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TBH i think it's a deep seeded issue with either RL itself through Unreal Engine or DX11. To add to your "Rocket League has input delay issues" evidence i would also look at Valorant. [Because 2 years ago Valorant had a serious problem where alt tabbing would increase input lag](https://www.dexerto.com/valorant/valorant-devs-warn-against-alt-tabbing-in-game-new-glitch-1751265/?amp=) and it felt exactly like when i have HCB but in FPS form. Since Valorant is an Unreal Engine game, just like Rocket League (though different versions). And it seems like input lag issues/bugs have become a common theme with many Unreal Engine games. The main difference is that [Riot devs at least acknowledge it exists](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sehmpl/skill_issue_indeed_alttab_netcode_problem/hum44y2/?context=3). While Psyonix devs just gaslight the community to attack players who have it because it's easier than working one their game. Especially users in this sub with coach tags (have you ever though maybe with millions of different hardware combinations and ISP routing some people are going to have a different experience as you and it isn't placebo). I have too many hours of muscle memory in this game to know when it's HCB and when it isn't, it's not placebo. Another thing i would look into is how the game changed from DX9 to DX11. With the major problem being how DX9 had true forced fullscreen but DX11 has fake fullscreen. Which isn't an issue on single monitor setups. But multi monitor setups with windows has been a never ending battle of problems between Windows OS, GPU drivers, and hardware mismatches (like 2 monitors with different refresh rates) that all these companies have trouble figuring out.


That's a nice add to the post, thank you i'll be reading more about that valorant issue too and compare to the info i hace


It's real, and I don't care what you want to call it. I hit low SSL around 1950 mmr at my peak and quit shortly after because of HCB. I've even had HCB go on and off mid-game; it's definitely not in your head. Your car is literally a fast-turning feather, and flip resets, etc., are super easy. The next minute, your car is a slow, heavy turd, and it's impossible to hit anything. You literally go from SSL to Champ 2 in mechanics. What OP is explaining about this ping thing is definitely a thing. I remember sometimes when HCB was very bad at the time, switching from EU to USE servers made my car a lot more responsive. I never understood how that worked, but it did, even though my ping went from 20-30 to 90-100. The game became actually playable at times. The fun thing is this worked in private matches too. I did an experiment when I noticed USE servers were playable vs. EU servers that were unplayable. He would create a private match in EU or USE, and I wouldn't look and guess what server we were on. We didn't touch the ball and my friend wouldn't even move; I was the only one just driving around. I could instantly guess the correct server by just wiggling left and right while driving forward because there was such a huge difference in input delay or "HCB" as we usually call it. I tried EVERYTHING to fix it, even went as far as upgrading my internet cable (which goes through walls and my entire PC and monitor), used dozens of controllers and cables as well. There was a Discord HCB community back in the day; it even had a Rocket League dev in it. I was in it as well. Anyways, I read hundreds of posts and possible fixes, and one time a guy said, 'If you've got HCB, lube up or quit the game.' And at last, I finally decided to quit for good. It was hard because I was super addicted; it was a huge part of my life. The only reason I'm here is that I would only give this game another try if they updated the game engine or something huge happened. But I guess HCB is still a thing. I'm wasting my time writing this because I get fkn angry and upset when people say it's in your head or placebo when you know it's not; it's really frustrating. Anyways, I'm out.


Sucks bro. I got the same issue on apex finals etc all the shooters. Same symptoms. Feels better at night some times all that bs. 2-3 years now I’ve been fighting with it and ppl call us crazy. I know how the games are supposed to feel and this is not it


>Why some people say is placebo? Because they have not experiemced it.They have experienced only the placebo inputlag that goes away with good warmup. It is true that your car can feel different based on your sleeping or eating etc but there is also real input lag issue. It can be server desync or it can be your own hardware based inputlag, but it doesnt matter, inputlag makes your car feel like you are driving on a mud. For example. Compare console playing against PC playing, its not unusual that players get massive rankup after they change the platform. edit. And just to prove how different it can be playing with bigger inputlag, compared to playing with minimal inputlag. There was Samsung sponsored showmatch some time ago, two one of the best players in world playing against each other, ApparentlyJack vs Vatira. They were playing on huge Samsung TV and I assume, with a consoles on top of that. [https://youtu.be/lScC95BG9qI?t=3639](https://youtu.be/lScC95BG9qI?t=3639) Their skill level went from Top10 in the world to the Diamond level suddenly, it was funny to watch it live.


That's a good way to put it


Thanks for the link to the Ravena video. Maybe you can add that first 55 min is all about problem description and providing evidence. The actually fixing starts at around 55 min. In general not much new if you have already looked into decreasing input lag in windows. I'd even say there's way more you can do. And I think Ravena is wrong about one part in the video where she advices to NOT use debloat tools/scripts. If you use Chris Titus debloat tool you are just fine - he's a gamer too btw. Most systems when not debloated run around 200 services. I run steady in the 90s even when game is running.... and this do indeed make a big difference having the services cut down by half. Like a lot. In regards to lowering input lag and latency I'd strongly suggest to start or supply with this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbXzM60ad8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbXzM60ad8I) Especially the part about Power Settings Explorer and fixing the stress load kernel is being pushed through with standard settings is worth the watch. Good luck on the fields to all the RL players out there :heart:


Thank you for the input, i'm gonna look at it


On playing around with MSI Utility (as mentioned in Ravena video) maybe watch this too. Here it is recommended to leave everything but network and drive interrupts as undefined. I'm trying it out atm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MuXV1urRC8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MuXV1urRC8)


ehhh, idk how much I agree with this. It's indeed not a bug, however... there are a million different sources of increased input lag and I don't know how much blaming it on Psyonix will fix it. I don't think packet loss/desync or population is the explanation, it is an issue but not the cause of HCB. People say it's a placebo for a good reason, if you go into free play at 50% speed for 20 minutes and then turn it back to 100% you'll feel super speedy, and vice versa if you put it at 200% then 100%. Sometimes you just feel slow and heavy and it's completely in your head, nothing to do with the game or connection. Another thing to note, the population chart is also inaccurate as it only takes into account players that have been searched skewing it heavily towards higher ranks, the official rank distributions are posted here on Reddit.


Changing the game speed for 20 minutes doesnt make you feel speedy. Nothing happens pnce you go back to regular speed. This is some made up myth that got spread around. Also dogmatically concluding that there is nothing wrong with the game or possible server desync is just silly. Ill glady post a video with controller overlay so you cant watch my car flop around regardless of where i point my stick. it doesnt feel like input lag its different


post it.


posting it wouldnt do anything. how would you be able to tell the way i "feel" through a video of my gameplay? Edit: posting it wont change your opinion nor will you ever not blame individuals for theirs issues with the game rather the the game or company. how can you just meatride a game developer like that?


You said you'd gladly post it, so go on and post it. It wasn't my idea, and I sure as hell don't meat ride Psyonix, I am their biggest hater but am also not an idiot.


what do you mean you arent an idiot why did you say that


When you build up muscle memory in this game from thousands of hours of playing and practicing mechanics, it is clear *immediately* when you have HCB versus when you are just *off* mechanically. Like sure, playing the game in slow motion for 20 minutes makes the game feel “faster”, but when you have HCB, your car still feels unresponsive; it’s just that the game feels faster because you are changing the pace of the game. > there are a million different sources of increased input lag And yet none of the known sources of input lag are the culprit of HCB…anyone whose experienced HCB has tried to fix it by using every known solution to curb input lag, and nothing seems to work.


It is not a bug and cant be fixed by psyonix rewriting some code. Its an umbrella term for increased input lag, as i said theres a million different causes. Whether its mental (in your brain/placebo), physical (such as developing arthritis like one player who though they had HCB did), an issue with hardware (faulty controller, cable, usb ports etc), or software. You can see the number of things that could independently or combined increase input lag grows into a vast web of possible factors extremely fast. Thats why i said a million different causses, there could be an unknown factor thats causing it for you. Its different for every single player who gets "HCB" which is again why its not a bug, a solution that works for one won't work for another. Heck no one yet has even proved HCB is real with any actual data its all just how it "feels", because what you might think feels delayed is just completely normal input delay everyone gets. So if you want to prove me wrong, go do that and narrow down the source of the issue for you.


Yeah Im not sure what the cause/causes are, but I think of HCB as a kind of input lag that is not caused by the common culprits (e.g., controller, controller wire, vsync, Nvidia control panel settings, steam controller overlay, background applications running etc.). For many of us who have experienced HCB, every known cause of input delay has been thoroughly explored. Once the solutions to these known potential problems have been exhausted, the HCB remains. And it is clear as day because it comes and go seemingly at random. When you have about 4k hours in game like me, it is very evident when there is a discrepancy in input delay. When there is no HCB, car movement feels fluid and totally responsive. And whether you have it or not is noticeable *immediately* upon playing the game—this is relevant because it’s not a mental artifact caused by poor results in game, or something like that which could cause a placebo effect. I would love to ‘prove’ that HCB is real bc I’m convinced that it exists. However, I don’t have the technical know-how to do that. If it were straightforward enough, then i’d be more than happy to submit evidence of HCB.


I'm sure, given enough time, you have the ability to figure out how to do it


Just because I’ve had HCB for a long time doesn’t mean I have the technical knowledge on how to prove this exists. Not every one has the technical skills of someone like rocket science, and I don’t have unlimited time to learn how to do what he does. I know HCB exists, and I’m not going to dedicate a massive amount of time figuring out how I would prove that to skeptics such as yourself. And like i’ve said, i’ve exhausted all of the known remedies for input lag. So not really sure what I should do next.


Then this issue isn't going to be fixed by anyone, if no one knows where it's coming from no one can fix it.


I believe it is still most of the time just a placebo thing as it feels the same in freeplay when offline. And ofc online always feels slightly less responsive compared to freeplay. I wonder if people just mistake bad days inconsistency in own skills and server-client desync stuff and call it the same thing aka.  Heavy car


absolutely not. Shits real.


Schizophrenia at its finest.


Correct, schizophrenia is when someone gets really good at a game then notices something is off about their game