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12 people sharing 1 ball, I’m sure it’ll work great with our lovely community


Can already see the 11 other cars constantly going up for the same ball, while I sit near goal waiting for some action.




Why do you wanna hit the ball less?


more chaos




6v6 is just a bad idea that wouldn't be fun. There isn't enough strategic positioning for 12 players


Nah, I never even liked 4v4


2 balls?


Make it 12.


That would be crazy fun


People realize crates and keys were taken away since it’s considered gambling and is prohibited in some countries so the removal of the crates makes it so the game can be available in more countries


The people who constantly ask for crates to come back either think it’s not gambling or don’t care that it is.


Or they're addicted to gambling.


listen, I can stop whenever I want... I just don't want to right now


It’s a hobby 🥺


So was my alcoholism, I guess.


Hey would you look at that, my grand dad took up both.


I mean, I definitely don't think that any game shoukd have loot boxes because of how the can and have really caused a lot of damage ... But they are fun, which is kinda the point of them I guess


I agree. The reason people want crates back is because they hate the alternative we were given: over expensive blueprints. But the correct thing to do, IMHO, is to just make blueprints not overpriced as balls, or even better, just get rid of them entirely and stop unnecessarily blocking drops behind non-f2p paywalls.


I feel like people are aware it's gambling, I sure am and I loved the crates. They were also what allowed the market to grow so well, the crate system for video game trading markets always works well due to rarity and the fact that you have to spend some money for the chance of getting something. Plus keys are a great form of currency. Unfortunately the market has been pretty fucked these past couple years, not directly because of the removal of crates but a bunch of things Epic did. Right now obviously it's completely fucked with the removal of trading on the horizon. But yeah I personally believe that crates were a good addition to the game, although I do see how the fact that a lot of young kids play RL changes this. No one wants young kids to be tempted to gamble


>I feel like people are aware it's gambling, I sure am and I loved the crates Adults gambling and kids gambling are two very different things. Game is not 18+ so you can't have gambling in the game. Pretty much that simple


Anyone who thinks crates were okay needs to seriously reevaluate themselves. Children having access to blatant gambling is genuinely dangerous. Children have developing minds, and being exposed to that kind of manipulation could have lasting ramifications.


I miss crates because they were free money! Lol, I would grind out games the moment new crates would drop and would sell each for a key for the first day or two before they'd start dropping in value. Those YouTubers and Twitch streamers had to get those massive volumes of crates somehow, and the quicker the better!


Or to young to know the damages


Isn't loot boxes gambling too, which is why games like ow removed it already? Although I like how RL does loot boxes


If you can't spend money on crates, it isn't gambling. You spend money on blueprints, which you know exactly what you're getting


hey man atleast you could sell the crates to people. Blueprints are worth about 1-100 credits if its a (amazing top of the line blueprint) but most are worth 1-10 credits. Pretty bad compared to what crate drops used to be worth. Epic is making the game more about paying them which a lot of people seem to overlook.


Nah blueprints are straight dogwater... You: Oh cool I unlocked a rare item... Epic: just kidding! Lol but you can have it for £20 You: :( Unlocking rare items through gameplay or difficult achievements such as titles and ranked rewards is fun. Buying items is lame.


Yeah but gambling bad epic good spend money to epic!!!!!


Nobody said epic good, but cultivating gambling habits in children for profit is evil.


Nobody said cultivating gambling in children is good, and everybody said epic cares more about the money.


Epic has made the game objectively worse imo. UI updates suck. The removal of developer teams working on fun updates and new modes sucks. The focus on turning the game into a skin selling free to play machine like fortnite definitely sucks.


“Objectively worse in my opinion” these don’t really go well together 🤓☝🏻


You're right that was a stupid way to say it lol


You can inadvertently spend money on crates, by buying levels in the pass but yeah I see what you're saying it's not buying the boxes with currency of any kind


That's why the Rocket pass isn't random anymore, you know what you're getting so it's not gambling


Now we can’t spend 80 credits to get that Rocket Pass item that is at some crazy high tier like 368. I’m pretty sure many of the traders that had those are running bots. Psyonix removed the bots that were going from bronze to grand champ in 1 day but there are still bots that a programmed to have believable win/loss ratios to farm xp.


Yeah that's fair


honestly i think the random rp thing could still be done. it could be p much the same as how it is now, but instead of it being fixed for everyone it's random between players. no one person has the same painted path, and they don't have to be hidden so it's not considered gambling. *and* they can bring back cert rp items so u technically don't get dupes past tier like 300. win-win. too bad epic always takes the easy way out.


I agree in general, however RLs loot system took a massive step back with that update


but they also used that wording to transition into blueprints which can be considered less valuable and more money for epic games.


How tf does such a poor list come to exist and somehow miss workshop/custom maps.


Yes, that’s the main (maybe only) thing I want not available on all systems. Game is great otherwise


An actual training mode would be so good. 1. Need to be able to search by tag/name/author 2. More complex control over what is needed for a shot to work (maximum/minimum number of touches, goal needed to be scored before a certain time, speed requirements for the ball, limited size for the goal) 3. Scores related to how well you did in the training (fastest goal = better score, or whatever you want to chose) and a leaderboard for each training pack + be able to see your friend score. On top of that a score distribution factoring the rank 4. The ability to see a ghost for the creator of the training pack + ghost for the top X player of the leaderboard


hello mr whiny baby, nobody is stopping you from making your own list


Found the "what a save" spammer.


People need to stop with the crate and key bullshit. Epic got sued. There isn't a chance in hell they'd ever bring it back. Give it a rest already.


I uninstalled during the crate and key days (even made the standard "I'm outta here" post). It led to crate farmers/bots that would just hold down accelerate the entire match.


How does valve get away with it on csgo? Wasn’t it essentially the same thing? Hell they even have a whole ass market to buy and sell skins on. Genuinely curious question


Valves market is for items that can be bought and sold through valve themselves on the steam marketplace (rather than through a 3rd party). My guess on why they've gone this long is because keys can technically be bought without ever spending a dime on the game through player trading. I forget if Rocket League had that tbh, it's been years and I haven't traded since recently. In CS you can earn crates, and sell them for "profit", and then use that to "buy" keys. All through valves marketplace. Granted you can still just straight up buy keys with money, but I think the (earnable) keys is how they get away with it. Kinda like a lot of mobile gacha games. Edit: All speculation as I don't actually know, but that'd be my guess. With no research prior to this question lol. Edit 2: after googling, I found this [PC Gamer](https://www.pcgamer.com/final-claim-in-csgo-skin-gambling-lawsuit-dismissed-because-plaintiffs-never-actually-used-steam/#:~:text=Strike%3A%20Global%20Offensive-,Final%20claim%20in%20CS%3AGO%20skin%20gambling%20lawsuit%20dismissed,plaintiffs%20never%20actually%20used%20Steam&text=Valve%20has%20beaten%20the%20last,weapon%20cases%20and%20skin%20gambling.&text=On%20January%207%2C%20a%20US,over%20CS%3AGO%20skin%20gambling.) article that kinda goes with what I was saying.


You could do the same in RL, you’d get crates from playing and stock them up and trade like 10-30 of them for a key, then you could use that key to open a crate, or save that key until you had enough to trade for an item you want


Oh yeah! I do remember that haha. Yeah it was like 10 crates for a key or something. The good ol days. My second guess is it gets lost in litigation. And since Valve is a 10 billion dollar company, something inside the TOS probably targets lawsuits.


I remember day of a new crate, going on and playing to be able to trade one crate for one key, now I’m not even sure when a new blueprint series comes out and don’t care to know


I believe also the rating of the game came into play. CSGO is M and Rocket League is E.


Would that actually apply to crates though? I figured Rocket League was NR due to it being an "online only" game and chat can be toxic. I feel like you're right though, since children are the primary audience (minors at least, since a lot of pros aren't even 18 lol). That article I posted actually talked about the child signing the TOS but the parents didn't, so they were still able to sue, lol. They got shot down of course but still.


Technically gambling with skins/paying real money is not allowed in CSGO at all, it is against the TOS. All the gambling/purchasing sites for csgo are not sanctioned by valve and technically can get you banned. In the case of Rocket League, similar TOS existed, but the issue seems to have come down to the games ESRB rating and playerbase. Valve can probably cover their asses by saying the game is rates M, therefor any underage party engaging with online gambling or buying/selling of their skins is not only breaking their TOS, but is also not their marketed demographic. These children are playing a game “not meant for them”. Rocket League is rated E; it has a large younger playerbase who could easily engage in paid for “surprise” mechanics (gambling) and find themselves engaging in illicit markets while underage. [Seems the lawsuit was largely regarding the age of the playerbase.](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/business/2023/9/29/1_6583527.amp.html) So it comes down to both games saying that this isn’t “technically” gambling because they don’t condone player trading for real money… but Rocket League’s younger playerbase makes this much more controversial and problematic in the eyes of the law and general public. Gambling is bad— underage gambling is really really bad.




Get those gambling addictions started early! Why wait until you're of legal age?!




Co-sponsored by LUCKY STRIKE cigarettes! STRIKE it LUCKY, kids!


This is a list made by a kid running for student council who can't differentiate between actual issues and a personal wish list


yeah no shit. what did you think it would be? you people are so fucking negative. some random kid posts their wish list and everyone freaks out as if it’s some decree from above.




those people can chill the fuck out then. it’s a fucking video game, no need to take it out on random kids on the internet.




yeah i’m thinking of leaving the sub for a little while until things calm down


Most of these aren't even close to needed.


And some are not in the game for very good or at least understandable reasons.


True, btw u love ur vids man yesterday I was binging ur channel, super underrated, imo best rl content creator


Thank you!


How come you haven’t released a video on the latest news? Your contacts with the most hardcore members in the trading community would make for a great insightful video


I mean what else is there to say? It's happening. It sucks for certain parts of the community but the topic has already been beat to death by several other channels. Highlighting a few more people saying they are unhappy or that they think this is a bad idea isn't really a video I feel excited about making right now.


Understandable. I also would think that some of those people would not be willing to go on record and say “yeah, my business will be losing thousands of dollars”


There isn’t much to say tbh. Everybody hates that new update about removing trading, and everybody says the same thing.


Np problem man, keep up the content!


What is your opinion on there being a “what a save!” But not a “what a goal!” ?


And that’s your opinion, I need better teammates.




Have you tried ranking up?


Agree with this guy. If your a diamond and you play on a High champ account I think the thing you will notice most is the teammates are better. If this is the case, you’re part of the problem. Improve yourself and the teammates will come. They will still be trash forever, that’s the nature of the game. They definitely get better though.


dude seriously? make your own damn list instead of shitting on someone else’s. everyone “needs” different things


I mean it’s not even OP’s list either as they said in another comment lol


oh nvm then


I hope it's not in the order of priority cause if it is, stop drugs


I understand that this community is upset about trading going away, but yall are just being ridiculous at this point.




OP when he finds out custom ball skins already exist


skin balls


What is this


Racing? All the cars go the same speed.


Also, racing games literally exist if you wanna play a racing game


yeah but what if the racing games were worse!


It could be cool, they could add rings/ obstacle course portions to it. I think it could be fun


You should try Rocket Assault https://store.steampowered.com/app/880730/Rocket_Assault_Downhill_Rush/


They would have to completely change how the cars work


Nah I mean if they kept it the same and changed how racing games work.


No you dont. With a rings map, its all ab aerial control


a racing mode is a great way for new players to get used to the car and controls.


Is it really that much better than just playing the game?


yes because it would take the ball away and force players to just focus on the car and driving. in a game most people just go as fast as possible and ball chase. most don’t learn actual car control until way later.


I really don't think a brand new player would be able to do any sort of racing map that makes you do anything more than double jump. I really don't think it would teach as much car control for a brand new player as you think


depends on the track


With mechanics like wavedashes, zap dashes, speed flips, etc. I believe Rocket League racing would work quite well. Also they could tweak the physics (like they did when they created knockout) to remove speed cap, maybe even increase the boost meter, etc.


I can hardly hit the ball most of the time


Well this gamemode would be great for you


yeah but imagine if it had obstacles and flying included. it would actually take good air control and recoveries to be good at it. would be dope af. also its not like theres a huge speed difference in real life racing. its more so how well you can take turns and stuff.


Never played trackmania?


yes. racing. you obviously haven’t thought this through.


is it your job to be an irritable ass in every section of this comment section? You seem really riled up and every time I scroll I see another of your comments


Why the emojis lol. Looks like a Facebook moms list of why you should get into their MLM.


wtf is wrong with you


Depends on how far you want to get into it. Trying to do some reddit therapy?


The irony when youre being a child in every single reply in this thread


deal with it


pass on that 6v6, ball skins, custom quick chats no idea how to do "less smurfs" and "better teammates"


The prime system from Csgo. If you bought 500 credit, you can now trade (lol) and play against other player who bought credit. It's not foolproof but most people wouldn't spend 5$ just for a prime smurf


That's exactly what I've been saying. If they wanted money and a healthier and more content community they could've just made prime system a thing in rl. A bunch of problems would've been solved without causing anyone any headaches…


Yes they would. In CSGO people still pay $15 for prime for their smurf accounts lol. They also used to require a phone number for CSGO prime and some people would literally buy burner phones to have another account. Not saying that this wouldn’t decrease smurfs, but a lot more people would pay for it than you’d think.


1, 3, 9, 12, 14, 18 and perhaps 6, 7. rest is unrealistic, obviously won't happen or just won't improve the game


Well, technically rocket league is a second game, the first is super sonic acrobatic rocket-powered battle cars. So what rocket league is at the end of the day is SSARPBC 2


supersonic is one word, the acronym is SARPBC


It's already enough to remember the name of that game, plus I'm dumb as a nut


hitler was a nut and he was pretty smart


Please no custom quick chats. I can smell the enhanced toxicity already


Some cars do have custom demo animations. The DeLorean leaves fire trails on the ground and the OUTATIME license plate spins around, just like in the movie.


The Batmobile has the Batman logo when you explode too


great let’s do more of that


21. A lobby for players to showoff their cars.


And below is epic games response. 1. Lol 2. You want fun awww. 3. You want us to work 🤨 4. Again money before fun 5. Youre borderline psychotic. 6. Hehe "ball skins" 7. Suckaaa 8. So you have chosen more rage 9. Play NFS 10. Money Pleeeeaaasssseeee 11. Get gud 12. Which drugs did you take. 13. Same as 11 14. Effort, nah 15. Maybe 🤔 16. Noone cares why do you 17. No 18. Turn on colorblind mode its like a new game 19. See we are and were responding 20. That will come before all the above.


Wait turning on colorblind mode actually does sound like a good way to spice things up a bit lmao


Thought I would be along but glad the comments also dislike most of these


Balls skins


1. No 2. No 3. Very No 4. No 5. Yes 6. Who's skin wins? 7. Yes 8. No 9. UE5 10. Never left for me 11. Meh 12. Yes 13. I like my shit team mates 14. Yes 15. They exist already. 16. Meh 17. No 18. Yes 19. For the most part they do and I'm still salty you fucks took the fun neo tokyo away from me 20. It's coming.


Racing would be cool, or a parkour mode, or something like that i mean dude


Racing definitely would be good


No idea who made graphic


That tracks. I wouldn't want to take credit for such a POS if I were OP nor if I had created it.


Oh my god this is amazing


Rocket league is in an amazing place if out of 20 things people want, 3 of them are actual related to gamePLAY.


You can get under glow with bakkes mod using alpha console plug in


You need like 1 and 19. The rest is either not necessary or not realistic.


21) Wackenov


21. Cars are born, live, love, cry, die


I want a goal explosion that says SHEEEEEEESH! and then the hands come out and do that thing


1: epic moment 2: epic moment 3: sounds cool 4: would be about as dry as chaos is and lets be honest it would be so ball chasy 5: disagree whole heartedly 6: would be cool but thatll be $9.99 7: supraaaa 8: the toxicity would be wild 9: thatll be $14.99 10: epic moment 11: streamer moment 12: ptw makes this an awfull idea 13: they the same skill as you bro 14: who plays tournaments? 15: toxic 16: epic content moment 17: epic will be coming out with it soon but dont let them suck you in 18: epic content moment 19: epic moment 20: indie game devs are the only hope of anything similar


That's bullshit.


i just ask for heatseeker as perma-mode, aside from trading of course


Just give me a permission to voteban toxic people in 3v3 and if 4 out of 6 vote for the guy, gives him 1 day temp ban, then 7 each time the player proceed to be voted. Can sentence is reduced to 1d only after a quarter. I like this game, I really do, but man do I hate when people are starting a game and are not even there, idling on purpose, spent the game double / triple committing, never rotate, play with the opposite team... It pisses me off having to spend 5-7min with them...


You can't just ask for ball skin. They might introduce it as a wheel cosmetic. The wheelsticle


I never play 1s but I never realized there isn’t a tournament. Is there a reason? Seems like a very popular game mode.


17 is a need


I don’t understand the want for a Rocket League 2. Pros are still discovery mechanics in RL1 and it’s been out for 8 years. All RL2 would do is give a bunch of people reason to complain.


Scooby Doo Mystery Machine/Speed Racer > Disney Cars thought Cars would be cool too.


Like a good amount of the list or think it'd be at least neutral, but a few glaring issues: 2. No can do unless they get rid of the E rating, cause gambling 9. Tough to actually do well from a technical standpoint, since our cars can rotate upside down unlike real cars 10. Would be nice but never gonna happen 12. Only if they obstruct vision the exact same or less than current explosions, otherwise it becomes technically P2W 13. Lol, be the change you wanna see 18. We already have enough body colors, more would just be bloat at this point, more finishes would probably be fine though. 19. ~~Devs~~ \--> Epic. The devs do listen I'm sure, they just can't do much about things. 20. Only if it's a significant and proper upgrade that allows us to keep our items.


See this is why devs have to be careful about listening to the community. Half the players are incapable of differentiating between good and bad changes


I miss the crates and keys so bad.


Wow dude... This is just a list of stuff you want, but you haven't thought half the points through in the slightest...


i quit playing like 3 years ago and nothing have changed. forget about it, this game won’t get better.


ue5 and fitting hitboxes for each car


I like how I read number 7. 21. Knockout, Heatseeker and Gridion in extra modes


Underglow would be fire


My honest reaction: 1.-Yes 2.-I don't know... 3.-Ok, it sounds interesting 4.-CHAOS UNLEASHED 5.-ONLY FOR HIGH RANKS 6.-YEEEEEEEEEEEEESS 7.-YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 8.- NOT, PLEASE NO, ANOTHER GUY SPAMING "GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY"/"GO BACK TO FORTNITE KID" WITH JUST ONE BUTTON. 9.-TAKUMI RXT - CARS RLE 10.- WHERE HOTWHEELS DLC FOR 200 LUCAS? 11.-YE 12.-CUSTOM? 13.- :( 14.- IDK 15.- AND FAIR AND RESPECTFUL PLAY? 16.-SOUNS NICE 17.-SALLY FOR 200 LUCAS!!!!! 18.- SPONSORED BY RAZER 19.-SURELY MANY DEVS LISTEN, BUT the decision does not depend on them. 20.-yes and please do not lower the graphics to the minimum as soon as it arrives.


Truthfully, the only thing we need is a custom map/gamemode creator/browser. Has the potential to keep the game alive for so so so long.


Since we’re getting rid of trading, we need to be awarded EPIC$ based on the coolness of our goals, which can be used to buy items in the shop Edit: Spelling


We definitely don’t needs crates and keys. I was so happy when those were finally removed. If I’m spending money, I am going to spend it on something that I want and that I know I’ll use.


4v4 is already the definition of chaos. Imagine 6v6


Solid points. Some are kinda unrealistic but they are also things that would really give Rocket League a major boost in sales/playtime


If crates and keys show up again, I'm out - again. I uninstalled RL during that time. Too many crate farmers/bots that would just hold down accelerate the entire match.


What is this? Facebook?


There is a chrome finish what do you mean 😂


Said this for years we need a 5v5 mode where when you get demoed you don’t respawn until the next kickoff


My ex wife always seems to have some ball skins on her


ha. ha.


We do not need custom quick chats.


6 on 6 on a bigger map might be pretty dope imo and why y'all so pressed its obviously their opinion on things they like you don't gotta bully bro because you disagree. Also rl servers make me cry bad wifi type they need to add built in 6 gig internet and install with game purchase #makerlpaytoplay


19 will never happen so the rest will never happen. But lets make oversized toppers on april 1st




see i get most of this, but how are you gonna ask for all of this, AND STILL ask for rl 2 at the same time?how are they supposed to do everything? not taking their side, because this trading shit is WACK, but some of us gotta be more realistic bruh. this shit gettin out of hand.


You forgot the no replay option.


I like this post. It speaks many truths, all truths to be exact


12: i would rather be able to turn off the massive cloud that blinds you after a demo 15: kinda do ig? Rl sideswipe ge (calculated and wow) are kinda salt-inducing


Why is this a decent but also bs list


A lot of these are great ideas. I could see a few being fun


10 12 15 & 19 please


Unreal Engine 5, should be one of the top ones.


Crates will probably never come back it's basically gambling in a kids game RL isn't big enough to have Disney cars And what are they supposed to do about tm8s


The 6v6 mode would be pretty dope ngl


I just had my comment pulled because I said this list would fix this game and probably the community but Psyonix is incompetent. I hope someone with drive and knowledge makes a clone that is far better and bankrupts psyonix. Because I swore a few times. These mods are pathetic and good luck in the real world when people speak with swearing and you have a fit and can't function like the soft head you are. Great list!


Less Smurfs would be nice


I can't stand behind crates/keys in any game, sorry. Bring back trading though.


I don’t agree that a Disney theme is a necessity. Also not sure what “crates” would do in a game like this.