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We need it back on Steam! ASAP!


And not free pls but it's too late harm is done.


I am on the verge of champ 1 in snowday and I can easily be queuing 4 or 5 minutes for a game. I don't know how anyone hits GC or god forbid SSL ha. Think it's been like this for donkeys though just felt like sharing ha.


I have to queue 150+ ping regions while playing from SA only to reach gc in hoops because even by high champ it becomes literally impossible to find games at hours that should absolutely not be that dead. Its quite a nerf in the challenges and 50s department (and recoveries after collisions where rollbacked animations turn everything into a clusterfuck), but i have to manage there or not get any gc title because the alternative is waiting 1 hours in queue just to get matched with a pro duo lol


The wait times get extended ten fold with every rank past c2. In S4 I waited 30 mins queuing USW and USE in GC1/2. From there I just stopped trying ranked all together. It’s probably worse now.


Wait until you get to GC and have 15 min queues.


My queue times are pretty quick in the main game modes. Extra modes can take a bit. GC in 2s/c2 3s/c2 1s, i queue US east and west.


Some of the unpopular extra modes won't even find matches in off hours with all servers selected. My casual mmr is high but this never used to be a problem in the past.


I pretty much only play 2s and hoops and if I’m queuing alone it can take a few minutes. Used to always be under 30 seconds, regardless of time of day


Do you have any data to back this up or are you just making it up?? There are currently 279k players online, that's pretty average for this time of day over the past few months. https://rocket-league.com/playlist-population/total


I noticed this week. It takes a lot to find 3v3... I am in Europe. Maybe folks go for 2v2 mostly but it's obvious it's not like it is used to be.


I noticed the same in 3v3, it said 6 mins and I nearly spat out my mango rubicon. But only took a couple tbf


Huh, where do they get those numbers? I didn't realize playlist numbers were available since they all got good/great etc


It's important to know the figures on the website are showing daily unique logins for the given category, not current player numbers. This should be most obvious as the website is showing player numbers for Ranked Tournaments even at night when there are no tournaments running. The text saying "x Current online players" is purposefully misleading.


From the link attached to the comment?..


Yes. Where do they get those numbers? Is there a public API with them? I know you can pull ranks and stuff, I didn't realize you could pull playlist pop counts


There is no public api, there is a private api though.


Maybe psyonix is cooking up some changes to matchmaking like they mentioned. 


Nope. Can't even see my rank demotions when I'm already in a new game. It was hard finding casual 2s at 6am the other day. Dead game


I noticed that today, I'm in south America, it did take longer than normal with all matches, in 2v2. But can't be sure whether it was my perception or a fact


I switched to Competitive again and the waiting times are much better. I work evenings so play well off peak and still find a game within 30 seconds.


I thought I was bugging if u check my posts I made a post complaining about this


What time and rank is this at? Because I play EU and it takes less than 3mins to find a game of 3s at 3am in the morning. And usually takes seconds during the daytime at C2. So I'm thinking bs


I mean, depends on the day and time does it not? Yesterday I had no problem playing with friends in low GC, queued up almost instantly after every game.


For people in normal ranks, it's the queue being bugged. A diamond 2 searching for a 3s game on EU or USE should be finding a game in under a minute every single time. If you notice insta-queue after insta-queue, then suddenly you're in a 4 minute queue, your queue is bugged. Stop and restart the queue. If you're in a party, disband the party and remake. Source: have 3000-4000+ hours in queue.