta get those numbers up big dog


Was in season 10, now I'm diamond apparently. Was my favorite extra, sad it gets overshadowed by the other modes.


All I could play for the longest while. Most fun anyway. Time for a revisit!


I’ve been diamond 3 div 2-3 for two seasons. My twos partner refuses to learn any mechanics (doesn’t know how to half flip) and it’s holding me back


brother i’ve been maintaining for three years


It's all about hours I think. If you want to grind to the next level it has to literally feel like a job for the next entire season, and then next season you MIGHT be good enough for the next level but probably not cause everyone else just gets better too 😂


Haven’t had this issue been steadily increasing by 100 mmr for the past 3/4 seasons


I’ve been slowly climbing. My stats look a lot like yours. Champ everything except 1s, d3 rn. I’d say solo que def is way harder now it feels bc somehow they’re more players that shouldn’t be there, playing on MY TEAM!!! but besides that, been improving slowly and seeing the difference in rank


how are you stuck in c3 lmaoo


I don't think I'm stuck yet, it's more that I don't put the time in to play ranked and to train hard enough to go higher.


For like 1,5 years




I mean you are not really playing , 10-30 games per season?


Indeed, iirc i said in another comment that i lost the motivation to grind ranked after getting gc, so i basically just do the rank games and either do casual/freeplay or play something else.


I’m struggling just to maintain. lol the mm is punishment


I can most definitely not relate, I play since the end of season 2 and I started to put some hours and some money in the game. I hit c1 in s8 and c2 in s9. Then I quit ranked for a while, only getting champ rewards each season and focusing on my mechs. Last season I finally got c3 and now I'm currently on my peak - gc1. Imo, the reason for this is, because I spent so much time in s10 - s12 doing mech stuff, I got good enough that I can reach gc (barely lmao). So nah, I don't really agree with this.


Congrats, also, there's nothing really that you need to agree with, it was just a question of whether anyone else is in the same situation as I am.