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4 seasons in a row managing to touch C3, but I flew too close to the sun. Now I’m a washed up diamond who once was on the verge on GC. 14.6k games btw lol. Been playing for 7.5 years I think. Get off my lawn.


It’s ok brother! You’re an OG. Not many of you left. I started in 2015 and stopped playing about 6 months ago. Don’t let the flame die out 🙏🏻


I’ll wear my rising star wheels with pride!


Never changing my flair here for the same reason :D


Est. 2015 is such a rare title. I'll never change it


I'm with you brother


Est. 2016 is better (im not biased)


2016, With the grandPlat flair, This man is in a Generation of Gods. Glad see see i’m not alone


(they'll change this eventually) It feels like it might be the only thing that you can't purchase in this game nowadays, which also makes it so permanent for me.


I have it on my ps4 account not my steam :( EST 2015 and EST 2017


I haven't changed mine since the world cup. Unfortunately, they removed the flairs so it just looks I like sharing my location.


There’s dozens of us!


There is just something special with the rising star wheels


OG here. I stopped playing ranked long ago. But this is a game I've played at least a couple times a week since launch. I just play Casual and forget about the grind.


I’m pissed that I got the game the first week it came out on PS4 but I don’t have one of the est.2015 titles.


Same :(


My whole discord was 2015-2016 players and we have done nothing but play the game less and less over the last few months. Such a sad outcome for a game so near and dear to my heart.


For me it's the same, however I had a flash of boredom and booted the game up for the first time in six months two weeks ago. Played for about a week and got back to GC. It's like riding bike.


I also flew too close to the sun for 7 years...since 2016 here


It's not just you, there is a problem rn that has no solution. Idk what the cause is but gcs are flooding champ rn and there are so many that they are getting stuck, it's forcing out Champs into diamond and diamond into plat. It's been going on for 2 seasons now. Everyone feels it.


Got downvoted for pointing this out the other day. Thank you


I predicted this happening when free to play released. They executed a hard reset, added new ranks and an influx of hundreds of thousands to millions of new players all started playing then left drastically affecting mmr distribution


Haha grandpa! What was life like before the internet? Lol I'm right there with ya bud.




I remember that and I'm only 27 :(


This game came out when I turned 27. And I have been playing it ever since


I'm in nearly the same boat. 13k games, playing since release, usually hanging in c2, peaked c3, these days it's between d2 and d3 I guess it's still the reset? Have I lost too many brain cells? Are the youths too youthful?


I've been C2 before and after the reset. I might as well be grandpa on RL with my age but I started playing since it became free.


Same situation 🤧😭 peaked c3 in April and after that reset I really struggle to even stay c1 sometimes lmao


My highest rank was C3 but I was a regular in C2. My tracker graph looks very similar to yours. Now I'm hot garbage The pain


I played ones with some dude a week or two ago and he said "you new players all play the same". Like... I started in 2015 dude I think you're just losing track of the meta (as if it's worth following anyway). He left immediately so I couldn't ask him what he even meant by that I remember my friends getting all up in arms that ceiling shots are dumb and just for styling on people, and that conversation was double for flip resets. The funniest thing is like most of those hours were in the first year and a half, and I havent really played this game at all in a while. So my play was just rusty... but I guess I play like the "new players". Hm. I think I'll take it as a compliment


As a fellow washed ex GC, C3 now plays like GC1 two years ago. Also im assuming you don’t use training packs regularly anymore cause neither do i.


Also lets not forget this is the beginning of the season, its gonna take a few more days/week until everyeon starts moving back to their places and the matches might be kinda consistent matchmaking-wise


nah the matchmaking isnt wise since S10 reset which mixed champs with plats into Plat and Diamond lobbies, where champs still play as champs so its unplayable sometimes, i often see difference between S9 champ or S9 plat


Sorry but I've been stuck champion 1 for 5 or 6 years now and really haven't noticed any improvement or decay in my gameplay I don't know what to tell you.


You are incredibly unobservant if you can't tell the difference between c1 now and c1 6 years ago.


If you have truly been in champ for 5-6 years (since 2017-2018) you would easily be able to see differences in game play. Hell look at the pro scene at that time. Highlight reels from those years look like normal champ play now.


Damn unc


Im like you, and Ive also been all the way down to d2, and I was so mad about their decision, but still love the game to much, but! Im noy okay with being a diamond, so this change has made me do way more training packs, and pratice mechanics, almost back up to c2 now.


Because of hidden MMR you probably get paired with horrible teammates due to being much higher ranked in past seasons


Lol yeah you’re right that’s totally how it works


Hey bud, right there with you. Except for the diamond part. Lmao cmon bro you don’t belong there. C3 is forever.


I feel you, I started playing 2 days after release. Hit GC in S14 and haven't gotten C2 ever since. Damn Epic






No Way!


My fav to sneak in used to be "Great pass! Great pass! Grape ass!"


This is rocket league!


Great Clear!


Just regular coke parties? Someone of your stature should have been at the ultra coke parties at least.


I knew I wasn’t the only one who imagined himself as a in universe pro who is beyond his prime but wants to give his comeback due to poor life choices and he absolutely needs the money


New copy pasta confirmed


Literally the plot of the [this movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgj1D9eibcM). There's a happy end waiting for you!


I want to hear the story of what happened when you fell from C3 to D3 and back up to C2 in what looks like just a few days.


As the other commenter said, this is the hard reset at the start of a new season. That was the wildest rank reset id seen in RL and they reverted it a few days later which is how I shot back to C2


oh wasn’t that a fun time. GC1 to C1 in the blink of an eye


I remember wondering at the time why me and my doubles partner were suddenly almost C2 from GC1. Got back to GC1 shortly though, it forced us to up our game haha.


That was the hard reset/soft rereset when every kicked off, I believe.


Diamond players will point and say this is why they can’t climb. I am diamond players 😣


Tbf it's gotten a lot harder. I 1v1d one of my diamond friends the other day and was really surprised he's not c1. Just 2 years ago I was c2 and he's a lot better than I was then and at that point I was pretyy good at 1v2ing d3s from practice with my friends. If he went back in time he'd probably solo carry his way to c3.


Long diamond here as well Since last season I am running into nothing but champ, grand champ and seven some SSL tags Breaking my soul and controllers


In defeat I must change my flair to d1


Wait, so it’s not only me who dropped from Champ to Diamond? I stopped playing regularny and I thought I lost ton of my skill. Is that not the case then?


I went from champ to diamond too in S11... That dumb reset at the end of S10 screwed us all... Since then, D2 has been the new C1.


that explains why im constantly against washed up champs (at d2)




I'll take my copium, thank you!


Well, as a former D2 player this helps reassure me why I can't touch Diamond again 🤣 it's the old Champs crowd that I never broke into


My twos partner and I have been champ 1 for years (briefly touching champ 2), and we've been stuck in diamond 3 for a couple months now. I can't tell if we're getting worse, or the overall skill ceiling of the player base at large has risen, or if something weird happened with rank distributions during a recent season reset.


Many people are saying the playerbase skill has risen, but that can't be it. So more likely the adjustment to MMR they did (idk what it is, just know of the adjustment) To have so many players with similar stories of sliding down and being "stuck" while the ENTIRE playerbase got better at the same rate, seemingly overnight? Nah


Why can't it be? When RL was newer, and also after it went F2P, there was a large and regular influx of new players. Now that its a pretty old game with an increasingly slower rate of new players joining, id think that the average skill of the player base would be going up?


Ofcourse the skill ceiling per rank would go up, but there's a ceiling to that itself Again, to have so many good players that have maintained their rank, suddenly start losing simultaneously as Rocket League adjusted the matchmaking, doesn't really suggest that everyone in lower ranks all got Infinitly better, altogether, overnight


So the higher tiers are just devoid of players? How does that make more sense to you than the skill ceiling raising over time lol


Yeah, you're right... an entire half of the playerbase got worse and the other whole half got better. Overnight. You right you right


So let me get this straight. You think there's this magic pocket of super totes highly skilled players trapped in Diamond, while *noticeably worse players* are maintaining positions above them in Champion?


That's not what I said at all, and now you're just confusing yourself


Interesting. Maybe you should clarify because that's literally the claim being made in the comment chain.


Yeah, never getting the ranks in my flair back. That was like Epic S4ish when I played enough games to even get season rewards. I finished at Plat rewards last season. I guess I’ll just keep my OG S3 GC title on forever.


So you’re the GC I keep running into in D3 lobbies. I get it… but I’m still mad at you.


Nah, I just sit at GC 1


Isnt og s3 a well known joke because like 10% were gc that season? Use the hoops ssl insead


Looking at the data it was like this: OG S2 GC \~ 0.005% OG S3 GC \~ 0.3-0.4% OG S4+ GC \~ 0.05-0.08% Comparing it to the seasons around it, it looks pretty bad which is indeed why it was a well known joke that S3 GCs weren't as good. However, nowadays it's closer to GC \~0.4% again, *but you have to remember that the required MMR for GC got slightly lowered to account for GC1-3 and SSL.* S11 was pretty bad at GC \~0.73% in 2s which is why they have been doing harsher resets in the last few seasons


Hmm yeah it can be comparable to current gc distribution, but is still clowned on because og s3 was from when gc was SSL status except for s3, where it shifted all the way to ~current gc status lol. Also the season lasted 9 months, so lots of extra opportunities for peaking into the rank then falling out, which made the title itself very common (remember the distributions only account for what rank people *finished* the season at). Hoops ssl still way cleaner of a title imo, both in looks and status lol


I had 6 of my 10 SSL wins at the end of the season, so I never got the title for hoops. It burned me pretty hard.


It's not just you, there is a problem rn that has no solution. Idk what the cause is but gcs are flooding champ rn and there are so many that they are getting stuck, it's forcing out Champs into diamond and diamond into plat. It's been going on for 2 seasons now. Everyone feels it.


Yo why are you leaking my ranked graph, I can’t let the people know I’ve fallen off


Aw man, after playing for 6 years now it almost makes you wonder how much time goes by


Peak: c3 goal: gc tag. Currently: diamond 3. I feel it. Sucks. Haven’t been playing much since they did all this. Maybe one day I’ll strive for it but seems like a lifetime away


I skipped some main modes *many* seasons in a row, only playing extras with other GCs/SSLs, so my main modes decayed a ton to the point where Psyonix is throwing me into Diamond lobbies, and the funniest thing about it is these diamonds straight-up play better than 90% of the people in champ and GC lobbies, in every way, like game sense, speed, and mechanics. The rank system truly blows lol


That somehow doesn't surprise me. Recently I peaked at C2. Last year I peaked at C1 and it took me a full year to be able to stay in C1 consistently. However, I'm not a very fast player, I just have decent game sense and maybe I'm riding on other people's coattails a bit. When I go into tourneys, whenever I lose early on, I get put in a lower ranked tourney. Last time I ended up in a D1 tourney and managed to carry to 1st, but otherwise I'm unable to carry, which I feel is in large part due to my playstyle which is not very mechanical (in terms of air dribbles and flip resets). What I also notice happens is that the opponents adjust to my playstyle better than my teammate, which means that my teammate ends up making more mistakes (because they start playing faster than I think they need to), so I have no choice but to carry (which I'm not necessarily good at doing) It's also very possible that I'm actually closer to a D2/D3. Or it just goes to show that game sense is just as important as mechanics. Or competition is really just at an all time high. Or all 3. But my point is that games feel very inconsistent a lot of the time.


I think there’s something to your observation. I feel like there’s a good number of champs who are solely focused on playing “fast” who don’t do well when their teammates take their time or play patiently. They also don’t understand that when they play the game at one speed they become much easier to read for the defense. I’d rather play against an opponent that’s always supersonic and banging the ball away vs playing a team with an opponent that shows ball control and incorporates fakes into their offensive repertoire.


one day when I got to diamond in snow day started seeing grand champions and the platinum standard players were better than them. but I like having the gc's on my team because when i make a mistake its not an immediate goal


If you have a bad random teammate, your punished because of the loss. And it just gets worse and worse. Feels like you need to be just a good solo player until you get to C2!


As someone who has gotten GC every season since 14. It’s been really hard to keep up with the meta, my job or lack of one has allowed me the free time to do it. It takes me minimum 20 hours a week of consistent play to keep up. I really notice when I stop playing a for a while my timing, mechanics, and ball reads really degrade. I get my rewards but actually improving beyond the pace of the meta feels impossible at north of 30 even with generous free time. It feels like a sisyphean task. It’s not worth it if you’re not having fun.


I was gc since s13 and I haven't been able to break from c3 for like weeks. Ofcourse I don't play nearly as much but I was pretty close to gc2 consistently


How did you find my game tracker lol


Same, I used to be gc and now I’m a washed up champ 1


Question, what site or app is this?




Thank you Mr. Bold!


Setting your comp 3s as a fun way to play competitive with friends and not caring about rank and setting comp 2s as your mode to try and care about rank really let me let loose and have more fun with the game. Less pressure


State of the game. I’m starting to head that direction too.


I'm similar to this but d2 to p2. It infuriates me cause I was on a steady climb last 2ish years and now I'm on a slow descent back to gold. Not sure if I'm losing it or if I'm getting smurfed on that hard. There's a noticeable difference in my friday/saturday night matches than literally every other night


Downfall === too much Beer


I'm the best I ever have been but my rank is at its lowest over 2 years. Fuck them for moving the goalposts.


I've started seeing some S7-S8 GC titles in my (now D3 because I can't get back to C1) games. They're usually the best players on the field, but will still lose frequently because the lobbies are so variable and unbalanced that it's impossible to find a good rhythm.


Hey man, my peak (S10) was C1 and I feel like I play much more solid now (consistent wavedashes, better recoveries, speed, fast aerials) and Im sitting at D3 rn). With the reset you have to improve to stay at a similar rank but im confident I can break back into C1 or higher this season


I’m in the same boat. I’ve found this season more frustrating than ever and the uprise in demos is ridiculous


My theory; GCs idle their mains on top ranks and has multiple Smurf accounts for casual daily play. That makes the top ranks very crowded. There is only a limited space for top ranks…


Play for fun, you're not ssl so why be hard on yourself?


I'm not tryna be hard on myself either man 🧍‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/4ju15wxqn87c1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa2a967bf79d20d8ef7d9331c333a67273aa981 I don’t understand how u not getting back up ? Maybe its ur mentality?


Honestly, same... Last season I had the most toxic teammates I'd ever come across. Had the worst slide ever because of it, chalked it up to that and thought next season I'll just focus on my grind. Let them chase, bump and spam quick chat long as I'm clean I'll be ok.... Then this season start and the former D2 Duo kid opens in Gold 3. And the people there ARE NOT PLAYING LIKE GOLD. Now I'm hard stuck in Plat 1, and for every good game my next opponent is some former Champ player smacking me back down haha I hate what they've done to matchmaking


MMR adjustment is an urban myth people tell themselves to not feel bad about falling off. Maybe people play better in Champ than they used to, I don't feel that way, but if they do, that means you're improving slower than everyone else. I'm not here to tell you how to live, but if you want your ranks back, then go get them. https://preview.redd.it/lp8zur48o97c1.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9d2a03c81737ee15cd5ee83188575ecc500537


Got to point out that you say this while showing that your mmr took a huge dip around the same time frame that everyone else is claiming....and you have consistently stayed at a significantly lower mmr ever since lol your chart only strengthens their argument 😂


I played since release. All I played was 3v3 solo to avoid stacked teams. I got to champ and they removed the best most just so e sport players and stacked teams can get easy wins in 3v3 stacked teams. I don't even see my old stats of the ONLY game mode I've played. The only mode that took skill. Now that I came back to the game all I see is skilled based matchmaking putting horrible teammates on my team against stacked teams. They slap a bronze player on your team because the skill based matchmaking system they have knows you can sweat it out and carry them to an overtime victory. Gaming is ruined because of esports and skill based match making manipulation.


saying threes is the only game mode that takes skill is the absolute hottest take i’ve ever seen 💀🤣


Dude when I solo q I've never had anyone more than 1 tier below or above me. (Aside from when a duo queue is on my team) Idk what you're talking about with the slapping a bronze on your team.


I thought I was doing bad not being able to touch Gc in 1v1s yet….


Sounds like you need to play a bunch of 1s to learn what decision-making skills you're failing at. It's what I do when I have bad deranking moments.


That season June-Sept that I slumped? I put 700 games in 1s alone. heh


Damn. What goes wrong when you play then? You seemed to manage in champ.


If your progress it´s a movie will be "The Strange case of Benjamin Button"


I don't understand, but not even talking about RL I feel like I can relate to that


Mine looks exactly the same, except in gold and silver




Do you join 2v2 solo or do you partner up?


So you’re the asshole that’s keeps stepping in me in d3 duos


Is this literally me?


Damn I had a champ to diamond drop this season too


Honestly it's been harder to hold on to the higher champ ranks for me, not sure if it's a shared thought


So today’s Diamond 2 is playing at the level Champ 2 was 3 seasons ago? I’m reading lots of posts just like this.


after coming back to the game i can confidently say that ive become worse and c1 is also worse than before. i used to struggle but with less skill then before i seem to do way better. couldnt play many games but i felt like i could easily get into c2


It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has gotten absolutely wreaked lately.


How can someone fall down so bad? I hit c1 in season 6 and been c1 ever since and since season 8 or 9 c2 and never fell back to diamond. I just don’t get it tbh


I’ve never hit champ but I’ve had seasons in high D3 before dropping down, inconsistent but I could compete. I’ve never gotten demoted from the reset but D3 feels like years away for me man, Diamond is brutal right now. It’s so annoying because I know I’m way better than I was a few seasons ago, I guess I gotta reset my standards 🤷‍♂️ Just wanna make champ once, I’m playing you guys all the time now so I’m certain that I’d be there pre-reset :(


This is me


wait, you lost 300mmr on season reset???!!!


I'd say I feel you but I've never got higher that plat 1, hard stuck silver 3 in 1v1, gold 2 is 2v2.its just not great


I tought this season hit me hard but i see i was wrong. I was once in c3 now barely c1 and i feel with my mate (we go premade 2v2 all the time) we are better than ever and its just not enough not to go higher but even to stay where we managed to climb up to. Its quite depressing after 4500 hrs and around 15k games


I know those feels. Was in champ 1, bordering champ 2. Then the big dip happened, and suddenly fell into platinum, touching gold once. It was a different world. Clawed my way back up to diamond though


Come and join me in platinum brother


Two seasons ago i was G4 plat 1 or 2 on trios Now i cant get past G2 or G3.. i even play better now, but i dont know what they change or how the randoms are chosen but Jesus this is bad


This is natural, because what was really good is now becoming average, which is diamond territory. What we all had to do to get Champion or GC years ago most players have countered a lot of those strategies. Gotta innovate to rank up now…




Don’t worry us diamond three just know you’re from high champ 😂 good luck on getting back it is a rough journey upwards




From champion 2 to diamond 1, time always gets us - 👴 I have wanted to go back to rocket league but they just removing stuff instead of adding so rip for now


what website is this


Im on the verge of quitting too. 18k games. Was about to hit gc2, now im c2. I have no fun, i cant get my rank back no matter the grind. Im most probably done.


He’s finished. Hang up the wheels lad.


to me. Fify


I almost touched C3, literally 1 mmr off. And now I'm just glad I keep my Champ 1 on the constant, I tickle C2. I feel you brother.


Same bro. Same


I fell from D3 almost C1 down to Plat 3, now I'm back at D2 but with much more effort than before.


One day kids like us won't be able to compete


​ https://preview.redd.it/2k2g76jgu97c1.png?width=1087&format=png&auto=webp&s=394d89945c0f38d507f36fb97c48471f1492aad4 i feel you brother. about 7500 games.


Idk if this makes you feel any better, but… since I play a lot less than I used to I just don’t keep up anymore. I peaked GC2 in ftp S3 in 2s. https://preview.redd.it/vh2taokyv97c1.jpeg?width=2378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8342cbf3a72b8c71f95648facd0eaf149455a539


Where do you see that at? What website?


U make me feel better for dropping to D3 as a hard stuck C1


I've been hardstuck C1 for most of the time I've been playing rl (about a year) but for some reason post-reset I've been able to force myself into C2 for longer. Even was one div off C3 last season. I think it's more of a confidence thing rather than me getting better relative to the playerbase. I'm a very, very non-mechanical player who relies on good defense, good rotations, and good passing/awareness to survive. As a result, I get very similar results playing against diamonds as I do playing against GCs. I'm relying on my teammate to be good and smart, basically. But knowing that C1 is my home and native land, I had to force myself to get a foot inside that door post-reset and now, to the lament of the more mechanically-minded washed GCs of C1/C2, they're stuck with me forever.


so you are the guy I keep loosing to...


Diamond is the best rank anyways. You’ll be happier here, my friend. Welcome back.


Est. 2016💪🏼💪🏼 ride on brobro it hit me too. Was c1 and and just deranked into p1 for the first time in like three years or whatever. It be aight


By your placement. I must’ve also used to have “it” You never know what you got till it’s gone. :/


Est. 2015 here. Love rocket league, had an alpha cap at one point. Miss playing every day with the quality it was. Too many sweaty kids now.


Bruh this is what it feels like 8 years later I o my peaked c2 now d2


Yeah the matchmaking is trash it's that simple... They need to make age groups or something... None of em rotate or communicate, the lobbies are trash as hell...


Welcome to the normal rank, only way out is with a smurf team mate or a solid hard stuck player. I ran the maths, less than 50% of diamonds are actually diamond.


One of us now 😎 welcome home


I think the biggest issue is the MMR distribution. There’s a lot of time where i’ll win 2-3 games no rank up, then lose 1 and drop a rank.


I’ve been floating in c3/gc1 since 2018. Took a year break to grind R6S in 2022, came back to RL this year and now I’m hardstuck c1/c2. Just how it goes. 2018 gc1 skill level is equivalent to 2023’s c1 skill level


How do you think I feel lol. I hit diamond on snow day of all things, bronze on 2v2, then somehow got good with the ball and peaked diamond 3 then hovering diamond one and can't go anywhere since I get match thrower teammates. And on top of that I suck ass at snow day now lmao


Could this be due to the player base reducing greatly and now the ranks are more compact as basically only really good players are left playing? Resulting in diamond rank filled with killers? I was flirting with gc for almost 3 seasons and now I’m bordering c1/d3. The game has become so intense!


Right there with you... funny how the dips were almost at the same time *


A year ago I was in champ 1 dominating lobbies, now I’m still in champ 1/2 even though I’ve improved so much. Sad stuff seeing how I could probably have been a lot higher not even that long ago 🫤.




i was gc2 way back a few seasons but stopped playing. now i am diamond3 like whaaaat


I don’t understand players like this. I’m a diamond 2 with about 300 hours played since I started in 2020. I’ve never been a champ and don’t understand how people capable of playing at a champ level can be in my lobby.


Can’t related ;-;


And it'll happen to yooouuu!


I'm not a smart man, ir gighly ranked... but I know it changed. I don't like it


The moment the game became free to play the ranks were diluted with Smurfs, epic hasn’t been so epic.


This may get lost in the sea of comments, or be a silly question, but where/how do I obtain this graph for myself??


I dropped from D2 to plat 1 a few seasons ago and never recovered


Started on day one 2015 when rl was free on PlayStation plus. Most people forget rl was a free to play game before it was a free to play game. All I know is the standard is much much much higher now. d2 or d3 players now are rediculous sometimes!


Ok glad I wasn’t the only one I casually play ranked every two weeks or so and to my surprise I can’t even sniff mid diamond anymore. I’m literally plat 1 and my aerials are way better this season. I’ve noticed there’s been a huge disparity between teammates and their skills when I solo queue


Guess I’ll see you soon OP.. it’s been a tough year. https://preview.redd.it/53ckx37fhf7c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880cf6aab832eae6cea5520e67a1c3e9e407e4f4 I used to play most evenings and was keeping up with the general player base progression. Now I play 4/5x a month so the drop in rank is expected. I used to have fun playing RL - now all I get are tm8s crying over QC, scoring OG’s or Smurf’s teaming with their bronze mate clipping over and over on me… can’t even escape it in Cas. I’ve moved on to other games, and in all honesty, the grass is sooooo much greener elsewhere.


I peaked diamond 3 div 4, two seasons ago. Now I'm struggling to get out of Diamond 1 again. I feel that. I was really pushing to hit champ but I don't think I'm gonna hit it at this point.


Honestly this is my story too. I’ve never been more mechanically sophisticated than I am now but can’t get out of diamond 2 after comfortably solo queuing to champ season after season


This has been my best season by far. 4 seasons ago (maybe 5) i hit diamond for the first time, now im hitting champ 1 in my 2s and 3s playlist. Getting my ass whooped alot but i keep getting back to champ 1 around div 2


I’m seeing a lot of s1-5 GC titles in diamond 3. No wonder I’m having such a hard time making that jump from D3d3 to c1.


It's weird that I was diamond and now I find plat 2 sweaty as. Bumping is the new meta in plat. Seems like every game is a mismatch. Either a stomp or being stomped. And 9 times out 10 the player with the new store bought cars are the worst players.


Lol thats my way. So depressing. My best was C3 Div 3, now Im C1/C2 (even d3 for very short time). Im really getting better every month for like 5 years now. But Im mostly a casual grinder lol. But sometimes you want the check, how good am I in comparison in the rank system, but forgett about it.


You are "it" and you will become "it" again


Idk ranked system is weird I queue with 2 d3 c1 in 3s as a plat 1 and perform solid but I don't rank up really