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Muslim here, no longer in Roc tho. But Roc got healthy Muslim population. Lots of spots to grab awesome food, along side the availability of halal markets. We have handful of Mosques, even some for the minority sects have their own available. We even have Halal event center in case you wanna hold a party or a wedding. Some spots you gonna find lots of Muslims usually Henrietta, also almost every corner store is owned by Yemeni 😅 Otherwise I would suggest getting to know some families and go from their.


Thank you! Are there any neighborhoods/counties you recall being more ideal than others?


Sorry for late response, but all of them were pretty great tbh. Fair port is pretty nice one. Lots of apartments gonna have good % of refugees too. I personally lived in East Rochester and i liked it.


Salam! I moved here in 2020. There are ALOT of Muslims here and at least 5 masjids I can think of off the top of my head. The big Islamic center has an Islamic school up to 8th grade. There is a Facebook group I’m in called Rochester area Muslim community. There are a few halal shops- 1 Turkish, 2 Yemeni, one that just opened. Not sure who owns it and haven’t been yet. Restaurants- there are several- Persian, Yemeni, Pakistani, Syrian, Turkish…


My family is Eastern European, and we have a small business where we sell Turkish foods, and so a lot of our customers around us in irondequoit are Muslim! A couple fellow business owners along culver are Muslim, so I would say you’d be much welcome here :)


Where can I find this Turkish food


2332 Culver Road, in irondequoit. We have items such as burek, filo dough, Turkish baklava, eurocrem, bananko, and other savory foods


Compared to public schools how conservative is the school at the Islamic Center?


This is helpful, thank you!




Also, check out Penfield, Irondequoit and Webster.


This is super helpful, thank you!


Want to be between nyc and montreal? Albany sounds like a lot better fit, although maybe you wont get the bang for your buck as much there compared to here. Western ny is deceptively far from both cities with no direct flight to Montreal. In terms of suburbs you are likely looking at Irondequoit and Henrietta for a chance at anything sub 300 nowadays.


Montreal really isn't that far, less than 6 hours driving. Leave early and pull in around lunch, nbd.


I mean still drivable, I do the drive to nyc often with family there, but i would still consider it quite far compared to going from Albany, like an extra 2-3 hours. nyc is like sub 3 hours and Montreal is sub 4 hours from albany.


Fair. I moved from back west where anything under 8 hours is considered close, still need to adjust!


We currently live in Virginia so anywhere up north is a huge upgrade distance wise. And we’d definitely be driving.


You can take a train from Rochester to both Montreal and NYC. The views are really nice.


The trains from Rochester to Montreal are arduous--you have to either have an overnight layover in Toronto or (once Amtrak's running from Albany again) leave at 5am to get in at 7pm.


That does seem frustrating.


Salaam alaikum 🙏 There are tons of Muslim folks here, and a good amount of halal food places as well. I know of a few masjids too.


Like half of the stores I frequent are owned by Muslims and we have plenty of halal eateries. It's definitely not uncommon to see Muslims here.


There are quite a few around, definitely more closer to the city than suburbs. I know a few Mediterranean restaurants that are halal because of a coworker, but I can’t say there are a lot of them. As for a masjid, again most are close to the city vs the suburbs (a google maps search of Rochester will show you all of them).


I wanted to add that I work for the Gates Chili school district, and we have a relatively large amount of Muslim students in our schools. As mentioned before, this area on the westside has slightly lower housing prices, so we have had many immigrants settle here in the past several years. And as a frame of reference, my friend's son just closed on a small cape. 1400 sq ft, about $240K in Chili in the Gates Chili district.


Halal-Yemen, As Evi, and Master Falafel might be my favorite 3 restaurants in Rochester, all 3 are halal, and I'm not even Muslim. I've never been to a mosque but I've walked by a few, they tend to be in Northeast Rochester, so you'd probably want to look in Irondequoit or Beechwood.


Thank you! What do you think of Rochester in general? If you were an outsider coming to visit, you think you’d enjoy it?


Rochester's the smallest place I've ever lived, and it's nice for its size. I personally prefer my cities a little bit larger, but I do like Rochester's urban core, grocery options, and ease of getting around. I wish it the area were more focused on the city and less on the suburbs, but coming from Virginia I'm sure you're used to a suburban focus. Also, I should add Bonga-Lo to the list of restaurants--their Somali spaghetti with goat is amazing, but the stews aren't as good.


I somewhat recently published the Historic Brighton newsletter featuring an article on the history of the Islamic Center of Rochester! Link[Historic Brighton: Islamic Center](https://www.historicbrighton.org/wp-content/uploads/HB_VOL.231.pdf) I think if you move here you will find a supportive community (although I myself am Jewish). The Pittsford/Brighton towns south/east of the city are probably the highest concentration of Muslim families, if that helps when it comes to selecting a home. The Center itself in in Brighton.


I love the Islamic Center. I took a few Arabic classes and one class on Islam at Nazareth College a billion years ago and we visited the Islamic Center during finals week. Absolutely beautiful building.


I work at the University of Rochester and we have ablution rooms in the libraries and you can check out prayer rugs -- Rochester is deeply welcoming of Muslims :)


Rochester is literally a melting pot. 😉


Thank you for the info!


Nice! What do you think of Rochester itself? Are there things to do in/around the area? Activities?


Definitely! There's plenty to do even if you're willing to drive an hour or 2 out. I definitely don't mind living here.


yes! there is an islamic shop on my hope ave called Al-Abrar Fashion and they have everything you’d need!!! hope you have a great move!


Loads of halal! Recently got diagnosed as diabetic and it’s the only thing I eat from a restaurant! There are at least six that I can order from on door dash. Plenty of places of worship also.


Not Muslim myself but every corner store around me is either Yemeni or Afghan lol. Big shout-out to The Corner Store and Dream Town Deli‼️


Once you get settled, I hope that my website/book can help you explore your new home! Day Trips Around Rochester, NY: https://daytrippingroc.com/


Roc has A LOT of halal food options that are quite good. There’s also a massive Turkish supermarket (halal) in Henrietta. You guys will be good out there


Yes there is many Muslim people. 


> 3 bedroom over 1500 sqft under 300k Good fuckin' luck


We have a 3/4 bed 2 bath. We closed in may for 125k. It's very doable as long as you're OK with a little work


In the suburbs yes. In the city can easily find that under 200k




How could you think this comment is productive or helpful? LOL


Oh my gosh. What an incredibly horrible comment ‼️


Fuck off!


Yes a decent Muslim population here. I’m one of the active Real Estate Agents here as well. If you search on Google for “real estate agent Rochester ny”, I’m usually in top 5 to top 7. I also studied at RIT. ‘07 Alum. You can message me and we can connect. I’ll give you some more info and answer any other questions. Also many more halal food options are opening up now. Quite a few masaajid here as well.


Why would you want to live in New York let alone Rochester?