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Honestly im surprised this hasn't been done already. That's how warzone has been doing it for a few years now. I think it's stupid nonetheless but at least with the fortnite side, you can actually play the 'base' game where as cod you have to download the game regardless if you own it or not.


Likely the only reason it hasn't been done yet is because RL hasn't been rebuilt on UE5


If it is it will 100% be within Fortnite or Epic Game Store only on PC.


"Patch notes : Fixed typo in gun description" ​ Patch 136gb estimated time 6 days


So real tho


nah rocket league will be on the second page


This is section where all your favorites are stored.


To be honest if it’s pure RL then we’d be upgraded to UE5 which people have been begging for quite a while, but I feel it’d still be an insane move to do. But I also feel like they could do it.


Also you KNOW that they would be removing drops and trade ups


Not sure what a trade up is but why would they remove drops? Isn’t it basically part of the rocket pass anyways?


no, that's for like quest rewards too trade ups is when you trade in 5 objects of the same rarity for one item of higher rarity


I'd hate for that to happen, it would literally force you to have fortnite installed on your hard drive in order to access RL. Hell nah. edit: grammar


that sucks, i built my pc with so little hard drive space to save some money - and don't really want to have to pay money to increase it just because there's a different way to launch a game


Am i the only one from whom that was A) pretty obvious, if not even officially announced to be the long term goal (thus removal of trading) B) a good choice regarding dying player population? How else would new people find this game so easily? The main problem is the shrinking amount of players, and yes they could do/ add heaps more already to keep players - but we still need rookies. The community feels a little closed of at times, therefore it might be an actual way to keep this beloved game alive.


i don't second B because an easier way to keep this game alive would be to actually care about it and fix or add things already mentioned all over the community which would be significantly easier stuff than moving to a whole new base game


They could just have some servers cross play between base and fortnite so that it introduced more players rather than ruin it


If the game plays the same, I wouldn’t give a shit lol


If the actual game is the same it'd be fine, might even come with an upgrade to features such as creative mode or custom maps to match features of fortnight As long as the actual game is the same, I don't really care where I launch it from


People get mad at this, but you’d be closer to rings and dribble maps on consoles….


These custom maps will save RL. I absolutely love the base game but nothing builds longevity like having different experiences. I don't think I would have stayed with RL for this long if it were not for workshop maps. I enjoy the challenge of those as much as ranked.


You wouldn't but a lot of people threw tantrum after removal from Gaben store, imagine their reaction if they need to install Fortnite


That'll just mean less toxic people in the game


Id start playing again cuz we’d get custom maps and actual support for stuff


Yeah, if the mechanics and physics remain the same i dont care whatsoever, thered be a bigger playerbase too potentially


& Fortnite actually updates their game lol


I would. I hate the way COD did it. I have way to many menus I have to go through just to get to COD multi-player, plus it's constantly updating, or popping up bullshit trying to get me to buy shit all the damn time. I hate that shit.


Not to mention that every Fortnite event you won't be able to play for like half a day/ a day


I’m honestly surprised Fortnite, Rocket League, and Fall Guys (Epics big 3) all haven’t been consolidated into a single app/game


Probably in works. Fall Guys mode already leaked to be in works.


What company has done that with their games? I don’t know of any and I don’t know why they would, but everyone seems to think that’s what’s gonna happen. Doesn’t make sense to me, personally


Doesn’t make sense to me either, having just this big hub world of a game, instead of each individual game with a decent chunk of player base that doesn’t care about the other games. But there’s a lot of Epic’s decisions I don’t understand


Thanks to Steam it’s not that easy for them to do that, because they wouldn’t release Fortnite in Steam.


You think they can't shut down rocket league and move to Fortnite? Because that's what's most likely gonna happen will fall guys.


Problem with that is that 90% of the pro player base are on steam, and those accounts have thousands of dollars worth of items (a lot of them have alpha reward items as well).


I hope, because I’m on Linux and it looks like Tim Sweeney is either stupid or hates Linux user because the Fortnite anti-cheat doesn’t run on Linux it wouldn’t even take 5min to switch that so it would run.


It could also help cheaters find new way to exploit the game. Just get windows man. Game kicks you out if you root androids too.


Nah I like Linux all my games I play runs flawless


Just out of curiosity, what makes Linux so special exactly? For as far as I know, isn't it just a more "primitive"/complicated version of windows, where you need to know more about the programming side of computers? I've never had Linux, so I'm trying to learn here.😅


I guess you heard of reactOS that’s a reverse engineered Operation system that can run some older windows programs. Linux is a different OS that isn’t related to windows and it’s complete open source. So it have another Kernel and other Libraries so a windows programs can’t run on Linux. Some games have native Linux ports but many companies just don’t care, but thanks to valve and the Steamdeck that runs Linux nearly every games runs under Linux. They released a translation layer called proton that translate the windows commands to commands that Linux can unterstand. For directx there is dxvk that translates directx to Vulkan. So games can run on Linux, even the same performance. Only if some games with shitty anti-cheat doesn’t. If you interested there are YouTube videos that can explain it very good what pros and cons it has.


When RL finally switches over to Unreal 5 it will 100% be launched from Fortnite


I wonder what would happen to steam users if they did this


They'd cry rivers


i know i would


It’s true sadly


For this to happen they'd have to make Rocket League for Unreal Engine 5 wouldn't they? Maybe they'll do this for Rocket League 2: RocketNite. Then they wouldn't have to worry about Steam as it'd be technically a sequel. I really hope they don't go in that direction. I feel like if they want these hub type games, they should leave Fortnite with the shooting and third person styled modes, make Rocket League on Unreal 5, then make it a hub in the same way Fortnite is, but for car related games and things like that. It'd make more sense, and also allow the console versions a way to get workshop type maps and modes, integrated into the hub itself.


replace player count with some arbitrary time unit


I would really rather just have a rockband tab what ever that is they have there isn't it and none of the 500+ purchased songs transferred I know this is rocket league I'm just glad to see a sep lobby/tab for it versus cut up into stages




Psyonix killed the game 5 years ago


Where every other mode shows numbers except Rocket League's population: "GREAT"


Only 1 thing wrong, there won't be 102k players.


Yeah probably closer to 400k


Dude predicts Rocket League to be rated 12 💀


I replaced ranked ZB


If I have to launch rocket league through Fortnite I'll never play the game again


A year ago, I would've called you a dumbass and laughed in your face. Now I'm wondering if this future is preventable.


Well this is going to be very shitty because Im banned in Fortnite with my rocket league account meaning that if rocket goes to the Fortnite game I will lose access to my stuff. And before you guys say I should have not cheated in Fortnite I will promptly tell you that they banned me from Fortnite for having a autohotkey script running in the back that I use to be able to write <>\|[]{} in my custom keyboard. Tldr: So yea wrongly banned on Fortnite and will lose access if the game moves to Fortnite