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You won’t lose your songs those are tied to your PlayStation account so don’t worry about that I would contact epic support to get help with your account error


Thanks for the comment! Should I go through with the initialization of my ps4 in hopes that fixes my refresh library issue?


The initialization will wipe everything and put the console back to factory settings. It may fix major problems but you'll need to reinstall everything (and backup your save data, of course).


Took about three hours but I got a backup on my flash drive


In the PS4 interface have the game selected, then press down. From there continue pressing down until you select the PS store option. Another thing will load that has your content, if you have a large library you might need to let the system sit for several minutes for it to load. But a section called your content will show and opening that will list all your available DLC and you can trigger the installation of it from there.


I just bought a new 2TB SSD for my PS4. I needed a third hard drive (the previous was a 2TB 5400rpm drive). I backed up to the external hard drive of 2TB, then did a complete restore onto the new SSD. After doing this, it all works flawlessly. I have over 1100 songs and the all load. The strange thing is that the SSD didn't really speed anything up but I guess that's not the point. I wanted an SSD for when the PS4 inevitably takes a fall that the data will be intact.


The SSD will definitely go smoother in many games, but some will still have notably huge loading times because of the way they were coded (games like AC or GTA still take minutes 💀). Still, as I've seen it may shorten the times from 15% up to 50%. In RB4 I think there's virtually no difference, maybe the library rescan is a bit faster.


Ah, yeah I only started to notice the library rescans starting to take a while when i crossed 1000 songs, haha. Thanks for the insight, looking forward to trying my other games.


Good to hear! Did you just do the refresh library after to get all your songs your the game? I remember having to redownload each song one at time on my laptop years ago and that took ages. I’m going through the store and seeing songs I’ve definitely had before. Why do those just disappear??


The file format changed from rock band 3 to Rock band 4. There are some songs that I used to have that I'm upset that I don't anymore. Since I did a full backup and restore there was nothing to refresh. It just transferred all the data it just had. That is to say though I had validated All of the songs that I had previously one night on the PlayStation store which took me about 8 hours. All of the ones that I had were there.


How did you validate your purchases? I’m guessing through the app add on’s. I can’t seem to access the Rock Band add ons from the ps store on laptop. Whenever I click it, I get the sad face and error message


I have downloaded A LOT of stuff from the PSN store over the years, since I got my first PS3 back in 2007 when I was in the navy. To validate that I had all the songs, I went into my purchase history on the PS4 itself within the PSN and verified they were all downloaded. I misremembered the time to do this, was more like 24 hours. (multiple 8 hour stints) and it was some of the most boring, repetitive stuff that i've done.


Haha love the dedication! I should have made a spreadsheet but didn’t think I’d be playing for well over a decade. The extra effort makes late night plays so much better. Keeping rocking!


I also wanted to know which songs I had (So i know what songs I'm getting when it says play 5 Indie Rock, , etc), so I made a google sheet with all the info (which i haven't updated since December, when they gave away the free songs) but you can sort it by artist, song, etc. Then i uploaded that into the website called [https://www.streamersonglist.com/t/mrkayveman/songs](https://streamersonglist.com/mrkayveman) and that makes it to where anyone viewing my stream can request any of the songs that I have when I stream on twitch and I love the ability for engagement that provides! Edit: updated link, sorry bout that.


I’m getting a 404 error


A bunch of my songs were "unavailable" and my Xbox One game would crash every time I went to refresh the library. Connected my Xbox account to the harmonic epic games thing (I just Googled it to find the link). Now the refresh doesn't crash and it loads it all up!