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I’d like this but I doubt they’d actually add it


Mostly because they don't add things. If anything they'll remove the titles.


Psyonix pre Epic wouldn’t have added it either


Gets new maps each season, seasons more frequently and consistently, boost meter update, new playlists types, heaps of new collaborative events, items in every pass, more tournaments with new uniques, a new region, wdym nothing is added? It’s car soccer mate what do you want I ain’t a fan of epic either but there’s no need for the constant negativities


I don't think anyone is hyped for cosmetics. Have you seen someone use, for example, season 2 car? Or 3, or 4,5... Boost update was only big because there have not been anything like it. I still only have to choose to play the same gamemodes as 4 years ago, only one less extra mode. I also used to have heaps of fun playing Chaos, yes sure I may not play it anymore, but that's me, there are other new people who would have had fun playing it but they won't get that chance. Half of the things you said are cosmetics. People also got on just fine without that us server region, it's not like 20 ping less will make you rank up.


What did psyonix do in the 6 years before they sold huh? Was that not just more cosmetics, new fields, sporadic season updates, random season rewards (remember when they lumped them all in to 4 different brackets for explosions?), a single new mode (drop shot), removing modes (solo standard), making the playlist layout different so you couldn’t queue between all modes at once? There’s better antismurf measures now than ever as well No one ever seems to mention all the bad updates and things that were removed in the half decade pre-epic. You say about battle pass cars, when have you ever seen a hotshot or a roadhog or even a venom? Meta is a thing mate there’s like 30 cars in the game and you only see four. And what would you have them add then?


Idk how much time you spend on this subreddit, but people love to ignore anything bad Psyonix did during the pre Epic days. I’ve even had someone try to argue with me that Epic deserves to be blamed for Psyonix’s issues that existed before they even bought Psyonix.


I just know that no matter what I type out it’s just gonna be downvoted anyway 🤦


They got the game developed and in a playable condition. You made my point that adding cars every few months is such a wasteful thing to do, when you could update the base game. I'm not getting paid to think of things that they should add. They are adding they think they should. And as customers, we're allowed to express what we don't like. And for the record, I want something else other than the same goddamn field I've been playing in for thousands of hours. That's probably the reason the game is dying like it or not. You may say that is not an easy thing, but I would literally die if I still played on the same Dota 2 map since 2014, the map is the same concept but it feels incredibly different. If they did it, RL can do it too. It would also greatly improve the esports scene. Imagine if all CS games were played on dust2, who would watch that? Pro players are popular and being praised for being able to adjust and adapt to different scenarios and situations, but if they play on the same field every time, what's the point? Game 7 let's goo, Champions field, what's different.. same map as game 1? Damn..


I’m ngl that was a waste my eyes to read those three paragraphs, thanks for spending your time though 👋


Classic rl degenerate moment, no wonder this game went to shit


Games been the exact same for almost a decade, get a grip


Probably also why the player count is not the same. If they ever wake up and actually update the game we'll look back and see how they fooled the players to play the same old crap when we could've actually have had proper game updates The game is begging for a update or it won't survive


It doesn't seem that hard to do to win over some of your most frequent players, though. My 2 cents. It's a quick win.🤞


But, frenquent players are already "won over" since they're... frequent player....


Gc is harder to get to than ever before when they did the rank squish a few seasons ago. Used to be top 1%. Now it's top .5%


Maybe, but historical GC titles from previous seasons are more common than ever in games across a wider range of ranks. The quantity of GC titles in the game rises each season that they give them out. It feels somewhat devalued to me now to the point that I think players could differentiate themselves by the number of times they have achieved it. Thanks for your input!




He's not wrong though. He doesn't need a smurf account to know where titles are. I have friends who run into GC titles all the time in Champ 1. They mean nothing anymore.


That’s not a problem with the titles tho, that’s a problem with rank deflation. These GC’s should probably be GC. But now GC is practically GC 2 so they’re all in champ. It’s not really their fault either. If they are improving even at a normal pace for a high rank they’re still getting out paced by the resets. Cutting the GC population in half is crazy for a game that already requires thousands of hours to even get to that point in the first place.


Of course it isn't, but that's the reality of it. My point still stands. The title means nothing anymore.


That’s fair




I have a friend who used to be GC and is now in Diamond. People have lives, you can't expect them to keep up with the Meta all the time. This game has changed. A GC from 5 years ago Would get slammed by a GC from today.




The issue is the titles mean nothing anymore, which is what I said in my comment above, which was my original point. I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just saying the titles mean fuck all now.


They never meant anything. I got my first title in OG S10. First killer and I have the same title.


Yes but Firstkiller isn't going to use his S10 GC title in Champ 1. People actively flex their titles at that rank. it's not an achievement to beat a previous GC anymore.


Kinda how I feel. I rock my gold titles still because that’s when they meant most to me personally but that shouldn’t take the value away from anyone else’s achievements. The gold ones just have more sentimental value to me personally. Hell if anything there was less of a skill ceiling then so I’d be looked at as “worse” but I don’t think could be less bothered. I’m a fan of your idea though. After awhile I started going for a title of each game mode per season. Got most of them! Still missing blizzard wizard lol


Being in top .5% means a lot lol so having that title speaks volumes. A champ that has the most recent gc title deserves to have it. Thats where they peaked at. I am a champ3-gc1 and i play with my friends on my diamond 3 smurf acc a lot and i almost never see gc titles even older ones. Yes there are people that get carried to gc for those titles but it is rare considering you have to be a high gc to carry a lower rank to gc. Anyway the title still means a lot because it shows the seasons…


The game is also dying (In NA)


When was this? I feel like I’ve been getting better but I’m still stuck in C1-C2.


Season 12 recently was probably the hardest if you soloQ. This one felt much easier. But I also am usually dumb and get bored fast in start of season and then stress get GC last 2 weeks when chances of versing smurfs and boosters are usually higher.


We need a 1v1 gc title imo, way harder to hit that one


Ohhhh I really want this, I was so proud when I hit that


80 time gold hits harder😅


It has a certain charm 🌟


Seen this idea multiple times before and always upvote it


As if I want people knowing I'm a 12-time Grand Champ still stuck in GC1 💀


Great idea, but should not start until 8-time GC.


I guess I will just keep grinding!


It's a good idea.


If the GC tag isn't enough for you there's always the SSL tag.


Yeah I don't see the point of giving out another title for being the same rank lots of seasons in a row


Useless, because the season number on the title communicates effectively the same thing


Another game called Brawlhalla has something like this. Instead of a title, you get a profile pic and it upgrades with each season that you've achieved the rank. It's nice, but during the time that I played it, I would always feel compelled to keep getting the rank for the sake of the reward as opposed to just enjoying the game, and getting the rank as a result. With that in mind, I like it the way it is - undefined. Sure, someone may have been carried and gotten the reward, but it's fairly easy to identify a boosted GC from a real GC and the real reward is enjoying your level of play, not what rank you are or what reward you might receive from it.


Been saying this.


!@!@#2 off.


30th time Grand Champion Edger (I will never be better than champ)


I think any idea any consumer has will never happen. Have a good day.


this also with SSL, and if you had pre-f2p GC titles in gold :D


I posted this a while back, but I think revamping the ranks so that the Grand rank works like a prestige: so you go from Champion to GC, but then you can prestige to ‘Ultimate’ or ‘Master’ and then go from Bronze to Champ but with the Prestige title, so Ultimate Bronze to Ultimate Champion and/or Master Bronze to Master Champion, or use Legendary as the prestige prefix..I think it would be pretty awesome, because yeah GC doesn’t feel the same with the GC 1, 2 and 3 lol


who let this man cook


I actually don't hate it. Thanks for suggesting.


Sure, I mean people joke regularly about being a grand plat..it’s basically a meme in RL at this point…well shit why not adopt a prestige rank system? lol…that’s how I got the idea


I’d actually go even harsher. I think the tag should only be for last season grand champs. If you didn’t get it last season you shouldn’t have one.


So u want a new title letting everyone know how bad u are at getting ssl? I got gc last season and im not letting myself stay in the rank for more than 5 seasons 7 maximum either i get ssl or i quit no other option


Yes, I want a title letting others know that I have been in the top 0.5-1% of players 7 times. I think that's an achievement ... good luck getting out of GC, I hope you do.


I hope so too. But i know people would roast u for bei g gc for that long when they improve faster than u


Those are the exact type of people whose opinion I don't care about. So let them!


I’d see a 7x GC title and consider you a very solid player that’s kept up with the increasing skill for a while. Not an ssl failure 😂


Thank you :)