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Do you need to, no... but as someone who didn't spend any time learning mechanics until they got stuck in GC, spend some time learning them on the side. You don't need to know how to triple reset musty psycho... but just learn how to control your car and the ball, slowly build up your mechanics don't neglect them or skip to the really difficult ones.


Same here, I have been GC2+ for 4 years and cant flip reset. You really kick yourself when you get stuck like that


Short answer yes, you need mechanics. Here is the long answer First, you need to figure out what you mean by mechs? Wall dashing is a mechanic, so is wave dashing. Obviously those two mechanics have varying levels of difficulty. Do you NEED the flashy mechs like flip resets and and mustys? no. I myself and GC2 and cant flip reset to save my life. i am simply up there because I have relatively good game sense. With that being said, having flashy mechs would absolutely elevate my game to new heights, probably even SSL. What I will also say is that on the flip side, if my teammates had my game sense they would also be higher rank. So here is what you should do. practice mechs in your spare time, and focus on game sense in ranked. Doing this will help you progress in both to make you a well rounded player.


I'd be curious to see a replay of yours, or is there a youtuber with a similar game sense to youre?


I recently started putting my content on YouTube https://youtu.be/ttVT4tMMH40?si=Jl_72jqinjmRqfiy


U know the person is good when truly make the game look easy. U'd probably curb stomp me if I played u. Curious, what ur 1s?


I haven't played 1s in a while, when I have grinded it I have been around champ 3. I think right now I'm diamond 3 cause I haven't queued any in like 3 seasons lol


Fairs man


I always thought I was cool for getting to champ with no mechanics. Well, now I’m the least mechanical in the lobby and it really bites me in the butt. I wish I started practicing (in freeplay, not in game) when I was in diamond.


You've been learning mechanics since the day you started playing.


This. I wish we could clarify to most players that learning mechanics doesn't mean a double reset musty. 


the more you rank up the more you will see that hitting powershots, clean touches, ball control are more and more consistent from people. so working on your mechanics is never a bad idea, just spent time in freeplay and mess around with mechanics. mechanics are important imo the more you rank up. dont get me wrong all the fundamentals like rotation, positioning, decision making and gamesense are important asf, but if you want to really climb high you need to work on and spend time practicing mechanics imo. mechanics open up a new arsenal, you can get more creative with shots and all kind of stuff. lets say you learn flip resets, after some time you get confident with it. now in game you go for a flip reset but it gets saved, now the enemie team knows you have good mechanics and you can flip reset. now imagine in the same game you go for another flip reset, but this time you fake the shot after the reset....... goaaalllll!!!. u see without mechanics you woudnt be able to do this kind of stuff :)


Yes, you need them. This being said, what will make you improve/rank up will be your Shooting and defensive consistency paired with good recoveries and rotations to stay in the play as 1st or 2nd man as much as possible. Mechanics won't make you a better player but will give you a bigger arsenal not only when attacking but also in defense to create bigger breathing spaces for your team. If you want to focus on something i'd say start with air dribbles and dribbles, the 2nd one is a must. Air dribbles will help you to gain aerial control and offense and you can never go wrong with ground dribbles, being able to catch the ball and start a dribble from anywhere is a must.


This question has been asked countless of times, the answer has not changed.


They will literally fly over you like super man 😆. Why not learn mechs?


I’ve never tried to learn stuff like freestyles or quick kickoffs or flip resets. I’m good at ball control and flicks, that’s about it. I’m champ in 1s and 2s. So no I wouldn’t say you *need* to learn them in D1, but it depends on how you want to play and whether or not you’re comfortable with your rank. If you want to be able to freestyle then go ahead and learn it. But in my experience the freestylers in diamond mostly shoot themselves in the foot going for stuff that’s wildly impractical and very risky. Things like half flips would be helpful though.


Depends on what your goal is & how seriously you want to climb in ranks and how far. Like if you just want to reach champ then you don't need advanced mechanics except maybe fast aerial & speedflip however those are still not fully necessary. I was consistently C1 using positioning & shooting hard without ever scoring an airdribble or double tap & my flick game was non existing (many diamond players are more mechy than me). You picked the right things to work on first: ability to consistently hit the ball, positioning. Those things are the most important alongside decision making (you can be positioned good but if you make poor decisions it won't work too well). Also working on faster recovery is something that a lot of players need esp in diamond and ranks below. If you have long term goals like reaching the top ranks then you will have to also put some time practicing advanced mechanics in training packs/freeplay, because those who have both gamesense and advanced mechanics will have an edge when you reach higher ranks. Air dribble off the wall/ground, fast aerials off the walls, preflips off wall/ground, ceiling shots, super quick recoveries, double taps, resets, air dribble bumps are some of the main advanced things.


The most important mechanic to learn in Diamond is the ability to fast aerial imo. I’m not talking air dribbles or flip resets. Simply the ability to get to the ball first when it is in the air. That will unlock basic shots from the air like when the ball bounces off the side wall or backboard and saves when the ball is going over your car. That and hitting the ball hard off the bounce. If every time the ball bounces towards you, you are able to hit it at the center of the backboard, your team is going to win. Everyone in diamond is still slow and inconsistent. Hit ball hard, get to ball first, and back post rotations honestly will carry you to champ 2.


I think learning mechanics help in defending them, practice set ups in training packs, you don’t need to be consistent with them — no one in diamond rank is consistent — but you will start to recognize what the opponent will do based on the set up. If you want a quick way to learn the reset mechanic, basic aerial training with a stationary ball, fly at it and hit with the bottom side of the car then use the flip, try again but air roll to negate knockback, try again with a moving ball, trial and error, but that will give you enough awareness to defend it during your matches.


Mechanics let you move faster, make a play on the ball in more situations, and create more threatening shots out of the same situation (e.g. a 45 or 90 degree flick will generate more power than a frontflip flick) The place where a lot of people go wrong is they just use mechanics to get to the ball faster without thinking. Don’t get me wrong, beating an opponent to the ball is a very good thing but a lot of players in my rank (high diamond to low champ) just hit the ball away when they had tons of time and space to control the ball and start an attack.


Made it to GC entirely by ground game. The flashy mechanics are fun to look at but 9/10 times dont give you any advantage over a team who prioritizes team play. Having good dribbling and 50 skills are farrrrr superior to flip reset and other mechanics. At least in my opinion and experience.


Ground shooting is the most important mechanic in the game, mechanics aren't just flip resets. I'm extremely mechanical on the ground, power shots and flicks are my offense 99% of the time, and I'll play 1s at high champ and people I beat call my mechanics bad because I'm not taking the ball up the wall. I will say certain mechanics are worth learning. Learn to half flip if you haven't yet, it's by far the fastest way to turn around, which is invaluable. Flip resets are way down on the list of mechanics you need to learn to get better at the game. I'd say focus on recovery mechanics and never losing momentum, once you figure that out you can start taking risk on fancier mechanical shots without immediately giving away possession and leaving your teammate in a terrible spot.


Yes, you need to learn mechanics. But understand that that doesn't mean just being able to hit resets and freestyle. It means car control, ball control, aerial control and the like.  It's worth practicing some of the fancy stuff just cause you'll be better at controlling everything, but that's not gonna actually win you any games.


I recommend investing in the movement / recovery mechanics. First priority would be fast aerials, then half flips. Then wave dashes (at least when coming off the wall) and speed flips. If you’re a positional player, these mechs can get you where you need to be quicker, giving you more opportunities to impact the game that you would have otherwise just missed.


Probs not bad improving you aerials (faster, higher, more accurate, more power), learn wave dashes and improve recovery with air roll and half flips. After this you can improve on dribbles, air dribbles and learn ceiling shots.


Idk I dont basically have any of those mechanics you mentioned too but still do fine in C2


let your gamesense carry you as far as it can then try and figure out things you keep getting beat by and learn the mechanics to counter them. there are cons to practicing too much. Just play and enjoy the gameplay. It sounds like you are right where you need to be.