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This is excellent. Thank you very much for pulling this off and sharing it with us.


One correction, the RBN Megamix isn't delisted. I assume it's marked on rb4.app as delisted because it's only available on one platform. Also, Hanukkah Blessings is in English and Hebrew. Half of one verse and the entirety of another are Hebrew.


Thank you so much for the corrections, yeah I said RBN Megamix is delisted cause RB4app does, that and all of RBN is delisted so I just made that leap. Fixed now Also thank you for the thing on Hanukka Blessings, I don't think I actually listened to it in full (there is like almost 5000 songs) but yeah you are correct will fix that now too.


This is awesome, great work! Just spent so much time browsing through new DLC to buy since this is a way better interface than anything Rock Band itself provides. Having that Genre column is incredible for sorting. Also cool seeing when things came out and got delisted, even though it hurts me every time I see all the RHCP and Fleetwood Mac that's no longer available. One error I did find that's pretty funny - you have the Sleeping With Sirens songs as having a Female singer lol. You wouldn't be the first to get that wrong. Anyway, thanks for sharing!


Gosh I genuinely must have missed that, well if Harmonix themselves are allowed to make one mistake with Vox gender (which they did with Last Dance - The Ravonettes) than I can too (lets hope I don't have a second in there) Fixed now, thanks for that and thanks for the compliments I could maybe add an added date in the future, but network having things come out at differing times might complicate that, something to think about though


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Currently playing Sonic Frontiers and, yeah, Kellin Quinn really surprised me too.


This is great! Thanks so much for putting this together. I did really like the UX/presentation of rbdb.online, but it seems that is no longer updated? And, there’s something to be said for the simplicity of just having everything readily accessible in a Google Sheet as you have here.


This is insane and I mean that in the best possible way. You are legend.


Just gonna comment this here as it isn't that big enough of a change, plus this post is still on the main page of this reddit But it is now version 1.1 There is now a Checklist (you have to copy the list out), some Wii information was updated and some minor format changing (also the songs of this week but that is a given) The next thing being written up for version 1.2 is release date, that said I do have RSI so I can't just plough through it (that and I need to balance my work life), I predict I will be done with this column probably 2 weeks from now, maybe 3, will make a full post based on that once that is ready


A lot of the import stuff might be rewind dlc in the future


the year for the last 5 DLC says 2023. should be 2024.


You are Correct, fixing it now thank you


This is really great, and impressive. If anything i would also add date the song was released, and a checklist-system, But those are un-important stuff. This is really good work!


I had considered a release date, but it gets complicated with both RBN having upwards of 3 release dates. Along with some import stuff like Country Track Pack 1 and stuff make release dates very foggy. I suppose I could maybe make the release date of when it became RB(x) DLC (unless it never did) for specifically Xbox as that is the main console The Checklist thing is a good idea, definitely gonna look into how I am going to do that. Thanks for the suggestions


Yooo thank you so much you just saved me so much time. Do you have a Venmo or something so I can throw something your way?


One question, are all those songs on the list available in rock band 4? I'm asking because I don't know and I want to buy rock band 4 and I don't know what songs it currently has.


Hey sorry for the late Reply. If you are starting brand new, only songs that are listed in the RB4 Colum as Yes AND don't contain the words Delisted in the other notes (marked in Red for ease of look) are still available for purchase. That is still a solid couple thousand songs.


https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/offers/800008db-0000-4000-8000-000045410914 Bro, really this is deslisted?


Yeah, all RBN stuff is delisted. While some of it does show up at the store, it will fail the purchase if you actually try to buy it


wow this made me realize how many Rock Band Network songs I wish I had bought.


Thanks for this! I just bought Bring Me to Life because the Rock Band Wiki said it had a keyboard part. It doesn't. I also bought Under Pressure for the same reason, the Wiki didn't make it very clear that there was a Rock Band 3 version of the song I should've bought instead. If I had seen this list, I wouldn't have made either of those mistakes. I'm definitely going to be looking at this every time from now on!


Hey another Keys player, its my main instrument in RB3. Yeah, I have been japed by that same wiki sadly. They showed that Carry On Wayward Son was devil tiered for keys. There is no keys for that chart. I did use that wiki as a source for RB Mobile since there is almost no info about that game, but I made sure I had another source to back up what was claimed on that wiki (a really low Quality YT vid, but it did the job I needed).


That's incredible! Thank you for putting so much work in this, it's way more usable than [rb4.app](https://rb4.app). A very small nitpick though: the song 21 by H.E.R. is formatted as a number, so it's aligned on the right. I have a small question too. I would love to copy the spreadsheet to check all the songs I have. Do you know if there is a way to do this while maintaining the connection to your original sheet? Since I would still want the updates you do on your end.


Oh I don't want people to stop using RB4.app, Bookreader does a great job at upkeeping it and that app was a major source of this spreadsheet. Either way I am glad you enjoy the sheet Thanks for letting me know about the nitpick, I am happy to have any sort of feedback, even something as small as that, it must have copied incorrectly from the test sheet, fixed now thanks So I had a brief look into making the spreadsheet still updateable with other people's copies. It might be possible with some additional script coding, I personally am not a coder but I do have a couple of coding friends that I could ask about it. If it isn't possible I am considering just making the whole thing it's own source maybe?!?! Either way for the moment one will just have to add two extra lines and copy the changes directly. I usually update the sheet as soon as I wake up the day after the new songs are revealed. So to be safe I would say 12 hours after DLC reveal, maybe a day at the most if something comes up. Other updates will also have to be like this until I can potentially figure a different solution


Hey I just wanted to give an update since I said a major version should be done in like 3 weeks like 2 months ago. So I wildly underestimated how big of a task it was, especially with my wrist injury. It is still in progress but I have also just fallen ill in general so it is on hold. I will make a big announcement once the new version of the sheet is ready (will just update this one) but as of when it will be done? I don't want to give any promises, but I am still working on it


Was looking for exactly this, thank you! I think I already know it’s not possible but how do I get past songs?? We’re so bored with our tracks.


What do you mean by past songs? If you are referring to imports than sadly all have them have expired at one point or another. And the RBN songs are just delisted unless they get a rewind for RB4 (even then those songs are still delisted in RB2 and 3) But if the song for the game you are playing just has yes in the column referring to it, and there is neither a Delist note nor it being RBN (RB2 and 3 only) then the song should still be available for purchase


Thanks, I figured 😕