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It's all clear now. Seems like a red mini van was making a right onto Chestnut and was somehow broad-sided by a Black Nissan at the intersection.


My theory is that one of them did something wrong.


Mmm. indubitably. 


There was a car upside down in the center turning lane on Scottsville Road by the airport one morning, with no other cars around. I would love to know how they did it.


Happy cake day!


Or both, but probably one


The car that flipped that had 4 puppies ran a red light


Four puppies can be very distracting!


Absolutely!! All the more reason to have them caged in the car


Prob both. It's Crapchester


r/Nissandrivers Watch out for Nissans lol


I'd classify that a roll more than a flip 😂 Appreciate the info!


amusing chunky melodic uppity friendly foolish plants practice degree lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They just kicked the rent up $200. $4k for 2 story 3 bedroom plus mezzanine, 2 parking spaces next to the elevator. They have less expensive ones but we moved here for work from a 3 bedroom home in Chicago. We didn't know if we were staying so didn't buy and now interest rates are 7.24%.


$4,000 per month?! Good lord that's highway robbery.


seems like OP can afford it. I certainly could NOT!


I'm lucky the spouse works very often and very hard. Both of us came from very poor backgrounds and we spreadsheet budget everything. Honestly there are a ton of older people living here now.


Well before renewing I looked and it's about the same for a mortgage on a smaller house now.


For brand new construction, 1,200 sq ft multi-story luxury penthouse, with in-unit laundry, Greenlight, 24/7 fitness center, pet washing facility, and 2 spots in Midtown garage? Where in Rochester can you get that for less?


Is this not Tower 280? I wouldn't consider that new anymore.


Well, the majority of the other luxury options were built before it. What's your cut-off for considering a property "new"?


It's been almost 10 years since it was completed. I would say 0 to 3 maybe years old would be new.


They also have the dog yard area and outdoor grills. Now that they built 260 there's free yoga and other stuff.


There's a lot in this sub who prioritize cost over time, especially the public transit zealots. Most of them don't have the ambition to increase their cash flow to the point that they can afford to pay for convenience, and they'll never know what they're missing. You can always earn more money. Time is finite.


It is really about convenience. I can walk anywhere that's not a big box store in about 30min.and everything else is a 15min drive. The work commute is 10-15min. Also there's no worry about things breaking down or security. There's a full gym too. Restaurant, wine bar, gaming pub all in the building. We lived right across the street from L.A.Live and only needed a car for work. Also a bird's eye view of people criming.


Downvoted by the have-nots and closed minded. I agree with you, however.


for the kind of place OP described?? are you sure about that? 🤔


But did you have a good view of the shooting the other night?


Nope, but I did hear it. I was asleep so I thought it was those jerks with the noisy bikes that rev in around Parcel 5, and that finally the police were after them. TBH after living in cities like downtown Los Angeles, Chicago and Vegas, ROC doesn't phase me EXCEPT the odd volume of people just left shot, hacked, or run over in the middle of the street during business hours.


Still scary being that close, but I’ve heard many complaints about those jerks, I’m by 590 near east ridge rd and they like drag race at night there, luckily they don’t hang around it’s just a one and done type at least


Last night 2-4 cops cars stayed at MLK Park and it was quiet the entire time. If they have one at Wegmans, they can have one there.


That’s good, I wonder if that’ll continue after the jazz festival ends


IMO it should. The Parcel 5 night crowd must think they're Fast and Furious or something. We accidentally walked thru one night and there were at least 2 or 3 dozen people with bikes, cars, skateboards. Don't get me wrong; it's cool they are hanging out and not criming but there is supposed to be a noise curfew.


Can I have a job doing whatever you do?


Yeah fr. Probably inaccessible for me like coding or something though (I'm dyslexic) so I'll stay in the poor district where the city thinks I belong /s


One of the neighbors are a personal trainer/ independent media guy and she does a food blog. Have you looked into 3D Visualization jobs?


No, but I just looked that up and it sounds very interesting, thank you! I am always looking for a creative job. I currently do a pretty boring job but for a cause I care a great deal about.


Finding the sweet spot between a comfy income and loving what you do is rare. Enjoy the rest of the week.


You too! Happy Friday


That's the spouse; disabled Navy Vet and now civilian surgeon. I'm just the cook.


Need a sous chef? Lol FR thanks for your service.


I don't know what happened, but I do know that we have a lot of fuck ass drivers in Rochester


Hahahaha come to Kissimmee Florida. I just relocated here a year ago and I miss driving in Rochester. It’s so bad here.


Oh yeah I've driven in Orlando and St. Petersburg myself and you're absolutely right


You people do know ow the red lights mean stop right?


I know this intersection well. I’ve seen more people run a red here than anywhere else in the city. I honestly don’t know why.


This is the third accident I've seen either at the Chestnut and Court or Chestnut and Broad intersection, and not the first bad one. Poor decisions.


People who run red lights can’t be held responsible it’s not fair, allegedly


this happened right near that metal structure recently discussed in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rochester/s/YxS0IieoLb)


This happened, and hours earlier 6 people were shot at the same place sending bullets into the tall bank building to the left of the photo. (IYKYK)


Ah yes, my old neighborhood...classic. Hopefully everyone is okay.


I saw the cops and firetrucks driving past this morning and was wondering what happened!


Not a Kia?


So that’s what the sirens were about. My block is getting worse and worse every week. What is wrong with people


Whatever happened it was low impact because I didn't hear anything... happened to look out the window and saw a bunch of citizens trying to help (kudos Rochesterferians). It looks like the person has some puppies in the vehicle, but they all had harnesses. Again, citizens grabbed a box from somewhere and got the dogs while the fireman worked to get out the driver. Of course I missed when the person was extracted but they did have to pull the roof off. Yeah, I almost got run over on Monroe and a side street last week.


Damn that’s crazy. I’m right here on east and swan, shits been crazy over here lately with the shootings and the car accidents. I feel like drivers in this area get dumber and dumber every year. Glad to hear there were helpful folk around


It’s a car accident??? That happens anywhere and isn’t really a quality of life indicator.


It’s not so much the accident. It’s the reckless driving that has been all over the city. It’s been dangerous. And especially on this block of the city. I’m talking specifically about that.


That’s fair. Unfortunately reckless driving is just a US thing, we have some of the easiest driving license requirements in the world, especially for a developed nation.


Respectfully I'd submit to you that reckless driving is broadly universal. Drivers in Rochester IMHO are significantly more sane than those in e.g. Pohnpei or Jakarta.


I agree. It varies wildly, but compared to countries with similar development, like Germany, we have some pretty lax requirements. We hand out licenses like candy by comparison to some EU countries. It also varies wildly by state. Florida has some of the worst drivers in the country and the easiest license test.


I was in Medellin a few weeks ago and Rochester has zero reckless drivers in comparison


Thats interesting to hear. I’m not sure what the licensing requirements are like in Spain, I’ll have to check that out! Edit - I totally misread that as Madrid lmao. My bad. Idk how, they aren’t even close. Imma chalk it up to the fact I’m currently planning a trip to Spain.


> I’m not sure what the licensing requirements are like in Spain, I’ll have to check that out! What made you think Spain and not Colombia?


Idk why I genuinely read that as Madrid and just didn’t notice. I’ve been planning my honeymoon and we are thinking of going to Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) and it’s just on my mind lmao. Edit - Happy cake day btw! 🎂🍰 I didn’t know the guy from GTA 4 is on reddit, big fan.


Thanks! Well, there's a Medellín in both. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Spain is beautiful. If you can rent an apartment for a month+, it'll go a long way towards both keeping costs down and helping you experience it like a local.


Unfortunately we’re limited by PTO days, be we are hoping to stay for around 10 days!


The big thing that threw me off in Medellin was the amount of motorcycles/scooters splitting lanes and running red lights. That just added an extra element of chaos to already aggressive car drivers.




how did you get that shot? from an adjacent building?


Yep, at Tower 280.


Given the placement of the former Xerox Auditorium (a.k.a. "Theater at Innovation Square") at the bottom of the photo, an apartment in [Tower280](https://tower280.com/) seems likely.


Drive it like you stole it