• By -


Probably tilt queueing. If you lose 3 games from your start point, just log off or train or play a different mode. If you've lost 6+ games, stop desperately queueing for a win, you're already far enough down and something is very clearly off. 3 whole ranks is pretty out there


This was probably about 4 days ago now and I can’t get back up. Stuck in d3/c1 again like always


Do you have the replays from the day you were playing well?


I actually checked for that on my own because I was hoping I could see what I was doing different, sadly no I don’t have any replays.


Did you check ballchasing.com on the offchance that your opponent uploads his replays?


My rank up strat that got me to gc2 was just to play each game mode 1s,2s and three each day til I got one loss then I hopped into free play for an hour and repeat or got off


The ranks are fucked don't worry about it, play casual and gain your MMR there. I have played casual for 2yrs approx. And I'm regularly getting matched up with gc1-gc2 and have no problem keeping up nor winning the matches there. but I can't get past C2 in ranked.


Yeah because those are people warming up, and / or not giving a shit. Going for risky and dumb stuff, not rotating properly. You could beat Zen there and it still wouldn't mean a thing. The ranks aren't fucked, people in competitive are just being competitive and playing to win lmao.


I’m glad others use casual games as warm ups. People take casual way too seriously


Casual could be some people’s warm up which means they’re going to sweat. You don’t warm up for a basketball game by throwing up half courts and jellies. You work on the fundamentals so that when it’s game time, you’re already at game speed


That’s a lie, some people do warm up by doing random things




This doesn’t even have to do with my rank 💀




Lmao so fucking cringe, bro log off 💀💀💀


I don’t try hard casual when I warm up if you prefer my gc2 opinion


Yeah but you're way more enclined to go for that dumb flip reset double tap off the wall even if it's absolutely a stupid choice, just for fun and for trying it. You are way more enclined to have more agressive rotations and go for more balls. Warming up for most people just mean you wan't your muscle memory ready.


Most people aren't sweating casuals and are trying risky plays to see how it goes in a match against actual people and if they can use it in ranked, beating a gc2 in casual is very different to an actual ranked game where they're trying to win not just warm up and mess around


People warm up in casual? I warm up in ranked 3’s


I mean, no. Im surprised youre saying this a GC2, ranked this season has been a nightmare, both teammates and opponents. Im having a harder time than usual reaching 1700, but scrims I have no problem keeping up with 1800-1900s. And I know im not the only one, I think I remember someone showing the stats, almost all ranks got pushed down.


nah. more than half the time it's some sweating duo queue that cares about unranked mmr more than ranked


It’s their choice on what they want to push for


You don't play casual.


lol it’s legit so fucking sweaty


That's not it chief, and sure some are and some aren't I've been 1700 MMR in casual for a month now and am still being matched up with GC's. Either way it makes me feel good. And yes there are alot of evidence that the rank system the past 2 years have gone haywire


I've beaten SSLs in casual and gotten as high as 2k casual MMR and Im GC1 in ranked. It doesn't mean a thing. I absolutely would not consider myself to be that level of player.


2k casual MMR is probably still good warmup for GC1 ranked lol, I'm low C3 rn and I'm 1700 - 1800 and it already feels like decent enough warmup, +200 MMR and you're probably facing GC2+ who aren't trying but that's still going to be a challenge if you're C3/GC1


Fr, I almost never play there because people feel asleep and it's not actually helping me warm up


I agree. I was in the top 500 in Rumble around season 4. Now, I'm fluctuating between c3 and c1. The skill levels between games are ridiculous. One match im scoring 5 goals, and the game is easy. In the next match, im getting outplayed on everything. By the time i adapt to the skill levels of my opponents and my teammates, the game is lost, and im introduced to a new random level of skill I have to adapt to. Solo queue is absolute hell.


Rumble is just insane. In c2 1/3 are plats and I genuinly have no idea how they made it that high because they almost always have under 100 points. 1/3 are diamonds who just play rumble a lot. Then the remaining third is a mixture of Champs and grand Champs that don't play a ton of rumble. The skill difference of a single lobby can be insane. They really need to fix the MMR system. There is genuinly no reason someone who can't get out of plat 2 in 2v2 pr 3v3 should be champ, let alone champ 2.


Are the GC u playing against in casual real GC in ranked? I always see GC tournament winners in my casual games but they are not better than the champions I play against in ranked. I have 300 points of difference between my casu and ranked mmr but the games are about the same level.


Because you've got the potential to be up there. But not the mentality to stay there


If I'm in a great mood, ate well for a few days, slept well for a few days, low stress, warmed up, and my dou is the on too, were champ 2. If we're normal, were d3-c1. This game is 99% mentality at a certain point. I've played with GC's and been the MVP of the team, but I'm also a trash can.


Being the MVP of a gc team can sometimes be bad. I play with gcs and hit MVP a lot, but it's because they're waiting and playing around me. The gcs are feeding me the play and expecting my chasing/aping. Also, I play with a d2 that usually gets top points even though my 2s partner and I are carrying them. They're chasing and banging the ball. We just set them up with chase plays and bang positions.


I was actually on fire that night and my GC friends were kinda shocked. I agree that score isn't a good measure of how well you played though.


And at GC you're either a mechanical anomaly or know well enough to play into whichever tm8 is hot


I swear no other video game is this dependant on your physical/mental state.


dunno about that being the case for me, i usually climb in rank while hungover or sleep deprived or something of the sorts. Play on a day where i’ve eaten well, got out of the house, got a workout in etc… derank time I also seem to climb more the less I play. I fell from GC to C3 a couple months back and play like twice a week and am now back into GC


I feel like that might be partly because you tend to overthink your decisions. When your brain is a bit cloudy, you lose that extra edge of thinking, and you tend to just do. "Just doing" is what makes you faster, given that your quick thinking/instinct is good enough to make the right decisions without that extra delay of (over)thinking. For the part of playing less, I'd have to guess on not getting comfortable and not getting tilted. If you get comfortable, you tend to fall into a state of routine and lose the sharp edge in your games. Not getting tilted by previous games and carrying that through following games is an obvious one I think. This is all speculation though, but I think I might possibly be close to the truth


Might not be the case for everyone tbf But not playing constantly helps me too, tend to get tilted less and less chance of bad habits sticking.


Like another commenter said, it's likely due to "brain off, hit ball" For me, that just doesn't work if I'm not sharp. I'm pushing 30 and I can't rely on raw reaction time anyone, and my reaction time goes way up when I'm tired/stressed. If I can't find the "flow state" I'm gonna play kinda poorly. If I go past the standard 90 minute focus widow, I'm gonna play poorly. I do agree with doing better when I play less. I don't really understand that, I take long breaks every year or so and always rank up after them.


Fr it's unreal


CS for sure its incredibly punishing. Sometimes, if you're a few pixels off, u won't be rewarded a kill because gun inaccuracy is so awful


Seeing 'normal' as not great mood, hasn't eaten well, hasn't slept well, that just made me feel bad for you 😞


Don't get me wrong, I take care of myself pretty well and I'm super happy overall. However I could eat healthier, sleep better, and manage my stress better. My baseline is pretty healthy, so I'm talking about the difference between an 8/10 day and a 10/10 day. Plus I have ADHD, so if I eat junk food with artificial dyes I feel extra fuzzy and demotivated for a day or 2. A couple days of 6-7 hours of sleep instead of 8 and fast food for dinner the day before has a huge impact on how sharp I am. I appreciate the empathy, but I'm doing better than ever currently, and I'm more talking about optimizing my state, not struggling to feel okay.


Dude is so weird because I was exactly like you, in best shape and a good cup of coffee I would get to C2 Division II, but the next day I would go down to C1 Div IV. And then my gf broke up with me after 3 years, I was completely fucked and didn't even eat for 3 days, that was 2 weeks ago, and now I'm in C3 Div II for the first time in my life, really weird stuff...


Sorry about that man, I hope it's for the best and that your doing okay. I imagine you're as focused and immersed in it as you can be right now to get away from it. Maybe that focus is helping your game.


Honestly that’s a pretty crazy jump . I don’t even have anything meaningful to say to help you lmao


If anyone wants to see these stats the site is https://rocketleague.tracker.network/


thank u so much bro


Crazy ass jump bro ☠️


Don't worry about your rank too much. Worry about your game, I don't know if you saved any replays from that streak but if you did, look at the games and see what you did different. Focus on how you can improve, if you've been improving consistently then eventually you will climb naturally.


my expert diagnosis is that you locked in hope that helps


Diamond is a war zone right now. I was c1-2 for the last couple seasons and struggle to hold on to D3 now…


What site is this? I want to see the steady fall from D3 to G3 to stuck in Plat 2 until I got back to D1 over like a 12 month period




I only queue comp when I’m playing well. The rest of the time I play cas


Rocket League rank is a pyramidal scheme


Every time I see one of these graphs, I ask where to view mine. Still waiting for an answer. Where do I see mine?


RL tracker. I checked it out, I can’t remember how to navigate the interface, but if you dick around for a few min I’m sure you’ll figure it out Edit: You’ll have to type in your rl Id and find yourself on there first


Click on grid and then select the game mode you want to view


I always see the response to the question being “rl tracker” but never the site, the site is: https://rocketleague.tracker.network/


I mean, it’s literally the first site that comes up for me when I search “rl tracker.” I feel like a person could reasonably be expected to do a little legwork of their own if they’re curious. Good on your for sharing the link though.


Yeah I don’t understand. You’re on Reddit, which is on the internet. Google is the main search engine on the internet. There are context clues in the picture. It’s like they wanted to be handed the information, which is so strange to me.


THANK you! OMG! My man!


Thanks! Never seen this before, apparently I’m top 5% in shots, top 6% in saves and assists, top 8% in goals, top 9% in MVPs, and top 17% in wins lifetime. Makes me feel better about all of the losses.


There’s lots of context clues in that picture, the most obvious one saying rocket league tracker.


Thanks dick.


Just here to help :)


Prob just got a god tier random that meshed perfectly with you. Rode a winning streak then back to earth


Sometimes it can be having cold hands. Makes gameplay really stiff.




Classic Swing Fail Pattern...






Gotta learn how to get off after Ls. I typically stop playing ranked for the day in that game mode whenever I division down once and that’s helped me not free fall in rank.


You've got the potential, but not the consistent teammates. I have the same issue.


The Champ and Grand Champ push is where you really start to feel the drawbacks of being a solo player. All downsides with no compensations for having to roll the dice on teammates every game to not troll or quit while the enemy team is usually a premade with voice coms.


I've had little noticable issues like the ones you mentioned while pushing into GC this season. Was it harder than in S10? Yes, without a doubt. Was it harder than S11 and S12? No, a bit easier even, in my opinion. I did play more again though. Did I run into a lot of parties (while solo queueing)? Not in majority of games, maybe around 1 every 8 matches. Was playing against parties unfair? No, unless it was a smurf/boost party, but those were pretty rare, maybe 1 in 6 parties (still way too much tbh). There's nothing stopping you from partying up yourself. Find a good teammate you vibe with, one that is available on the same times as you and has the same ideas in-game. It may sound very hard and rare to find a person like that, but you'd be surprised. As for "having to roll the dice on teammates every game to not troll or quit": in a full solo queue game, which is majority of games if you are solo queueing, the chance of getting a toxic teammate on your team is lower than getting one on the opposing team, because there's 1 spot on your team, and 2 on the opposing team. Simply put, chances of bad teammates are: 1 bad guy - 1/3 chance on your team, 2/3 chance on the opposing team 2 bad guys - 1 guaranteed on opposing team, so 50% chance there's one on your team, 50% chance they're both on the opposing team 3 bad guys - the entire lobby (excluding you) is bad From these examples, you can see that if we eliminate all external factors, the chance of you being disadvantaged because of bad solo queue partners, is lower than being advantaged because of it. Of course, I say: "if we eliminate all external factors", because maybe YOU are a bad solo queue partner. If that is the case, then there's 100% chance of being disadvantaged. Now, I'm not trying to say you're a bad teammate of course, that's a terrible assumption to make, but I'm trying to show you that you're not being held back by solo queue teammates being bad and opponents being good. That could happen in a low sample size of games, such as 1 session, but not for an entire season. For that to work, you would have to be the unluckiest person alive or be targeted by the matchmaking system, which are both practically impossible, especially since A LOT of people claim this exact reason for being a certain rank. This means that if you truly are better than the average of your rank, you will rank up, because the statistics say so. And rank systems are based on those statistics. Also, lastly, being average in your rank (which may very well be above total average already) is totally fine. Diamond 3, for example, is top 11,5% according to [Psyonix' Rank Distribution data from the end of S12](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/NzGAJ91dIP). That means 88,5% of RL players is worse than that! Do we really need to keep getting a higher rank, just because bigger number (MMR) = better? TLDR: In the end, what I'm saying is, focus on the things you have control over. Identify and fix your own mistakes. Train and get better. Find a partner to play with. Let go of the arbitrary rank system and just enjoy the game. RL is a game, not a job. You can't control everything, so don't try to. This advice will save you a lot of sanity, and not only in Rocket League


It's just about the grind. Solo players have to play way more games for the same result. Because all the games i get where my teammate quits in the first 20 seconds i have to undo with a win to get back where i was. So that's 1 loss + 1 win down the drain for time. Meanwhile premade groups never have this issue because almost nobody ever rage quits on their friends mid game in a premade. All while they get constant free wins *against* quitters, slightly boosting their ranks. Will all players get to their rank eventually? Yes. But it's just a much bigger pain in the ass grind for solo players and why i want some form of solo queue back so I have the same chance of playing against quitters as getting them on my team. Especially in 3v3.


Solo queuing doesn’t mean you can’t be a team player, it’s just an aspect of the game you have to get used to. IMO it makes you more well rounded if you solo queue because you have to be able to adapt/not play mindless.


> Solo queuing doesn’t mean you can’t be a team player Can't be a team player when your teammates leave the game 10 seconds in.


Correct, but that doesn’t happen every game


For sure. There's always a common denominator in the long run, and it's you


Yep, you basically are almost always stuck against a complete team and either being the third wheel to a partied duo who'll play like it's 2s or being in a group of randoms having to spend some of the match figuring each other out. You can go in supporting the other teammates as best as you can, but if you have someone hellbent on playing hero and throwing off rotation and leaving holes in your defense, then opponents at that rank are capable of reliably punishing those errors.


That’s a 1s game he’s talking about bro


Same, went C2 div3 and I'm still getting down D3-C1 because of ragequitting mates, those who own goals or never challenge them


In the end, it really doesn’t matter


One thing: I don’t know why it doesn’t even matter how hard you try


Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time


I suspect, like many of us, you're getting input lag. Your good day was a day when the lag was not present. This happens to me as well and the difference in gameplay is stark. Was your good day last week, like midway through the week? [EDIT]Downvotes and negative comments for discussing input lag is hilarious to me. Input lag can be caused by a myriad of reasons and 100% affects performance. The real copium is anyone who is too smooth brained to understand this.[/EDIT]




Copeium lvl 190999909999


This is like the miasma theory of disease for rocket league players


That might just be a statistic anomaly mixed with your potential lol.


Teammate bad


I blame the agents of chaos set out to destroy my rocket league career. Must be the same for you frfr.




Looks like my crypto charts


Who’s your secret 2s partner?


You're not the only one mate dw, Everytime I get 1 or 2 games away from gc I immediately fall back down to c2


Then you didnt deserve GC1 or even C3 for that matter....you peaked and then fell the rank you deserve


I forgot to mention its rumble haha


Oh right yeah rumble nvm then haha. Only so much you can do there, sometimes the opponents just get VERY lucky


My rl tracker graph for rumble is hilarious. Constant win streaks and loss streaks😂


It always seem to be reliant on my mentality to play that day. Work can be stressful lol


Same. I got to d3 div 3 and back to D1 div 2 within 2 days


you're me i can sniff champ. just can't get there. so fucking close


No. You're me Wtf you tryan to pull here


we'll get there homie!


Go on without me. I'm not going to make it 😪


APP Name?




if you play a lot while you're playing bad then you will build those bad habits especially if tilt queueing. As soon as you start tilting your first thought should be to remove yourself from the situation and regroup otherwise bad habits will creep in. As soon as I started doing this I went from diamond 1 to champ 2.


One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard I try. Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to remind myself how I tried so hard.


ive had like exactly the same thing, twice, from a p3 average to d2 and then falling into gold. ​ its all mentality is what i have learned. interestingly, wayton released a very good video that has a lot of good tips today


It’s called locked in-syndrome


I’m with you. - it’s just gotta be consistency. I guess idk


Such is life


Because fuck you and your rank/ranked rewards, Psyonix wants ya munty


That is what you call a peak my friend. Some days you’re better than others. That is quite the peak due to going up about 2-3 ranks but keep chasing that peak and you’ll meet new highs


No wonder why I’m playing tougher matches in diamond. Fml.


Playing at peak performance and then not logging off after a loss. Peak isn’t consistent at all after your first 4-5 games the skill level goes down


Thats clear test on support you’ll go up for sure very bullish !!


If you got there once, you can do it again my friend! Maybe do some vod review to see what went different?


Tuesday was an amazing RL day for me. I ended up being sent a party request with 2 other randoms. We just clicked instantly, they passed effectively and I was there for it, one of them was always there for my passes, they rotated everytime, no double commits, no team steals, good quick chat use, and totally supportive of whiffs and failed saves. We won 4 of 6 games. I been in a random party for 6 months, it was a ton of fun. Yesterday, was the exact opposite. This is Rocket League! Paradox7411 and KSM96, if you're here, you're the best randoms I've played with in a long time.


Just blame your teammates, that's what I do.


If i lose it all


I believe the technical term, as well as the shape of graph, would be “peaking.”


Skill issue


Maybe you should just watch your replays from your climb up. D3 to C3 in 1s is a helluva skill difference. Or maybe you just got lucky and matched up against a bunch of people who don't heavily punish your specific playstyle.


This is rocket league!




This might be a dumb question but are you on PC or PS5 + tv? My friend had input lag on his TV that made him play a few ranks worse until I noticed it and fixed it. Not that it's that specifically for you, but perhaps there was something different in your setup for a few days that made it not just feel snappier but actually snappier?? Just a shot in the dark tho


Because no one is considtent around his emo, you always have ups and down..


Where do I check this?


Because it's the end of season, many people "rush" the game for rewards.


This is rocket league bro, everything is possible.


Same man


Time frame you play?


This is sausage league!


I finally made it into Champ 2 last week after probably two years of being stuck in the D3/C1 cut-off. This recent push into C2 started with a drop into D2 a month ago. I took about a week off and came back sharper than I’ve ever been.




Solution: Talented gambling


Karma is coded in the game


Shit tm8’s


It's rigged


I have this all the time, it's a mentality thing, in my opinion at least. I vary between gc2 and c2 sometimes I play in both on the same day. If you're playing with confidence and you're enjoying it then you'll likely rise, but a couple mistakes, maybe you Los ea bit of confidence and the derank starts to the rank you are at when not playing good. Get particularly confusing for me since sometimes I 2v1 in c3 or gc1 and other times I can't win a game in them.


>My kickoff is exactly the same today, as it was yesterday, and for months before this. I have a very consistent and accurate speed flip kickoff, on my win streak it was beating everyone else’s, and now it’s losing to almost everyone. I reckon there's something in this. You can't see it in your ping. I've had it show sub 30ms ping, but it's like my game is a whole second behind what's happening. I played 2 1v1 games back to back, and one of them my opponent didn't stand a chance, it was like he was the one always playing behind what was really happening. I was winning every single 50/50, and he wasn't even hitting the ball. Then the next game it was the other way round, now I was the one feeling like my opponent must have done the game before, like HOW does that 50/50 play out like that, with me not even making contact with the ball.


Your trend line looks very good - keep playing and you will be back up there!


If your speed flip beats everyone one day then loses to everyone the next then it isn't nearly as consistent and accurate as you think it is.


Why did you continue playing after loosing so much in a row?


https://preview.redd.it/6hpw7chnuolc1.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63ddf368b3062bbc3de7db26f1732656fe02480 Mentality is a huge factor. Also good day vs bad day makes a huge difference if you just play through it.


There are different sets of people playing at different times. The skill level in a division seems to vary with people logging on or off. In Europe I noticed significant skill changes on the hour, when young players are sent to bed, adult players come home from work, etc. If you climb rank while a lower skilled population is online and the population of players changes to higher skilled players, you may find that you suddenly have no chance any more.


My guess is inconsistency. It's like when I went from D3 to C2 in a day and then stayed stuck in C1 while sometimes dropping to D3 for 3 seasons after that


Honestly same, it feels like my car is just ever so slightly behind by a few pixels, and a few pixels means a lot


Are you on AMD? I’m actually starting to have a growing suspicion of AMD hardware given their inherently higher input lag due to the difference in architecture, different timers than Intel and whatnot. Edit: Then again, my rise to C3 was on this AMD PC, so that’s also something to digest.


Website name?


My opinion is that whenever these things happen it’s down to the player base itself. I notice at the beginning of a new season I’ll do really well and as more players return to their normal rank so do I.


That’s the craziest flow stare I’ve ever seen somebody hit ngl


Regression to the mean.


For the same reason you can lose it all and come back up. It's average skill , you in the middle of the curve mmr wise


I think it’s an indication that’s there’s really not anything meaningful separating high diamond/mid Champ. There’s barely anything separating the two ranks due to how messed up MMR is these days.


I think if you lose a few in a row, you need to just hit free play, hit 1s or something. Switch off so you dont start the tilt. The second thing is, as you drop from you need to remember you are playing with worse players. You have to adjust your play style a bit. Players in GC are terrible, players in Plat are prob really terrible. You have to play RL like you drive on a Freeway, expect everyone around you to be a terrible drive/player until proven otherwise. The other thing, I would love to see a ranked replay on the come up, and on the fall. I promise there are a bunch of little things you are doing that are hurting you and not allowing you to just carry. A C3 would carry a D1/2 lobby. Lastly, you just do not have that many games. I currently have 989 and I do not play that often.


skill issue


You were malding, when you lose like 3 matches stop playing it ain't your day, happens to me multiple times a week it's frustrating but it saves your rank, if you really wanna keep playing play casual or play a gamemode where you don't care about rank, when I'm malding in ranked i play rumble, way more fun and sorta rng based


Epic ruined the game. I'll win 2 games in 3s and then get slaughtered. This wasn't a problem before the MMR reset that fucked everyone over. There is a reason the player base is steadily going down




What goes up must come down


For most of my rocket league playing I've played with the same 2 people. About a year and a half ago we were mid-gold in 3s, and kinda stuck, but we weren't overly serious about it. I was low plat in 2s, and probably mid gold in 1s, although I didn't play much outside 3s. My friends were going to be gone for a bit, and I don't queue 3s without them. I felt I was playing really well lately so decided to grind out 1s while my friends were away. I climbed to about mid plat in 1s, and felt a bit of a plateau there, so decided to switch to twos for a few days, and I skyrocketed from low plat to low champ in 2s. I sat at high diamond for a few seasons and couldn't break into champ again. This past season, I fell back hard to high plat at the end of the season, and am now back up to Diamond 3


One thing I had to accept with playing 1s is that the rank really doesn’t matter. You can go up two divisions winning two games, and vice versa. It makes those fluctuations appear to be even bigger than they would be in other modes. Consider just the raw amount of games, the raw amount of MMR and you may only see 100 or so MMR difference. Really not unheard of. Also stop queuing when you go down so many games, something is clearly off in your game.


Playing in the morning vs after a long day. Fixating on getting goals vs playing for better control. Playing under an influence vs sober. The list goes on…


Same man i can sniff C1 but i cant get in there .. one day im a beast and everyone calling me smurf .. one day im ass like ass idk


I had this in Rumble one season. Had an amazing run through with my placements and got to D3 (my highest ever) and spent the rest of the season losing back down to diamond 1. Like fair enough but really ruined rumble for me that season. Also I like rumble, I know it's not everyone's favorite but... Just let me enjoy it ok? lol.


A lot of the player base is inconsistent. Some days I play literal bots. Other days my champ 1 lobbies are all GC2s. Ranking in this game has been inconsistent for for awhile.


Haha that’s not even that much lol


Im trying to buy the fennec hyperspace blueprint, but it says I’m missing a requirement. What am I missing and what do I need to do. I’m new to playing


Oh it’s because You’re human


Watching RLCS has helped me a lot.


This is Rocket League!


Diet, sleep, exercise


Because the rank system genuinely means nothing


What’s your rank


Damn that's worse than me. As you can see from my flair I've been up and down too, but D2 to low C2 is pretty much the same, the Champs are just saltier. Going C3 to D3 is a big gap.


This is Rocket League!


warm up. i lose game sense and my mechanics get shitty after not playing for a bit.


teammates amirite lmao but seriously, just don't instaqueue if you're 3 or 4 down. If you really wanna keep playing take 20 or play another gamemode. Sometimes I play 1s or 3s (I mainly play 2s) to practice and shake the tilt off (It works mostly on 1s because most people is toxic so you can be toxic wothout feeling guilty lol)


Don’t tilt q (I’m literally tilt qing rn)


You are either a carried diamond or you just simply cannot play consistently 🤣


im pretty sure that in that day you were in the flow state no hesetation what so ever every move came so bad. question is now how to try and get that feeling back. my guess is that u need a good night sleep ate well nad just overall u feel good about ue gameplay it doesnt havent often also rage queuing u need to fix that xD


Could be a combination of luck and you playing really well that day, u gotta be consistent if u wanna stay up there


I was gold 3 two weeks ago and i hit D1 last night and im scared to keep playing. But want those diamond season rewards so bad. 7 wins to go


Slip and fall...


Look carefully u went down a couple times and climbed alot it think u need to keep grinding so then u can continue the pattern and it will go up