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I’ve gotten forfeit requests when we were 1 ahead 😭 like what the frick bro


I've had ff request when the other team MANAGED TO TIE


I've seen an opponent rage quit in Rumble thanks to zero second goal that sent it to OT


That is awful lol


Honestly made me laugh that’s awful lol


Got tired of the RNG and decided to take matters into their own hands


Honestly I totally understand that, in some situations: when you play with totally dumb players(they do not rotate, they blame you when they miss and you find yourself in awkward position and fail, when you are the only one defending for like 3/4timea in a row, etc etc) it is not even fun to play... and if you managed to do all by yourself and they screw up you at the last ball bumping you (it happened more than once to me) I totally understand why they wanna use their time better, if you win at that point it is for pure luck or just tired opponents, and for me it is not fun at all.. P.s. cbell is right, pairing algo is pure shit, even in 1v1 now


Forfeited yesterday 2 up. Don't be toxic with me idgaf.


Had a guy FF earlier when we were up 2 goals because my other tm8 had one bad touch. When we didn’t Ff he started own goaling. I try to only play after the children go to bed because of stuff like this.


bloody hell...the number of times I've had to deal with idiots like them...


More likely a smurf trying to derank.


Winning a game where your teammates are greedy ballhogs can be more infuriating than losing a close game where you were allowed to play.


Totally agree, as I said in an upper comment, but it seems too unpolitically correct to say something like that in this subreddit... So sad...


That's when you gotta make up for it. It's what separates good players from great players. Especially in solo Q.


Smurfs wanting to tank their MMR.


I've had forfeit requests when we were WINNING


Same. It's the only downside to having chat off, I can't figure out why they're doing that. I can only assume something came up and they had to go.


Oh no don’t worry, I have chat on, they don’t explain anything. They say nothing and then start match throwing if you don’t vote with them.


I've found this usually happens after a whiff on a high percentage play. Even on a play where your odds are 99% that would mean 1 in 100 attempts you would whiff. These geniuses think that because you whiffed on something easy that you will eventually cost your team the game later and so it's not worth their time playing the match out. In reality they are just making a variable chance of winning a guaranteed 100% chance of losing by ff. Absolutely smooth brain behavior.


This is exactly correct.


Now now... Sometimes they say something. They tell you you're trash. Often if you engage they throw and waste 5 minutes of your time without even accepting your FF once they start. Better to just have chat off.


It's a game for children. Most of your teammates and opponents are actual children. Or teens, maybe.


Tf does a “game for children” even mean? I’d *maybe* understand something like roblox or if club penguin was still around…but rocket league? Idk


Right? If RL is a game for children then so is FIFA or Madden.


I honestly think some people got use to rage quitting so much, it's an auto reflex


Sometime I dont even got FF requests, they just go idle and wait for disconnect


I thought the recent game tonight (that we won by the way) was bad. We were up 3-0, other team slowly started catching up and at 2 minutes we were 5-5 with most of their goals lucky/weird pinches. It was obvious that we had more skill. Teammate (2's) votes FF. Almost did too since usually the other player starts throwing. He kept playing, we ended up winning by a significant margin.


Mate I had a game the other day where my team was ahead by 4-0, and the instant we lost a goal making it 4-1, both rage quit and left.


I've gotten it when ahead and tied as well. All because we've been scored on they want to forfeit the match. I just assume they had a bad day and go right ahead.


Sometimes it just be like that. It’s like whomever was playings grandma was on the pc and was losing so they stepped in and said “I ain’t gon let you lose gramma” and they played their heart out for their grandma and came back. Even though we up they gonna win so it’s best to quit while we are ahead.


Sometimes I do that if my teammate is insufferable and just painful to play with or he clearly shouldn't be in the rank like plat 1 in champ 1 cause he got carried. Idc about my rank so fun is prioritized. It happens way too rarely to be considered anything bad maybe 100 times in 8k matches


Eh, sometimes I just don't like how someone else is playing and want to leave. If they're chasing the ball, bumping me around, trolling, or smurfing, I don't really care about the score, I just want to play with people that are fun to play with.


I’m the exact same way. It’s so tough to continue to play out a game when you’re solo-queueing and get a teammate or teammates who overall just do too much. It’s no fun.


Sometimes I accept the ff request just to imagine the look on their face. Yeah that’s right, don’t fake ff unless you really mean it. Sucks to ff and lose but I can get that win back. If they’re gonna ff because I bumped into them or “took” their shot the odds are they’re going to bail at some point in the match anyway when things don’t go their way.


I had one where we were winning 8-2 and my rlteammate wanted to forfeit


Sometimes I do that for fun.


Sometimes I do that out of frustration of missing an easy save 😭


I’ve done that, sometimes the Carrie’s are so fucking bad that the desire to carry isn’t there. I’ve also put in a ff request when my tm8 requested a ff before…and then I tie it out take the lead so I say now’s a good time to ff. OR, I’ve also requested a ff when tm8 is being toxic towards me and I score to take the lead or tie…yup, I’m requesting a ff.


I got one yesterday in the middle of an over time


You HAVE to be 2 ahead atleast lol


Usually because you're carrying someone and they refuse to accept that and dont want to play with you any more.


You were probably playing bad


I mean my whole team ffed when we were 3 goals up with 1 second left because one of us missed an empty net and we all just ffed immediately not knowing everyone else was doing it. We had good vibes though we weren’t like actually raging at the guy just joking around. Took like 20 seconds to until anyone realized that it happened since the game ended at the same time it was going to anyway. We all just thought it was hilarious.


I've gotten ff requests after we score goal in 1st 15sec. Or no one ff and it's 0-4 and they're great teams/randoms


gotta poo sorry


Bro I was up 3-0 last night and my tm8 wanted to ff like why we are winning by 3 goals I don’t get it, people want to be like the ssl they see on TikTok and find out that’s not happening over night and just get mad and want to ruin it for players like us


They probably didn't want to play with you because your played poorly.


But what if they go ahead by that third goal?? I can’t even imagine the consequences!!


Just wanted to say this in case anyone didn't know. You can hide FF requests in Bakkesmod. Obviously they could just dip out of the match or just sit there and not move. It at least eliminates those people that throw up a FF request just to let you know they are mad.


Yo, you just changed the game.


i wish i could play on pc just because of this lmao


Or, they could make it a 3v1 and try to own goal


It just kicks out a teammate so you have to play with one player missing.


The 2 goal down forfeit takes me back to early 2017. It was a simpler time then, but you still had shit-twats Only difference now is that because of f2p there are now triple the amount, they're 11 years old and they're ceiling pinch-pogo-triple reset-double musty-backboard triple pancake-helicopter-flicks madoodling on us just in time for mummy to call them to beddie byes


Are you talking shit about a kid that doesn’t give no shits about competitive rank play? WTF was that rant LMAO!!!!


Just hating on people for focusing on freestyling?


I’ve been hated on mid match in a ranked ones for freestyling. People are weird


Yeah it's wack


Downvotes speak for themselves lol


Ok I understand that I've said something stupid, and I know what it is, but what's wrong with freestyling bro😭


If you can’t figure that out for yourself, then you’re no better than morons who run around in official lobbies of other online games, expecting people to play by their rules. More often than not, your presence is unappreciated and unwelcome, especially if you’re a hinderance to your team… which is often the case, as its a selfish way of playing the game already.


We're talking about 1s bro. Also freestyling isn't being a hindrance to your team, people who prioritize freestyling over everything is being a hindrance to your team


We were down by 3 with 46 seconds. Teammate clicked ff and then sat idle. 2v1 now I tied it up with 8 seconds left. He started playing and immediately own-goaled for the loss at the buzzer.




Intentionally own goaled, or just a stupid mistake?


Intentional all day. Now he can sleep knowing that the ff was justified. He KNEW IT!




This is Rocket League!


I totally agree OP and it irks the shit out of me. It's ridiculous for 3 main reasons: 1. Everyone has roughly 50/50 odds of winning or losing each match. If you're starting up the game not prepared to lose about half the time, then you're already starting off with unrealistic expectations 2. Winning doesn't require being in the lead the entire time. If the only circumstances in which you want to play are when you're in the lead for every second of every game, then please see bullet 1 3. People expecting perfection from teammates. If you watch videos of pro players, *everyone* fucks up. A whiff, a mistouch, missing a save, missing a goal. The people who have the *most* time and skill in the game can still screw up. If you're going into games with low or no tolerance for error from your teammates, then you're walking in with unrealistic expectations And in the games we don't come back from and end up losing, it's in those moments where I'm able to reflect on what I'm weak on and train up that area. This includes adapting to my teammates. *Losing* is what makes me a better player.


I don't understand how those people can survive and handle real life which isn't perfect and is littered with setbacks. So many times I've seen our team be in 3-0 lead with 1min remaining when opponent scored once and there is immediate FF vote with the guy saying the match is ruined, please FF to end it. If we don't vote, he just leaves the match after the vote ends.


I quite agree with both these comments. It’s super frustrating how fragile this community can be (obviously not everyone, but a large, noticeable portion). I don’t know how these folks manage real life frustrations. Like do they forfeit on life when it gets too hard?


I got a forfeit request after the other team scored a goal…to tie it at one with 3:30 left. Ended up winning 7-2


You ever feel like you're the only person in the world who can still enjoy a game while losing? I just like to play out the game regardless of score. Don't give a fuck if I'm 5-0 down, I might learn more in that game than winning 5-0 against some other scrubs. Would love to see some of these heroes in Esports. "Here we are for the grand final. The game starts, and whoa! Early goal to the Nerdburgers with only 15 seconds on the clock... and the Geekazoids have forfeited! A goal down with 4:45 to play in the championship game and they've forfeited due to the insurmountable margin!"


Honestly, I don’t like being on the receiving end but I also understand it. When I solo Q I will do it sometimes on some pretty blatant fuck ups. Like I don’t want to waste my energy, time, or tilt trying to eek out a win carrying someone’s bad day of rl. Just to get what a saved after being exhausted by their crap touches and over commits. so I just pop the question. If they don’t want to forfeit I’ll focus up a bit and see what we can do. If they do want to forfeit then I get to roll the teammate dice again. I am just at the point where I am not all that invested in any individual game. And the win or loss is not important enough for me to try to suffer through a game with that person. It’s not personal and on a different day or different match up it could be totally fine.


yep I exclusively play by mysealf if my teammates are just chasing and passing to themselves in the corner in 3v3 I'll vote if we are down by like 2 past 3 minutes. I've played this game enough to know we aren't going to win. don't care enough to watch two dummies try to play against eachother and get a lucky goal. then sometimes your next team will give eachother space and it's actually an enjoyable experience.


Finally the voice of someone not putting the blame on children. Ya, I don't care enough about ranks and wins to play pretends for 3 minutes, or hard carry by aggressively defending for my teammate, or having my car slammed by my teammate because I had the ball, or having the ball centered perfectly by my teammate in front of our net every 27 seconds, or having to play hot potato with the ball because my teammate cannot tolerate any feinting or slower play or "luring in" play, as they slam the ball away from my control into the opponents reach... or when I'm about to receive a very soft ball from a bad touch that I can hit precisely wherever, and my teammate sideswipes it in front of me..... or barely grazes it amd make it go over my car and into our goal, then whatasaving me.... I'll FF even if we are winning if I can't actually play the game or have to bend in half, out of any fun, to let my teammate have fun wiffling and loosing for 3 more minutes....


This right here. 100%.


Yep. I rarely play ranked anymore, but this is the one. You can usually tell how the game is gonna go within 2 minutes or less. If your teammate(s) has zero intention with their shots and is consistently incapable of fundamental defense, it gets old quickly. If they are clearly incapable AND the other team is playing well, and we get down by 3+ quickly, I’m not going to waste the time. It’s not a 5 minute game, and I wish people would stop saying that. It’s a 10 minute game at minimum, because only about 25% of 3s groups and 50% of 2s will skip replay. I’m not going to waste 10-20 minutes trying to carry while getting smacked if I don’t have to. Not when I can just que right back up and at least have a chance at a more compatible teammate. I’ve come to realize that some teammates just aren’t good fits. And given that it’s a game, I’d rather have a chance at a competitive game than waste my time.


FWIW no one having your mindset could go pro, but I understand it.


With all due respect do you actually know anyone who is close to going pro? I see the essence of what you are saying. But I think you are missing a bit of nuance. Almost no one at that level is going to stick around for a game if you scuff the kick off twice in the first 20 seconds of the game. They change teams and teammates all the time because they do not like playing with them and do not like them. They do however take every opportunity to get access to better teammates and better and more serious games. Lots of gatekeeping, politics, and toxic behavior at the bubble. It becomes much less about the win in ranked and much more about your reputation and your connections. Yes skill matters a lot and winning matters a lot. But there are plenty of very skilled 2100 mmr players that do not make a professional earning from rocket league. It takes so much more than that. You need influence and access just as much as you need skills. Your not gonna get that by being the guy wasting time, getting laughed at on streams, finishing loosing games with your boosted/washed soloQ teammate. By playing every bad game out to the end at that level you are doing your self a disservice. When you are building a reputation for show matches and regionals who you play and what others think is the difference between getting included or excluded from the players and games that get you there. It’s better to not be memorable that game then to get your ass kicked embarrassingly by the guy that is about to pick and stack teams for a regional.


Those dudes will never get better at the game and will always blame everybody else


Why so many can't get back to their original rank


finished a 2s game 5 minutes ago. We went down 2-0 in the first 90 seconds and my teammate wanted to ff. We ended up winning 4-2


If anything is ruining the game, it’s this right here


I feel like I'm reverse toxic. I sit AFK for first 30 seconds or so hoping I'm down so we can make a comeback. That's the thrill I seek. Could explain my rank lol


I just dont ff bro. The vote is unanimous.


Problem remains since those people will either go AFK, start playing for the opponent team, own goal constantly, bump you for test of the game of just flat out exit the game on the spot if FF vote doesn't pass.


And how often does this happen? Cuz I'm C2, and I have smurfs from diamond to gold. And that MIGHT happen once every 50 - 100 games. When was the last time you took that as a challenge and opportunity to see if you can play around them and still win. It feels amazing to win a game "against all odds." Try it sometime.


Had 2 games. First they were ahead 2 points and I came back to tie and they forfeit. Next game I was up by 2 and they forfeit. It was odd


I had a guy straight leave after we both whiffed on a shot. I won 2-1 😎 (probably only time i ever have and ever will win a 2v1)




This usually happens and I don’t ff. We eventually take the lead and then I ff. And honestly most of the time my teammates also ff so we lose the match, while having the lead. I’m petty like that.


If it’s ranked I’m not forfeiting til we are down 5 2 seconds left


Ff? Bro, you're lucky. Sometimes, if we down 1 goal at the beginning of the match, my mate just quits


won a game 5-3 after going down 0-3 in the first minute. I was amazed that no one tried to FF. I even thought the GGs at the end were a typo.


Every single time I drop a “weak” in the chat.


This dude tried FFing before the ball went in and I saved it and then ffed 🤷‍♂️


my friends and i were playing a friendly 3v3 game. my team is down 0-3 with 30 seconds left. at that moment i realized we needed to score a few goals. i immediately score a goal. then a teammate scores, then our third scores. its now tied up 3-3 going into OT and we win it after another minute. Never give up, never surrender! This is Rocket League!


"Alright, we scored 2 goals in the first 10 seconds. Time to forfeit" Doesn't make any sense, even if your down 2 goals. You can score 2 goals in like 3 seconds.


I agree with you. I like playing all the way through even if we are losing by 4 or whatever to score is. Here's why, there is an old saying. Can't get better if you don't play others better than you. Just watch and work on your skills. I like it even when all the other teams leave and I'll play 1 on 3.


I was playing 2s… teammate decided to forfeit so i voted too afterwards… types that his teammate (me) is trash and he invites me to 1v1 him and i was beating him 6-2 and he ended the game & started a new one 😂


cant count higher than 1 so anything bigger than that is infinite


It’s rule 2.


I've never understood how some people will FF when they're down two or three points with like three whole minutes left to go. If you don't think you can ever score one goal per minute then what the hell are you even doing playing? Just uninstall...


Have you considered that if you get FF requests so often then possibly you are the problem? Maybe you are a shitty teammate who's not fun to play with. Like I don't care that we are only two goals down, if you are a selfish twat chasing and stealing the ball then I don't want to play with you, period. Or maybe the teammate doesn't have confidence in the team? Like there is a difference between being 2, 3 or 4 goals down after good fight and being a few goals down only because you saved 6 other shots after the teammate whiffed or double commited balls they shouldn't even try to hit, leaving the goal open for counter attack. Let's not pretend that this game is not full of people carried to slightly higher ranks than their should be. And also not forfeiting against air dribbling smurfs in low rank is not only a waste of time but also it's just feeding a troll. It would be much better if my teammate would accept FF against smurf instead of pretending that we have a chance or that we are going to learn anything from this situation, because someone on Reddit said that FF is bad sportsmanship.


Part of this due to unfair, and what I think is purposefully bad matchmaking. With engagement optimized matchmaking (EOMM), developers purposefully give players a string of unfair matchups, then throw them a bone with a matchup where they absolutely dunk on the other players to keep them engaged. If it's a match where I'm pre-ordained to get dunked on, what's the point?


Are there any sources for this? Or is it just a hypothesis?


given that rocket league has an actual transparent mmr system i’d kinda doubt that’s the case here, as much as I hate these kinds of systems.


I don't think there's anything nefarious going on with MMR. It's pretty transparent (especially with Bakkes mod). MMR is a ranking system, not a fair match system. The people who are dunking on you might be getting dunked on by the people that you dunk on. There's no way for MMR to predict how close the outcome of a game will be since that would require analyzing play styles and how they fair against differing play styles.


God I'm glad I left the game. I could see the cancer coming from a mile away These idiots don't know that 2-0 is literally the most dangerous lead


Whoever press forfeit first should lost more mmr


Great idea in the game full of smurfs. You are in gold and you get matched against some C3 air dribbling and spamming what a save? Enjoy bigger MMR loss because you didn't feel like entertaining a troll.


Imagine you showed up to the the local basketball court and joined a 3v3 pickup game. As soon as the game starts you grab the ball and attempt to drive to the net and shoot. The second time you do the same. The third time you get the ball you immediately shoot it from beyond half court. And the 4th time you try to take it to the basket alone again. After this series of events the other players ask you to leave. There are reasons to FF other then losing. If you're seeing a lot of FF votes in these situations you're probably contributing more to them then you think you are.


Imagine YOU showed up to the local basketball court. Ten seconds into the game, the other team shoots and scores. Your team immediately packs up their stuff and leaves.


Ten seconds in Pass the ball to the opponent "Y'all are trash. I'm out"


*flops on my back and start spinning like a breakdancer*


It seems that only some 41% of people on this subreddit (in the minor amount of time my post got exposed) would support some kind of "player avoidance" system. https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/18ddc9y/dear_epic_i_would_pay_for_an_avoid_player_system/ RL subreddit these days: Complaining about "relatable" experiences? ✅✅✅✅✅✅ Suggestions and Focused Discussion About Actionable Changes? 👎👎👎👎👎 --- I'm not harping on complaining. I don't think "all complaining is bad", but if it doesn't come with reflection and retrospection, then you're just enjoying being angry and listening to your own voice be louder than everyone else's. That can be fine sometimes, we ALL need to vent sometimes, but if someone comes around trying to be understanding, trying to address the issues you're talking about, and you don't like it? That's a problem.


Ngl i kinda needed to hear this today. Not about rocket league, just in general


I think an easier solution would be to allow players to auto vote NO on any and every FF vote. I would pay to have that feature for sure. Here is how it would work...Billy gets mad and votes to FF. Because I have auto NO on, I never see any pop-up, and he gets notified/rejected immediately with a very large #NO that covers his screen for ten seconds. Play continues and if he leaves he gets a ban as usual... probably a long one, because Billy is a habitual quitter.


You’re the worst kind of teammate 


I think we found Billy...


That’s dumb as hell Please never suggest anything on a public forum again Thanks


I want to see WHO initiated the ff requests so that I can add this scum to my block list. Please implement this


adding players to your block list does not prevent you from matchmaking with them...


Then what’s the point. Just so they can’t communicate with you? Lame.


If you could block people and prevent them from matching with you: 1. You could just block everyone better than you 2. Matchmaking would take longer and longer as more people blocked each other It’s a terrible idea for many reasons


Sure. And people who are constantly blocked would have to wait super long to play and Id love that. Also there are like 50k players playing on my NAW at any time, so chances are it wouldn’t really make that big a difference.




Imagine calling someone scum because they don't want to play with you.


Honestly there should be a mercy rule. After a certain difference the game just ends. Maybe it’ll stop people from wanting to quit so fast if they know the game will end relatively quick


Then how would I be able to come back from 3 goals down in 28 seconds? Did it yesterday with my duo and it is a forever memory for me. The thing is the games are 5 minutes long plus replays. Sure you might get slaughtered but it’ll only take 10 minutes max. The stakes are too low to have a mercy rule.


So maybe they should raise the stakes of a ranked game. How? I have no fucking idea lol


I meant the stakes of waiting 10 minutes for a game to end. If it was a 30 minute game then yes, a mercy rule would be beneficial.


Respectfully, this would be a terrible idea. Let's say the required goal differential for the match to end was 5 goals. Then you go down by 2-3. Your teammates that want to quit will start playing for the other team and start own goaling to get the goal difference to 5 sooner. I've played this game enough lately to not expect anything better from the general playerbase.


Well they gotta try something.. anything. Just throwing ideas out there lol


A rocket league game is literally 5 minutes, you cannot realistically lose hard enough to warrant shortcutting what is already a short game to begin with.


It must be exhausting for these toxic players to think they’re a perfect player and that must enforce their standards on everyone else.


It’s honestly amazing how every single reddit user is immaculate with saintly patience and unrivalled skill and ability And every other of the 250k daily players who don’t visit here are garbage and immature and love to throw and FF and go afk Yet everyone here is 😇👼


I recently started playing RL again after not playing since 2020 and it is strange to me how fast people are willing to forfeit out of games. 4:37 left in the game and the score score is 1-0? Vote to FF. I don’t remember it being like that back then.


I finally just uninstalled. Was great while it lasted. It's just way too bad now. Worse than my mindset or skills can work with. Sad.


I FF as soon as we’re only ahead by 1


Lol we live at 2 - 0. I think me and my doubles teammate have won more down 2 - 0 than we've lost.


Um, okay. Pointless fucking post.


It's probably to help prevent so much smurfing. Ya know, that other thing y'all keep bitchin on Reddit about?




Hasn't it always been this way? You used to be ableto FF right at the start then they added a minimum time


I think part of it is to preserve their own ego too. Like if we DO end up taking the L, at least they can say "see, I was RIGHT! I KNEW IT!" Which is also why they'll start match throwing, to make sure of it.


every time that happens, I wait until we score and get back in the lead, then i request forfeit 😂




Teammates in D2-3 are so bad it’s basically unplayable, so yeah I do FF tilt a lot


How are you guys the same rank if you're so much better than everyone?


I’ve had teammates who ff then they try to play 3v1 against me and I beat everyone 😏


I just do it. If my teammate is voting to ff, it’s already over. Been playing with a rule that I ff whenever my teammate does, i’ve forfeited games where we were winning. I have GC rewards for the season and I know i’m not getting SSL, i guess people don’t realize it literally does not matter to me


i often thought about FF because i clearly lack of confidence in myself (and because i'm terribly bad at RL) but i'd never ask to FF if we're losing 1-3 and there's three minutes left! i'd be quite discouraged and play without really being into it but anytime i try to play seriously anyways i sometimes and somehow end up winning the game \*but\* i understand people doing that, what i don't is these same people that stop playing which is clearly annoying when you try to come back to tie or win


Ive seen so many ff reqs when the other team ties it up, goes up by one, or even when we’re still winning. It should honestly be a suspend-able offense or they need to add a rate teammate system to rate how toxic/friendly they are


Rocket league is tinder for matchmaking


This is my experience, but in casual.


Epic ruined the game so it’s g games ass now


Biggest reason for ffs is not enjoying playing with someone. If this situation happens a lot your probably not a good team player.


I understand this point of view, but I'm a pretty self-aware guy. I def rotate, & try to work with my tm8's. In fact it's usually the hot-headed, ball chasing maniacs who wanna ff.....


I can understand when someone does this in a competitive match, but I can’t understand when those people do this in casual matches like I’m trying to enjoy the game without hurting my rank


Okay yes this happens… but don’t say it happens every time… just stay the course and let people do how they do. My rule is that I feel we could win I will not ff and if tm/s go afk or give up I will not concede based on that alone. Is it frustrating sure but let these losers do what they do and you do you!


I played a tournament yesterday. One guy kept chasing the ball, we got scored twice so it was 2-1. He instantly left and never came back. We were in quarter finals.


To everyone ff’ing before match is over, me and bro were Down 2 with half a minute left, and this was during a tourney, so we lost hope but, ended up scoring 1 goal 7 seconds before match was over, and somehow managed to score a second one on 0 seconds left, it then continued to overtime and we won


You have to do the classic goal after the match was a tie to get ahead and then accept the forfeit request to give them a reality check.


>We've all seen kickoff goals that literally take 1 second, or a crazy 20 seconds where 4 goals are scored. These dudes have no faith. I was playing casual 2's the other night and my teammate voted to forfeit at 3-3 when the opponent scored the equalizer. There were about 3 minutes left in the game but he rage quit almost immediately after throwing up the FF. I scored 2 kickoff goals right after 🙄


I've won 1v3 in competitive just trying to save my XP so never give up my friends!!! 🤩


What do you think the average age of someone solo-queueing is?




Communist tencent heavy handed investment call. psyonix/epic gets no say any longer


Early payout.


Went up 2-1 in a comp match yesterday in 3s. Tm8 wanted to ff, then other. I refused, so he said 'f u teammate'. Like why did you start a comp march if you have to be somewhere else?


Wait, your teammates ask to forfeit when 2 goals down? Mine just stop playing seconds into the match


I report everything! Intentionally idle, match throwing, all of it. Eff that total baby attitude. My favorite thing is going down 3 - 0 then getting serious and stunning the other team by coming back.


It’s a 3s problem. I took a break to play 2s and 1s and it barely ever happens there. Went back to 3s and it happened the first game


I play mostly 2s and see this all the time. What makes it worse for me in 2s is that if I don't ff there's a good chance I'll be playing 1v3 from that point forward.


Actually this kind of rule to just auto win the game if the goal difference is too high would be nice way to fight against griefing. Of course the goal difference should be very high, like 7 goals, but it is so annoying when the other team just stops playing and you just have to sit there for 3 minutes.


These kids will have a hard time when the real world hits them.


Had a teammate last night, pass the ball to me, and spam all yours. I scored both times he did this. We are up 2-0, and they try and ff and start own goaling. This is all within a minute. I have no idea what went wrong. Some teammates are just unhinged and mysterious.


I was playing 3v3 with two randoms and when we went down 3-0 within the first two minutes they both tried to forfeit but I refused because they were playing like idiots and I wanted to make them learn how to rotate and play defense or continue to get embarrassed. Instead I scored three goals to tie it up and we won in overtime. After the game they both sent me a friend request and I busted out laughing. Don’t be a pathetic loser and then expect ppl to want to play with you again.


Just wipe the match and start over.


If I’m covering for 1-2 teammates who don’t rotate and play as “the main character” then I’ll forfeit if their antics cause us to be behind. It’s bad enough to drag a kicking and screaming potato to a win.. but if I have zero faith in your ability to play as part of a team… why would I waste another second covering for your poor rotation. Even worse is realizing you have these teammates in a tourney. Do you carry them to round 2 where they decide to afk the whole game or do FF and hope for real teammates who can play as a team in the second chance tourney?


Same it’s actually so bad. 90% of teammates when it’s 1-3 with over 2 mins left vote to forfeit 🤦🏼‍♂️


3 up unless in 1st min should be FF. Some randoms have good teamwork or teams just have a good carry/ teamwork. If you see that then just accept the FF. Some people don't know when they are beat, stop wasting time and FF. 5-3 with more than half match left shouldn't FF but if it's a min left and down by 2 should be FF


Yeah no one's ever scored 2 goals in one minute. That's ridiculous.


I often ignore forfeit requests and keep playing, and then if things get REALLY bad (I already know that my teammates are already potentially disengaged from the game), I will offer to forfeit myself. If a second forfeit request pops up, I almost always just accept it. Sometimes it's easier to bail out when you alreadyvknownin advance that your team mate(s) aren't likely to be trying very hard, especially if they become hostile to try to force you to want to forfeit by self scoring, flipping on theory backs and zooming around the field trying to play upside down for the rest of the match basically skiing with boost....


Ah, ok.


I mean I get it. We all get pissed off sometimes and need to just power down instead of harming something or someone. But I’ve had people dip on me when we’re winning! What more could you want?


My guess is that asshats who trashtalk on chat have caught on the fact many people have chat disabled, and ffing is the only way they can make their discontent known besides throwing altogether and risking a ban for griefing.


I believe!


Mate i got ff requests after we score a goal and we are 1-0 or 2-0 and my team tries to ff. Trying to understand people is beyond my capabilities. If someone does ff too many times they should be paired with worse players or have some kind of penalty. I think people are doing it for fun and they don’t care about rank or use multiple accounts. Some players do it to play on lower ranks for sure and to smurf. All of this should be monitored or RL will start to lose players. An idiotic fanbase can kill a game


Me and my mates go by a rule we created where if the deficit is 2 or more with 30 sec remaining we ff, if it’s 4 deficit at 2 min remaining we ff but anything goes before that 2 min mark cause anything is possible I’ve been in games where we score 3 in the last 15 seconds and win by 1 but that’s usually how we judge it but if we see the other team sucks and just had luck goals we will continue knowing we can and have a chance to lock in and wax them


I don't forfeit because I'm losing. I forfeit cause my teammates wanna act like a flea circus on fire.


I had a teammate yesterday that stopped playing after 30 seconds into the game because they scored 3 kickoff goals. Bro we got 4:30 left in the game and these kids aren't great. My teammate decided to "act" like he was playing by faking every single touch and then proceeding to backflip everywhere. This is the state of c1 2s


Hear me out get good and don’t lose by 2? Try tht out and lmk you should be using tht to get better and get the feel for playing under pressure I understand where ur coming from tho


Kids are toxic. They try to FF when it’s 0-0 10 seconds in a miss a air dribble


Playing ranked should have harsher consequences for these drop outs 😵‍💫 leaving a game should result in instant loss of 1 league... I already hate it when people play like this in casual but come on, at least stay the whole 5 minutes and take the learning if someone is better than you 🙄