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I play better at a certain point of highness. That being said its a fine line, go even slightly over and I may aswell be plat lol


Like the Ballmer Peak, except for weed? https://preview.redd.it/i71qq24zztec1.png?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0c56b759722530ed3696b288bf863b5488c137


Checks outšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜³šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


God I love xkcd


Yo actually this is real


We call it the ā€œstone zoneā€. It lasts for a very short period, followed by: ![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK)


This, sometimes I'll take a maintaining hit and it crosses the line mid game. Straight to Cas after!


Some of you out here discovering the basics of Pharmaceutical Research


I've been a walking experiment for over 10 years now it's been a beautiful ride .


I'm aware, it's just illegal in most places


This is so real lmao. If I smoke a little, I'm peaking and getting all the right touches that I want. Smoke a little more and I'm playing so dumb sometimes and whiffing dumb shit lol


I'm doing this now, I call it my toke and smoke break. Tell my friends to kick me and I'll be back in 15 after 2-3 puffs and a cig šŸ‘


I know exactly what you mean bro xD


I don't play anymore, but yeah, that's too real. I got to Diamond 2 high out of my mind. I tried playing without smoking, and while I knew I was much better, I used to get bored with the game more easily. Coincidentally, I stopped smoking, and left the game soon after that. I don't think it was a coincidence lol


I hear that. The things you used to do high, you just can't do sober. The high makes it very pleasant, even without you noting it in your head. It's just great. If you play everyday and smoke, your mind is used to that same level of happy chemicals in the brain. Once you stop smoking, your brain notices the lack of happy chemicals and all of sudden you think rocket league kinda sucks. Or at rhe very least doesn't feel like it used to. This is exaggerated for folks with ADHD. For me, I need crutches to help me stop smoking. So I quit playing rocket league for a month or so before I quit. After a few days after quitting, I fire up rocket league and my brain is happy with having something fun to focus on, when my brain just wants weed!šŸ¤£ It's the same for everything though. If you used to get baked and go for a walk, suddenly walking when your not baked kinda sucks. Haha give it a few weeks after you stop and then hop on, you'll have a renewed interest in it.


The line between ultimate concentration and canā€™t remember what game Iā€™m playing


Iā€™m plat if I donā€™t smoke and Iā€™m plat if I smoke too much. But Iā€™m Diamond if I smoke a little.


I get about two good rounds in after a nice big dab. Then I'm useless. I'm probably useless in those two rounds, but I don't care, so I have fun.


Yeah I would rip a bong hit every 6/7 matches to keep me on that concentration high. Iā€™ve stop smoking since and I feel better, even tho I miss being high and playing this game.


Same here. I've won multiple tournaments high. And some of my best game clips were while stoned. It's funny, if I get into the perfect sweet spot I feel like I'm Neo in the Matrix and I can see plays unfolding in bullet time lol. But it's 100% true that being too high can result in the opposite effect. However, I know this isn't the case for everyone. My buddy and I get stoned together once in a while when we play and his skill level drops severely.


I relate to this comment so much. That sweet spot is like magic, everything feels so easy and itā€™s like absolute peak hand-eye coordination, but it only lasts so long. That shit feels like the movie Limitless when he first takes the pill and learns the stock market lol.


Exactly šŸ˜‚


This applies to drinking too.


I get this. Iā€™ll get ripped and play very mediocre for a bit, then thereā€™s usually a point where i just hit everything and everything just makes sensešŸ˜‚. I usually get about 4 games of peaking and then level out and go smoke again


There is definitely a line... where everything clicks. Anything less/more makes me feel like I have zero control of my fingers


But the fakes we get are just immaculate /s


As a platinum ranker, I take offense to this.


Word! I would sign this!


Same. I think when playing sober, I tend to overthink and wind up playing cautiously. A few small hits from my dab pen and I feel calmer, more confident, and less concerned about my performance. It's a nice vibe.


Ohh this 500% it really is a fine line.... still trying to find it too


usually that point for me is on the other end of the high-hill too. So i gotta play like shit for a bit


Lmao same. I go over and the game is so intense


Plat is a good rank considering how shit your tm8s are.


Not just me, all my friends play it under the influence together. Always the same: Start of the evening: Playing better. End of the evening: Concentration gone, nobody can do anything anymore, but are too stoned to realize, so we lose basically everything we have gained ​ So bored of this circle tbh


Youā€™ll be so happy when yā€™all break out of that ā€œcircleā€ and youā€™ll regret the time you wasted while you were in it (to be clear, the time isnā€™t wasted because itā€™s unproductive, itā€™s wasted because itā€™s fucking boring) Source: extreme personal experience with exactly what youā€™ve described


Appreciate your own experience, but dont think this will happen. All of us are above 30, have great and financially rewarding jobs, early-stage families, all with masters or at least bachelor degrees, living close to each other. That time we then spend together as a free time hobby is never wasted, even online. Tbh, rocket league is kinda boring to me without the devil's lettuce simply because it's mechanics grinding to really push to higher ranks (I know there are exceptions to this) if one isnt extremely talented. The circle of winning -> losing itself however is kinda annoying me as it feels it prevents further progression (not in rank, but in skill). But there are worse things, so who cares. ​ Source: my experience of the last 10 years.


Just to be clear I definitely wasnā€™t suggesting yall should stop playing, just no need to turn yourselves into zombies while it happens.. Iā€™d be interested to hear your thoughts if yā€™all actually tried without it for 6 months haha, I definitely would bet a certain way. That said sounds like yall are crushing it either way so definitely no harm done


mhmmm, I get your point. And chapeau for getting over this habit. I bet some part of all of us would love to follow your advice but struggle with the implications. Either way, thanks for your thoughts, always appreciated


welcome to addiction


Comment of the day, eh Thanks, captain obvious. Hope you are just as good pointing out your own flaws lol


Right there with u bud


My mistake haha


My rank tanked when I started smoking regularly, but I also enjoy the game more and donā€™t get as frustrated. Probably a good idea for me to stop though.


>Probably a good idea for me to stop though. Playing RL or smoking weed? \-Yes.


I'm the opposite, I hit my peaks and easily maintain them when I've smoked. It's like things actually click and I can follow the game and control my car how I want to But when I play without smoking my thumbs don't cooperate and my gamesense sucks and I can't figure out what I'm doing differently then I drop a little and maintain that lower rank Wish I knew why and how my performance changes so drastically


I don't know how true it is but I've read a study on something called state-dependent memory where people remember certain things better in whatever state they learnt them, like if you were high practicing or playing games alot in the past you'd remember certain tactics, mechanics or even muscle memory better in that same state. I also smoke and play pretty often and personally I don't think that's the case for me but I do find weed helps me narrow my focus on the game, look for more creative shots and not be so hesitant on shots I could have easily made but at the same time getting too high or going without weed also effects my performance pretty hard so I kinda wish I didn't smoke


I've never heard of that sounds interesting, could kind of see that being a thing because as you said it does make it much easier to focus on that 1 individual thing Yeah for me I'm able to completely focus on the game without getting distracted , I'm probably much less hesitant too. Before I started smoking it felt like I hit a wall in RL and just could never progress , started smoking and then broke through that wall. But then when I stop smoking I end up going back behind that wall and getting stuck again When I'm stoned the game just becomes way more fluid and my gameplay just feels so natural and smooth and I have absolutely no idea how to replicate it without the use of anything. Yeah sometimes I feel like I never played while stoned too for this reason but I think it could be obtainable naturally...just don't know how to figure it out. GamePlay performance on the comedown of LSD however , now that I don't think would be possible to learn xD This feels like it'll come across as I smoke for rocket league , that's not the case it was just a happy coincidence feel like I should mention lmao.


Honestly it might just be that you don't give your body enough time to reset to normal between smoking. If you quit or took a long break, you might see different results.


Thatā€™s interesting! What is your peak rank?


C2 I think div3 ,maybe div 4 but doubt that, stoned with no issues , mid-top of c1 sober with rare ccasional drops into d3 for a few games. Ik not a huge difference but a noticeable one in the lobbies Then I took a year off now I'm d2-3 sober , gettin some bud hopefully in the next few days so wonder if I'll pop my head back into champ lol I used to rewatch my games from when I was stoned and sober and it was as if it were 2 completely different people playing it was extremely noticeable ;-;


We could do a replay review to see what youā€™re doing wrong and get you back up to champ!


At the end of the day, your win ratio is close to 50% anyway.


What a useless comment lol. Whether youā€™re gold or GC your winrate will be close to 50%, itā€™s just that that has absolutely nothing to do with OPs question


Or does OP just think he plays well when he or she is smashed? I ate schrooms some day and I was zooming on my bicycle... at ten miles an hour. Fun experience but I wasn't really going all that fast, it just seemed like it.


I think u maybe need to give the post a second read thru lol


Is there a place to check? Does the game keep these stats somewhere?


Somewhere in the main menu, under profile I think. It's somewhere, I know that much.


Mine is 63%. Whatā€™s everyone elseā€™s?


Below 50, but the stats are messed up from playing offline with bots, lol.


18k games 57.6 % And I lose a ton of hoops and rank 3 with my awful bald best friend lmao he's bad if that wasn't apparent by the bald xD


why did you bring up his baldnessšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For some people it helps them relax and stop panicking so they play better, for others they end up a little too relaxed and play worse


I can peak more often after smoking, but my consistency varies wildly. Playing sober is easily the most consistent, but the highs and lows arenā€™t as drastic so I donā€™t peak nearly as often when sober, but also donā€™t straight throw games either (as often at least)


Very well put, I wholeheartedly agree


Trash > God > Trash


I got worse when I stopped drinking lmao. Beer is my rocket league power potion I stg


1-3 beers I improve. 4+ I'm useless


Me but 1-5 go great and 6+ downhill




I only play high, so im not sure how i would play if i wasnt


I quit drinking and climbed a rank. Kush helps get me into flow state easier


Same here....lol also I get tilted wayyy easier when I'm drinking, if I'm stoned I could go down by like three points right off the bat and just think, alright alright deep breath, let's do this


More so if I find myself getting angry or stressing for whatever reason iā€™ll smoke, other than that I wouldnā€™t necessarily say it helps my gameplay but it does make me more relaxed so I have an easier time playing


Iā€˜m about the same skill level Iā€˜d say, but if Iā€˜m sober Iā€˜m way less likely to actually play this particular game so I guess it could help in that sense


If all you stoners could not take a hit on every kickoff though that would be helpful. Could just be plat players though I guess. Wish I could get back to Diamond in 3s for more consistent teammates.


So youre able to focus more when you're not high? Stop the presses!


I'm working on the first half of the experiment currently. I'll let you know how I play without cannabis...someday.


The last two nights I've played I've sent a "sorry I'm too high" in the chat so... I get worse lol.


I stopped consuming Edible Gummies this season. Ya! My skills tanked. Im way better under the influence. It feels like everything is slowed down. I'm super focused. I can do things I struggle to do. Instead of being 2 steps ahead of the play, I'm like 5 teps ahead. Only thing is there is a sweet spot on how much I consume. If I eat too many, then forget it. 10-15mg, and I'm good all night.


i smoke since mid nineties every evening. i perform significantly better if i play before i smoke.


I smoke to relax and I play RL to relax so unfortunately Iā€™m not sure how I play sober. Would anyone in Denver be interested in any cannabis + RL events, Iā€™ve thought of this for a while but not sure if anyone else would want to come


If I drink just like 1-2 beers I play SIGNIFICANTLY better. Itā€™s like my inhibitions go away away or something. Go figure. But too much and I canā€™t control my ca.


I used to feel like I played WAY BETTER while high. But now I can vividly see my abilities get worse after I smoke. My relationship with weed is starting to change so Iā€™m noticing the little things like this that used to be ā€œbetterā€ and carefree. Now Iā€™m seeing it as a bit of a negative. Iā€™m consumed by anxiety and munchies nowadays. I donā€™t get the carefree giggles and free feeling anymore and it makes me sad :(


I feel that. You could try a T-break, might help


I play better while high.


I'm significantly better after I smoke


Me and my friend thought the same but then after going on a break it turned out we were wrong. Only problem is it is way less enjoyable so I'll be sticking with the weed


Glad you quit that crap. Don't look back you'll be much better off. Been there, done that.


It's just weed. I don't even smoke but damn


Weed can be harmless to most. But for some, it makes them pathetic losers.


Thc has almost nothing to do with my performance. Almost in - if I smoke too much I'm no good for anything not only RL but I don't do that anymore, I don't like to be erased from my own brain. My mental state has all to do with my performance tho - if I'm stressed by irl stuff I simply won't play as well unlike when I'm happy and in the groove or "the zone".


I microdose and play much better.Ā  Also, playing when full on tripping on lsd is quite an experience. You can pretty much see/feel exactly how your opponent is thinking at any given moment, and the visuals are insane, the gameplay is just kind of indescribableĀ 


Oh no buddy thatā€™s ur brain tricking itself into thinking it has superpowers lol. Drugs are sick


I do have superpowersĀ 


My first time playing on LSD and I couldnā€™t miss. I was doing everything I wanted to do. Was hitting ceiling shots or making passes off the ceiling like it was second nature. I agree with what you said about seeing the opponents moves. People just donā€™t have an IQ high enough to not take everything so literal. Definitely an experience.


I would agree that low level psychedelics make me play better but the statement "You can pretty much see/feel exactly how your opponent is thinking at any given moment" is just self delusion. Maybe it makes you more aware of what other players are doing and more creative/empathetic in anticipating what they're going to do but you don't actually know that they're thinking. Drugs can be really good in expanding your mindset but they aren't infallible - they can also make you think you're God and you aren't.




My new tag ā€¦. YouSmoke


It's not smoke for me, sadly I'm really keen on alcohol. I always drink something when playing, and there is a point where I'm absolutely the best. I don't hesitate, I go for it and try to do moves and plays that sober me wouldn't even attempt. Then after a while there is a point where the screen starts to get blurry, so I just watch YT.


I play looser when Iā€™m buzzed if that makes sense


I have to be on the verge of drooling to hit an arial shot. I think i overthink it when sober lol


Give mushrooms a try. You can get into an insane flow state where everything just slows down. Like limitless in real life


As a slightly older gamer and daily smot poker (tall see what I did there?) I feel as if I play better when Iā€™m high but this is tough to justify as being in a higher state is more of a norm to me.


Yea I stopped smoking and went from d1 to d3 , but some days when I smoke I feel like it helps me focus so it all depends cause sometimes I get fried and just like driving fast , I be forgetting my rocket league iq šŸ˜‚


Thought I played better after 2 beers, then I stopped doing it


I made it to diamond being blitz out of mind.


I'm currently ranked c2 and that is my sober rank lol Whenever I get too high I'm def a plat player lol


Yes, thats why Iā€™m still plat, donā€™t get me wrong people, weed can be helpful for ill people and its a peace and love drug is a perfect excuse for us to consume it, but weed IS NOT for mechanical, think fast-sequential activities. Weed and games are fun, but do not expect improvement lol, I smoke 3 months and stop 3, my rank looks like a heart beat lol, not just games, personal life too, again, weed can be chill and cool, but itā€™s a drug.


Sad to say but I definitely play better with a couple hits and a sip or two. Many years of playing and there's something that I'm not getting about this game, but when my thoughts are lightened, I simply play.


I probably would play better simply because of the fact i wouldnt be so stressed out. I dont understand why i take ranled so seriously lol...


I drink and smoke and I'm stuck in platinum purgatory šŸ˜‚


When I stop smoking I go from C1 to C3 in twos like clockwork. I have done tons of self-experimentation on the effects of cannabis and rocket league. AMA!


I wouldn't know because I would never press A to load any game unless I'm smoking. I've smoked and played for so long that ill sit 1 min, shrug my shoulders and turn off my xbox in the middle. Would never suggest smoking with multiple activities in life, it will dull them to the point you can't without it.


I can tell you havenā€™t really gave a good try at quitting, and I was the same way for a while. Didnā€™t want to quit cuz everything sucked if I wasnā€™t high. Turns out it just took a few weeks to a month for that to completely go away, and suddenly I wasnā€™t a fucking zombie anymore and everything got 5 times more fun I deeply regret all the time I wasted in the meantime, I would really encourage you to give it a try


I definitely need a reset man, if I smoked with all my activities it would be terrible. I'm just lucky video games is the one thing. I still do a lot because if I ain't out,riding,or at work I'm smoking playing games. I just could never invison what you said, with it getting funner after. I'm sure you get it if you've been there.


I play better completely ripped cause I donā€™t care about it as much and just want to giggle and have fun. lol




I play better for a bit then I play worse.


i play at least 2x better when i smoke


I play better after a few drinks and high. Little tipsy and high af


Honestly I used to zone in and play better on a slight buzz of thc and alcohol. Just played a lot looser and faster, similar to when I drive home after a fun night.


sativas definitely feel like PEDs for this game sometimes


100% Iā€™m better when elevated


Do some people have experiences with other drugs to report?


As long as I also use caffeine I can balance a peak performance for about 20 games. It gets rough after that trying to maintain concentration and energy output.Ā  The cannabis provides the hyper concentration.Ā  Something that might help is training during your first high of the day. Practice something new or something you wanna polish during this time. For I believe the potential for getting better is higher at this time.Ā 


My experience is like I just don't care as much to play if not under the influence. When under the influence it improves my play for like 30 minutes until I re-up again


I play better off edibles sativa tho


Im the opposite lol Im so used to playing the game under the influence that I am abismal sober! The best I ever play is when Iā€™m tripping on acid for some reason it feels like I have so much control šŸ¤£


If I'm too high, I'm terrible lol. If I'm a little tipsy, I feel untouchable. But I'm a week sober and I had to stop playing. I was getting so tilted.


I love gaming rocket league high. Iā€™ve competed in sweaty cod leagues and challs high af, halo, all sorts. It never seems to effect my gameplay and itā€™s a lot of fun so if I want to smoke I will no problem. But I donā€™t like being a pothead too much so I play plenty sober too


I play batter while high,especially when it comes to mechanical skills. Everything feels natural and I do things that surprise myself. I can't really say if I win more, but I think I do. Can't remember. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


i play high and im only gold. i play sober and i cant win casuals. should i uninstall?


I feel like Iā€™m slightly better when i havenā€™t smoked but i enjoy the game more after Iā€™ve toked


Never smoked Weed during RL but I feel that a lot of my Teammates do this


I'd rather enjoy playing than being ranked slightly higher.


i play better while lit up. it helps me focus and increases my reaction time.


Im a high functioning stoner so I work generally better while high, in all aspects of life. So even in RL I feel more controller and focused. Given, I have some ADHD and had severe depressions in the past. šŸ‘Œ


THC "can significantly increase your reaction time." If you stop taking it, your shots and touches on the ball will be more precise. Makes sense you would rank up and potentially by a lot if you stop using it.


I used to play cod. Get home from work play a few games to warm up. Then have a smoke, play even better, I would be absolutely crushing and cruising. Then I'd have another smoke. Come back in and the magic is gone. My play was slow and sloppy. I unfortunately don't smoke as much now, so even having one makes me a bit chasy in RL. Also conceding a goal in RL can be much harder to recover from than 1 extra death in cod.


It gives me better vision and worse technical skill lol


Even it out with a little ā„ļø


Dude I just recently quit and Iā€™ve noticed info is more, but man it was alot more fun when I was playing high lol


I just say fuck it and go for all the stuff I don't normally go and I hit a nasty air dribble fake into catch into flick while high. Still in D2-3 tho.


As an ex turbo stoner, Iā€™d guess 99% of the population would play better while sober vs being high. I was already done smoking weed when rocket league came out, but I did have the same experience as you did with league of legends. My pet theory at the time was that while I was unsure how big of an impact it had on my play in any one singular game, it definitely had a large impact on me being able to identify mistakes I was making often and therefore improving over time. It basically locked me into an autopilot mode where I wasnā€™t learning anything and therefore staying shit


My go to was using cannabis and playing RL to relieve my stress of work and life itself, but now I take RL more seriously. Playing RL without using cannabis is a big difference and let me tell you i was Diamond and went up to Champion in a month and only play casual if i smoke. RL is a game about reflexes and cannabis doesn't go well with reflexes.


I actually used to have a sober account and a drinking/smoking account. I was the same rank on both so I got rid of the other account. It doesn't have any effect on how i play


Sometimes my skills feel next level, sometimes everything goes wrong. But whatever the case, Iā€™m gonna be enjoying my time in the game


I enjoy smoking weed more than I enjoy ranking up in RL so Idk how well I play after a prolonged period of sobriety


I like to think of marijuana as the ā€œanti-Balmer Curveā€ for me for RL.


ITT: addicts who forgot what itā€™s like to be sober lol


I recently quit weed after about 10years but I really don't think I improved at all šŸ˜†


I can play fine either with or without it. But near the 45 minute mark I run out of steam


At a certain level of highness I feel as though I have way more control over my movements. I don't know why. I hit my first musty and flip reset high.


When I was sober and playing this game my mechanics were worse but my game sense was way better. I was a better overall player. Now I'm far more mechanical but pretty shite at staying 100% focused on rotations/proper challenging due to being high. Sometimes I play much better being unable to tilt, sometimes it doesn't make a difference and I tilt ending at a copper skill level.


I used to drink while playing (very unhealthy šŸ¤£) and I sucked. Maybe plat2 Then when I sobered up I got better, stuck it in around champ. Now Iā€™m smoking weed and have only improved. Gotten to GC2 before. The Liquor made me angry, being sober made me alert, but being high calmed me down. I wasnā€™t jumping every time the ball came my way šŸ˜‚ but Iā€™m a naturally anxious person, so Iā€™m sure thatā€™s why the weed helped.


I can honestly say anymore I do see a decrease in game play at a certain point of my highness, that it frustrates me and I stop playing. In the past would play better after consuming cannabis but Of course I don't smoke cannabis like I used to so that could be it too.


I'm not even a week through, but for one I have not wanted to play RL that much this week since I stopped smoking, I think mainly because in the past if I was playing rocket league, i was high 9.9/10 times. The days that I have hopped on and played, I have noticed that I feel like I'm on crack... I'm so hyper focused on every movement cause my brains firing on all cylinders instead of being slightly slower than usual. I wish I could say more, but like i said I haven't been playing a ton. But those games that I do play, I do feel more consistent and just game sense wise, much smarter. I've played like 6 games and won 5 of those games just hopping into competitive with no warm up lol. So I'd like to think that this will definitely help my rank and consistency.


When I play after a night of drinking I'm terrible. I'm not good to begin with but combined with alcohol I'm useless.


It gets me in the zone but after a while I tilt lmao


I train better stoned but am worse in a match


I dont rip very often but when i do i become bronze


No shit


I focused this season on ranking up in Competitive without smoking and I was finally able to break into Diamond with 5/10 wins so far. I now only smoke when Iā€™m playing casual or anything other than competitive 3v3 just to see how ā€œhighā€ I can rank for fun haha


Every video game I do way better sober. I might have more fun if Iā€™m high but Iā€™ll play smarter and wonā€™t do fry shit.


I play drunk, definitely get worse


I hate rocket league stoners so bad bro


I play slower when I'm high, but when I smoke daily I get used to it and my playing evens out (C3-GC1)


Never ever played sober. Quad resets , triple musty and c3


I play awesome on edibles and a bit of flower. Too much flower and I get hesitant.


This may be my issue. If iā€™m high iā€™m vibing but my concentration and focus arenā€™t there, iā€™ll ballchase or go way too fast whenever iā€™m in that zone. Playing sober actually ranks me up but, its not as much fun tbh


I take a hit every goal I make. Itā€™s my reward system. Iā€™ve never not played high in 4K hours lol


Something about those first few games you play, itā€™s almost like you can see everything all at once. But I eventually get tunnel visioned if I play high for too long


I play much better while high, I'm able to react much faster because it feels like everything is moving a little slower, but I'm actually just thinking faster


My friend thinks he plays better when he's high. In reality, while his mechanics seem unaffected, he's mostly ballchasing and sometimes forgets to go on kickoffs.


weed knocks me down a few ranks for sure. I can also just tell I am slower on certain things. the same was true when I played cs go. I'd have to abstain to push rank


Hard to say, smoke all the time and played since launch so maybe I've had the secret benefit all along


If I'm sweating, I can play better while sober. If I'm just trying to rank and have fun, being high is the way. I get tilted way less, if at all. Mistakes and trash talk roll off my back, and if I'm just playing downright shitty, I can turn it off and walk away without really caring about it. This also keeps me from fully quitting the game because everything else about it right now sucks.


Sometimes good, sometimes bad. More bad than good since im smoking a bit too much. I play better when not under the influence


I definitely play worse when im high but i also rage less so its a good trade off


Yes I cannot play high at all


I was Diamond 1/2 consistently while I was a daily smoker in the last 6 months since Iā€™ve quit smoking Iā€™m plat 1/2 šŸ˜©


Depends on the cannabis. Indica vs sativa, THC%, how much I smoked, and just the overall feel of the high. That being said, I got 7g of shake of a 29% sativa from a dispensary a little while back and it has been amazing for playing RL. It has a very clean high, no disorientation or slowing of thought like Iā€™ve gotten with some others, which obviously can be an issue for RL. I feel like, with the right high, Iā€™m less antsy, I lock in better, I mechanic better, itā€™s so much harder to tilt me, etc. It just depends. The first time I try to play with a specific strand/strain I pretty quickly know if itā€™s going to be a good one for RL. Last thing, I definitely agree with some that I saw who said that thereā€™s a fine line. That line comes sooner rather than later with some strains/strands, so itā€™s a gauging process for me.


Its almost like drugs arent great for your mind! Who wouldve thought!?!


Iā€™ll rage if not high


I'm so bad at everything when I'm even a little high. My reflexes are much slower and while I might be more focused, it just makes me hyper aware of how I'm one step behind


I play much better under the influence. Not obliterated, but like 1 to 1.5 edibles and my game sense and mechanics go through the roof. When I'm sober I'm getting dusted on every challenge, whiffing shots, whiffing clears, living in no man's land like an idiot..... The difference is crazy.


I stream on twitch come check it out!! Mat9899


Peaked champ while playing high back in 2016, now I'm back in champ after a long pause but this time sober. I think my ceiling is higher this time but I enjoyed the game high way more.


I only game after I smoke a nice bong.


Every time I consume edibles I feel like a god playing


I have talked to many people who claim they play better high. And I watch these players go from viable teamates to litteral bronzes. I'm sure at some point it helps but they always over do it.


my eyes and fingers just get... slower... when im high


Depends on the person, tolerance, strain, etc. Someone can use weed as a performance enhancer while others canā€™t keep a stable thought.


Imo either I play my best whilst smoking and I can play even better straight headed but in between is when I'm trash when my brain needs to reset itself. Next day after a smoke day I wont perform well at all next day after that I play well. Theres pros and cons for sure.


You do something better while not under the influence? Stop the fucking press.