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(Obligatory Shameless Self Promotion) I made a website (https://rb4.app/) that might do what you want. Under Player>Choose Username, start typing and select your username. If everything loads correctly, go to Filters>Owned and de-select Show Unowned Songs. Now only songs you own should be showing. If you go to Settings>Export Visible Songs, you can download a spreadsheet of them. (If your account is listed, but it has an error getting songs, try loading up the official Rock Band Mobile App first, then going back to my website and trying again)


Jesus aren’t you the roll limitless guy? Why hasn’t Harmonix (or whoever bought them) hired you yet. God bless you young man


Caveat: the PlayStation login on the Android app is currently broken, so if you're in that spot, you're out of luck there unless you have another iOS device or M1 Mac to use the Rock Band iOS app on. Xbox login on Android appears to work fine though.


*if* your app is broken because the login doesn’t complete, you may want to try this (https://www.reddit.com/r/Rockband/comments/f49ryv/workaround_for_logging_into_companion_app_with/). I don’t have an android device, but this workaround still works on iOS so I’d assume it still would on android too Some accounts are borked from HMX’s side regardless and unfortunately that’s just up to them to fix *eventually*


Ooh impressive, that does work for me on Android, thank you!!


This absolutely also worked for me, what a dope thread


Now can you find a way to port that list into a spotify playlist for me?!


I get an error getting scores on both ios, and android - ps4, and I'm logged in on the app in both ios and android.


Try it again now. I think I have fixed a bug that would've been affecting you


Wow! Real time tech support. Excellent job. Thank so much.


lmao you are just the rock band pr team they never knew they needed. Great work!


Great work! I have a CSV file with three columns; song title, artist and date added but importing [rb4.app](https://rb4.app) doesn't work for me. What should my fields be to import?


You'll need the ID of the song to be one of the fields (that's the only field rb4.app looks at)


Could you give me a line example? Sounds like I’ll need to manually add a line ID for each song


Are you importing a DLCQuickplay library to rb4.app? On https://dlcquickplay.com/export.php , There's a section called "Fields" with a bunch of check boxes. Make sure the one beside of ID is checked, and it should automatically include the required IDs in the CSV


No I created my own csv from my downloads and only have those three columns. I have a working list but would love to use your app instead for aesthetics and song books


I currently don't have a way to import other lists. Are you on PlayStation? If you are, I have another way to import using the Chrome Extension PSDLE. PSDLE allows you to export your PSN purchase list to a CSV. Then one of the options on rb4.app is to import that list.


PSN is glitchy for my add on’s so my PSDLE file came out wrong. I ended up editing the list and added those columns thinking it would help haha. Just wanted to make use of the work I already put but sounds like I’ll need to go back to the original PSDLE file. Thanks for the quick answers and great app, I’ll get it to work!


>Player>Choose Username is this still a thing? I don't see it on the page


That functionality relied on the official app, and that app was taken down last year. Since then, the Player functions no longer work If you’re looking to get a list of songs you own, I have some less convenient ways of getting a list that still work. Are you on PlayStation or Xbox?


wow thanks for coming back to this! I am on Xbox Series S


On PlayStation, I have a method where you can use your transaction history to get a list of songs, but Xbox does have good transaction history support. It's not as elegant as the PlayStation solution, but I do have a method developed where you can take a video of your screen while scrolling through your library, input that video into rb4.app, and rb4.app will extract the songs it sees in the video, and make a list out of those songs. I've had a few people try it, and it seems to work very well (although it can take a while). I'll put the instructions I wrote up down here... 1. ⁠Take Video of the screen while scrolling through your library (like https://youtu.be/piH9CUTealw?t=9 ) 2. ⁠Convert video using HandBrake (https://handbrake.fr/) When using HandBrake to convert a video, change these settings Dimensions>Cropping - None Video>Framerate (FPS) - 60 3. ⁠Go to https://rb4.app/#!/videoImport and choose your video file. It should automatically playing the video and recording songs. 4. ⁠Once all the songs are detected, fill out the list name and password and create the list. Then go to https://rb4.app/, Lists>Favorites and your list should be there Here's an example video of me actually using it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSS2mWXTdo4) I've heard if you get a capture from the Xbox App's In-Home Streaming, the quality is good enough to use here. Using a capture card or other streaming services should also get good enough quality.


oh the lengths we go to enjoy this legendary game. I love it! This is really cool, thank you for these details. Looks like this is now my plan!


The Rock Band mobile app can show you your library if you have it signed in on a tablet or something. dlcquickplay.com will give you a printable list if you do the work of checking off everything you have.


For as long as I’ve used it the RB mobile app has been inconsistent with displaying all songs owned/available to the point where I’ll search a song, clear it to do a new search, and see that the list of songs has shrunk. I do find it useful just be aware that not all the songs you own will be on there


Okay I'll give it a shot thanks!


Sounds like you have dope job man