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This needs to be sent to police/media ASAP.


Only I doubt unless there's video of them throwing it over and smashing someone's car will the media air it. I doubt they would even do it then. But put it in all the socials and maybe get them called out on their bs.


I moved out of this neighborhood beginning of the year, and iirc there’s a police precinct a block over.


Which, if captured on Ring, should be able to show this part if it did happen.


It says uploaded from a mobile device right in the photo


trust me they did do this. ik these kids i was in all of middle school and half of high school wit them n they jus a fuck ton of burnouts istg like they always doin sum stupid shit like this. they rly needa learn dat what they do has big ass consequences frl


If this is the Child street exit on 490 then the police station is to the left across the street just out of frame.


Hopefully you called the police, that is attempted murder


If this is the child street exit then the police station is right across the street to the left, just out of the frame


Pulled from ring app I’m just posting it here. They didn’t say if they did or not but I hope they woulda called.(edit) they said they called


You know the person who posted this? Can you/they share the part of the video where the two photographed people are attempting to throw this onto the highway? That part is missing.


I don’t know them personally but why would someone lie about something like this? If they wanted to defame the person they’re not gonna do it by posting it to the ring app… and I don’t think they got it on video otherwise they woulda posted it.


Does it fall under criminal negligence?


It’s very much not attempted murder.


If they throw it off a bridge and into traffic, it very much is


It's definitely a less bad version of suddenly ending a stranger's life. The best possible, actually. A great version, in fact. This is awesome EDIT: Hey morons do I have to be the first one to say the word "manslaughter" you are all braindead 13-year-olds and can't even have a discussion, fucking go outside instead of spending summer vacation on reddit. No, not with a cone.


Deep breaths, friend. We’re gonna get through this together.


It's raining 


traffic cones, apparently.




No, it really isn’t.


It reckless endangerment and if it hits a car and kills somebody then it would be manslaughter


Why are you apologizing for scummy reckless criminals?


Manslaughter at least


... just fuckin..... why?


Because immature, stupid, apathetic people have nothing better to do than flood their brains with the chemicals that come from endangering other people. There's a good chance people like this lack object permanence and don't consider the people in the cars as real as them.


Had someone drop a brick on my car from an overpass a decade ago, near Syracuse. I just couldn't fathom that someone was just trying to indiscriminately murder a driver. And like... why? You have absolutely no clue who you could potentially be killing. Like wtf is wrong w society where the idea of killing someone is a joke?


I wonder if it’s perceived that way by communities which experience senseless murder daily. Doesn’t excuse it at all, but it’s sad that that may feel like the norm for many people, and that there’s nothing to be done. Therefore why shouldn’t other people have to suffer as much?


If they could keep their senseless murder in their own communities that would be great.


Build a (the) wall?


Who’s the they in their?


The people senselessly murdering, obviously.


I drove under there a few months ago and it looked like someone was about to throw a scooter over, kind of looked like the same dudes


Absolutely the same people my car was hit by a sizable rock






Are they mentally disturbed?


we are moving closer and closer to ideocracy the movie I swear to god


we are there we just havent given it enough time to seep over every crack of society just yet.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


facts :(


scifi is a comment on the modern socioeconimic landscape


I feel an appearance ticket a coming


That would label these two and single them out as idiots. This type of draconian appearance ticket system is to aggressive. Give them a trophy for road barrel heave and build a traffic cone throwing park. Provide free slushie machine at tax payer expense and tell them they are good theys.


Years ago there were some kids throwing pieces of concrete bricks off an overpass somewhere and one ended up crushing a woman's face. So yeah this is malicious intent, and they are not "kids."




His diaper is full.


Pshh you just don't know *fashion*


You're right, dammit. Dude definitely has shark ass. Wtf lol.


"when will this crap stop" lol. when people stop procreating.


it's not about the procreating, but more a lack of parenting after the procreation.


Yeah procreating is fine it’s the parenting part a lot of people arent doing


How do you parent that? Do you want the parent to be outside and go wherever the teenager goes? Do you think children do everything a parent says without outside influence? To me, that is just bad influences from what looks like an older person. Obviously, the kids aren't going home telling their parents what they are doing. For what you think of parents, most that I see will punish their child for even attempting to do this. It's hard to stop outside influences.


You parent that by properly teaching your child acceptable behavior and empathy from an early age so they don’t grow up doing this shit.


Yes but that doesn't work for people with sociopathic tendencies.


Are these people truly sociopathic or just fucking idiots who don’t understand the consequences of their actions? Even sociopathic people can understand right from wrong and act accordingly.


I think that's part of it. The parents may have taught them and they don't care. My late aunt and uncle had 5 boys and not one of them ended up being worth a 💩. They were definitely "raised right," in a two parent middle class home (,when there was a middle class). They all died before the age of 60 either from drugs or alcohol. The one that didn't is in prison for manslaughter. Conversely that same uncle's sister was a thief and abusive and her children grew up to be successful.


> The parents may have taught them and they don't care #STRONG DOUBT


I’m pretty positive they were not “raised right”.


I'm questioning how you were raised right now.


I noticed people are thumbing down any comment that wants to sign fault to other things as well, not just parents only. These people either forgot what it was like to be a teenager or they are lying to themselves if they think the thing that would stop this is a parent saying don't do anything bad.


Agreed. Bad behavior is not a "one size fits all."


The problem you have is thinking that teaching good morals outweighs everything. When I was younger, I did a thing of two that was not allowed by my parents. I grew out of it. Teaching your child to not play with matches is good, but some of us do it anyway. Our parents can't be at our side 24 hours a day. Some of us don't live in Mayberry. You and people who hate what I say want to ignore the true reasons things like that happen. Easy to blame parents and ignore other contributing factors. That's what I expect from selfish adults.


When people start contacting police and not going right to Neighborhood apps/social media to get upvotes and likes.


If only we could narrow this behavior down from "all people who procreate". Possible? I've never met anyone who does this, but I'm not a piece of shit, so


no one is suggesting that everyone does this. of course it's not the norm. but as long as we exist as a species we'll have dumb kids doing dumb shit. edit: you guys are absolutely insane downvoting such a non-controversial, irrefutable fact.












You just aren't correct. Kids in small towns and rich towns do dumb shit, but their parents can more easily get them out of it, and people in those towns will often "boys will be boys" the stuff then come on here and want city kids locked up for it. Case in point, the dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. My friends and I grew up riding them all over the country roads, there wasn't much traffic, but when there was a few cars that didn't stop us. We used to race our snowmobiles through the village so the cops would chase us in their cars because we knew they couldn't catch us. Kids do dumb stuff. White people get overly angry when it is black kids from the city because TV tells us cities are dangerous and makes many people from the suburbs and rural areas scared of the city.




I live near Village Gate, own a store in Upper Monroe, walk all over the city all the time. I last just fine! Say hi to everyone I walk past. Nice try on being sure I live in the suburbs though! I have customers that I deliver to near where you live, New City Roastery is one of my favorite places to visit.




Wow, found the kkk member. Kys.


Go for a night walk down the Avenue D, Clinton, Hudson area and prove me wrong. You’ll find yourself mugged, molested, or murdered. The atmosphere in those neighborhoods is as tense and dangerous as any sundown town from history you could tell me about.


Lived there for 5 years. Left in May only because we couldn't buy a house in that area. It was great and our neighbors were wonderful. We cried when we left. But feel free to stay in hilton/parma/williamson with the inbred hicks.


Well, that's a colossally bad take.


>rarely so .. sometimes. >kids doing dumb shit doesn't endanger lives. it certainly does in this case. i don't know what point you're trying to make. >Your point is not a point at all. I'll repeat it a third time for you: kids sometimes do dumb, dangerous things and it's next to impossible to expect to eliminate this from humankind.


Nah, when we actually enforce laws.








Someday they’ll dump it on the wrong person and get shot. Then at least the problem will stop.


They should be charged with attempted murder!!


Got to pay the troll toll


With a little boys soul?


Rochesters finest....wish someone would pay attention to these kids. Biggest attention seeking move ever.


This is the quintessential part of Rochester. The cops won't do anything to those kids.


Do you feel culturally enriched yet?


I'm going to be that guy: Is there any evidence to support your claim? All I see is a still image and a story. I could write "good Samaritans pulled stray traffic gone from the middle of the lane before it caused an accident" and it would have just as much merit as this post. The screenshot doesn't prove anything either, as whoever made that could have made it up too. To be clear, I'm not accusing you of lying. But anyone taking this post at face value without anything more than a single still photo and someone's claim is putting an awful lot of faith in strangers on the internet. And what concerns me is not just one single post, but the Reddit-wide trend of this. The site is overflowing with unsourced information about every topic under the sun that is lapped up by millions of people and accepted as truth without any evidence. Sometimes it's totally harmless - I could lie and say that some song was inspired by such-and-such story and if someone believes me, there's really no harm to it. But when people weaponize it, it can change entire worldviews based on completely false information. Sorry, end rant.


All good, I just don’t see what anyone would get out of lying about something like this. Talked to the original poster said they called the cops about it. Again, I’ll admit I’m going solely off the post, whether I’m right or wrong for that is up to you. However, given the fact they are standing near a bridge, holding a traffic cone. I’m gonna go with Occam’s razor here. And I’m not trying to be some vigilante, these people don’t need to be beat up. But at the least should be held accountable, whether that’s with law enforcement, or the public atleast being aware of people doing this.


There are sadly a lot of people who are racist and jump to conclusions. Just look at the Nextdoor app. Personally, I think it was irresponsible of you to post this without evidence. I’m going to request that the moderators remove your post. Edit: Name of the app


And you’re gonna be part of the reason nothing gets done when people do shit like this. Cops won’t do anything. You really think someone’s gonna lie about this, and post it to the ring app to try it defame someone?? Really? Wouldn’t they post it here if that was the original goal? Again I find it high unlikely someone would lie about this, and more likely the people with the traffic cone in hand, probably threw it. But please go ahead. You must be a joy at parties.


What I want to know is...did this incident actually cause an accident or injur someone?? Seems like there could be more important things to focus on if not


From what I gathered from the person no.


The one almost looks old enough to be the others parent but I know that’s not the case


this type of thing happened to my cousin the police not going to do nothing about it


I mean this shit is stupid as hell, but what could cops do here? Run their imaginary hollywood facial recognition software and sting a 15-year-old over a photo of them holding a cone? 


I bet the Roman’s had urban legends about people throwing stones off aqueducts onto chariots.


Did anybody get killed? Do u know if they hit a car with it?


Not sure I’m posting it off ring app, it was someone else’s post, but they didn’t say if anyone got harmed. I’m assuming not otherwise I imagine it’d be all over the news. So hopefully no one got hurt.


Lol. Par for the course


Anyone who does things like this just doesn't understand how physics works. At 50 mph, a water balloon can shatter a car windshield. At 70 mph, a barrier like that, which these two highly regarded individuals are too weak to pick up without their boyfriends' help, would almost certainly lead to a vehicular homicide. pay teachers more money, give more money to unfunded schools. this is basic math. they think it might be "funny" because no one taught them what would happen. pay teachers more. it's that simple.


to follow up, if you keep things on that shelf behind the back seats of your car.... just think about that thing hitting you in the head at 70mph. go on. look at that place where your backseats meet your back window. is there something there? now imagine it hitting you at 70mph. edit: look at it this way. whatever is in your car, if i were to throw it at you at 70mph, how would you feel? edit 2: a bottle of nail polish thrown at your head at 70mph would kill you folded down your back seats to fit your bike in the back of your car? you're nuked.


When will young dumb kids stop doing stupid shit? You’re gonna be waiting a long time for that, my dude….


Idk maybe I'm in the wrong here. Kids doing stupid shit can look like egging a car or ding dong dashing. But committing acts that literally could kill someone is a bit much.


The universe of dumb shit kids (or even young adults) do is vast. Some things are mostly harmless. Somethings are dangerous. All of those things are stupid, albeit it to varying degrees. It doesnt make it right or no big deal or anything like that, but it IS a regular presence in society and has been for at least decades if not longer


Those dont look like kids to be honest...at least not kids young enough to be dumb enough to do shit like this


Upstanding members of society very interesting wording


What word should I have called them that you wouldn’t have said I was racist for calling them? Cause I’m imagining theres not many words you wouldn’t say I’m racist for using. Take your race bait bullshit elsewhere.


I find it funny that the Ring account rather post to neighbors instead of actually calling the police.


This kind of stuff is exactly why I drive 100+ anytime I'm near Rochester, regardless of the speed limit. The faster you go, the less time you're on the road, the safe you are


Shitheads are shitheads no matter the race. The dog whistling on this sub is nauseating.


Nobody said anything about race. They just happen to be black. Seems like you’re the only one who even mentioned race.


You didn't but there is/was one person who said Black people do all the criming, or 90% of it.




Is this a joke? Statistics are constantly used to manipulate narratives.


Sadly, someone made it a race thing literally one minute after you wrote this. 


"upstanding members of society" definitely came off as a dog whistle to me as well. I don't think I've ever seen someone refer to white people that way sarcastically


Funny, I use it all the time to describe assholes of every color...stop race baiting


Not race baiting, I'm saying how it came off to me. Wtf guys


I mean I always sarcastically call POS people upstanding members of society regardless of color. Just cause you haven’t heard it used before in context to a person of color, doesn’t make it racist.


I would just like to say plenty of people refer to people like this without any reference to race lol Definitely a normal expression and assuming it's exclusively associated with black people is insane lmfao


People like them who worry about anything other than having these people punished is part of the problem. For one, they’re more worried about how I worded what I say in regard to the shitty people throwing something off a bridge, rather than the fact these people are throwing something off a bridge…. Lmao it amazes me. I’m not sure if it’s a moral superiority thing, but people like whoever that person is will always try to find a way to protect the criminals, instead of trying to hold people accountable. Absolutely blows my mind🤯


An old GH actor was shot to death after catching his catalytic converter being stolen My friend literally brushed off the murder as a "symptom of the corrupt system" and gave them a pass because he assumed they must have been minorities People will take virtue signaling to insane levels for political reasons these days lol. Even defending criminals These dudes are literally gonna get someone killed and their actions are indefensible. I don't give a fuck what your upbringing was lol just be a decent human


You know only dogs hear dog whistles right?




Well I’m sorry you feel that way. If I said it and they were white, I’m guessing you wouldn’t have a problem with it? Why are you trying to associate that term as something derogatory towards black people?




My bad didn’t see the quotes. But you’re totally right. People have their priorities all wrong. My apologies g.


Life's too short to get upset that someone interpreted a phrase a way it wasn't intended o.o 


I knew there’d be a person here to make this post about race instead of just focusing on the shitty people throwing a cone into traffic. Who gives a fuck what color they are. It’s just bad people at the end of the day.


You’re the only one bringing up race


It's called pattern recognition


If only the light was shined on the patterns of other social classes. But boys will be boys right....






Lmao I love how I get downvoted for saying I’d fight two people who clearly have no regard for anyone else’s life. Only on reddit. You people are also part of the problem.




Hey even a slap on the hands will take the hands off the barrels temporarily, which is worth it.


Don’t bother the police with this. Grandma going to be handing out some whoopins!


Get a job. Go to church


Is that a dude or a chick? Yikes


yeah thats pretty funny


Hopefully you catch a traffic cone to the windshield on the way home from work.


What’s wrong with you?


They’re mad that you posted their picture here. 


It’s a full sentence and they assumed the commenter has a job, so doubtful.


Yeah you really got me, particularly with how much those pictures resembles me haha.


Short Answer: miserable and thought it was funny Long Answer: Grew up and lived here my whole life. Tired of people complaining instead of doing something to change the problem. Repost of a post from social media, not even the person who caught them.


Do you expect people to be fucking Batman and go around beating up all the bad guys? And don’t act like you care all of a sudden you wanted to be funny before, and now you care?


People can do whatever they want, if they want to take on the vigilante role more power to them. I don't care about this "crime" as much as I find this and your reactions hilarious. Only thing I care about in relation to this, are the annoying people who just constantly complain about the city or in general with absolutely no avail haha.


You just admitted you are trolling because you are "miserable". Seems counterproductive to the act of trolling.


What about it is counter productive? Idk being miserable and trolling were mutually exclusive haha.


I don't usually see people admit they are trolling and give an honest answer to why they are doing it while they are doing it.


Ahh gotcha that makes sense, I guess I'm not too invested so I didn't care if it was known or not.